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Table of content

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of CBTP Phase II
1.3 Objective of CBTP phase II
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Revision of CBTP Phase I
1.6 The problems identified in CBTP phase I
1.7 Prioritized problems in CBTP Phase I
2.1Project One
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 objectives of the project General objective Specific objective
2.1.3 Major activities of the project one
2.1.4 Strategies of the project
2.1.6 Responsibilities of the concerned bodies
2.1.7 Resources needed for the project
2.2 Project Two
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Objective of the project General Objectives Specific Objectives
2.2.3 Activities
2.2.4 Strategies of project two
2.2.5 Target Group
2.2.6 Responsible Bodies and their Responsibility
2.2.7 Resource Needed
2.2.8 The expected outcome of the project
3.1 Study area
3.2 Sampling technique
3.3 Method of data collection
3.4 Source of data
Conclusion Recommendation and Limitations
4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Recommendation
4.3 Limitation of the study

The main objectives of this CBTP is to dig out the problem identified in CBTP
phase I and taking action to solve these identified problems. We had identified
many problems in Gebreal Kebele through our investigation in CBTP phase one
last month. Having that stands we considered these problems to solve and to take
action in such cases. The study also contains action plans, prioritized problems,
recommendation and conclusion for phase I problems.
Finally, the study identifies the problems and targets their solutions with
responsible bodies and the recommendation for the problems that have no short run
solution is also identified. Action plans are taken place with, to solve problems of
the society. Both solved and unsolved problems are all considered and included in
CBTP phase two.
The Community Based Program (CBTP) is the recently developed
philosophy that stated and applied in Jimma University. It tries to equalize
theoretical education in to practical one by identifying social problem (in phase I)
and seek for solution through action plan (in phase II).
It involved identifying the communities’ problems and developing possible action
plans for identified and prioritized problems and give guide line for implementing
a community-oriented problems.
CBTP is conducted to enable students to assess the real world and Enable students
in general and participants in particular
Enable them to have active Learning and Plough out the problem of the
community, seeking possible solution for the identified problems.
Integrating the student’s sprit of love and encourage them to work for the society.
Improve the awareness of the society on how to solve their income problem, how
to involve in societies investment even though they have some under developed
traditional way of saving.
Have good understanding on how to investigate the economic and social problems
which in turn help to exercise making research for any future careers.
1.2 Background of CBTP Phase Two
CBTP phase two is the continued part of the first phase. It is aimed to develop the
action plan for the prioritized problems that have been identified from CBTP phase
The projection designed strategies are developed, Action plan are formulated for
the solution of the problems
1.3 Objectives
The major objective of the second phase of CBTP is
 To put the feasible solution for the identified problems under the first phase,
 To inform the society problems to concerned body, especially to government
body that the issue is directly concerned and to different saving credit institution.
 To develop the feasible action plan.
 Make intervention in collaboration and announcing their problems to the
intended bodies


General Objectives of CBTP phase 2
 To solve the problems that are identified in phase one.
 Drawing of feasible action plan.
 To develop the skill and knowledge of students on drawing feasible action
plan to solve the identified problems by using locally available resources.
 To produce competent professionals who are responsive to the felt needs of
the community through development approach and contribute to improve the
livelihood of society by involving the community and stakeholders in
community development.
 To Produce professionals who are socially accountable and ensure lifelong
learning the community through integrating training, research and services
in the community.
Specific Objectives
 To make intervention in collaboration with community members,
government and non-government institutions.
 To update the data collected during phase one and to look for solution.
 To collect, analyze, and interpret development problems in order to plan
possible interventions.
 To produce competent professionals who are responsive to the felt needs of
 To redirect the learning approach into participatory, team learning by taking
into account the development needs of the community.
 To promote development through multidisciplinary and team approach.
 To undertake community-based research to identify and solve development
 To work with government and non- government organization and contribute
in improving the livelihood of the community.
 To ensure participatory development by involving the community in the
problem identification and solving process.
 To empower the community to address their development needs within local
resources and ensure sustainability of the development projects.


General Objectives

 The general objective of this study is to look for lasting solution for the
community’s problems as well as to make recommendation and suggestion
regarding the identified problems.

Specific Objectives

 Provide awareness for the community about saving and start up of new
 solving the financial problem of society.
 To make the community familiar with benefits of saving.
 To provide any interested users with depth knowledge of the area.
 To stimulate institutions that are responsible for the identified problems to
take corrective actions.
 To update the data collected during phase one.
 To show potential weakness and strength of the area’s economic
opportunities. It also serves as a stepping stone for further study.

