ChargeBlog-Training DayRelease1

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Training Day

A ChargeReal scenario, written by Michael Charge.

Regular force with SF attachments are ambushed while moving through a remote area by
insurgents using heavy weapons and IEDs.

Released as part of the ChargeBlog Patreon

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Release 1.0
Thanks for downloading the first ChargeReal scenario that I’ve released! What you have
now is an example of what I aim to release with each battle report I design and write on the
blog. Seeing as my skills lay mostly with words rather than pictures, it is quite wordy but
hopefully this will improve as time goes on (and I start producing maps and more).

The first section, ChargeReal information, is the wordy bit. This explains where this battle
takes place in my universe, as well as providing tools to the person running the game that
will help to immerse the players in the mission they are about to play. Each force will have a
briefing sheet, which will include everything about the combatants, assets and other bits of
knowledge that a commander will need. This section is game agnostic, so if you wish to
convert the scenario to another game I’ve missed out, I’d love to hear how it goes!

At the end of the main scenario, there is the Modification Cards section. This is designed to
give you a little bit of replayability and can be used in two ways. By rolling a D66 (two D6s
with one being the tens value) you can let the lords of fate decide what changes will be
made to the game. Alternatively, let each player pick one change from the table. Note, these
changes are untested - they may swing the game’s favour to one player over the other, so
please discuss with your opponent before using them.

At the back of the scenario file, you’ll find the game specific section. This includes the
section you’ll need if you’re wanting to play the game and aren’t particularly fussed about
using my setting (or want to use your own). Two games are included - Spectre Operations
and Skirmish Sangin. Skirmish Sangin was how the mission was originally played and
written for, but I have rewritten it with the other game in mind. These sections include the
force profiles as well as any other game specific information needed, such as common
special rules and specific victory conditions.

At the very back is one final section. This is a bit of a spoiler section where I’ll include any of
the comments from the players who survived the first run, as well as tactical suggestions for
next time.

Overall I really hope you enjoy this scenario! It was great fun to play the first time, and I can’t
wait to see what


2 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Intro 2

ChargeReal Information 5
Location: The Border Region of Al-Bawaaba 5
Regional Situation 6
Mission Situation 7

Scenario Details 8
Scenario 8
Physical Terrain 8
Human Terrain 9
Atmospheric Conditions 9

Briefing: Al-Bawaaba Security Force (ABSF) 10

Description 10
Objectives 11
Orders 11
Tactical Guidance 11
Intelligence 11
Force Multipliers 11
Forces 12
Deployment 13

Briefing: 4th Special Activities Team, Albion Army 14

Description 14
Objectives 14
Orders 15
Tactical Guidance 15
Intelligence 15
Force Multipliers 15
Forces 16
Deployment 16

Briefing: Muhajirin Criminal Element 17

Description 17
Objectives 17
Orders 17
Tactical Guidance 17
Intelligence 18
Force Multipliers 18
Forces 18
Deployment 19

Vehicle Diagrams 20

3 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Modification Cards 22

Game Specific 23
Skirmish Sangin V1 23
Activation Table 23
Victory Points 23
Al-Bawaaba Security Force (ABSF) 24
4th Special Activities Team, Albion Army 26
Muhajirin Criminal Element 27
Spectre Operations 30
Forces 30
Mission Specific Rules 31
Deployment 32
Objectives 32

Designer Notes 33

4 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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ChargeReal Information

Location: The Border Region of Al-Bawaaba

Conquered by the Albion Empire in the last great expansion in the 19th Century, the region
of Al-Bawaaba has been a mixing point of Bazi and Albion culture. Because of this, the local
people have developed an independent streak, seeing themselves as belonging to neither of
the Great Powers that surrounded them.

During the Albion Civil War, the local ruling council decided to seize the initiative and put
themselves in a better bargaining position to determine their own future. Local units of the
Security Force, along with a civilian militia formed by community leaders overrun Albion
military bases in an almost bloodless coup. After expelling the captured and disarmed units
across the border (providing several iconic photos that would be broadcast to the world), the
Al-Bawaba People’s Council would become a key player in the final resolution of that
conflict, mostly by keeping its stockpile of weapons out of the hands of either faction, as well
as keeping the Bazi Empire from moving easily into the area to provide support to either

Al-Bawaaba now occupies a special place in the reformed Albion Empire. More of a satellite
state than a true province, it is responsible for much of its own internal politics, economy and
services while the Empire takes care of international relations and trade. The capital of the
province sits just across the border from the Emirate of Bazistan’s second city, and it is very
common for people to cross into Al-Bawaaba to partake of its vices (alcohol, gambling and
cheap consumer goods among others) before crossing back into the more restrictive

5 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Emirate. Taxi drivers in both nations have standardised rates for crossing the border,
including a substantial bribe to the border crossing guards to avoid any searches of their
vehicles for smuggled goods.

