Multi Organ Retrieval in Donation After Brain Stem Death

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Review Article

Multi‑Organ Retrieval in Donation after Brain Stem Death

Unnikrishnan Gopalakrishnan, Jimmy Mathew1, Kirun Gopal2, Rehna Rasheed3
Departments of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2Cardiac Surgery and 3Opthalmology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, India

Organ donation after brain stem death is quite common in the west. In India, the procedure is still gaining acceptance. The surgical steps for
multi‑organ retrieval have evolved in different centers with significant variations, and the scientific evidence levels for each technique are
low. Organ retrieval requires a fairly rapid surgical technique to avoid ischemic injury to the target organs yet avoid iatrogenic injuries. This
article offers and outline of the multi‑organ donation procedure. It details the abdominal organ retrieval techniques and touches on thoracic
organs and composite tissue grafts as well. It also briefly touches upon machine perfusion of organs.

Keywords: Brain stem death, multi‑organ retrieval, organ donation

Introduction 2. Verify that the certification of brain stem death is done on

the appropriate government forms and is in accordance
This article aims to provide a general overview on how the organ
with the current laws of the state
retrieval process takes place after brain stem death declaration
3. Verify the consent forms to ensure that the consent
and is aimed primarily to familiarise those physicians who
includes all the organs that are scheduled for retrieval,
seldom encounter such procedures during their routine clinical
including retrieval of blood vessels
practice. Individual units evolve their own techniques over time,
4. Blood group to be cross‑checked
dictated both by their clinical practice and available skill sets.
5. Labs results: complete blood count, serum electrolytes,
The technique at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi,
liver function tests, amylase, lipase, renal function
is adapted from the standard operating procedure for organ
tests, coagulation parameters, urine routine, and viral
retrieval after brain stem death from Cambridge Transplant
markers (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C) to be cross‑checked.
Centre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
Pay particular attention to electrolytes as they are likely
Organ retrieval is a challenging procedure, both technically as to change rapidly in a brain stem dead patient and may
well as logistically. It often happens at off‑hours in hospitals have an impact on the outcome of the implant
that are unfamiliar to the operating team. The operating team 6. The current hemodynamic status, including inotrope and
is also under pressure from contradicting priorities of rapid vasopressor use, fluid intake and output, and ongoing
retrieval to prevent organ injury and need to avoid iatrogenic medications, should be noted.
damage to organs during retrieval. Although there is extensive
literature on organ procurement operations, the level of General Recommendations
evidence for surgical steps are mostly low.
1. It is ideal to have a single experienced donor surgical team
Steps before taking the potential donor to the theater: to do the retrieval of all abdominal organs and a team for
1. Potential donor’s name, age, and hospital ID numbers to thoracic organ retrieval, rather than have individual teams
be checked and verified by the lead surgeon in the retrieval
Address for correspondence: Dr. Unnikrishnan Gopalakrishnan,
team and to be matched with the information provided from Department of GI Surgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,
the Kerala network for organ sharing/coordinating body Kochi ‑ 682 041, Kerala, India.
Submitted: 07-May-2020 Accepted: 08-May-2020 Published: 18-Aug-2020

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DOI: How to cite this article: Gopalakrishnan U, Mathew J, Gopal K, Rasheed R.

10.4103/AMJM.AMJM_36_20 Multi-organ retrieval in donation after brain stem death. Amrita J Med

© 2020 Amrita Journal of Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 95

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Gopalakrishnan, et al.: Multi‑organ retrieval in donation after brain stem death

