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Coagulation Testing in the Core Laboratory

William E. Winter, MD, Sherri D. Flax, MD, Neil S. Harris, MD*
Laboratory Medicine 48:4:295-313

DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmx050

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Primary hemostasis begins with endothelial injury. VWF, produced by single factor-deficient substrate plasma. A PT or aPTT is performed on
endothelial cells, binds to platelets and links them to subendothelial the above mix, depending on the factor being tested.
collagen. Platelet-derived ADP and thromboxane activate non-adhered
platelets via their GPIIb/IIIa receptors, allowing these platelets to Factor inhibitors are antibodies that are most commonly diagnosed in
participate in platelet aggregation. Secondary hemostasis is initiated male patients with severe hemophilia A (FVIII deficiency) where they are
with the binding of factor VII to extravascular tissue factor (TF). Factors II, induced by factor replacement therapy.
VII, IX and X are vitamin K-dependent factors. The role of vitamin K is to
assist in the addition of gamma carboxylate groups to glutamic acids in Factor inhibitors can also appear in the form of spontaneous
the “GLA” domains of these factors. autoantibodies in both male and female individuals who were previously
well. This is an autoimmune condition called “acquired hemophilia.”
In vitro the intrinsic pathway is initiated when fresh whole blood is
placed in a glass tube. The negative charge of the glass initiates the Most coagulation laboratories can measure the plasma concentration of
“contact pathway” where FXII is activated and then FXIa cleaves FIX to VWF protein (VWF antigen) by an immunoturbidimetric technique. Testing
FIXa. The extrinsic pathway is triggered when tissue factor, phospholipid the functional activity of VWF, utilizes the drug ristocetin.
and calcium are added to plasma anticoagulated with citrate. In vitro,
FVII is activated to FVIIa, and TF-FVIIa preferentially converts FX to FXa The state of multimerization of VWF is important and is assessed by
activating the common pathway. electrophoresis on agarose gels. Type 2a and 2b VWD are associated
with the lack of intermediate- and high molecular weight multimers.
The prothrombin time is commonly used to monitor warfarin
anticoagulant therapy. To correct for differences in reagent and The antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS) is an acquired autoimmune
instrument, the international normalized ratio was developed to phenomenon associated with an increased incidence of both venous and
improve standardization of PT reporting globally. The activated partial arterial thromboses, as well as fetal loss. Typically, there is a paradoxical
thromboplastin time (aPTT) is used to evaluate the intrinsic and common prolongation of the aPTT in the absence of any clinical features of
pathways of coagulation. The aPTT is useful clinically as a screening bleeding. This is the so-called “lupus anticoagulant (LA) effect.” The
test for inherited and acquired factor deficiencies as well as to monitor laboratory definition of the APLS requires the presence of either a “lupus
unfractionated heparin therapy although the anti-Xa assay is now the anticoagulant” or a persistent titer of antiphospholipid antibodies.
preferred measure of the effects of unfractionated heparin. The Clauss
assay is the most commonly performed fibrinogen assay and uses There are now 2 broad classes of direct-acting oral anticoagulants
diluted plasma where clotting is initiated with a high concentration of (DOACs): [1] The oral direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs) such as dabigatran;
reagent thrombin. and [2] The oral direct factor Xa inhibitors such as rivaroxaban and
apixaban. The PT and aPTT are variably affected by the DOACs and are
The mixing study assists in the assessment of an abnormally prolonged generally unhelpful in monitoring their concentrations. Most importantly, a
PT or aPTT. An equal volume of citrated patient plasma is mixed with normal PT or aPTT does NOT exclude the presence of any of the DOACs.
normal pooled plasma and the PT or aPTT are repeated on the 1:1 mix.
Factor activity assays are most commonly performed as a one-stage Keywords: coagulation, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time,
assay. The patient’s citrated plasma is diluted and mixed 1-to-1 with a von Willebrand factor, intrinsic pathway, extrinsic pathway, thromboembolism

Abbreviations syndrome; dRVTT, dilute Russell viper venom time; PCC, prothrombin
HS, heparin sulfate; AT, antithrombin; PS, protein S; PC, protein C; VWF, complex concentrate; RIPA, ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation; LA,
von Willebrand Factor; FVIII, factor VIII; GPIb, glycoprotein receptor; lupus anticoagulant; DOAC, direct-acting oral anticoagulant; NOAC, novel
TF, tissue factor; RBC, red blood cell; DVT, deep venous thrombi; PE, oral anticoagulant
pulmonary embolism; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; APC, activated
PC; HMWK, high molecular weight kininogen; aPTT, activated partial Department of Pathology, Immunology & Laboratory Medicine, University
thromboplastin; PT, prothrombin time; ISI, international sensitivity index; of Florida, Gainesville, FL
WHO, World Health Organization; INR, international normalized ratio;
PTT, partial thromboplastin time; TT, thrombin time; ELISA, enzyme linked *To whom correspondence should be addressed.
immunoabsorbant; NPP, normal pooled plasma; APLS, antiphospholipid

© American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: 295

Table 1. Definitions of Blood Coagulum

The Physiology of Coagulation Thrombus Blood coagulum in a blood vessel in a
living person
Following endothelial injury, a thrombus will normally form Clot Blood coagulum that forms 1) after
(Table 1). A thrombus is a blood coagulum formed in the death, 2) ex vivo, or 3) in a living person
outside of a blood vessel
blood vessel of a living person. The function of the thrombus
Thromoembolism An embolism that originated from a
is to stem the loss of blood to secure vascular integrity, there- thrombus
fore, maintaining blood volume. Elements of the thrombus,
such as platelets, can then contribute to healing. It is rather

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amazing that flowing blood does not readily coagulate; how-
ever, upon removal of blood from the body when placed into Table 2. Hemostatic Balance
a glass tube, the blood immediately begins to clot. Prothrombotic Antithrombotic
Stasis Flowing blood
In contrast to a thrombus, a clot is a blood coagulum that Endothelial injury Endothelial integrity
develops 1) in blood vessels in the postmortem state, Hypercoagulability Heparan sulfate and
2) when blood is removed from the body and is not anti- antithrombin
coagulated, or 3) in a living person outside of their blood Thrombomodulin and
proteins S and C
vessels (Table 1). Nevertheless, in practice, the terms blood Alpha 2-antiplasmin Tissue plasminogen
clot and thrombus are often used interchangeably when, activator that converts
indeed, the terms are actually quite distinct. That said, we plasminogen to
discuss the biology of blood coagulation. plasmin
Platelet-produced Endothelium-
TxA2 produced PGI2
The first challenge is to recognize that the coagulation events
PGI2, Prostacyclin; TxA2:,Thromboxane A2.
in vivo and in vitro are not identical. In order to properly
interpret coagulation testing, the similarities and differences
between in vivo and in vitro events must be understood.
[VWF]), 2) secondary hemostasis that concludes with the
Ultimately, coagulation in vivo is the physiologically important
formation of a fibrin lattice and 3) tertiary hemostasis that
event, and therefore we first examine in vivo coagulation.
begins with fibrin crosslinking and ends with thrombus dis-
solution (which includes fibrinolysis).
In Vivo Coagulation
Primary Hemostasis
Hemostasis is the balance between factors that favor and
factors that oppose thrombosis. Factors that favor thrombo- Coagulation begins with endothelial injury. In terms of primary
sis are endothelial injury, hypercoagulability. and stasis. This hemostasis, VWF binds to exposed subendothelial collagen
thrombotic triad was described more than 100 years ago (Figure 1). Similar to factor VIII (FVIII) and unlike other plasma
by Virchow (Table 2). Opposing thrombus formation are the protein clotting factors, VWF is produced by endothelial cells
following factors: 1) the continuous flow of blood through of the body. VWF monomers are 2813 amino acids in size.
the blood vessels, 2) the vascular endothelium, 3) prostacy- VWF monomers bind head-to-head and tail-to-tail, producing
clin production by endothelial cells, 4) heparan sulfate (HS) VWF multimers of 500 to 20,000 kDa. In VWF, amino acids
expression on endothelial surfaces, and 5) circulating plasma 1 to 272 are involved in FVIII binding; amino acids 449 to
proteins that regulate coagulation including plasminogen, 728 bind to the glycoprotein receptor Ib (GPIb) on plate-
antithrombin (AT), protein S (PS), protein C (PC) and alpha-2 lets (Table 3); amino acids 911 to 1365 bind collagen; and
antiplasmin (Table 2). Once we examine coagulation in vivo, amino acids 1744 to 1746 bind to the GPIIb/IIIa receptor on
we return to the actions of plasminogen, AT, PC, PS and platelets.
alpha-2 antiplasmin, and then discuss blood clotting in vitro.
Via the GPIb receptor, platelets bind to VWF (bound to colla-
Coagulation is frequently divided into 3 stages: 1) primary gen) forming a monocellular cover over the site of endothelial
hemostasis (a function of platelets and von Willeband factor injury (Figure 2). This constitutes platelet adhesion. In the