The rest of the province is mostly mountainous and rural. Fertile valleys are separated by
towering peaks, catching the rain clouds drifting in from the southern seas. Isolated villages
and towns are connected by a rough system of roads, the main paved highways mostly
connecting Al-Bawaaba to the rest of the Empire. Although not rich, malnutrition is rare and
medical care is available through the use of small local clinics in each village connecting to a
larger network if more advanced care is needed. Education is universal and free up to high
school level, with the province having two universities in addition to various technical

In terms of defence, the Albion Empire is still responsible for control of the airspace
operating a single squadron out of Prince Alexander International Airport in peace time.
However, ground security is the responsibility of the Al-Bawaaba Security Force. Equipped
by the Albion Empire, these forces report to the Ruling Council rather than directly to Albion's
High Command structure.

Regional Situation
The neighbouring Emirate of Bazistan is the poorest of the nations that make up the
Bazistani Empire. Due to an internal economic crash as well as ongoing tension with the
Republic of Shyluz to the north and Rettung to the east over the recently opened Dazhbog
Gas and Petroleum pipeline, the Emirati Army has relocated most of its forces to guard the
northern and eastern borders against possible incursions. This has left the Albion border
undermanned, with large sections of the mountainous desert unmonitored. Criminal groups,
as well as counter-government forces, have begun traversing the border more frequently,
expanding their existing bases inside of Al-Bawaaba in preparation for a future collapse of
the Bazi Empire.

With this escalating situation, the Al-Bawaaba Security Force (or ABSF) has started
preparing a new internal security policy. A network of forward operating bases have been
constructed, housing troops to run more frequent patrols throughout the border settlements
and to respond to enemy concentrations spotted via Albion’s Damocles satellite network. In
addition, each FOB is capable of providing indirect fire support or counter-battery fire, either
through short range mortar emplacements or the deployment of artillery detachments (either
tube or MRLS). These indirect fire platforms are strictly controlled, as the ruling council
wishes to minimise civilian casualties.

Albion’s Ministry of Defence was quick to move Imperial forces into position to assist this
security policy by one of its provinces. As well as access to their space-born surveillance
network, Albion has also deployed several infantry companies to the border (taking over
regular border security duties), along with additional close air support joining the air
superiority squadron at Prince Alexander International Airport. Finally, Albion Special

6 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Activities Teams have integrated with the local infantry units, adding skilled JTAC capabilities
to the roving patrols while also providing mentoring to them to improve basic infantry tactics.

Mission Situation
The scenario takes place in one such border region where the policing action has begun to
take effect. This has caused one group to prepare a dedicated action against the
Al-Bawaaba Security Force, plotting an ambush in order to prepare propaganda materials to
sway more to their cause. Hiring in an expert bomb maker from across the border, and
gathering additional local fighters, the criminal element prepares a multi-stage ambush on a
lone vehicle patrol out in the hinterlands.

Patrol Alpha Charlie 12 is a small patrol operating out of FOB Alpha Charlie. As part of the
weekly patrolling pattern, a three vehicle patrol goes on one of several planned patrol routes,
while the rest of the unit performs a partial stand-to to provide a QRF if required. Although
this can leave the patrol vulnerable, it does reduce issues with the movement of large
numbers of vehicles on the unpaved roads. The Patrol has just left the final village on it’s
route and is returning to the FOB when it is ambushed, close to the ruins of an old
Heliograph tower used by the Albion Empire during its initial conquering of the province.

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Scenario Details

Regular force with SF attachments are ambushed while moving through a remote area by
insurgents using heavy weapons and IEDs.

(In future versions, this will be replaced with a drawn map)

Physical Terrain
This engagement takes place along the valley floor. A dirt road travels through the centre of
the Area of Operation (from south to north), with a few twists and turns. The outer edges of
the operational area should be elevated, with most of the ground off the road providing
limited cover while being hard going. A few scattered trees and bushes are the main
vegetation, while rocky outcrops provide hard cover.