1.4 The significance of the study

 It enables the society to be interconnected with higher education institutions
in which their problems are acknowledged by professionally support and
 It may help them in all aspects since CBTP philosophy is not limited to only
prioritizing economic areas but also in health, education level, legal
awareness, environmental issues and cultural.
 It help them to acquire knowledge and skills from educated students through
the awareness process.
Therefore, it is the critical philosophy in helping society in involving their living
1.5 Revision of CBTP phase 1
For the case of reminding under CBTP phase I that was conducted last semester,
our group tried to identify the demographic, economic, social and geographical
aspects of Kochi kebele.
Concerning the population structure of the study area i.e., mandara Kochi kebele
administration office, we identified the number of males 7999 or 50.28%and the
number of female 7910 or 49.72%.
According to educational status the literacy rate of mandara Kochi kebele is
relatively high. Around 90 % of population can write and read. only 10 % are
illiterate. So the kebele society has at least enough experience toward education.
The study confirms about the economic features of the area that almost

the majority of the people depend up on different jobs such as government
employee, service providers, merchants, and daily labors.
According to our study we investigate that the society of mandara Kochi kebele
follows different religions. The dominated religion of mandara Kochi kebele is
Christian, Islam and others. The leading one is Christian it accounts for 62.5%.
1.6 The problem identified in CBTP phase I
Last year as we had conducted the first phase we tried to identify and prioritized
the communities’ major problems on the Most of people who live in this area faced
economic problems of high unemployment, poor saving habit, lack of awareness
about promising sector for investment, lack of good governance, problems related
to investment, income insufficiency, absence of financial institution and
For the purpose of reviewing, due to their low income, saving level of the kebele
community is low. This may be due to many reasons, such as lack of awareness
about the usefulness of saving by sacrificing their present consumption due to low
income, lack of formal credit and finance association accessibility, capital shortage
to investment.
The second identified problem is related to employment opportunity. The people
by itself have basic problems on
 Lack of the awareness how to start new business and saving.
 constraints related to credit accessibility.
 lack of sufficient capital to invest and save.

1.7 Prioritized problem of CBTP phase I

From the above problems mostly associate with startup of new business three of
them are prioritized based on their severity. These are lack of awareness about
promising sectors to start up new business and to save, lack of sufficient capital to
save and invest.
Criteria for prioritization
Severity which refers to the hardship ness of the problem or the degree of the
undesirability and seriousness of the problem.
Magnitude refers to scope and the real distribution of the problem. It deals with
relative extent or importance of the problem
Urgent this is requirement of imitation of action to solve the problem. It
emphasizes on the requiring immediate attention toward the given problem.
Feasibility this is the degree of possibility in solving the problem Feasibility have
to been seen in the following direction:
 Technological feasibility

 Economic feasibility
 Community concern
 Governmental concern
 Other parties concern
When prioritized the problem it needs to take in account the above principle of
prioritization the problems. Taking this in account we prioritize the two problems
(poor saving habit and awareness, and lack of awareness on how to start a new

Problem related based on Poor Saving Habit and Lack of knowledge how
criteria or prioritization awareness to start a new business
Magnitude Very high Very high
severity Very high Very high
feasibility High High

2.1 Project One
Project title: Improving the habit of saving and create awareness about saving
2.1.1 Introduction
Saving is one of the determining factors for development. It is the habit of
transferring some part of current income remain from daily consumption for future
use or consumption.
Saving is important for emergency problems, serves as source of capital for
investment at the future and increase future consumption.

In our case study in mandara Kochi Kebele there is a poor habit of saving in the
community due to various problems.
The informal saving institution like Ikub and Iddir are also very low in the area.
There are many factors that lead to the poor habit of saving in the kebele these are
 The income earned from different activity is only for self-subsistence
(consumption) purpose.
 Low awareness of the society on importance of saving.
These are the factors directly or indirectly affect the habit of saving.
To create awareness about saving habit different responsible bodies plays an
essential role in the community. those are
 traditional and modern saving institution’s
 Kebele administrative
For this community our group has designed project that ensures the
society to develop the habit of saving. lack of saving
In CBTP phase one we identified lack of saving as one of the major problems in
our area of research in mandara Kochi Kebele.
In CBTP phase two, problems are persisted and prioritized based on criteria like
magnitude, severity, relevance, feasibility and effectiveness, our group focus on
how to develop the habit of saving and give awareness about saving.
2.1.2 Objective of the project General objective
The general objective of this project is to improve the societies habit of saving for
emergency and investment purposes. This led to Increase their future consumption
and increase their source of capital for future investment. Specific objective

