Cases of Cyber Bully

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The Cases of Cyber-Bullying and Identity Theft.

Cyber bullying incident [Gabriella Green]

She was just having her normal life. One of the suspects started spreading rumors about
Green in online. The rumors were false, and were very bad and inappropriate. The other suspect
had a video call with Green, and Green said stuffs about her trying to attempt suicide because of
the rumors. When the other suspect heard about Green attempting to suicide, he didn’t took
Green’s words seriously, so he told her to go do it if you want to. His reactions and words made
Green even feel worse, which led her to actually suicide. She hanged herself with a dog leash in
her closet. She died on January 10th. Green was only twelve that time. The two suspects admitted
that they were cyber bullying her and was shameful. The police arrested the two suspects and
they were sent to jail.
Cyber Bullying incident [Brandy Vela]
Someone made a fake Facebook page of Brandy Vela which led her to get cyberbullied.
She got Harsh and mean messages for month. The cyber bullies made fake dating websites of her
and they posted her photos. They even put her numbers. Through her fake dating site, they said
something like sexually bad. Whenever Brandy change her numbers, the bullies somehow found
them and kept on sending hurtful messages. This lead Brandy to suicide. When her parents saw
Brandy trying to shoot herself with a gun, they tried their best to persuade her, but she was
determined of suicide.
Cyber Bullying incident [Teh Wen Chun]
The Wen Chun was already stressed with studies. Inside the anonymous post there was
an article that made Wen Chun feel depressed but nobody noticed until he tried to commit
suicide. According to Wen Chen’s father, he said that the bullies were even naming his child in
those anonymous posts. When Wen Chun’s friend realized that he was serious about committing
suicide, they tried to persuade him but he wanted suicide. Before Wen Chun tried to jump off a
17th floor building, he left a suicide message in Facebook. He jumped from the 17th floor of the

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