8 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Human Terrain
There is a small housing compound at the north-western end of the AO, built close to the
ruin of a victorian era heliograph tower. This is a dangerous stretch of road to break down on
so it is not expected to see some abandoned vehicles that have run out of gas on the road
and are slowly being picked clean of usable parts before the weather takes its toll.

Atmospheric Conditions
Late morning, full sunlight. Cloudy sky, 0% precipitation.

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Briefing: Al-Bawaaba Security Force (ABSF)

The Al-Bawaaba Security Force is a local defence force patterned after the Albion Army's
Infantry units. It's primary role is to assist local law enforcement and perform border security,
shifting to a defensive “fight until relieved” footing in the event of an invasion. Every member
of the ABSF is a regular full time soldier and can be deployed throughout the province in
contrast to the local police teams.

In terms of training, ABSF units frequently rotate through the main Albion Defence Colleges,
using training exercises to improve coordination with the Empire’s and become used to large
scale engagements featuring armoured vehicles, artillery and air support. Back at home,
observers have noticed how intensely ABSF soldiers are trained in the more mountainous
regions; a highlight being the notorious Serpent Test, a 10 mile march at high altitude in full
kit which includes terrain such as loose shale slopes, thick forests and, as deemed by the
name, the traditional range of the local viper population.

The ABSF also recruits a large number of former Albion Army soldiers, specifically targeting
senior enlisted and offering them officer positions along with recruiting enlisted with a
significant pay increase. These “Alzubun” soldiers are spread throughout the ABSF, often
getting time with several units in order to spread their skillset around. After their initial terms
of service conclude, they are then offered to become Al-Bawaaba citizens, allowing them to
settle in the province on a more permanent basis.

Equipment wise, the ABSF takes on second line equipment from the Albion Army such as
the L85 assault rifles and older patterns of body armour. Despite its age, all of the equipment
is well maintained and in working order. Recently, the L85 rifles went through a repair
process, bringing them closer in quality to the standard rifles of the Albion Army including the
purchase of several rail kits to allow the mounting of force multipliers such as grips and
lasers. Currently these kits are only issued to those ABSF teams based in the towns and
cities of Al-Bawaaba, leaving rural units to soldier on the battered green plastic handguards.
In terms of support weapons, ABSF infantry sections can access Light Machine Guns,
GPMGs and underslung grenade launchers, with limited numbers of bolt action marksman
rifles issued to the better shots.

The ABSF has not received the Armoured Patrol Vehicles that the rest of the Albion Empire
has introduced. Instead, armoured humvees are still the most common military vehicle,
capable of withstanding small arms fire and mounting a mix of Heavy Machine Guns and
Multiple Grenade Launchers. The age of these Humvees is becoming a concern - it is not
uncommon for “Alzubun” soldiers to often find their vehicle still sporting graffiti on the inside
from before they were seized during the Civil War.

10 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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● Move through the area of operations to get to FOB Alpha Charlie.
● Limit friendly casualties.
● Limit civilian casualties.
● Obey ROE.

Proceed from the local village via the main highway to return to FOB Alpha Charlie.

Tactical Guidance
● ROE: Area is not known to be hostile. Therefore, all targets must be positively
identified before being engaged.
● ROE: Engaging potential civilian structures is to be avoided unless a threat is
detected and identified from within them.
● ROE: In all cases, response to enemy contact must be proportional.
● If possible, enemy combatants are to be arrested for trial.

This sector has been reasonably quiet. None of the local villages have reported enemies in
the local area but they have spotted lights in the distance during the night.

The last village served excellent tea.

Force Multipliers
● 120mm Mortars at FOB Alpha Charlie
● QRF at FOB Alpha Charlie.

11 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Skill Level: Trained Professional Soldiers
Experience of Combat: Experienced
Motivation: Well Motivated

Standard Issue Equipment:

● Sidearm
● Body Armour
● Personal Medical Equipment
● Frag Grenades
● Smoke Grenades
● Squad Level Radio Comms
● Long Range Radio Comms (vehicle mounted)
● Night Vision Equipment

Fireteam 1

Title Rank and Name Weapon

Section Leader (Alzubun) Corporal Nowak L85 Assault Rifle w/ SUSAT


Grenadier Lance Corporal Mohamed L85 Assault Rifle w/ SUSAT

Scope and underslung
grenade launcher

Machine Gunner Private Ali L110A2 Light Machine Gun

w/ SUSAT Scope

Rifleman Private Ahmed L85 Assault Rifle w/ SUSAT


Vehicle 1
Armoured Humvee mounting a HMG in the turret.