for each organ. If this cannot be achieved, all surgical The chest is assessed for any external injury or prior
teams should clearly discuss and define individual roles surgical scar. For heart retrieval, the electrocardiogram
and limits so that miscommunications and incoordination and echocardiogram is reviewed to assess for normal
during the retrieval process are kept to a minimum heart contractility and valve function with no significant
2. Before starting the retrieval process, it is critical to discuss hypertrophy or anatomical abnormalities. For lung
the planned steps, not only among the surgical teams retrieval assessment, the ABG should be normal, and
but also with the anesthetists and the nursing team in CXR should not show any significant opacities. An onsite
the theatre, many of whom may be unfamiliar with the flexible bronchoscopy should also be done to assess the
retrieval process airway for anatomical abnormalities and the presence of
3. Classical procedure involves a midline laparotomy and secretions and whether they are infected or not
a median sternotomy even when no thoracic organs are • Examine the abdomen and chest. Previous laparotomies
being retrieved. or a sternotomy might make the retrieval difficult.
All attempts must be made to minimize the warm and cold An ultrasound abdomen to assess liver, kidney
ischemia times once the procedure is started. Warm ischemia sonomorphology, and rule out intraabdominal mass
time is used to describe two physiologically distinct periods • An nasogastric tube will decompress the stomach and
of ischemia:  (1) Ischemia during organ retrieval, from the make the abdominal retrieval easier
time of cross‑clamping  (or of asystole in nonheart‑beating • If there are lower limb arterial lines, let the anesthetist
donors), until cold perfusion is commenced and (2) Ischemia know that they will lose trace during the surgery.
during implantation, from the removal of the organ from ice
until reperfusion.[1] Before Starting
Cold ischemia time is defined as the time from cross‑clamp • Prophylactic antibiotics are to be given according to the
of the aorta and cold flush in the donor to the time of the first unit’s policy
anastomosis in the recipient.[2] • Though anesthetic agents are not essential, muscle
relaxants are used to inhibit spinal reflexes and provide
4. In a multi‑organ retrieval, the order of removal organs adequate muscle relaxation
is generally heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and • Inform anesthetist that lung inf lation need to be
vessels. temporarily suspended during sternotomy
• Request the anesthetist to target
Organ Preservation Fluids • Systolic BP of >100 mmHg to maintain organ perfusion.
Various preservation solutions have been tried, and quite a In case the BP drops to use volume first rather than
few are available commercially for organ preservation during inotropes
storage and transport. All organ preservation solutions are • A central venous pressure of 10–15 mmHg
aimed at preserving cell integrity and contain additives for • Oxygen saturation >95%
the same. The various chemicals added function as buffers, • Lactate <2.
impermeants, electrolytes, free radical scavengers, nutrients, In the event of a cardiac and/or lung retrieval, the above
and in some cases, colloids. requirements may need to be adjusted as they tend to prefer
Although the University of Wisconsin  (UW) solution is to keep the donors relatively “dry.”
considered the gold standard, head‑to‑head comparisons with • In case of any sudden hemodynamic instability technique
Histidine‑Tryptophan‑Ketoglutarate solution and Celsior may need to be adapted for rapid retrieval
solutions have not shown significant difference in graft • Heparin is given at a dose of 300 IU/kg around 5 min
outcomes for liver and kidneys. Small bowel and Pancreas before cross‑clamping
retrievals use UW as the preferred solution. • The ventilator can be turned off after cross‑clamping and
Examine the patient before starting: venting the blood and perfusion fluid out through the
• Consider the need for breast/testes/rectal/skin examination atrium/cava.
• Evaluating for heart and lung organ retrieval includes
evaluation of fluid management and requirement for Abdominal Multi Organ Retrieval
cardiovascular agents. Hemodynamic monitoring
The procedure can be divided into four stages, namely
continues in the operating room, including blood
dissection, cannulation, perfusion, and explantation, followed
pressure  (BP) and central venous pressure evaluation.
by bench preparation and packing.
The aim is to achieve a normal mean arterial pressure
and to avoid overhydration. Ventilator settings are The donor is placed in the supine position. Midline laparotomy
reviewed to assess for adequate tidal volume and and a median sternotomy are done, and sternal retractor is
FiO2  <0.5. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)  is placed and opened to expose the heart and the pericardium.
maintained at physiological levels around 5 cm of H2O. The medial edges of the abdominal incision are turned

