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Report on


Submitted By
Md. Jahid Hasan Akash
Undergraduate Student in Finance
Department of Business Administration
Uttara University

Table of Contents
S:N Particulars Page
1 Cover Page 01
2 Table of Contents 02

3 Drinkwell 03
4 Who invented Drinkwell in our country? 03
5 When & why was Drinkwell involved with Bangladesh? 03
6 What Drinkwell is doing? 03
7 Who is Drinkwell’s partner? 04
8 Why the authority has decided to do Drinkwell? 05
9 What was the problem & need in our country? 06
10 What Drinkwell did do for Bangladesh? 06
11 Do they use Process technology or Product technology? 08
12 Who is taking the advantage of Drinkwell? 08
13 What type of benefits in Bangladeshi people taking over the 08
14 What is the newness of the Organization? 08
15 What is the value creation of Drinkwell in Bangladesh? 09
16 Does Drinkwell fulfill our needs? 10
17 Does Drinkwell have any Problems? 10
18 What Drinkwell is doing for solving their problems? 11
19 The water rate is so cheap but why people are not interested to buy water from 12
20 What’s the profit is Drinkwell? 12
21 Unmet Need 12
22 Do they involve with ‘Robi’ or any telecommunication company? 13
23 Some important queries asked the CEO through e-mail 14
24 Some Question/Answer 15
25 Reference 16

At present, a technology platform for cleaning water is known as Drinkwell. This technology is adorned within
water infrastructure purifying millions of liters of water in every month over the world. It started in May 2013.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) established this organization at that time. It
has been developed by the US State Department & Indian Department of Science and Technology and certified
by the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research of the Government of India. As well as they are with our
Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA), Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering, the
West Bengal & Bihar Public Health Engineering Departments as well as organizations such as the Tata Trusts,
Unilever & the US Agency for International Development. Drinkwell is actually backed by renowned investors
such as Danone Communities, Global Innovation Fund, and TPG Rise Fund, and has been covered by the BBC,
Forbes,CNN, and many others.
Who invented Drinkwell in our country?
Minhaz Chowdhury Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Co-founder of Drinkwell is a Bangladeshi American he
was passionate about solving the water crisis that alone results in one out of every fivedeaths in Bangladesh. So,
he has started social work in his organization with Dhaka WASA.

When & why was Drinkwell involved with Bangladesh?

In 2017, Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) invented this in our country. Its Bangladeshi head
office is situated in Gulshan, Dhaka, 1212. Dhaka WASA has developed this project with the financial
assistance of US-based Drinkwell. Dhaka WASA has started an event which is “GHURE DARAO DHAKA
WASA” & “SHOBAR JONNO NIRAPOD PANI” This event actually
has planned for developing the water solution, better work service from WASA. After taking the
initiative DHAKA WASA started the business with Drinkwell.

What Drinkwell is doing?

They are providing basically two types of services. For instance:-
1) Operation & Maintenance services:- Driving utilities, NGOs, improvement organizations, and
governments have depended on Drinkwell with working and keeping up their water resources due to
Drinkwell's track record in recognizing, enlisting, and holding the locally-available ability to function
securely water frameworks with negligible downtime.
2) System Retrofit Services:- Drinkwell has experience working with secure water suppliers to retrofit
existing water framework with moved-forward items that can drive down generation taken a toll
whereas complying with water quality guidelines to ensure your notoriety and brand in your endeavors
to supply secure drinking water to your community.

Who is Drinkwell’s partner?

A total of 39 organizations are directly sponsored as a partner with Drinkwell. Bangladesh, India,USA,
UK, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, Germany, and Malaysia as well as European Confederation’s renowned
organizations are the partners of Drinkwell. Those are given below:-

S:N Organizatio Countr S:N Organizatio Countr S:N Organizatio Countr

n y n y n y
1 DPHE Bangladesh 14 Arun Japan 27 1to4 Switzerland

2 Chattogram WASA Bangladesh 15 ADAP Malaysia 28 MassChallenge USA

Bangladesh Global 29 Millennium USA
3 Dhaka WASA 16 Innovation UK Alliance
4 Brac Bangladesh 17 GLG USA 30 Orrick- USA

5 Ashoka USA 18 SwissRe Switzerland 31 Prism Fund UK

6 Bihar Public Health India Hogan Germany
Engineering 19 Lovels 32 Swiss Contact Switzerland

Clinton Health Right Water

7 Access USA 20 Imagine USA 33 Sollutions India
Initiative H2O
8 Cleantech Open USA 21 Impact USA 34 Sattva Capital India
9 Danone Spain 22 iProbono- UK 35 SHRI India
10 Echoing Green USA 23 Kiva- USA 36 Spring Switzerland

European 24 Unilever UK 37
11 GSMA Confederation Transform- iDE USA

West Bengal
12 Tata Water Mission India 25 USISTEF India 38 Health India
13 TPG Rise Fund USA 26 The Venture USA 39 Venturewell USA

Why the authority has decided to do Drinkwell?