12 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Fireteam 2

Title Rank and Name Weapon

Fireteam Leader (Alzubun) Lance Corporal Jacobs L85 Assault Rifle w/ SUSAT

Grenadier Private Saeed L85 Assault Rifle w/ SUSAT

Scope and underslung
grenade launcher

Machine Gunner Lance Corporal Qasin L110A2 Light Machine Gun

w/ SUSAT Scope

Machine Gunner (Alzubun) Private Smith L7A2 Medium Machine Gun

Vehicle 2
Armoured Humvee mounting a GMG and MMG in the turret. Also mounting a Long Range
Recon FLIR camera.


Both fireteams begin offboard and will move on in their first movement. Each fireteam is
mounted in their vehicle, exact seating positions are up to the player.

Traditionally, the Fireteam Leader sits in the passenger seat with the fireteam’s Rifleman or
Grenadier driving. Due to the bulk of their gear, Machine Gunners are normally either in the
back seat or manning the turret.

13 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Briefing: 4th Special Activities Team, Albion Army

Special Activities Teams are the Albion Army’s main units deployed to reinforce local
provincial troops. However, they are not a standing force - instead, they pull from other units
inside the army, gathering together motivated and skilled NCOs and Officers to perform
extraordinary and unusual tasks.

Their primary role lies in providing force multiplication to the units they are attached to. Each
team of 12 will include multiple experts in different fields that may be lacking in a smaller
force. The most requested skillset is that of a JTAC (as most provincial forces lack the assets
to require training in this) but medical technicians, engineering technicians, ordnance
disposal technicians, communications specialists, military intelligence personnel, dedicated
sniper-scouts and training personnel all find a role.

Personal equipment varies depending on the choices of the team leader and deployment, as
well as what can be scrounged or borrowed. In the case of the 4th in Al-Bawaaba, the senior
officer (a member of the Special Logistical Detachment) decided to issue the entire team
with equipment more commonly see in the top tier Special Forces units of the Albion Empire,
in order to provide cohesion and make them seem more “ally” in the eyes of the local force
they are mentoring. This translates to various AR-15 pattern carbines, light machine guns,
DMRs and other light infantry weapons. They are also equipped with light body armour and
lightweight ballistic helmets, to improve mobility over difficult terrain. On other deployments
(especially when working alongside regular Albion Army units), SAT equipment will be closer
to standard issue kit, such as the L85 assault rifle and standard kevlar body armour.

Special Activities Teams usually rely on transportation provided by their host province. In
Al-Bawaaba, the SAT transport of choice is the armoured Humvee. The 4th Special Activities
Team ended up with a single regular armoured Humvees and two Special Purpose Humvees
with the additional rear deck to allow for additional troop carrying space as well as using
oversized equipment for specialised tasks. These humvees also came with the uparmoured
turrets as well as a mix of heavy weapons including a Heavy Machine Guns and a Minigun.
In addition, one of the Special Purpose Humvees arrived with a remote weapon station,
adding an improved sensor array. However, this vehicle also suffered from reliability issues
and so was mostly kept for base security.

● Move through the area of operations to get to FOB Bunker
● Limit friendly casualties
● Limit civilian casualties
● Obey any ROE outlined in the Tactical Guidance

14 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Accompany and advise the local ABSF forces. Proceed from the local village via the main
highway to return to FOB Alpha Charlie.

Tactical Guidance
● ROE: Area is not known to be hostile. Therefore, all targets must be positively
identified before being engaged.
● ROE: Engaging potential civilian structures is to be avoided unless a threat is
detected and positively identified within them.
● ROE: In all cases, response to enemy contact must be proportional.
● If possible, high ranking enemy combatants are to be arrested for intelligence

This sector has been reasonably quiet. None of the local villages have reported enemies in
the local area but they have spotted lights in the distance during the night.

The last village served excellent tea.

Force Multipliers
● 2x F2 Typhoon (callsigns “Talon 4”) - Currently performing a Combat Air Patrol over
the area. Not equipped for air to ground, can perform a Show of Force if required.
● Medical Emergency Response Team - Patrol route is within reach of a MERT from
the local military airfield should medical evacuation be required.
● “Barghest, Barghest, Barghest” - only to be used in extreme circumstances (a
Special Activities Team is separated from partner forces and about to be overrun by
an overwhelming enemy force). This radio call will cause local air controllers to vector
in additional air support to a stricken unit, as well as prepare the Special Logistical
Detachment team on standby at Prince Alexander International Airport for possible
CSAR or extraction.