96 Amrita Journal of Medicine  ¦  Volume 16  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  April-June 2020

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Gopalakrishnan, et al.: Multi‑organ retrieval in donation after brain stem death

outwards and fixed to the skin laterally with stout sutures to done at this stage, and the bile duct is flushed out with saline
allow complete exposure of the abdominal organs. In the very to remove any bile. The gastroduodenal artery is divided, and
obese donors, the abdominal incision may need to be cruciate the common hepatic artery is dissected back to the celiac axis.
to allow adequate exposure.
Further steps are optional before perfusion and cardiac arrest.
An initial assessment of the abdominal organs for any These include mobilization of the right and left lobes of the
unsuspected pathology is done. The gastro‑oesophageal liver, mobilization of the left colon to allow easy access and
junction, stomach, duodenum, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, cooling of the left kidney, identification of both ureters at the
colon, kidneys, ovaries and uterus, spleen, mesenteric lymph pelvic brim and looping of the infra‑hepatic vena cava above
nodes, and small bowel should be assessed. The organs to the renal veins.
be retrieved need to be assessed specifically. A grossly fatty
or cirrhotic liver, fatty pancreas, or shrunken kidneys may Cannulation
necessitate a change in retrieval plans and will need to be
At this point, heparinization is done at 300 IU/kg body
communicated to the implant teams urgently.
weight. After 5 min the cannulation target vessels are opened
The surgical steps vary considerably from unit to unit. The and cannulated with appropriately sized perfusion cannulae.
dissection comprises a warm phase before the perfusion Once cannulation is done, the left pleura is opened, and the
and a cold phase after perfusion. A detailed dissection in the heart is retracted to the left to access the descending thoracic
warm phase makes it easier to pick up anatomical variations, aorta. After the aorta is cross clamped, the ice cold perfusion
especially of the vascular structures, allow a shortened cold is started, and the anesthetist is requested to stop ventilating
phase, and reduce the time for the organs to be put on ice. the lung. The perfusion solution and blood will need to be
However, vascular damage in the warm phase generally vented out; this is usually achieved through the right auricular
impacts the usability of the organs and will probably result appendage. When a cardiac team is also retrieving the
in organ loss. cross‑clamp may need to be moved to the supra celiac aorta
and the vent to the IVC. 2–3 L of crushed saline ice slush is
Warm Dissection placed around the liver, in the lesser sac over the pancreas,
and the anterior to the kidneys. The perfusion is allowed to
The initial step is to do a full mobilization of the right colon complete. During this period, the donor will achieve asystole.
and duodenum  (Cattel Braasch maneuver), lifting them
off the posterior structures so that the aorta, inferior vena
cava (IVC) and the right kidney and ureters are exposed fully. Cold Dissection
The confluence of the renal veins with the IVC is identified. Liver explantation
The inferior mesenteric vein is identified to the left of the Once perfusion is complete, the cold dissection can start. The
duodenojejunal flexure. left renal vein is divided as it joins the IVC, infrarenal aorta
is bisected in the anterior midline, and the superior mesentric
The preferred site for arterial cannulation is the right common
artery (SMA) is transected just after its origin. The left gastric
iliac artery. In case it is diseased, the lower part of the abdominal
and the splenic arteries are divided, and the supracoeliac aorta
aorta is the next preferred option. In patients who have severely
is transected above the coeliac artery. The portal vein is divided
diseased aorta/iliac vessels, retrograde cannulation from the
to free the hepatic hilum. The diaphragm is divided, and the
descending thoracic aorta is also an option.
Supra hepatic vena cava is divided at the level of the atrium.
When the liver is retrieved, most units use portal perfusion The infra haptic vena cava is divided above the right renal
as well. The site for portal perfusion is usually an inferior vein. Now placing a finger into the vena cava will allow the
mesenteric vein. Sometimes, infracolic superior mesenteric liver to be lifted anteriorly, and the tissues behind, including
vein or the portal vein may be used. Now, the dissection the adrenal gland, can be transected to explant the liver.
moves to the liver hilum. The bile duct is dissected and divided
Kidney explantation
roughly 2 cm above the duodenum. A cholecystectomy may be
The left colon mesentery is divided close to the colon. Both
ureters are divided as they close the pelvic brim, and the
Table 1: Cold preservation times for heart beating proximal end are dissected with their surrounding tissue. The
nonmarginal organs posterior aortic wall is divided in the midline and the inferior
Optimal (h) Usable (h)
venal cava at its formation. After completion of the dissection
and retrieval, both kidneys would have half the aortic wall,
Heart <3 6
Lung <3 8
and the right kidney will have the IVC with it.
Small bowel <4 8 The iliac vessels are carefully dissected and harvested for use
Pancreas <10 24 in pancreas or liver implantation. In case a multi‑visceral block
Liver <12 24 or small bowel retrieval is performed, a segment of the thoracic
Kidney <24 48 aorta will also be retrieved for use a conduit.