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DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmw049

Loss of endothelial integrity GPIIb/IIIa

Change in
confirmation of
Basement membrane GPIIb/IIIa
ADP and TxA2
Collagen Activation

VWF binds to collagen

Basement membrane

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Collagen Collagen

Figure 1  Figure 3 
In most capillaries, endothelial cells form a continuous barrier With platelet binding to VWF, platelets become activated, and
separating blood from the basement membrane, subendothelial 3 events occur: 1) platelets develop pseudopodia that allow
space (that includes collagen), and subendothelial cells. A break platelets to interlock with one another providing strength to the
in this barrier exposes subendothelial collagen (upper panel). The thrombus; 2) platelets degranulate, releasing ADP, and activated
initial event in primary hemostasis is the binding of von Willebrand platelets synthesize thromboxane A2 (TxA2); and 3) the molecular
factor to collagen (lower panel). confirmation of the GPIIb/IIIa receptor changes allowing it to bind
to fibrinogen. The release of ADP and TxA2 activates nonadhered
platelets in the microenvironment. This will foster their involvement
in aggregation.
Table 3. Platelet Receptors and Their Functions
Receptor Function
pseudopodia, 2) the platelet granules are discharged
GPIb Binds to VWF
via the platelet canalicular system, and thromboxane A2
GPIa/IIa Binds to collagen under low shear-stress
conditions (TxA2) is synthesized and released, and 3) the GPIIb/IIIa
GPIIb/IIIa Binds to fibrinogen; lesser binding to VWF receptor conformation changes, allowing it to bind plasma
VWF, von Willebrand factor. fibrinogen. The open canalicular system is the surface-con-
nected channels that afford 1) transport into platelets and
2) the release of alpha granule contents from platelets.
GPIIb/IIIa Functioning similarly to the sarcotubules of skeletal mus-
Platelets bind to VWF
cle, the dense tubular system regulates platelet activity by
Adhesion releasing or sequestering calcium.

Regarding platelet granules, the platelet’s alpha granules

contain various proteins including VWF, factors V and XIII,
Collagen fibrinogen, fibronectin, P-selectin, platelet-derived growth
factor, beta-thromboglobulin, platelet factor-4, and throm-
Figure 2 
bospondin. Individual platelets have 40 to 80 alpha granules
Once VWF has bound to collagen, platelets bind to VWF via the of 200 to 500 nm diameter that are round to oval in shape.
platelet’s GPIb receptor. This event defines platelet adhesion. GPIb is
Table 4 details the functions of these proteins. The platelet’s
part of a complex that also includes GPV and GPIX (ie, GPIb-V-IX).
delta (dense) granules contain ADP, ATP, pyrophosphate,
calcium and serotonin. There are usually 4 to 8 such elec-
venous system where shear stress is lower, platelets can bind tron-dense granules per platelet. These granules contain
directly to exposed collagen via the GPIa/IIa receptor. 60% to 70% of the calcium in the platelet.

Once platelets have adhered to the injured endothelium, via During platelet activation, ADP and TxA2 act in autocrine and
the collagen-VWF-GPIb interaction, the platelet becomes paracrine fashions. The paracrine effect is to activate non-ad-
activated, leading to three important events (Figure 3): hered platelets in the microenvironment. Via their activated
1) the platelet changes shape, extending interlocking GPIIb/IIIa receptors, these platelets can now participate in Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   297

DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmw049

Loss of endothelial integrity

Table  4. Constituents of Alpha Granules and Endothelium
Their Function
Constituent Function Basement membrane
VWF Tethers platelets to collagen; binds to collagen
and GPIb on platelets
Factors V and VIII Clotting factors FVII binds to tissue factor (TF)
Fibrinogen Clotting factor FVII
Fibronectin Involved in cell adhesion and migration
processes FVIIa
P-selectin Adhesion molecule; binds to sialyl Lewis-X TF TF TF

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PDGF Stimulates fibroblast chemotaxis & proliferation
Beta-thromboglobulin Low molecular weight (36 kDa) heparin-binding
PF4 A heparin-binding protein Figure 5 
Thrombospondin High molecular weight (450 kDa) heparin-
Secondary hemostasis in vivo is activated when plasma gains
binding protein
access to TF on subendothelial cells that were exposed as a
PDGF: platelet-derived growth factor; PF4: Ppatelet factor 4; VWF: von Willebrand consequence of injury to the vascular endothelium. FVII binds to TF
and undergoes autoactivation to FVIIa.

Fibrinogen A) FVII TF TF-FVIIa



D) Prothrombin Thrombin

Figure 4 
E) Fibrinogen Fibrin
Aggregation occurs when platelets are crosslinked via fibrinogen
binding to GPIIb/IIIa on platelets. Figure 6 
As a consequence of formation of the TF-FVIIa complex, a plasma
protein cascade ultimately leads to the conversion of fibrinogen to
platelet aggregation as they bind to adhered platelets and fibrin. The individual steps are described in detail in the text.
other aggregated platelets via fibrinogen (Figure 4). In a cas-
cade-like event, platelets further aggregate one to another
via GPIIb/IIIa and fibrinogen to build the mass and strength of primary hemostatic defects involving platelets or VWF
the thrombus. This completes primary hemostasis. include petechiae and mucosal bleeding.

