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Nama : Boniza Febriana Putra Pratama

NIM : 121202066
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : M. Imelda N. Susiang, S.S., M.M.

1.Newsletter Emails
2. Lead nurturing emails
3. Promotional emails
4. Milestone emails
5. Survey emails

1. Newsletter Email

Is a marketing strategy that is widely used to promote an item, event, or

special notification to customers or potential customers via email. Email
newsletters are usually sent by a company or community to emails that
have been registered through the form provided, or are subscribers to
certain companies.

Why is it called Email Newsletter

Contains information or news that is in accordance with the interests of

the reader (members of other

Contains information about other

company/organization/institution/community activities

The information presented is light, easy to read, and easy to understand

In the form of sheets, 1 sheet or 2 sheets

The design is attractive and colorful

Lots of photos of other
companies/organizations/institutions/communities activities. Periodic

Some tips for creating an OVO-style newsletter:

Not a lot of solid text or writing. Easy-to-read font selection. Eye-
catching newsletter design by giving the company a distinctive color.
There is a CTA (Call-to Action) in the newsletter which makes it easy for
subscribers to visit the promotional link.

2. Lead Nurturing Email

A lead nurturing email is a type of email that is sent to a leader who has
shown an interest in your product or service, but who has not yet made
a purchase. The purpose of these emails is to build a relationship with
the lead and keep them engaged with your brand until they are ready to

Kenapa disebut email lead Nurturing

3.Promotional Email

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing as well as digital

marketing, which uses email to promote a business's products or
services. This can help keep customers informed of the latest items or
offers by integrating them into marketing automation efforts.

Why is it called Promotional email?

The content of email marketing is more specific for marketing services,

goods, and products. The words used in email marketing are usually
solicitation and persuasion.
4.Milestone Email

A milestone email is a type of behavior-based email you might

send to an existing customer. It's designed to: Remind your
customer of the value they're getting from you. Increase the
likelihood that they'll continue using your product/service.
Generate that “community” vibe that often leads to more
5.Survey Email

You’ll only get better at what you’re doing if you ask for feedback. The
survey email allows you insight into what you’re getting right and what
you can improve on. It can also help you understand your customers
better and what they’re interested in receiving from your brand.

Why is it called an email survey?

We are asked for opinions or ratings

There is a rating link

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