Amrita Journal of Medicine  ¦  Volume 16  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  April-June 2020 97

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Gopalakrishnan, et al.: Multi‑organ retrieval in donation after brain stem death

Pancreas Retrieval Thoracic Organ Retrieval

When the pancreas is retrieved, the warm phase dissection After the abdominal dissection is over access to the thoracic
would include the opening of the greater omentum, and organs is through a midline sternotomy. Both pleura are
preparation of the portal vein for cannulation. Mobilization widely opened. The heart and lungs are assessed for any
of the left colon and short gastric vessel division are optional. obvious abnormalities. Further steps vary based upon
The gastroduodenal artery (GDA) is not divided into the warm whether it is a heart only or heart and lung harvest. The
phase to avoid ischemia to the pancreatic head. superior vena cava (SVC), IVC, and aorta are dissected and
looped. If the lung is also to be harvested, the trachea is
In pancreas retrievals, the portal perfusion for the liver is
mobilized through the space between the aorta and the right
through the portal vein directly and the portal system is vented
pulmonary artery (PA) and looped. Then after confirming that
just below this perfusion cannula so that there is no congestion
the abdominal team is ready and the recipient for the heart
of the pancreas due to occluded outflow.
and lungs is ready to minimize the cold ischemia time, the
In the cold phase, the GDA is divided, the pylorus and the patient is heparinized with 300 IU/kg unfractionated heparin.
proximal jejunum are stapled, and small bowel mesentery Then, purse strings are taken in the distal ascending aorta
is transected. Short gastric vessels are divided fully, and the and the main PA and canulated. Once all teams are ready, the
transverse colon mesentery is divided to free the pancreas of invasive lines are pulled out by the anesthetist, and the SVC
all its anterior attachments. The pancreas is dissected off the is clamped. Then, the heart is lifted up, and an incision is
retroperitoneum with the spleen, and the duodenum en‑bloc, made in the base of the left atrium (LA) to vent the left side
the cut end of the splenic artery, GDA and SMA are tagged of the heart. Subsequently, the IVC is divided about a cm
with sutures. above the diaphragm to leave a cuff for the liver team. Pool
suckers are placed in the pericardium to drain the blood. The
Multi Visceral Block Retrievals aorta is then cross clamped as high as possible, and 1.5l of
HTK solution is given. At the same time, perfadex is given
In this retrieval scenario, the liver, pancreas‑spleen, and the
into the PA. Care should be taken to ensure the heart does
small bowel are retrieved en‑block. The arterial patch will
include the coeliac and SMA on a single patch, and the venous not distend while the cardioplegia is being delivered. Cold
outflow will be the vena cava that is along with the graft liver. saline is also poured over the heart and lungs for topical
protection. After the cardioplegia is delivered, organ retrieval
proceeds from front to back. The cardioplegia and pulmonary
Small Bowel Retrieval perfusion cannulas are removed. The SVC is divided below
Superior mesenteric artery and superior mesenteric vein are the clamp, and then, the IVC is completely divided. The
the vascular pedicles. Dissection and retrieval of the rest of aorta is divided usually just distal to the arch vessels after
the organs are carried out as described above. disconnecting the arch vessels. Next, the PA is divided just
at the PA bifurcation keeping the bifurcation intact. Next,
Closure the LA is opened on the right side midway between the right
pulmonary veins and the Sondergaard’s groove vertically to
All unused tissue is returned to the abdominal cavity. The
ensure enough tissue on both sides for the heart and lung
abdomen is sucked and mopped to dryness. The closure is a
implantation teams. Then, the heart is lifted up, and the
single layer of continuous running suture, which includes the
previously created LA incision is extended to the right to
skin only.
join the previous incision and then to the left to the base of
the left atrial appendage. This leaves the superior margin
Back Table Preparation and Packing of the left atrium, which is divided from both sides, and the
Well perfused organs do not need further perfusion on the heart is removed.
back table. In cases where there is doubt of poor perfusion,
The heart is taken to the back table and flushed with cold saline.
the organs can be flushed with further perfusion fluids. The
Then, all the valves are inspected. If a patent foramen ovale
common bile duct is flushed again before packing the liver. The
is present it is closed. Then, it is triple bagged in cold saline
perinephric fat is divided on the convex border of the kidney to
and placed in the icebox for transportation.
expose the kidney so that it cools more rapidly in the icebox.
Now, attention is turned to the lungs. Another 3 L of
In the pancreas and small bowel retrieval, a small incision is
perfadex in total is given retrograde through the pulmonary
made on the bowel and the intestinal contents are carefully
veins to flush out any clots. Then, the inferior pulmonary
removed, and the lumen is flushed with UW solution. The
ligaments are divided bilaterally and the posterior
opened area is stapled off before packing.
pericardium is also incised. Then, the right lung is lifted up
The retrieved organs are packed with preservative fluid in a and retracted to the left side, exposing the tissues posterior
plastic bag and saline ice slush in an outer bag and placed in to the hilum. The lung is separated from the esophagus and
the icebox and transported to the recipient team. other posterior mediastinal structures through the avascular