The thrombus formed in primary hemostasis can produce Secondary Hemostasis

an immediate reduction in blood loss, assuming that the
size of the blood vessel lumen is not excessive. If a named Secondary hemostasis is initiated with the binding of fac-
blood vessel is cut (meaning that the vessel is large enough tor VII (FVII) to exposed subendothelial tissue factor (TF).
to be “named” by anatomists), thrombus formation alone TF (CD142) is a transmembrane protein that is expressed
will not usually re-establish hemostasis, and external on subendothelial cells. However, TF is not normally
mechanical compression and/or suturing will be required to expressed on vascular endothelial membranes. An archaic
halt continued blood loss. name for TF is “coagulation factor III.” Once FVII binds to
TF, FVII undergoes autocatalysis to FVIIa (a = activated;
Clinically a failure to establish primary hemostasis after Figure 5 and Figure 6A). Although the process of the initi-
injury results in immediate bleeding. Manifestations of ation of plasma clotting factor activation is quite complex,

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Thrombin FPA and FPB


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Figure 7 
With the release of fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B, fibrinogen is converted to fibrin via the action of thrombin-activated FXIIIa. Fibrin
monomers initially stack, noncovalently forming a lattice.

it is sufficient for our purposes to understand that TF-FVIIa bottom). This lattice provides initial strength to the thrombus;
in vivo ultimately leads to the conversion of factor IX (FIX) however, fibrin crosslinking does not occur until early tertiary
to FIXa (Figure 6B). In contrast, we will see that in vitro, hemostasis, resulting in greater strength of the thrombus.
the major action of TF-FVIIa is to convert factor X (FX)
to FXa. Besides its action in converting fibrinogen to fibrin (Figure 8),
thrombin 1) converts FV to FVa (with increased activity over
Returning to in vivo events, FIXa plus its cofactor factor FV), 2) converts FVIII to FVIIIa (with increased activity over
VIII (FVIII) now acquires the ability to activate FX to FXa FVIII), 3) feeds forward converting factor XI to FXIa, 4) acti-
(Figure 6C). This action of FIXa-FVIII is that of a “Xase.” Just vates factor XIII (FXIII, fibrin stabilizing factor) to FXIIIa and
as FIX has FVIII as a cofactor, FX has a cofactor: factor V 5) stimulates platelets involved in primary hemostasis.
(FV). Indeed the structure of FV and FVIII are similar. FXa-FV
acquires prothrombinase activity converting prothrombin The action of thrombin to convert FXI to FXIa allows throm-
(factor II, FII) to thrombin (FIIa) (Figure 6D). Thrombin has bin and fibrin formation to continue until otherwise inhibited
numerous actions. Collectively these actions are sometimes (eg, inhibited by tissue-factor-pathway-inhibitor [TFPI]). The
described as the “thrombin explosion.” Subsequently throm- action of FXIa is to convert FIX to FIXa. Therefore, FIX can
bin converts fibrinogen to fibrin (Figure 6E). be converted in vivo to FIXa in 2 ways: 1) via TF-FVIIa or 2)
via FXIa.
Fibrinogen is a symmetrical molecule composed of 2 sets of
alpha, beta, and gamma chains (one set of the alpha-beta- If after successful primary hemostasis, no further proco-
gamma chains forms one half of fibrinogen). At the ends of agulant events occur (eg, there is a failure of secondary
the molecule are D domains, while in the middle of the mol- hemostasis), delayed bleeding is likely. Therefore, the role
ecule is an E domain. Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin of secondary hemostasis is to strengthen the thrombus
by cleaving fibrinopeptides A (FPA) and B (FPB) respectively through the development of a fibrin matrix around and
from the alpha and beta chains of fibrinogen (Figure 7, top). among the platelets. It is important to also point out that
Subsequently fibrin monomers form a noncovalent, over- red blood cells (RBCs) are caught in the process of throm-
lapping lattice by associating one with the other (Figure 7, bus formation and contribute to the mass of the thrombus. Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   299

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It is believed that factors II, VII, IX, and X interact with the
surface of the platelet, localizing and concentrating the
events of secondary hemostasis (Figure 10). This changes
the events from 3 dimensions to 2 dimensions concen-
FIX FIXa + FVIII FIXa-FVIII trated on the platelet surface. In a sense, the surface of
the activated platelet provides a physical “stage” for the
FX FXa + FV FXa-FV formation of fibrin. As more and more fibrin is produced, the
fibrin lattice is formed, which contributes to the thrombus.
Prothrombin Thrombin Crosslinking of fibrin via FXIIIa provides increased and nec-

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“Feed-forward” =Thrombin essary strength to maintain hemostasis.
Fibrinogen Fibrin
Regulation of Coagulation

The regulation of coagulation is essential to prevent both

bleeding and pathologic thrombi. Examples of pathologic
Figure 8  thrombi are deep venous thrombi (DVT) in the legs and pel-
The actions of thrombin are detailed in this figure (large arrows). vis, and atrial thrombi that can occur in the setting of atrial
This figure also explains the role of thrombin in the conversion of fibrillation. The danger posed by DVT is thromboembolism
FXI to FXIa, which explains the role of FXI in normal hemostasis. to the lung producing a potentially fatal pulmonary embo-
FVa is more active than FV. FVIIIa is more active than FVIII. FXIII is
lism (PE). The danger posed by an atrial thrombus is throm-
fibrin-stabilizing factor.
boembolism to the brain producing acute ischemic stroke.

Therefore, very severe anemia might impair normal hemo- In the modern world, where death from hypovolemic shock
stasis. Additional clinical manifestations of defects in sec- is unusual, the most common causes of death involve
ondary hemostasis include bruising, soft tissue hematomas, pathologic or physiologic thrombi. PE and thromboembolic
and, in children, hemarthrosis. stroke are consequences of pathologic thrombi, whereas
thrombosis of a medium-sized artery is the expected (phys-
Tertiary Hemostasis iologic) consequence of the fracture of an atherosclerotic
plaque in a coronary or cerebral artery. Although hyperco-
Tertiary hemostasis begins with the action of FXIIIa agulability can contribute to atherosclerosis and accen-
crosslinking D domains of adjacent fibin monomers in the tuate thrombus formation, the major pathologic process
lattice forming a polyfibrin meshwork (Figure 9). This adds in coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and
to the strength of the thrombus preventing short-term dis- peripheral vascular disease is the endothelial pathology of
solution of the thrombus. The later stages of tertiary hemo- the atherosclerotic plaque. In a sense, thrombus formation
stasis conclude with the resolution of the thrombus. following rupture of an atherosclerotic plague is expected
and physiologic. Unfortunately, this “physiologic” thrombus
Temporally, primary hemostasis and secondary hemostasis formation can lead to acute ischemia or infarction.
actually occur concurrently. Furthermore, the events of pri-
mary hemostasis and secondary hemostasis interact in the To understand the balance between bleeding and throm-
bosis, we now review the factors that prevent excessive
formation of the thrombus. To understand this interaction,
thrombus formation. The continuous flow of blood through
recall that factors II, VII, IX and X are vitamin K-dependent
arteries, capillaries, and veins modulates the time allowed
factors. The role of vitamin K is to assist in the addition of
for the interaction of the blood and the endothelium. Stasis
gamma carboxylate groups to glutamic acids in the GLA
predisposes to thrombosis; flow opposes thrombosis. The
domains of these factors. Gamma carboxylation is neces- vascular endothelium creates a physical barrier between
sary for proper synthesis of the factor and proper function the blood and subendothelial collagen and TF. This pre-
of the synthesized factors. Without adequate levels of vents thrombus formation in the absence of endothelial
vitamin K, the synthesis of these factors is reduced and the injury. Normal endothelium also produces prostacyclin,
function of the synthesized factors is also reduced. which inhibits platelets (Figure 11). Therefore prostacyclin

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Fibrin lattice without polymerization





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Fibrin lattice with polymerization

Figure 9 
The top image shows the noncrosslinked fibrin lattice. Via FXIIIa, D and E domains become crosslinked, adding strength to the thrombus
(bottom image).

