Picking Process Through Mobile

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Internal Order Picking Process Through Mobile

Application: Warehouse Management

Process: Internal Order Picking Process through Mobile Device.

Objectives: This document explains how to pick allocated material against internal order through
Mobile Device.
Prerequisites: Before picking through mobile device,
 Internal Order must be pick released through Release Sales Order window.
 Tasks must have been assigned to picker or group of pickers through
Warehouse control Board

Internal Order Picking Process through Mobile Device

 Login with Picker’s User id and Password

 Navigate to: Whse Mgmt->Tasks->Directed Tasks->Outbound>Order Pick

Select organization.

1 Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

Internal Order Picking Process Through Mobile

Choose Eqp/Sun window will appear.

In Choose Eqp/Sub Window:-

Done: - Press Done to receive task on mobile device.

2 Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

Internal Order Picking Process Through Mobile

Once Done button pressed, then following window will appear with current task to pick:-

In Load window:-

Click (press Cntr+A) on Attachment button to view attachment associated with Order if

Skip Task:-
Click (press Cntr+S)on Skip Task button to skip current task.

Click (press Cntr+I) on info button to view information related to current task (E.g.
Order number)

Sub,Loc,Item and UOM: -

3 Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation
Internal Order Picking Process Through Mobile

Scan barcode stuck onto locator one time only, which will populate Sub-
inventory,Locator,item and UOM field.

Req Qty:-
Shows how much quantity needs to be picked.

If Item is Lot control, then following window will appear.

In Item Details Window:-

Lot Confirm:-
Enter Lot Number Manually or select from the list of value.

Lot Qty:-
Enter Lot Qty which has been actually picked.

4 Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

Internal Order Picking Process Through Mobile

Press done and following Xfer LPN filed will appear.

Xfer LPN:-
Press ctrl+G in Xfer LPN Field.

Press Load to complete loading of picked material into container (Xfer LPN) and
continue with other task for picking.

Load and Drop:-

Press Load and Drop to complete loading of picked material into container (Xfer LPN)
and dropping same container (Xfer LPN) into staging sub-inventory.

5 Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

Internal Order Picking Process Through Mobile

Dropping of Current picked material into staging area can be achieved through:-

 Press Load and Drop Button (On Load Window) or

 Press Load and Navigate to below path to manually drop loaded LPNs ( Container) :-
Navigation: Whse Mgmt->Task->Directed Tasks->Directed Move->Drop loaded LPNs

Following window will appear.

Press Done to complete Dropping of LPN to Stage Subinventory.

6 Evosys/ARH WMS and MSCA Implementation

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