 To increase the society awareness towards the benefit of saving.
 Teaching society about the problem of emergency.
 To motivate the society to save part of their income for future consumption and
 To explain the strategies of the project
2.1.3 Major activities of project one
To improve the habit of saving in mandara Kochi Kebele community, our group
performed the following activities.
a, we gave expert effort to convince saving habit in the kebele with the help of the
kebele officers.

b, we contacted kebele administration to teach the society how they develop the
habit of saving.
c. we thought the community how to develop the habit of saving by using
traditional or informal institution such as Ikub and Iddir.
d. we also thought the community how to increase their income and how to
improve their standard of living by saving their parts of income from their job.
There are some strategic projects with the kebele like Iqub and Iddir with in the
kebele to cooperate in awareness creation activities.
Convincing the kebele to cooperate in awareness creation activities. And also
enabling them to have a saving book account.
The kebele must prepare the appropriate time for training and other technical
Asking kebele official to provide place for training and technical education.
Promoting the existing credit association so that they can provide better service for
societies member
2.1.5 Target Group of the project
The effective implementation of the project benefits many peoples in mandara
Kochi Kebele.
The members under the project: The members who participate in the project to
develop their habit of saving and this will raise their living standard.
 Community: the society in mandara Kochi Kebele specifically could be
benefited from the project. This is because the project will solve problem of poor
saving habit and increase their capital for future investment which will increase the
future income of the society.
2.1.6 Responsibilities of concerned bodies
Parties that are responsible for the accomplishment of this project are the
1.Kebele Administration
 The kebele administration should discuss the issue of the project with the
different bodies to provide the required support.
 Facilitating and providing training
 Creating suitable environment for activities like Iqub, Iddir and the like
2. Students (our group members)
Since we conducted both CBTP phase one and two we have the following
 Formulating project based on the information gathered from the population.

 Creating awareness in the society with the help of the kebele administration,
formal and informal financial institution.
 Initiating different responsible bodies to work with them in avoiding the
poor saving habit in the mandara Kochi Kebele society.
3. formal financial institutions.

 Giving training on saving for the community.

 Providing loan for the community.
 Helping the society to open saving book account
4. Informal financial institution (Iddir and Iqub)
 Educating their members about the benefit of saving.
 Persuade their members to avoid extravagancy practice and save their part of
income for emergency purposes.
5. Government:
 the government as part of society carry huge responsibility in benefiting the
society and in developing society well-being.
 Government should provide different assistance in solving the society saving
problems which enables them to improve their habit of saving.
6. Jimma university CBE office
 Providing technical and training support for those who provide the training.
 Giving financial support for the implementation of the project
 Conducting research and development training to identify and solve the
existing problems
 Rather than always being studying the community must play role in the
solving their problems.

2.1.7 Resource Needed for project

Resources that are necessary to accomplish the project are:
1. Human Resources the most crucial resources in, planning, organizing,
managing, leading, and controlling of all other resources in the project. These
human resources include. educated man power, one who trains other society.
2. Financial resources: the funds needed to perform the project of saving habit.
The financial resources are obtained from
 formal and informal institutions like Credit and saving association, bank, idir
and iqub and also the university.
2.2Project two
Project title: creating awareness of the society towards starting and
running new business
2.2.1 Introduction
Lack of awareness is the serious problem that hinders the way of starting new
business in mandara Kochi Kebele. As we identified in CBTP phase I that lack of
awareness in running new business in mandara Kochi was a significant problem
that mainly prevailed in the society and thus require attention to solve the society
problem in one side.
To improve the problem, the main and immediate solution is creating awareness
about ways of starting and running new business in order to support themselves
2.2.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT General objectives
The primary objective of the project is to enable the society aware of using
resource in order to run the business. Promoting the habit of being active
participant in any activity in the community that improve their lives.
Provide sufficient knowledge about the business they start, market, material
availability, finance or initial capital, risk of gain or loss and peoples demand for
the business.
Enable the society to start new business with well-prepared business plan. Specific objective