15 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Skill Level: Well Trained Professional
Experience of Combat: Highly Experienced
Motivation: Highly Motivated

Standard Issue Equipment:

● Sidearm
● Body Armour
● Personal Medical Equipment
● Frag Grenades
● Smoke Grenades
● Squad Level Radio Comms
● Long Range Radio Comms (JTAC)
● Night Vision Equipment

Title Rank and Name Weapon

Team Commander 1st LT. Johnson L119 Carbine with Red Dot

Team NCO 1st Sgt Davis L119 Carbine with Scope

and Underslung Grenade

Weapons Officer Sgt Taylor L110A2 LMG with Red Dot

Marksman Sgt Wilson SR25 DMR with Scope and


JTAC 2nd LT (Pilot) Miller L119 Carbine with Red Dot

Vehicle A - Armoured Humvee mounting a HMG in the turret. Rear cargo bed has a pintle
mounted pair of MMGs covering the rear arc.

The team begin offboard on the southern end and will move on in their first movement. Each
fireteam is mounted in their vehicle, exact seating positions are up to the player.

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Briefing: Muhajirin Criminal Element

The Muhajirin (Bazi for Emigrants) are a disjointed criminal group that began in the Bazi
Empire. They now operate throughout the continent, primarily smuggling illegal materials
through various shadow haulage companies to markets in the Albion Empire and the
Tsardom of Dazhbog.

The Emirate of Bazistan/Al-Bawaaba border region is one of their main trading routes,
thanks in part to the cover that the mountains can provide. Light goods, such as narcotics or
precious stones, can be hidden in livestock groups and walked across the border hidden
among the herds. Once on the Al-Bawaaban side, friendly villagers will provide shelter for
the smugglers, before escorting them onwards to the main population centres and faster

Despite this being one of their oldest trade routes, it has only become troublesome since
other groups have begun moving in on their turf. Other criminal groups have traditionally
been dealt with via deal making, but the counter-government forces are often unwilling to
partake in peaceful solutions. This increased activity has also brought the government into
the area.

The local Muhajirin leader has decided that taking out a military convoy will show to the other
groups in the area their capabilities. The most pushback they might get is an increased troop
presence, but increases in one area leaves others open. Bringing in some hired mercenary

● Eliminate at least one of the Humvees in the convoy.
● Cause multiple ASDF or Albion Army casualties.
● Limit unnecessary friendly casualties.
● Prevent the capture of highly trained personnel

Destroy at least one Humvee in the military convoy, cause casualties and then retreat.

Tactical Guidance
● You’re not here to wipe them out entirely - knock out a vehicle, severely injure a few
more of the government forces and then fall back. We don’t give out any shiny bits of

17 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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● Use the IEDs and the SPG-9 to stop the convoy, before mopping up with the small
● Don’t forget your ratlines! Use these routes to escape before the government can get
their act together!

The villagers in the local area are not wishing to involve themselves in the actual fighting.
They will stay clear of the area and evacuate the compound near the ambush site. However
they have reported the convoy is three vehicles, containing a full squad of government
soldiers and a group of the foreign soldiers.

Force Multipliers
● The area is riddled with Ratlines, both natural and man-made. Entry points can be
marked out in the hills with at least two main entry points available.
● There are two IEDs available to the force.
○ A medium sized IED embedded into a broken down white car that can be
placed alongside the road. The Force Commander Salah has the radio
○ A small IED with a trigger plate detonator.
● A rocky sangar emplacement can be built around where the SPG-9 recoilless team is

Local Criminal Forces
Skill Level: Trained
Experience of Combat: Limited - Most of the combat these guys have seen has been
against bandits or criminal groups.
Motivation: Highly Motivated - The Muhajirin pay very well.