Fibrinogen Fibrin


Subendothelial cell

Figure 10 
Primary hemostasis and secondary hemostasis occur concurrently and do interact. This drawing depicts the binding of factors VIIa, IX/IXa,
X/Xa, and II/IIa to cell surfaces, localizing secondary hemostasis to a 2-dimensional framework, allowing active clotting factors to become

provides a counterbalance to the stimulatory effects of TxA2 While thrombin is an extremely powerful and important
produced by activated platelets. procoagulant factor at the beginning of thrombus forma-
tion, later in this process, thrombin becomes a relative
Expressed on endothelial surfaces, HS activates AT to anticoagulant when it binds to a normal endothelial
impair thrombus formation (Figure 11). The action of AT plasma membrane protein termed “thrombomodulin”
is to impair thrombin and FX, and, to a lesser extent, FIX (Figure 12). The binding of thrombin to thrombomod-
and FXI. Physicians take advantage of the actions of AT ulin extinguishes the procoagulant action of thrombin
when heparin is therapeutically administered. During ongo- and initiates its anticoagulant action. Thrombin-
ing coagulation, at least 3 further processes can prevent thrombomodulin activates PC producing activated PC
excessive thrombosis: 1) the activation of protein S, 2) the (APC). APC plus protein S (PS) inactivates FVa and
release of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and 3) the FVIIIa. It is worth noting that thrombin stimulates the
release of TFPI. formation FVa and FVIIIa early in coagulation, whereas, Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   301

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Prostacyclin (–)

AT activation


Figure 11 
Hemostatic balance is provided by the barrier action of endothelial cells, endothelial cell production of prostacyclin, which inhibits platelets,
and heparin sulfate that activates antithrombin.

later in coagulation, thrombin triggers inactivation of FVa keep ­coagulation running until a factor is exhausted or the
and FVIIIa. ­process is otherwise inhibited (eg, by the actions of AT and
APC plus PS).
The release of tPA from injured tissues may be inter-
preted as “tissues requiring perfusion despite the pos- In Vitro Coagulation
sibility of hemorrhage.” tPA catalyzes the conversion of
plasminogen to plasmin (Figure 12). Plasmin degrades We now explore coagulation in vitro, beginning with a discus-
the crosslinked fibrin strands, producing a variety of sion of 3 pathways: 1) intrinsic, 2) common, and 3) extrinsic
fibrin-split (or degradation) products. One of these (Table 5). The intrinsic pathway is initiated when fresh whole
products is the D-dimer subunit that was earlier formed blood is placed in a glass tube. The negative charge of the
during FXIIIa-initiated fibrin crosslinking. In early tertiary glass initiates the contact pathway, converting factor XII
hemostasis, FXIIIa normally catalyzes the crosslinking of (FXII) to FXIIa. FXIIa then converts prekallikrein (PK; bound
D-domains between adjacent fibrin monomers present to high molecular weight kininogen [HMWK]) to kallikrein (K).
in the nascent lattice. An elevation in plasma (or serum) Kallikrein in turn converts more FXII to FXIIa, triggering a pos-
D-dimers is evidence of thrombus formation and subse- itive feedback loop for further generation of FXIIa (Figure 14).
quent thrombus breakdown. Not shown in Figure 12 is FXIIa catalyzes the conversion of FXI to FXIa (Figure 15).
alpha-2 antiplasmin, a normal plasma protein that inhibits
plasmin. As in the in vivo pathway, FXIa cleaves FIX to FIXa (Figure
15). Thereafter an Xase develops (FIXa plus FVIII or FVIIIa)
Lastly, TFPI is a physiological “brake” on the activity cleaving FX to FXa and the process continues as described
of TF-FVIIa (Figure 13). However even if the activity of for the in vivo events leading to the formation of thrombin
the TF-FVIIa complex is extinguished by TFPI, the feed-­ and fibrin. In summary the intrinsic pathway (named such
forward loop of thrombin converting FXI to FXIa, etc, will because blood will intrinsically clot when added to a glass

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tPA Plasminogen

FVa Inactive

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Figure 12 
In the later stages of coagulation, thrombin (FIIa) binds to thrombomodulin. This quenches the procoagulant actions of thrombin.
Furthermore, thrombin now acquires the ability to activate protein C (forming APC). APC plus protein S inactive FVa and FVIIIa inhibiting
further thrombin generation. Injured cells release tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). tPA converts plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin degrades
cross-linked fibrin (eg, fibrinolysis) releasing fibrin degradation products such as D-dimers (not shown).

Table 5. In Vitro Pathways: Plasma Proteins
Start here
FXI FXIa TF FVIIa TF + FVII Intrinsic pathway
  Prekallikrein (PK)
FIX FIXa + FVIIIa FIXa-FVIIIa   High molecular weight kininogen (HMWK)
FX FXa + FVa FXa-FVa
Prothrombin Thrombin Extrinsic pathway
Common pathway
Fibrinogen Fibrin  FX
  FII (prothrombin)
  FI (fibrinogen)

Figure 13 
An overview of in vivo coagulation and the inhibitor role of tissue-
and I (fibrinogen), essentially identical to the events involv-
pathway-factor inhibitor.
ing factors X, V, II, and I that occur in vivo.

tube) includes PK, HMWK, and factors XII, XI, IX and VIII. The extrinsic pathway is triggered when tissue factor, phos-
The common pathway includes factors X, V, II (prothrombin), pholipid, and calcium are added to plasma anticoagulated Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   303

DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmw049

Coagulation Testing


FXIIa FXII Clinical tests of coagulation are functional assays that evalu-
ate the rate of clot formation from the time that the coagula-
tion cascade is activated. These tests are commonly used to
identify defects of the extrinsic, intrinsic, and final common
Positive feedback loop pathways of the coagulation cascade so that more advanced
testing can be done to identify specific defects. The PT,
Figure 14 

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aPTT, TT, and fibrinogen measurements are commonly used
The contact pathway is outlined that initiates the in vitro intrinsic to detect abnormalities of secondary hemostasis. The meas-
pathway. urement of fibrinogen is commonly used to detect fibrinogen
deficiencies and defects in the fibrinogen activity of plasma.
with citrate. In essence, to make citrated plasma clot,
extrinsic factors must be added. In vitro, FVII is activated to Prothrombin Time
FVIIa and TF-FVIIa preferentially converts FX to Fxa, acti-
PT measures the function of the extrinsic and final common
vating the common pathway. In contrast in vivo, the major
pathways of coagulation (Figure 15). Dr. Armand Quick,
action of TF-FVIIa is to convert FIX to FIXa.
an American physician, described the test in 1935. The PT
In Vitro Pathways and Clotting Factor Tests is sensitive to factors of the extrinsic (FVII) and common
(factors II, V and X) pathways as well as fibrinogen (Table 5).
As we discusse below, the activated partial thromboplastin The PT is commonly used to monitor warfarin anticoagu-
time (aPTT; including the intrinsic and common pathways) lant therapy. This is often performed as a point of care test.
is triggered when a negatively charged substance (eg, Very high levels of heparin, high levels of antiphospholipid
silica, kaolin, celite, or elargic acid), partial thromboplas- antibodies and elevated levels of fibrin split products may
tin (aka phospholipid) and calcium are added to citrated prolong the PT (Table 6).
plasma. The aPTT consists of the intrinsic and common
pathways. The PT is performed as a 1-stage (quick) assay. The
patient’s plasma is added to a pre-warmed commercial
The prothrombin time (PT; including the extrinsic [TF and thromboplastin/CaCl2 reagent. The thromboplastin/CaCl2
FVII] and common pathways) is triggered when complete is pre-warmed to enhance the activation of the enzymatic
thromboplastin (aka phospholipid plus tissue factor) and coagulation factors. Sodium citrate is the preferred anti-
calcium are added to citrated plasma. The PT consists of coagulation for patient sample collection. This places the
the extrinsic and common pathways. Both the PT and aPTT coagulation cascade in a state of stasis until testing can be
are recorded in seconds. These tests detect the generation performed. The addition of calcium chloride restores the
of fibrin, which causes a change in resistance, light scatter- calcium required for coagulation and effectively replaces
ing, or viscosity of the sample. Neither the PT nor the aPTT the calcium that was bound by sodium citrate. The result-
include the events of early tertiary hemostasis: FXIII activity ing clot formation is detected by increased impedance or
causing fibrin covalent crosslinking is not included in the PT turbidity (mechanical clot detection) or decreased optical
or aPTT measurements. Therefore, people with FXIII defi- clarity (optical clot detection), based on the instrumentation
ciency have normal PT and aPTT (and thrombin time [TT]) used. The time to clot formation is then measured to the
values. nearest 0.1 second. The reference interval for the PT is gen-
erally 10 to 13 seconds and varies with the type of thrombo-
Upon reviewing the in vivo events, considering the in vitro plastin used in the testing procedure and the method of clot
extrinsic and intrinsic pathways, the in vivo activation of detection.
FIX to FIXa by TF-FVIIa constitutes a crossover pathway
between the in vitro extrinsic pathway (TF+FVIIa) and the in Several point-of-care instruments are available for PT
vitro intrinsic pathway (FIX and FVIII) (Figure 16). testing. Amperometric (electrochemical) clot detection