 To increase the society awareness towards ways to start and run new business.
 To help them to get financial assistance with the kebeles help that make them to
start new business.
 To decrease the level of unemployment in mandara Kochi kebele.
 To improve the standard of living of the society.
The activities which will be undertaken in project is important concept that show
and describe the general frame of the project process. These activities divided in to
three main categories regarding to when the activities are taken place or occurred
1 Pre operational activities
This activity includes an activity which should have taken at the period before an
operation of running new business i.e.
I. Motivating and initiating the society towards new business.
II. Provide them with sufficient knowledge and skill for new business start up.
III. Facilitate credit availability at low possible interest for staring and running
IV. flexing government licensing procedure for new business and create suitable
environment for the new business.
V. setting criteria that used for the operation of the business in the future.
VI. Enable them to start new business with well prepared business plan and
efficient leadership.

2 During operation activities
These activities are an activity that are under taken at a period of running the
I. In the operational activities the criteria that listed in the pre operational
activities are particularly involved in the activities and the activities are
doing in the right way.
II. Follow up and make ensure the business is going in right way.
III. Check up and control the borrowed money is available for predetermined
purpose and make ensure proper utilization of recourses and capital.
3 After operational activities
These activities are activities which had to be done already after the business has
been started. Which includes the following
 Evaluating these activities whether or not they are on the right way
 Giving incentives the participant to motivate them and to attract others in the
To attain desired objective, there must be effective and efficient implementation of
desired project. There are some strategies that must be applied for effective and
efficient implementation of the project, i.e.
 Facilitating financial activities and credit accessibility.
 Avoiding bad attitude toward work and risk of loss.
 Initiating supportive bodies that are important for the fulfillment of these goals
such as government, kebele office, NGOs, credit and financial institutions.
These groups are parts of the community having an interest to be trained and also
peoples who are willing and potentially able to start new business activities but
unable to start these activities due to lack awareness and insufficient financial
This include both Those people who have taken loan and they don’t have
knowhow to use the resources and the borrowed many properly and who are
financially poor.
It is obvious that all citizens have responsibilities in the development of their
environment. This development has been started from what society contribute to
their community, as mandara Kochi kebele different bodies have given
responsibilities for the attainment of the desired objectives of the project.
These bodies include the following parties:
1, The students (our group)

Students should have responsible in giving awareness, persuading and advising the
society in the manner that is better and suitable for them according to their ability,
share learning experience and skill.
This activity that are kept from the students are the following
 Formulating project correctly based on the information gathered
 Helping the concerned bodies with their knowledge and provide accurate
 Submitting this action plan to the concerned bodies so that concerned organ that
solve the problem simply by identifying the problem and where it is severe.
2, Government
The government role in ensuring the well beings of the society is high.
It should involve in sharing the society’s problems through the following ways
 Identifying the society major problems.
 Assessing their needs and preparing policy that meet the need of the community
 Initiating and inviting integrated investors based on their ability to solve the
current prioritized problems.
 Again government have to increase the trained and skilled man power by
expanding education opportunity
3, Credit and saving institution
Credit and saving providing institutions and also play major role in:
 Lending interest at low rate to peoples with low income
 Increase the saving habit of the society
Increasing society awareness in how to manage their income by giving
appropriate training based on their potential.
 Strengthening control over the debit provided and ensuring that the received
entity must use for the planned purpose so both parties would be beneficial.
2.2.7 Resources needed
To achieve the objective of the project different resources are needed. To simplify
we classified these resources into three broads namely,
human resource, physical resources and financial resources.
(i) Human resources
The skilled man power is crucial to control and making sure the performance of
business activities at optimal level. Leaders, supervisors, professionally skilled
personnel, manager of the business, are among the necessity skilled man power.
(ii) Physical resources
Are those resources that are tangible and visible which are important factors in
running business and starting the new one. These includes land, office supplies,
equipment’s, and transport are the major.
(III) Financial resources

It is the resource formally needed to move and implement the project we proposed.
This resource should be financed by various sources like the university.
2.2.8 The Expected outcome of the project
At the end or after the accomplishment of the project we are expected that
we can evaluate the following gains:
1. The society can acquire the awareness of the technique that should be used
to start and run business using well prepared business plan.
2. Facilitate the provision of credit and training support.
3. Solving social and economic problems will be realized.
4. Unemployment and dis saving will be reduced generally.
5. Improvement of social standard of life.
6. CBTP philosophy will be valid in solving the community problem.

