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John Paul L. Beldia

Koronadal National Comprehensive High School



According from what I read dances is a performing art consisting movements.

From another example dance is rythmically patterned to music, and dances is

rythmical and culturally patterned sequences. Philippine dances like ethnic, tribal,

and indigenous dance are not influenced by other foreign culture. However

Philippine folkdances (urban and rural) are mostly spanish inspired dances.

Social dances and Competitve dances are melting pot Mexican, Spanish, America,

Afro- American and many more dances. And Philippines has modern

contemporary dance which is also a multi-influences dances.


In the powerpoint presentation you can see that philippine dances has many

classifications which are the Philippine folk dances, classical ballet, contemporary

dances, ballroom, and hop dances. Philippine folk dances are easy to understand

and perform due to its simplicity, quickness and liveliness. Most of it reflect the

lifestyle, moods, feelings, sentiments and the soul of people’s social being.

Classical ballet is a formalized form of dance with its origins in the Italian

Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries. Ballet spread from Italy to

France with the help of Catherine de’Medici, where ballet developed even further

under her aristocratic influence. Ballet technique is the foundational principles of

body movement and form used in ballet. Contemporary dance is a style of

expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including


modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet. Contemporary dancers strive to connect

the mind and the body through fluid dance movements. Contemporary dance

stresses versatility and improvisation, unlike the strict, structured nature of

ballet. Ballroom is a social dancing performed by couples in a close facing

position with partners held as if in a close embrace. The couples move to the

music using step-patterns and rhythms that match the character of a given

song. Hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop

music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. It includes a wide range

of styles primarily breaking which was created in the 1970’s and made popular

by dance crews in the United States. And also the presentations tackles about

the importances of dances for example it can make you fit, it teaches disciplines,

cooperation and attention. Dances has different kinds of benefits one of it is the

learning benefit which makes your brain feel more energy in learning while you

dances, another one is behavioral benefits it helps children to calm specially to

those who have hyperactivity disorders and to those who suffer from self

destructive behaviors. Another one is mental benefits it helps children to be more

creative and it will help them academically. The last one is the physical benefit it

helps you develop muscles, tone the body, improve circulation, improve posture,

balance, coordination and promote greater flexibility. For the last part in the

presentation you can see that there are many types of folkdances in the

philippines from diffirent parts of the island.



As a student I learned many things about dances through this presentations I

learned that dances it’s not just about pattern but it’s also about expression of

culture and feeling. I also learned that there many types of dances and this will

help me in the future when my teacher gives me a research paper about

dancnig. I also learn the importances of dances and its benefit, and I will

introduce this to my children in the near future. And lastly learned that there are

many types of folkdances in the different parts in the Philippines

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