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Common pathway

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Prothrombin (FII) Thrombin (FIIa)

Fibrinogen (FI) Fibrin (FIa)

Figure 15 
The aPTT includes the intrinsic and common pathways. The PT includes the extrinsic and common pathways.

Table  6. Causes of Prolongation of the
Prothrombin Time (PT)
“Crossover” pathway
Deficiencies, dysfunction or inhibition of factors VII, X, V, II (prothrombin)
and/or I (fibrinogen)
Liver failure
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Elevated fibrin degradation products
FIX FIXa + FVIII Vitamin K deficiency or antagonist
Heparin (high doses)
Lupus anticoagulant (high levels)*
FX FXa + FV *An uncommon cause of an increased PT

Prothrombin Thrombin International Normalized Ratio (INR)

Prior to the development of commercial thromboplas-
Fibrinogen Fibrin tins, individual laboratories somewhat crudely prepared
thromboplastin using a variety of techniques and animal
Figure 16 
sources, most often brain tissue. These preparations
In vivo, a cross-over pathway normally exists where TF-FVIIa (of the differed widely in their sensitivity to decreased levels of
extrinsic pathway) activates FIX to FIXa (of the intrinsic pathway).
clotting factors. Commercial preparations of thromboplas-
tin are derived from a variety of tissue sources, including
system after the activation of coagulation with human rabbit brain, rabbit brain-lung mixtures, human placenta,
recombinant thromboplastin is the basis of the CoaguChek and recombinant human tissue sources. The relative differ-
(Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) instrumentation. The ences in the sensitivity of commercial thromboplastin rea-
Hemachron Signature Elite (Accriva Diagnostics San Diego, gents are indicated by the International Sensitivity Index
CA) uses a mechanical-optical method to detect a true (ISI). The World Health Organization (WHO) thromboplastin
end-point clot. is assigned an ISI of 1.0. Commercial thromboplastins are Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   305

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calibrated using the WHO standard and assigned an ISI testing process, resulting in an increase in the PT. The anti-
value to indicate their relative sensitivity. A commercial coagulant should be adjusted, according to the patient’s
thromboplastin with a low ISI, near 1.0, is very sensitive hematocrit, prior to collection to prevent false elevation
to the presence or absence of functional clotting factors. of the PT. Similarly, underfilled tubes in other patients can
A low ISI thromboplastin will be more useful in the detec- result in prolongation of the PT. Severe anemia has not been
tion of clotting factor deficiencies, in the extrinsic and demonstrated to commonly interfere with the PT.
common pathways, than a thromboplastin with a high
ISI. The ISI also is specific for the instrument used for PT If heparin is present in the patient sample, in addition to
testing. warfarin, then the PT will reflect the combined effect of
heparin and warfarin. Heparin can be either be removed or

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The PT is commonly used to monitor anticoagulation with neutralized, prior to testing, to improve test accuracy.
warfarin therapy, which antagonizes vitamin K. The sensitiv-
ity of the PT varies according to the source of thromboplas- Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
tin, but the assay also varies according to the instrument
used. To correct for these differences, the international nor- aPTT is used to evaluate the intrinsic and common path-
malized ratio (INR) was developed to improve standardiza- ways of coagulation (Table 5; Figure 15). The aPTT is useful
clinically as a screening test for inherited and acquired fac-
tion of PT reporting globally. The INR represents the PT ratio
tor deficiencies as well as to monitor unfractionated heparin
that would be obtained if the international reference throm-
therapy, although the anti-Xa assay (see below) is the pre-
boplastin had been used to test the patient. The INR is cal-
ferred measure of the effects of unfractionated heparin.
culated by plotting the logarithms of PT results obtained on
normal individuals and patients on warfarin using a primary
The assay was originally developed as a modification of the
international reference thromboplastin, against the results
PT. The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) was described by
the logarithms of PT results obtained using the testing labo-
Langdell, Wagner, and Brinkous in 1953 at the University of
ratory’s thromboplastin. The resulting slope of the compar-
North Carolina. When thromboplastin was added to the PT,
ison is the ISI for the particular thromboplastin-instrument
available at the time, the plasma from hemophiliac patients
combination. The PT ratio is derived by dividing the patient
clotted as rapidly as normal plasma. By altering the thrombo-
PT result by the geometric mean normal PT for the testing
plastin used in the assay, Langdell and his associates were
laboratory, raised to the power of the ISI of the thrombo-
able to develop an assay that was sensitive to the defect in
plastin/instrument combination used in the assay.
hemophiliac plasma. The altered thromboplastin or partial
ISI thromboplastin was prepared by ultracentrifugation of tissue
INR =(patient PT in seconds / mean normal PT in seconds)
extracts. In 1961, Rapaport and colleagues described the
The ISI must be specified for each new lot of thromboplas- addition of kaolin to stabilize and shorten the PTT, which maxi-
tin, in addition to identifying the laboratory instrument used mally activates plasma. This assay was described as the aPTT.
for PT testing.
Current commercial aPTT reagents contain a partial thromo-
Preanalytical Variables plastin, which is a contact activator and a platelet phospholipid
substitute. Thromboplastins, such as cephalin or phosphatide,
Factor VII can be activated by prolonged cold storage (4ºC are combined with a contact activator such as kaolin, clite,
or lower). Therefore, PT results can be shortened with pro- micronized silica and ellagic acid, which eliminate the variability
longed plasma storage. associated with glass activators. A platelet phospholipid sub-
stitute is included in commercial aPTT reagents as well to elimi-
The PT is often prolonged with patients with polycythemia nate variability caused by altered platelet number or function.
as a result of the change in the ratio of the anticoagulant
to plasma. The blood to sodium citrate ratio is 9:1 for most The aPTT is performed by adding the commercial aPTT rea-
coagulation tests. Elevation in the polycythemic patient’s gent to the citrated patient plasma and incubating for several
hemoglobin concentration lowers the relative amount of minutes, which results in factor activation in the extrinsic and
plasma in the patient’s blood, resulting in a relative increase common pathways. Calcium chloride is added, resulting in
in the anticoagulant in the collection tube. The increase clotting with the time from activation to clot detection meas-
in citrate binds the CaCl2 added to the system during the ured in tenths of seconds. The aPTT reference interval will