This chapter study deals with methodology of the study.
Our study area is MENDERA QOCHI kebele which is found in Oromia region in
Jimma zone around 1 km away from our university. Mandera Kochi is known as
kebele and found in jimma town the whole areas in Mandera consist of 15909
peoples, from those 7910 are females and 7999 are males. The number of houses
found in this kebele is 2481 as statistics show in 2013 E.C.

3.2 Sampling Techniques

In our data collecting process, we use random sampling technique from the total
population. To make feasible action plan for different sample methods In order to
develop action plan (CBTP phase two), we try to use primary source like
observation and interview with the residents
The methods of interviewing informants are used to studying sensitive issues
particularly unstructured in-depth interview can be used for studying issues.

3.3 Method of data collection
Our data collection is based on
 Questionnaires
 Interview
 Survey study was conducted
 Overview
 Group discussion
 Observation; - In these studies, Observation used as one of critical method to
gather information with other firsthand information gathering method.
3.4 Source of data
Data sources the inter data for this was obtained from primarily sources (i.e.,
community, observation, and other concerned body) and the problem that
identified in the CBTP phase one I, we used Secondary source (i.e., statistic of
population, from phase one CBTP paper and etc.)

Conclusion, recommendation and limitation
4.1 conclusion
In these projects we tried to identify major solution for problems that identified in
CBTP phase I. There are mainly the major objectives addressed for the reason why
this CBTP phase II is to be conducted, the study includes a number of importance
for both students and society.
From many types of problems that exist in Mandera Kochi, in CBTP phase one we
are able to identify those problems related to our profession. These problems had
been named as social and economic problems. As we outlined, economic problems
are those problems which are directly or indirectly related to an economy. On the
basis of this, we identified three main economic problems we found in Mandera
Kochi kebele. These are lack of awareness about promising sectors to start up and
run new business and to save, lack of sufficient capital to save and invest.
In phase 2 we tried to update the data we used in the 1st phase. In CBTP phase 2
we tried to forward some important solution in which we prepare projects as an
action plan. we prioritize problems based on the urgency, magnitude, severity and
feasibility. Here also, we tried to explain more in detail the reasons that account for
poor saving habit, lack of capital and awareness in the area with their possible

In project one, which is titled as “Improving the habit of saving and create
awareness about saving”. The cause of the poor saving identified in this study
includes economic and social factors. The critical economic factors that affect
saving culture includes the income earned from different activity is only for self-
subsistence (consumption) purpose, Low awareness of the society on importance
of saving and high inflation rates prevailing in the country. The single most
determinant of poor saving habit is attitude of the societies towards consumption
than saving. we conclude this by mentioning Its objectives, actors that affect the
issues, strategies and its target and the role of the concerned body are discussed.
Under project 2, we have dedicated in problems solving by giving the title as
“creating awareness of the society starting and running new business”. in this we
discussed the project by its general and specific objective, The role of different
bodies required in the project, resource needed and time frame are discussed
briefly. The expectation out comes from both projects for forwarded

4.2 Limitation
The group have been faced many limitations. These limitations hinder the action
plan\ our project. These are many but for our case we may list some parts. That are
mostly repetitive:
 Lack of skilled coordinators to take the actions.
 Collecting resources\bringing it together is not easy.
 Lack of skilled man power around the area.
 Finance needed for the implementation of the project due to lack of
awareness about that project
 Short of time for the project to be fully analyzed.
 We were not given orientation about CBTP phase 2.
 We were not given training that we want to give to the society
After analyzing the study, we have been under talking both phase 1 and 2, our
group members agreed to develop and conduct recommendation based on the
criteria we identified problems.
Next, we forwarded the following recommendations for mandara Kochi kebele
society and for the responsible bodies.
 Concerned stakeholders should work towards raising youth’s awareness of
entrepreneurship and making them actively engaged in economic activities.
 Governmental and non-governmental bodies need to design awareness
creation programs about the positive benefits of work in cooperatives.
 The government should extensively organize the unemployed people and
give them adequate credit to be used for starting new business.

 Alleviating corruption and ensuring good governance
 Provide training, credit for the society and increase societies saving habit.
 Motivating the society is a very important requirement.
 Residence and officials should take part in the implementation of this action
plan. Different stockholders are required to support this project
 Finally, if the given 2 projects are putted into action, the targeted
 can be fully performed and societies problems will be solved.


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