When I am going to make this report, suddenly I thought like why they have started this business? Why not
other businesses? What’s the reason behind it?
For this reason of that, I have contacted the CEO & Co-Founder Mr. Minhaz Chowdhury throw e-mail.
Because the actual reason I didn’t find their actual website. And it’s our pleasure that he repliedtoour e-mail
fondly. This article has been published on an international online news portal SOCAP GLOBAL on August 14,
2015. The link as well as our e-mail Screen Shot is given below:-


Reply from the CEO & Co-Founder of DRINKWELL:-


What was the problem & need in our country?

The need can arise anytime. In our country, we have a lot of problems but according to the waterside, this is a
very common problem in our country. People who live in rural areas including City areas, face a lot of
The arsenic problem which is one of the massive problems in our country as well as the lack of pure water,
cost of pure water, proper maintenance of pure water, etc. is a very common problem in Bangladesh. For
these problems, people are suffering so many water diseases which are occurring deaths.People wanted to solve
their water problems. Because of affecting water problems, they have lost a lotof money, lost their asset as well
as they have lost their family members. People don’t get pure water
easily, and they don’t get water at low prices, even so after paying a high price, most of the time they didn’tget
pure water. So, the water problem is the biggest need in our country.
Drinkwell has solved most of the cases about that. They have started their journey in our country forcompleting the
given problems. At present they are continuously working to fulfill their need.

What Drinkwell did do for Bangladesh?

Drinkwell has started a joint venture business with WASA. For the reason of removing the water problems,
Drinkwell has started with some Technologies as well as some initiatives. Their contributionin Bangladesh are
given below:-

Arsenic Removing:- In our country Arsenic problem is a bigger problem. Bangladesh is grappling with the
largest mass poisoning of a population in history because groundwater used for drinking hasbeen contaminated
with naturally occurring inorganic arsenic. It causes cancers and so many diseases.Drinkwell’s main focus is to
remove the Arsenic problem in our country. For this reason of that, they are giving us pure water. For making
the pure water they are using HIX-Nano 100+ Product Data Sheet intheir technology. It removes not only
Arsenic but also Fluoride, iron, phosphate, etc.

Pure water Actualization:- We all know that if we drink pure water then we will suffer a plethora of water
diseases. Such as Cholera, Typhoid, and so on. And we also know when we get the supply of water then at least
we have to boil it for 15-20 minutes for the reason of purifying. But Drinkwell is giving us pure water at so a
low cost with the updated water purifying filter. And when a person is going to take the water, he or she will
get water only for paying 0.4 paysa.

WASA Problem:- In September 2020, an investigation team of Independent News Channel developed a
report that Dhaka WASA is taking extra charge in their booth. Where approximately 77
thousand people are taking the service. But still, their water problems didn’t solve. Bad smell, Bacteria, and
Unhealthy water were provided there. Which is totally illegal. But Drinkwell continuously gives their
maximum services at a lower price.

ATM service:- Automated Teller machine is known as ATM. We have involved it basically with money. If
you push the debit or credit card over there then the machine will give you the money. But aslike that here
ATM is used for taking water.

30 booths were at the beginning in Dhaka. After those 100 booths has been started for pure water in Dhaka in
2018. And currently, 227 booths are continuously working for giving pure water in Dhaka city. This ATM will
only work for pure water which has been started by Drinkwell. 1-liter pure water’s price is only 0.4 or 40 paysa.
The target was that people can get pure water easily. And now they are a success. Drinkwell is providing all
facilities for controlling and managing the system. Peoplecan get water easily by using a prepaid card at the
ATM. The responsibility of maintenance costing and securities are to the organization of Drinkwell. If a person
has a NID card with a passport-size photoand after that, if he pays only 150 taka to Drinkwell then he or she
can get the ATM card.

