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Why I want to enter the Bentley University

For me, Bentley University is the ideal educational institution. Bentley offers me a chance

for a world-class education, so I want to apply there. Insight into the dedication of

educators to student success. The rigorous coursework at Bentley will force me to

demonstrate that I am up to the most significant standards of scholarship, professionalism,

and personal development. My time at university will shape me into a strong, independent

man who can effect positive change in the world. Bentley has many qualities I seek in a

university, including a diverse student body, an open admissions policy, and innovative

teaching methods.

The four-year graduate programme I've chosen should provide me with a wealth of

experience with a wide range of analytical and quantitative methods, allowing me to

approach problems from various angles as a professional.

Bentley's compact stature is its greatest asset. It's large enough to have a great time at but

not so big that you won't get to know your teachers and classmates well, and it's not so tiny

that it can't meet the needs of its student body. Something that Bentley has that no other

institution has is its many connections, which is something I find fascinating.

Since I'd want my family to feel proud of me, I'm working hard in school: to realize my

potential and achieve my goals. If granted the chance to study at Bentley, which is

consistently ranked as one of the best business schools in the country, I am confident that I

will excel academically.

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