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Table 7. Causes of Prolongation of the aPTT Table 8. Causes of a Prolonged TT

Deficiencies, dysfunction or inhibition of prekallikrein, high-molecular Congenital disorders
weight kininogen, factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II (prothrombin) and/or  Afibrinogenemia
I (fibrinogen)  Hypofibrinogenemia
Disseminated intravascular coagulation  Dysfibrinogenemia
Elevated fibrin degradation products Acquired disorders
Vitamin K deficiency or antagonists (high doses)*  Hypofibrinogenemia
Heparin   Liver disease
Lupus anticoagulant    Consumption (disseminated intravascular coagulation or
*The PT is the more sensitive test for vitamin K deficiency or antagonists
thrombolytic therapy)

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  Liver disease
  Hepatic malignancy
  Elevated fibrin-degradation products
Thrombin   Pharmacologic thrombin inhibitors (eg, heparin, dabigatran)
  Thrombin-induced anti-thrombin antibodies
Fibrinogen Fibrin

Figure 17 
cascade (Figure 17). The TT was first developed by Jim and
In the measurement of the thrombin time, thrombin and calcium are
Goldfein in 1957. It is used clinically to detect hypofibrino-
added to citrated plasma. The time to the appearance of a clot in
genemia, dysfibrinogenemia (abnormal fibrinogens), and the
the reaction tube is measured to tenths of a second.
presence of thrombin inhibitors, such as certain therapeutic
drugs (eg, heparin) and antibodies (Table 8).
vary according to the type of instrumentation, anticoagulant,
tube type, reagent type and reagent lot. The TT measures the time for clot formation when thrombin
is added to citrated plasma and is measured in tenths of
Pre-analytic variables seconds similar to the PT and aPTT. Thrombin catalyzes
the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, in the last stage of
Pre-analytic variables that may affect the aPTT include
the final clot formation, by cleaving fibrinopeptides A and
difficult venipuncture, which leads to in vivo activation of
B. Polymerization of fibrin to from a clot occurs. By adding
the extrinsic pathway and results in a shortened aPTT. Of
exogenous thrombin, the phospholipid-dependent pathways
interest, a persistently shortened aPTT result with repeat
(extrinsic, intrinsic, and common) are bypassed. Sources
venipuncture may be a risk factor for hypercoagulability.
of reagent thrombin include human and bovine sources,
which vary in thrombin concentration and heparin sensitivity.
Prolongation of the aPTT may result when blood is obtained
Lower concentrations of thrombin are more sensitive to hep-
from intravenous catheters that have been flushed with hep-
arin, dysfibrinogenemias, and other abnormalities than are
arin. In order to prevent heparin contamination of the sam-
preparations containing higher amounts of thrombin. The TT
ple, an initial volume of blood is typically discarded. Other
normal reference interval will thus vary according to the type
medications, if infused in the same catheter as a blood
and concentration of the thrombin preparation used in the
sample for the aPTT is obtained, may have variable effects
assay and must be established by the testing laboratory.
on the aPTT results. Similar to the PT, aPTT results may be
adversely prolonged by alterations of the ratio of blood to
Preanalytic Variables
anticoagulant in polycythemic patients or with underfilled
blood tubes, leading to an excess of anticoagulant. Causes Reagents containing bovine thrombin may result in elevated
of a prolonged aPTT are listed in Table 7. TTs in patients who develop bovine thrombin antibodies,
often following exposure to topical hemostatic agents. The
Thrombin Time TT may be prolonged in patients receiving thrombin inhibi-
tors, such as hirudins, or in patients with elevated fibrin-deg-
The TT is used to evaluate the conversion of fibrin to fibrin- radation products (FDPs). The presence of FDPs inhibits the
ogen, in the final common pathway of the coagulation conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. The TT is sensitive to the Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   307

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presence of heparin and is often used to screen samples clot formation. Hyperbilirubinemia and hyperlipidemia
with a prolonged aPTT result for heparin contamination. High are 2 such conditions that can result in increased plasma
levels of immunoglobulin paraproteins can interfere with turbidity.
fibrin formation and result in prolongation of the TT.
Very high concentrations of unfractionated heparin may lead
Tests to Measure Fibrin Formation to underestimation of the true fibrinogen level.

Fibrin formation can be evaluateted by the fibrinogen assay Reptilase Time

and the reptilase time.
The reptilase time is similar to the TT except that snake

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Fibrinogen Assay venom is used to activate the coagulation cascade.
Snake venom, from Bothrops atox, a South American pit
Activation of fibrinogen by thrombin leads to the formation viper, contains reptilase, an enzyme that is thrombin-like
of an effective clot. Fibrinogen assays are useful for the in nature and hydrolyzes fibrinopeptide A from intact
diagnosis of hypofibrinogenemia, dysfibrinogenemia, dis- fibrinogen molecules, in contrast with thrombin, which
seminated intravascular coagulation, primary fibrinolysis, cleaves fibrinopeptides A and B from fibrinogen. The
and other clinical conditions. Several fibrinogen assays resulting clot is weaker than a clot formed by the action
are available, including gravimetric, immunological (anti- of thrombin on fibrinogen. The advantage of the reptilase
gen-based), optical, and functional assays. time is that is not affected by the presence of heparin and
only minimally affected by fibrin-degradation products.
The Clauss assay is the most commonly performed fibrin-
The reptilase time is useful, when compared to the TT
ogen assay and is a modified TT. The assay uses diluted
for a given patient, to detect the presence of thrombin
plasma where clotting is initiated with a high concentration
of reagent thrombin. A calibration curve is plotted using
serial dilutions of a reference plasma standard. The test
plasma is diluted, incubated, and then phospholipid and
thrombin are added, followed by calcium. Timing begins
with the addition of calcium. The time taken for a clot to
form is compared to the reference plasma calibration curve Special Coagulation Studies
to derive the fibrinogen concentration (eg, mg/dL) of the
test sample. Most laboratories use an automated method Mixing Studies: The 1:1 Mix
in which the optical density of the mixture exceeds a deter-
mined threshold, as a means of clot detection. The mixing study assists in the assessment of an abnor-
mally prolonged PT or aPTT. An equal volume of citrated
Immunological mass assays are based on enzyme linked patient plasma is mixed with normal pooled plasma (NPP),
immunoabsorbant (ELISA), radial immunodiffusion and elec- and the PT or aPTT are repeated on the 1:1 mix. If the
trophoresis techniques. The immunological assays measure assay time corrects (ie, the clotting time is now within PT
protein (antigen) concentration rather than functional activ- or aPTT reference interval), the prolongation is likely due
ity. Discrepancy between the fibrinogen activity and antigen to either single or multiple clotting factor deficiencies or
level are characteristic of dysfibrinogenemias. dysfunctions. In contrast, the presence of inhibitors in the
specimen will result in a lack of correction following mix-
Gravimetric assays are performed by adding thrombin and
ing of the patient plasma and the NPP. Even if the result
calcium to dilute patient plasma. The resultant clot is com-
decreases significantly, but the clotting time is still above
pressed to extrude plasma and unused reagent, dried and
the reference interval, it is deemed a lack of correction.
weighed. This assay is technically difficult.
Inhibitors include heparin, direct-acting oral anticoagulants
Preanalytical Variables and autoantibodies directed against coagulation factors
or autoantibodies directed against phospholipid-binding
Increased turbidity of patient plasma may produce falsely proteins such as occurs in the antiphospholipid syndrome
low results for assays that use optical density to detect (APLS).