Online Service:- Actually people who are using smart technology such as smartphones, tab, laptops, etc.can
easily track their nearest ATM booth by using the internet. As well as people can get updated news about their
organization’s activities, services, and newness.
>>Here is a sample picture of their online mapping service as well as you can see their ATM booths here.

Do they use Process technology or Product technology?

Actually, Drinkwell is using Process and Product both technologies. The reason is describing to the given
The CEO & Founder of Drinkwell has given an interview to a news channel and he said that after finishing his
graduation in the USA, he thought to do something new so that people can get their problem
solutions easily as well as they can lead their life comfortably. After that, he found water problems. And he has
decided that he will work for solving the problem. Then he contracted the actual company of Dhaka WASA as
well as India and USA. Dhaka WASA provides the water to Drinkwell and Drinkwell purifies and provides the
water to the customers. So, by the fact of this, we can say this is a process technology.
Even for solving the problem, Drinkwell is using ATM Machines, Prepaid cards, Water purifying filters, Water
Pumps, etc. this equipment is known as product technology.
So, in the end, we can say, Drinkwell is using Process and Product technologies both.

Who is taking advantage of Drinkwell?

Anyone can be its customer. There is no restriction for being a customer. People who live in the street or slums,
most of the time are the customers of the Organization. The reason that poor people as well as local people are
getting pure water, they are benefited. People are taking water at a very low cost. People who don’t get pure
water, are the customers. But as well as stable peopleare also its customer.

What type of benefits in Bangladeshi people taking over the Organization?

Water is an essential part of every creation. Drinkwell is giving a lot of benefits to the people. Those are
given below:-
1) People are taking pure water with the lowest price which is only 40 paysa for 1 liter.
2) People are using ATM cards for getting pure water. For this reason of that, poor and local people are
introducing technologies and being digitalized.
3) For being a member, only 150 taka they need.

What is the newness of the Organization?

Drinkwell is using modern technologies. The organization of Drinkwell is using ATM for pure water. By
using a prepaid card, they can easily get water from the ATM. Which is completely a new innovation for
taking pure water. Customers feel joyful when they take this advantage.

On the other hand, Drinkwell is using some high-level technologies for instance digital high-performance
water filters. As well as they are using some medicines that clean water. For instance,HIX-Nano 100+ Product
Data Sheet for removing arsenic and other bacteria.

Turnkey System:- From designing the world's largest arsenic and iron removal system at 193,000 liters per
hour to the world's first treatment system capable of simultaneously reducing fluoride and TDS, our system
design teams explore unmet customer needs to inspire breakthrough solutions in the water industry. Beyond
providing a system design schematic, we provide an overview of the multiple touchpoints that occur during a
system operation & maintenance, from outlining the system operator experience to providing a list of
consumables and nearby vendors, we provide the blueprint that will ensure a successful system launch that
will last for decades.

What is the value creation of Drinkwell in Bangladesh?

We know that value creation means Utility. The main goal of utility is need fill up. Drinkwell is a very good
example to show their success. They have done their value creation. So the value creation of Drinkwell is given
Utility Solutions:- Drinkwell helps utilities increase safe water coverage, reduce pilferage, and decrease non-
revenue water by providing turnkey solutions that provide metered dispensing of safe water through mobile
money-enabled water atm solutions complete with onsite operation and maintenance services that provide
utilities with the assurance they need around the provision of safe, affordable, and accessible water. Drinkwell
is currently assisting Dhaka WASA, a water utility responsible for providing 17 million people with safe
drinking water, to become the first megacity to provide 100% legal access to safe water to all citizens by 2020
by deploying a Drinkwell System through the deployment of 300 systems across the city under the Dhaka's
"Smart City" efforts through the Bangladesh Government's "Digital Bangladesh" initiative. Drinkwell is helping
the Dhaka Water & Sewerage Authority (WASA) become the first megacity across Asia & Africa to provide
100% legal access to safe water for all citizens by 2020 by retrofitting 300 pumps with Drinkwell’s technology.
The initiative is part of Dhaka's "Smart City" efforts via the Bangladesh Government's "Digital Bangladesh"

Does Drinkwell fulfill our needs?