Standard Issue Equipment:

● None
● Some troops may have night vision depending on the situation

Mercenary Forces
Skill Level: Semi-Professional - most fighters are ex-military or veterans of fighting against
the Bazi Empire.
Experience of Combat: Highly Experienced
Motivation: Highly Motivated - The Muhajirin have opened their coffers for this.
Standard Issue Equipment:
● Squad Level Radio Comms
● Night Vision Equipment

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Title Rank and Name Weapon

Mercenary Marksman The Fox G3 DMR with Scope

Mercenary Commander Salah AKM Assault Rifle

Mercenary SPG-9 Gunner Najim SPG-9

Mercenary SPG-9 Loader Talaat AKM Assault Rifle

Mercenary Machine Gunner Jaber PKM Medium Machine Gun

Local Fighter Ghaleb AKM Assault Rifle

Local Fighter Saif AKM Assault Rifle

Local Fighter Moshen AKM Assault Rifle

Local Fighter Adbo PKM Medium Machine Gun

Local Fighter Haidar AKM Assault Rifle

Local Fighter El Din AKM Assault Rifle

Local Fighter Rajeh AKM Assault Rifle

Local Fighter Hamid RPG-7 with HE and AP


All of the Criminal Element can be deployed anywhere on the board if they are in cover.

The two IED markers can be placed anywhere along the road. The medium sized IED is
marked by the white vehicle, the other IED is hidden - write the location down and reveal
when it would be ready to be detonated.

Any figures on the board can start the game either hiding (taking the best use of cover) or
pretending to be local civilians.

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Vehicle Diagrams

20 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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21 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog
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Modification Cards
Values (D66) Name Effect

11-16 Situation Normal No additional effects

21-22 Dawn Call The mission now takes place at dawn.

23-24 Dusk Patrol The mission takes place at dusk.

25 Night Patrol The mission takes place at night.

26 Sandstorm A sandstorm has blown in, reducing how far anyone

can see. Vehicles will need to slow down and not even
NVGs can assist

31-32 Up-armed The SPG-9 is replaced with an alternative heavy

Mercenaries weapon. Select from ATGM, dual barrel autocannon
(ZU-23) or heavy recoiless rifle

33-34 High Speed The Local Fighters have a technical with a HMG. This
Firepower can be deployed anywhere on the board in cover and

35 Additional Fighters Add four more local fighters (three with AKs and a
fourth with a PKM or RPG). These are treated like the
rest of the force.

36 Fix and Pummel The Muhajirin have access to a heavy mortar barrage.
This can be called in by Salah

41-42 Counter-IED One of the Government vehicles is equipped with a

Jammer counter-IED jammer.

43 EOD Duty Replace the dual MMGs on the back of the SAT
Humvee with a pintle mounted Anti-Material rifle.

44-45 Armoured Up One of the Government vehicles is replaced with a

MRAP, with the same armament

46 Ambushing the The rest of the SAT team are also hiding out in the hills
Ambush to assist. After the Criminal Element deploys, place
four more members of the SAT with assault rifles and
DMRs out of LOS of the Criminal Element. The
ambushing SAT operators begin the game hidden.

51-56 Government The player(s) responsible for the ABSF/Albion Army

Advantage SAT can pick a modification

61-66 Criminal Advantage The player(s) responsible for the Muhajirin Criminal
Element can pick a modification

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Game Specific

Skirmish Sangin V1

Activation Table
Body ABSF SAT Muhajirin

20 Salah


18 The Fox

17 Ghaleb, Mohsen

16 Mohamed, Qasim Davis, SF Humvee

15 Wilson Hamid

14 Johnson, Miller Adbo, SPG 9 Team

13 Smith, Humvees Taylor Saif, El Din, Rajeh, Jaber

12 Nowak, Saeed

11 Ahmed Haidar

10 Ali, Jacobs

Victory Points

ABSF/SAT Muhajirin Criminal Element

Humvee escapes off board:100pts Humvee destroyed: 200pts

BLUFOR soldier survives: 20pts BLUFOR soldier taken out of action: 50pts

Muhjarin Fighter taken out of action: 20pts Muhjarin Fighter taken out of action: -20pts

23 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Al-Bawaaba Security Force (ABSF)
Photo X X

Name | Weapon Nowak | AR Mohamed | AR UGL

Body 12 16

Morale|First Aid 85/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 76/56 64/54

H Weaps|FO 42/52 36/36

Armour Heavy Heavy

Photo X X

Name | Weapon Ali | LMG Ahmed | AR

Body 10 11

Morale|First Aid 55/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 46/36 49/39

H Weaps|FO 24/24 26/26

Armour Heavy Heavy

Name Humvee 1 Armour 3

Body 13 IED Protection 2

Morale|Drive 85/69 Weapon 1 HMG

Primary|Secondary 49/39 Weapon 2

24 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Photo X X

Name | Weapon Jacobs | AR Saeed | AR UGL

Body 10 12

Morale|First Aid 55/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 46/36 52/42