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Factor Activity Assays gastrointestinal tract. Hemarthroses (seen in congenital

hemophilia) are rare. Although FVIII activity is low, the
These assays are most commonly performed as a 1-stage bleeding often appears out of proportion to the reduced
assay. An essential component of the assay is a factor-de- FVIII level. There is some association with other autoim-
ficient substrate plasma that lacks the specific factor being mune diseases, as well as with lymphoproliferative disor-
evaluated. ders and solid tumors. However, such associations are not
seen in every case.
1. The patient’s citrated plasma is diluted 1:10, 1:20, and
1:40. The diluted specimen is then mixed 1 to 1 with the If a FVIII inhibitor is present, the aPTT will be prolonged
factor-deficient substrate plasma. The patient’s speci- with a normal PT, and FVIII activity will be low, especially

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men therefore supplies the missing factor. in acquired hemophila. The TT is normal as is the dilute
2. A PT or aPTT is performed on the above mix, depend- Russell viper venom time (dRVVT). The 1:1 aPTT mix either
ing on the factor being tested. For testing factors VIII shows no correction, or initially corrects, but then the clot-
and IX, for example, one would run an aPTT (intrinsic ting time prolongs after incubation for 1 to 2 hours at 37°C.
pathway and common pathway), while for a FVII assay, This later prolongation is the result of catalytic antibodies
a PT (extrinsic pathway and common pathway) would that degrade FVIII.
be performed.
3. The assay is calibrated using a standard reference It is important to measure the titer (concentration) of the
plasma with a known concentration of the factor being inhibitor. This is achieved by incubating the diluted patient
evaluated. plasma with NPP for two hours at 37°C (Figure 18). At the
4. A standard curve is plotted, with the factor concentra- end of the incubation, the residual FVIII activity in the mix
tions on the x-axis and the aPTT (or PT) clotting times is determined by comparing it with a similarly diluted and
on the y-axis. The x- and y-axes are usually displayed incubated control specimen. If the titer of the inhibitor is
as a semilog plot. 1 Bethesda unit (1 BU), the residual factor activity is 50%;
5. The standard curve is used to interpolate or translate at 2 BU, 25% activity remains; and 12.5% residual activity
the clotting times of the unknown specimen into spe- means that the titer is 3 BU. A titer less than 5 BU indicates
cific factor concentrations. that the inhibitor can be overcome by the administration of
additional FVIII. For higher titers (≥5 BU), this therapy is no
longer effective. At this point, therapy includes some type
Factor Inhibitors of bypassing agent. This may be either recombinant FVIIa
(Novoseven RT, Novo Nordisk Inc, Plainsboro, New Jersey)
Factor inhibitors are most commonly diagnosed in male or a prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC). The latter is a
patients with severe hemophilia A (FVIII deficiency) where 4-factor preparation. Factors II, IX, and X in the PCC prepa-
the inhibitors occur as a result of factor replacement ther- ration are mainly nonactivated, while factor VII is mostly
apy. The prevalence of FVIII inhibitors is about 10% to in the activated form. For adults with acquired hemophilia
15% in such patients. These inhibitors are alloantibodies A, an alternative therapy is a recombinant porcine Factor
that result from exposure to human FVIII in a setting of an VIII (Obizur, Baxalta Incorporated, Bannockburn, Illinois).
absence or near absence of endogenous FVIII. These anti- In addition to these alternative FVIII therapies or bypassing
bodies produce resistance to the replacement factor and agents, an important treatment is the introduction of immu-
may manifest as bleeding, despite adequate dosing of the nosuppression to reduce the antibody response against
factor. FVIII.

Factor inhibitors can also appear in the form of sponta- Specific Tests for Von Willebrand Disease
neous autoantibodies in individuals who were previously
well and had no prior bleeding problems. This is an auto- In von Willebrand disease (VWD), there is defective syn-
immune condition called acquired hemophilia. It is seen thesis or release of functional von Willebrand factor (VWF),
in both men and women who are often middle aged or which results in defective primary hemostasis. The con-
older. Acquired hemophilia is associated with very severe dition can be associated with decreased antigenic and
bleeding, usually within skin, soft tissue, muscles, and the functional activity (Types 1 and 3) or with a relatively normal Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   309

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Patient Normal plasma –
specimen + 100% FVIII
Loss of high and
intermediate molecular
weight multimers

Patient Normal plasma –

specimen 1:5 + 100% FVIII

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Patient Normal plasma –
specimen 1:10 100% FVIII Figure 19 
Schematic representation of von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimers
as illustrated by western blotting and VWF detection with VWF
antibodies. The distribution of VWF multimers is assessed by
Patient + Normal plasma – agarose gel electrophoresis, which separates the multimers
specimen 1:50 100% FVIII
according to their molecular weight, with the larger multimers being
at the top of the figure. The western blot on the right represents the
Figure 18  loss of those multimers that are essential to normal VWF function.

This is the basic setup for a Bethesda Inhibitor titer assay. Dilutions
of the patient specimen in buffer are shown on the left. These VWD are associated with the lack of intermediate and high
samples are mixed with an equal volume of normal pooled plasma. molecular weight multimers.
The mix is incubated at 37°C for 2 hours, and the residual factor
activity is determined relative to a control. The control (not shown) is von Willebrand antigen concentrations and/or activity
made by mixing the diluting buffer with an equal volume of normal
assays should be performed in tandem. When interpreting
plasma, and this is also incubated at 37°C for 2 hours.
results, one must be aware that individuals with blood group
O have the lowest mean VWF antigen levels as compared to
antigen concentration in the setting of reduced functional other blood groups (AB has the highest mean level). Other
activity (Type 2). ancillary tests include a FVIII activity determination because
low VWF is frequently associated with a low FVIII activity
Most coagulation laboratories can measure the plasma (VWF is the carrier protein for FVIII). If the FVIII activity is
concentration of VWF protein (VWF antigen) by an immu- sufficiently decreased, the aPTT may be prolonged.
noturbidimetric technique. Testing the functional activity
of VWF utilizes the drug ristocetin. Ristocetin facilitates
In summary, the laboratory workup for VWD should include
receptor (GPIb) and ligand (VWF) interaction in this agglu-
the following evaluations (von Willebrand Disease. Leebeek
tination (GPIIb-IIIa independent) reaction. VWF activity is
FW, Eikenboom JC):
determined by using patient’s plasma (the source of VWF)
in combination with formalin-fixed lyophilized platelets (the 1.  Platelet count
source of GPIb) and ristocetin. This procedure is called the 2. Platelet function analyzer-100 (PFA-100 or equivalent),
ristocetin cofactor activity. This is in contrast to ristoce- which tests the ability of platelets in flowing blood to
tin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA), which utilizes living obstruct an aperture in a collagen-coated cartridge
patient-derived platelets and patient plasma. The latter test 3. aPTT
is used in rare variants (Type 2B) that produce an unusually 4.  Factor VIII activity
brisk aggregation response in the presence of low concen- 5.  VWF antigen determination
trations of ristocetin. 6.  VWF activity determination (ristocetin cofactor activity
or additional collagen-binding activity)
The state of multimerization of VWF is important and is
7. VWF multimer analysis
assessed by electrophoresis on agarose gels (Figure 19).
Normal plasma produces an extended “ladder” of multim- The RIPA may be used in very selected cases where Type
ers including high molecular weight forms. Type 2A and 2B 2B VWD is suspected.

