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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫حضرة الدكتور ‪ /‬ة ‪ .......................................................‬المحترم ‪ /‬ة‬

‫بالنظر لمكانتكم العلمية نضع بين أيديكم ألكريمة إستبانة ألبحث الموسوم‪:‬‬
‫تقييم المعارف طالب التمريض حول سوء استخدامات المضادات الحيوية لدى‬
‫طالب كلية التمريض في مدينة كركوك‬
‫‪Assessing the knowledge of Nursing Students about the Misuses’ of‬‬
‫‪Antibiotics Among Students of the College of Nursing in Kirkuk‬‬
‫فيما والتعديل فيها رأيكم وإبداء اإلستبانة فقرات على األطالع‪ T‬حضراتكم من أرجو‪.‬‬
‫مناسبآ‪............‬وتفضلوا بقبول وافر االحترام والتقدير‬
‫اسم الخبير ‪:‬‬
‫اللقب العلمي ‪:‬‬
‫االختصاص ‪:‬‬
‫مكان العمل ‪:‬‬
‫سنوات الخبرة ‪:‬‬

‫شياو كريم محمد‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫نياز كريم محي الدين‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫رحمة شورش عزيز‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫ريان ناظم حسن‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫بيالن توفيق‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫زريوة كمال‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
This nursing college students knowledge about antibiotic misusese\
University of Kirkuk:
Part1:demographic information date:
 Age: years

 Gender: Female Male

 Year of study: 1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level

 Type of study: Morning Evening

 Residence : Rural Urban

 Marital status: single Married Divorced widowed

 Did you had any lectures about antibiotics drug: yes No

This nursing college students knowledge about antibiotic misusese\
University of Kirkuk:
1 - Information on the use of antibiotics:

N Items I know I don’t Not sure

1. Some effects may be dangerous to the
patient’s health and should not be neglected.

2. The patient should be check the expiry date

of the antibiotic,as taking the antibiotic after
the expiry date poses a serious risk to the
patient’s health .
3. After the expiration date,it turns into a toxic
substance that causes serious kidney
injuries,for example tetracycline drugs.
4. it has become necessary for the pregnant or
breastfeeding woman when dispensing the
antibiotic to tell the doctor or pharmacist.
5. When dispensing the drug in the form of
capsules,it must be swallowed whole and not
open or chew the contents,because this
affects the absorption of the drug and its
6. The patient should not insist on the
attending physician or pharmacist to
dispense the antibiotic becacuse antibiotics
are only used in the case of bacterial
infections only.
7. The patient must complete the prescribed
period of treatment, and treatment should
not be stopped when the health condition
improves health.
8. It is best for a patient who is being treated
with an antibiotic not to expose their skin to
9. it is essential for pregnant or breastfeeding
women Dispensing an antibiotic and
confirming that you tell your doctor or
Pharmacist not to misuse the antibiotic.
10. The use of antibiotics that negatively affects
the patient's life.
And on the patient.
11. Using antibiotics that have no equal to a

12. In the event of a previous allergy to an

antibiotic, The patient must inform the
doctor or pharmacist about this.
13. A sensitivity test for this antibiotic should be
done before use Eat it.
2- Information on antibiotic misuse

N Items I agree I don’t Not sure

1. If one feels better after completing a course of
antibiotics Partially vital, he cannot finish
treatment immediately.
2. Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics.

3. Misuse of antibiotics negatively affects life the


4. Antibiotics often cause side effects such


5. Antibiotics may cause negative effects on

plants bacteria in the body.

6. People can become resistant to antibiotics

Use a long time.

7. Antibiotic resistance can spread from animals

to humans.
8. Resistance can spread from person to person.

9. In the event of a previous allergy to an

antibiotic If the patient is ill, it is not
important to inform the doctor
or pharmacist.
10. A sensitivity test for this antibiotic must be
done before eat it or use it.

11. Excessive use of antibiotics has serious harm

on the patient's health.

12. How and how often to take antibiotic

medication No cause any problem.
3 - Information on the use and action of antibiotics

N items I know I don’t Not sure

1. Antibiotics are effective for viral
2. Antibiotics are effective in treating
3. Antibiotics are effective for sore
4. Antibiotics are effective for common
5. Antibiotics are the same as over the
counter medicines
for infections.
6. We will have very few antibiotics to
use In the future if we don't use
antibiotics properly correct.
7. The more people use antibiotics, the
more Bacterial infections are more
difficult to treat.
8. Newer antibiotics are always more
effective of the old antibiotics.
9. Infusion is the best way to give
10. Antibiotics can cause allergic
reactions that lead to death.
11. injuries caused by misuse of
antibiotics ill
12. Misuse of antibiotics is a behavior

13. Have you been to see the doctors?

Self-treatment You haven't done
anything Prescribed with repeated
antibiotics is helpful.
14. Treat yourself with antibiotics and
take them easy saved in the dorm
15. bought antibiotics without
prescriptions ordered Very natural.
16. students know the disadvantages
and harms of antibiotics

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