H Weaps|FO 24/24 28/28

Armour Heavy Heavy

Photo X X

Name | Weapon Qasim | LMG Smith | MMG

Body 14 13

Morale|First Aid 55/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 58/48 55/45

H Weaps|FO 32/32 30/30

Armour Heavy Heavy

Name Humvee 2 - FLIR Armour 3

Body 13 IED Protection 2

Morale|Drive 85/69 Weapon 1 GMG

Primary|Secondary 49/39 Weapon 2 MMG

25 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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4th Special Activities Team, Albion Army
Photo X X

Name | Weapon Johnson | AR Davis | AR UGL Taylor | LMG

Body 14 16 13

Morale|First Aid 85/40 75/40 75/40

Rifle|Pistol 80/60 78/68 66/56

H Weaps|FO 45/55 51/51 42/42

Armour Light Light Light

Photo X X

Name | Weapon Wilson | DMR Miller | AR

Body 15 14

Morale|First Aid 75/40 75/40

Rifle|Pistol 74/64 70/60

H Weaps|FO 48/48 45/75

Armour Light Light

Name SF Humvee Armour 3

Body 16 IED Protection 2

Morale|Drive 105/80 Weapon 1 HMG

Primary|Secondary 70/60 Weapon 2 MMG (Rear Arc)

26 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Muhajirin Criminal Element
Photo X X

Name | Weapon The Fox | DMR Salah | AR

Body 18 20

Morale|First Aid 75/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 112/72 70/60

H Weaps|FO 54/84 40/75

Armour None None

Photo X X

Name | Weapon Team | SPG-9 Jaber | MMG

Body 14 13

Morale|First Aid 55/40 75/40

Rifle|Pistol 52/42 62/52

H Weaps|FO 58/28 59/39

Armour None None

27 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Photo X X

Name | Weapon Ghaleb | AR Saif | AR

Body 17 13

Morale|First Aid 55/40 35/40

Rifle|Pistol 61/51 36/26

H Weaps|FO 34/34 13/13

Armour None None

Photo X X

Name | Weapon Mohsen | AR Adbo | MMG

Body 17 14

Morale|First Aid 55/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 61/51 52/42

H Weaps|FO 34/34 28/28

Armour None None

28 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Photo X X

Name | Weapon Haidar | AR El Din | AR

Body 11 13

Morale|First Aid 55/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 43/33 49/39

H Weaps|FO 22/22 26/26

Armour None None

Photo X X

Name | Weapon Rajeh | AR Hamid | RPG

Body 13 15

Morale|First Aid 75/40 55/40

Rifle|Pistol 62/52 55/45

H Weaps|FO 39/39 30/30

Armour None None

29 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

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Spectre Operations

Al-Bawaaba Security Force (ABSF) 4th Special Activities Team (SAT)

Trained/Professional Professional

All have: All have:

Body Armour, Radio Comms, Battlefield Body Armour, Radio Comms, Battlefield
Trauma Kit, Pistol, NVGs, Frag and Smoke Trauma Kit, Pistol, NVGs, Frag and Smoke
Grenades Grenades

Fireteam 1: Team:
● Professional NCO with Assault Rifle ● Professional Officer with Carbine
(w/ Scope) (with Red Dot and Laser)
● Trained Soldier with Assault Rifle ● Professional Soldier with Carbine
(w/ Scope) and UGL (with Red Dot and Laser) and UGL
● Trained Soldier with Light Machine ● Professional Soldier with LMG (with
Gun (w/Scope) Red Dot)
● Trained Soldier with Assault Rifle ● Professional Soldier with DMR (with
(w/Scope) Scope and Suppressor)
● Professional Officer with Carbine
(with Red Dot and Laser), Handheld
Integrated Target System and Long
Range Comms

Humvee 1: Humvee A:
Uparmoured Patrol Vehicle with HMG Uparmoured Patrol Vehicle with a HMG
(w/gunshield) in the Turret. Vehicle has (w/gunshield) in the turret. There is a rear
Long Range Radio Comms section that is Open Topped with an
additional Dual MMG mount. Vehicle also
has Long Range Comms

Fireteam 2: Off Table Assets (available to both BLUFOR

● Trained NCO with Assault Rifle (w/ forces):
Scope) ● Show of Force (Counts as Leaflet
● Trained Soldier with Assault Rifle Drop)
(w/ Scope) and UGL ● Mortars
● Trained Soldier with Light Machine
Gun (w/Scope)
● Trained Soldier with Medium
Machine Gun

Humvee 2:
Uparmoured Patrol Vehicle with Auto
Grenade Launcher (w/gunshield) and
Medium Machine Gun in the Turret. Vehicle
also has a thermal optical system (+1
modifier to Scan actions).