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No heparin With heparin

1) Reagent 1) Reagent
Synthetic chromogenic substrate Synthetic chromogenic substrate

2) Exogenous Xa FXa Heparin

FXa Release of No
colored product colored product

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Figure 20 
An outline of the anti-Xa assay which can be adapted to measure plasma concentrations of heparin, including unfractionated heparin, low
molecular weight heparin, and fondaparinux, an ultra-low molecular weight synthetic heparin. The basis for the assay is the cleavage of a
synthetic peptide by exogenous (ie, not from the specimen) FXa. This cleavage releases a colored product. In the presence of heparin and
antithrombin, the exogenous Xa is inhibited, as is the color development.

The Anti-Xa Assay The laboratory definition of the APLS requires the presence
of either an LA or a persistent titer of antiphospholipid anti-
Heparin activity in plasma can be directly assessed by a bodies. Persistent is defined as repeatedly positivity after a
chromogenic procedure commonly referred to as an anti-Xa minimum of 12 weeks interval between tests.
assay (Figure 3). Generally, the reaction mixture contains
exogenous FXa as well as a chromogenic substrate for FXa. Lupus Anticoagulant Testing
Some versions of the assay utilize the patient’s own AT,
while others supplement with exogenous AT. Irrespective, in One of the more commonly used LA assays is the dilute
both methods, heparin, present in the specimen, complexes Russell viper venom time (dRVVT) in which the common
with AT, and this complex inhibits FXa. Any residual FXa coagulation pathway is activated through the action of a
cleaves the synthetic chromogenic substrate, releasing a snake venom that converts FX to FXa. The advantage of the
yellow-colored chromophore (p-nitroaniline), which is read dRVVT is that it is not affected by hemophilia or by antibod-
optically at 405 nm. The amount of chromophore released ies to factors VIII and IX or by an elevated FVIII level.
is inversely proportional to the concentration of heparin
present. Results are expressed as units per mL of anti-Xa The dRVVT assay requires an initial baseline reaction
activity. The assay can be automated and can be used to (referred to as screening) followed by a confirmatory step
measure both unfractionated heparin and low molecular in which the reaction is supplemented by exogenous phos-
weight heparin, as well as fondaparinux when properly pholipid, revealing correction of the previously prolonged
calibrated. aPTT clotting time. A true LA effect is characterized by
shortening of the clotting time on phospholipid supplemen-
Testing for the Antiphospholipid Syndrome tation, while factor deficiencies are impervious to this step.
Many dRVVT reagents contain a cationic heparin neutralizer
The APLS is an acquired autoimmune phenomenon asso- that binds and inactivates unfractionated heparin when
ciated with an increased incidence of both venous and present in the therapeutic range.
arterial thromboses, as well as fetal loss or premature
birth. The diagnosis of this syndrome requires that both In order to assess if the clotting time of the confirmatory
clinical signs and laboratory features be met. Typically, step is shortened relative to the screening step, it is com-
there is a paradoxical prolongation of the aPTT in the mon practice to establish a ratio of screening-to-confirm
absence of any clinical features of bleeding. This is the times. These ratios are typically accepted as positive for
so-called lupus anticoagulant (LA) effect. Most often, the a lupus anticoagulant effect if they are greater than 1.2.
prolonged aPTT does not correct on a 1:1 mix; however, it Recently, this approach has been modified by several
is not that uncommon to encounter correction in the pres- national and international organizations. The important
ence of a weak LA. modification is that both the screening and confirm times Lab Medicine 2017;48;295–313   311

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themselves be converted to normalized ratios by dividing

the dilute Russell viper venom clotting time of the unmodi-
fied patient specimen by that of normal plasma. FXa Thrombin (FIIa)

Antiphospholipid antibodies are those antibodies that inter- Direct Xa

act with phospholipid-binding proteins or phospholipids inhibitors
A1 A2
themselves (eg, cardiolipin, which is present primarily in s

mitochondrial inner membrane). International guidelines FVa

s Direct
recommend detection of either IgG or IgM antibodies to C1 thrombin

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cardiolipin (aCL) or to beta-2 glycoprotein I (aβ2GP1). inhibitors
Antiphospholipid antibodies are identified by ELISA. The GLa
specimen from the patient is added to the ELISA well, and if
the appropriate antibodies are present, they will bind to the
Figure 21 
target antigen coating the well. The laboratory definition of
antiphospholipid syndrome requires that a significant titer of On the left, is the factor Xa/Va prothrombinase complex. Direct Xa
aCL or aβ2GP1 persist for at least 12 weeks. International inhibitors block the action of FXa without the need for antithrombin.
Direct factor Xa inhibitors are able to inhibit free, prothrombinase-
guidelines recommend that positive antibody titers are
bound (as shown here), and clot-associated FXa. Thrombin (FIIa)
titers above the 99th percentile of the population reference
is shown on the right. The direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs) inhibit
interval. thrombin without the need for antithrombin.

Direct-Acting and Novel Anticoagulants

TT. This differs from the standard TT because the specimen is
The direct-acting novel, oral anticoagulants (DOACs or diluted 1:4 in normal plasma prior to being assayed.
NOACs) are intended to replace warfarin as orally admin-
istered agents. There are two broad classes of DOACs Qualitatitive, or noncalibrated, assays are best used for their
(Figure 21): 1) the oral direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs), such negative predictive value. Firstly, for dabigatran there is the
as dabigatran; and 2) the oral direct factor Xa inhibitors, standard TT measurement. A normal TT can be used to
such as rivaroxaban and apixaban. Therapeutic monitoring exclude the presence of an oral direct thrombin inhibitor. For
is usually not necessary; however, in certain circumstances rivaroxaban and apixiban, one can use a heparin-calibrated
monitoring becomes vital, including in patients with renal anti-Xa assay designed for measuring either unfractionated
impairment, patients with significant bleeding, patients with or low molecular weight heparin. An anti-Xa value of less than
extremes of body weight, and when there is apparent 0.1 u/mL excludes the presence of rivaroxaban and apixaban.
treatment failure.
The PT and aPTT are variably affected by the NOACs and
There are 2 broad groups of laboratory assays: 1) quantita- generally unhelpful in monitoring their concentrations.
tive assays designed to monitor plasma concentrations of Most importantly, a normal PT or aPTT does not exclude
the drug; and 2) qualitative, or noncalibrated, assays, which the presence of any of the NOACs. In general, dabigatran
can indicate if the drug is present or absent in a plasma prolongs the aPTT more than the PT; the opposite is true
sample. for rivaroxaban, where the PT is the test that is mostly pro-
longed; however, this depends on the PT reagent in use.
All of these direct-acting medications can be measured
quantitatively by liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Summary
Such analytical methods are time consuming and not easily
transferrable to the majority of clinical diagnostic laboratories. Appropriate test ordering and interpretation are based on a
Furthermore, quantitative therapeutic ranges are not well thorough understanding of normal and pathologic coagula-
established. Quantitative measurements of the direct Xa inhib- tion, and the similarities and differences between in vivo and
itors are possible using anti-Xa chromogenic assays calibrated in vitro coagulation. The basic tests used to assess coagu-
with either rivaroxaban or apixaban. For the direct thrombin lation include platelet count, PT, and aPTT. More sophisti-
inhibitors, the most practical quantitative assay is the dilute cated testing (Figure 20) is then undertaken depending on

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