98 Amrita Journal of Medicine  ¦  Volume 16  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  April-June 2020

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Gopalakrishnan, et al.: Multi‑organ retrieval in donation after brain stem death

plane. The same is done on the left side. During this time, Machine Perfusion of Organs
the lungs are continued to be ventilated with low tidal
In view of the increasing waiting list for organs, efforts have
volume. Then, the trachea is pulled up and stapled as high
been made to use organs that were once considered marginal.
as possible after pulling back the endotracheal tube and
Trying to preserve organs by machine perfusion was proposed
deflating the lungs to around 3/4th its fully inflated state, and
the trachea is stapled. The lungs are then removed en bloc in 1934 by Lindbergh and Carrel.
and taken to the back table, inspected and bagged similar Machine perfusion may be hypothermic or normothermic
to the heart for transport. The cold preservation times of and involves a machine circulating the perfusate through the
various organs are given in Table 1. organs blood vessels. Kidneys preserved using hypothermic
machine perfusion showed less primary nonfunction and
Composite Tissue Retrieval early graft dysfunction and had better 1‑year graft survival.[3]
Normothermic machine perfusion may allow organs that may
Composite tissue transplants, sometimes called reconstructive
otherwise be discarded to be “tested” on the perfusion machine
transplants, including face, larynx, knee, uterus, and penis has
to assess their metabolism and allow usage of organs that are
been transplanted. Composite tissue transplants are usually not
metabolically acceptable.[4]
life‑saving procedures, are highly visible parts of the body,
closely related to the identity of the individual, or essential Financial support and sponsorship
for normal functioning as an active participant in society. Nil.
Composite grafts are taken from deceased donors. Organs
like hands are replaced readily, after retrieval, with a replaced Conflicts of interest
with prosthesis before handing over the body to the relatives. There are no conflicts of interest.
The level at which the hand is removed depends on the length
required for the recipient. References
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undisturbed, and the lids kept apposed.
3. Bellini  MI, Nozdrin  M, Yiu  J, Papalois  V. Machine perfusion for
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