30 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Muhajirin Criminal Element Muhajirin Criminal Element
- Hired Mercenaries

Trained Professional

All have:
Radio Comms, Battlefield Trauma Kit

Split into teams as needed: Main Team

● Trained NCO with Assault Rifle ● Professional Commander with
● 5x Trained Insurgents with Assault Assault Rifle and IED remote
Rifle detonator
● Trained Insurgent with RPG and ● Professional Soldier with DMR (w/
Assault Rifle Scope)
● Trained Insurgent ● Professional Soldier with Medium
Machine Gun

SPG-9 Team: 2x IEDs

● Trained Soldier with Assault Rifle ● Vehicle IED (mounted in Civilian
and Heavy Recoilless Rifle Car) with remote detonator
● Trained Soldier with Assault Rifle ● Victim operated Individual IED

Mission Specific Rules

Game Area Ideally 8’ x 6’ but 6’ x 4’ would preserve the rough layout

Terrain Type Rough highlands (Layout description in Scenario Details)

Visibility Clear, Day Time

Alertness All start Alert, Muhajirin on the board can start either Covert or Hidden

Initiative Muhajirin start with the Initiative until the ambush is launched

Game Length Until objectives are achieved

Other Place down D3+3 Ratline markers on the board. Criminal Element
players can enter any of these and reappear on another marker the
following turn.

31 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Al-Bawaaba Security Force 4th Special Activities Team, Muhajirin Criminal Element
(ABSF) Albion Army

Teams begin in their Humvees. Vehicles drive on from the Deploy anywhere on the
southern board edge board in cover OR hide Off

SPG-9 Team and Main

Team must be deployed

Al-Bawaaba Security Force 4th Special Activities Team, Muhajirin Criminal Element
(ABSF) Albion Army

Escape off the Northern side of the board with minimal Destroy at least one
casualties Humvee, cause casultities
and then successfully
retreat Mercenary fighters
off the board.

32 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Designer Notes
The original idea behind this scenario was to try and play a modern skirmish game that
wasn’t simply some close quarters clearing, letting both teams have plenty of line of sight to
force some different tactics. I think it may have been partially inspired by a scene in Justified,
with a broken down vehicle to act as the ambush point on a lonely country road. Finally, it
was designed to be relatively evenly matched in terms of troops - too often is it just the Uber
Operators dropping bodies without a second thought. Here, both teams are a mix of highly
skilled specialist troops accompanying the less skilled local squad.

This game was first played back in 2018 at SESWC club in Edinburgh Scotland. It was a four
player affair, splitting the insurgents in half under two commanders and separating the
regulars and the SF among two players. This left the author to GM, as well as providing
advice when prompted. The full battle report can be found here, with the report from the
Regulars here as well as an overview on the Club page here. Since the setting has changed
some of the reference may need to be tweaked to the new factions

The Insurgents managed to spring the trap beautifully, using the explosion of the white car to
damage the lead Humvee and completely annihilating the vehicle behind. This was added
on top of by hammering the rest with the recoilless rifle. They also managed to inflict some
casualties but were eventually forced back by the Special Forces Humvee hammering away
and the morale shock of a fast jet flying low and dumping flares.

I would say that the way that in Skirmish Sangin rules, the fact that the vehicle being
destroyed and taking out everyone inside was a touch disappointing. There isn’t really an
intermediate step where the crew are injured and able to bail out. In games after this, we
tweaked the system to add a step where the crew inside took damage but could leave which
went down far better. However, it does show how dangerous anti-vehicle weapons can be.

So in conclusion:

For the ABSF player:

● Be very careful of white cars on the road
● Remember spacings
● Remember your objectives
For the Albion Army SAT player:
● Take advantage of your better skills to assist your buddies.
● Calling in a show of force may not kill anyone, but it will definitely force some people
● Remember your objectives.
And for the Criminal Element player:
● Careful use of the IED and support weapon combo will win the day
● Use the ratlines to pop out and shoot before evading return fire
● Remember your objectives

33 - Training Day, produced by Michael Charge for ChargeBlog

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND)

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