Yes, I can tell Drinkwell partially fulfilled our needs. I’m telling Yes because if we see before 4 years back,
we can see there was nothing to get pure water. We didn’t have any opportunity than now to get pure water.
Our need was getting pure water. Drinkwell has started its mission as well as its journey with us to solve the
need. In the last 4 years, we can see the changes in getting pure water have been done with technologies.
Nowadays people can get pure water easily at a low cost.
Though they still lacked Drinkwell is trying to solve the problem for the wholecountry.

Does Drinkwell have any Problems?

Whereas this is a technology-based organization because technologies are purifying the water, as well as it is a
big problem solution organization so some problems it has. Those are written to
1) They are providing the service in Dhaka as well as outside Dhaka but still so many districts, as well as
rural areas, do not have their services.
2) In Dhaka is the busiest city in our country as well as over the world. Here people live 1/3of the country.
But 227 booths are very short for Dhaka. There are so many in Dhaka wherethe booth is not available.
3) They decided that they will fix 300 ATM booths for the water over Dhaka city within 2019. But now
it’s 2021, only 227 ATM booth is available in Dhaka.

What Drinkwell is doing for solving their problems?

1) They are trying to set up more ATMs. Though their expected time is over for adjusting the ATM. But still,
they are trying. On 2nd May 2021, they set up new 12 ATMs, then on 8th May 2021, they setup new 13 more
ATM, and after that on 1st June 2021, they set up new 12 ATMs. And from 190 ATM, it’s been updated to
2) Though they are providing their services outside of Dhaka and they are thinking to set their services to the
rural area within a few years. Processing is ongoing.

>>A short diagram is given below for understanding easily the whole changes:-


REVENUE 50-60% 1-2%
Real-time monitoring of Ls Dispensed,
MONITORING None Customer Usage Patterns

QUALITY Meets Bangladesh

ASSURANCE None Water Quality Standards

Uncertain via musclemen 10a – 6p with fixed 40 paisa per lite

ACCESS with variable pricing

PAYMENT Mobile money enabledVia

METHOD Cash RFID cards

The water rate is so cheap but why people are not interested to buy water from Drinkwell?
According to our research from the general people, some reasons are arising when this question arises.
i) Lack of publicity:_ They are not providing any advertising, banners, etc.
ii) ATM Booth Facilities:- They are providing water only in their ATM booth. And booths are not
available in their nearby. Because their booths are only at the WASA pump.
iii) Carrying facilities:- When a person is going to take water, they have to take a bottle or jar.After
that, this is quite tough for taking water from ATM Booth to home.
iv) Mentality fact:- People think that if I take water from there, then I have to maintain the Queue, I
have to maintain the balance policy, and I have to take water from there to here. So why not I just
take water from my home tube? I can boil those for 15-20 minutes with chilling mode.That’s enough.

What’s the profit is Drinkwell?

Actually, this is all about their internal policy. They didn’t publish their profit system. But according to my
research, 39 organizations from 10 countries are direct partners of Drinkwell, so there might be their profit.

Unmet Need
We know that unmet means the solution that we didn’t get yet. Drinkwell is a well-known organization but
still, they are not able to fulfill the needs of every people. Drinkwell is working for providing pure water and
this is actually the biggest challenge for the organization. So the unmet need that I’m talking about those are
given below:-
1) In our country, people who live in a rural area, use Tube well. But in most cases, we can see, most of the
areas are not safe for pure water. Because Arsenic arrives over there. Drinkwell is now in the capital of
Dhaka city. But they should start their activities over all the rural area also.
2) Though they are working for pure water, they should provide pure mineral water by using a suitable
bottle with the maximum lowest price like how they are providing water to the ATM.
3) Sometimes, some people cannot go to the ATM for their problematic issues. Though it’s normal and it
might have happened. So, at this stage Drinkwell can provide their home delivery service. In this case, they
can claim an extra charge.
4) If they will take the given initiatives, there is a plethora of chances that people who live in our country and
who are unemployed, can take a chance to get a job. It will help the largest number of people in our country
who will take the water benefits as well as the unemployment solution.
5) In our country, especially in city areas we can see most of the rivers are not clean. The reason for that bad
smell as well as water and air, disease are literally increasing. Under the circumstances, Drinkwell can take
the initiative with Dhaka WASA that they will take the step for cleaning slops from the river. Through this
initiative, Drinkwell will be also benefited, because they can also take the clean water over there before
purifying water. And if they use clean water before purifying, it will also give some advantages to the
electric filter. The filter will give the services than the previous time.

Do they involve with ‘Robi’ or any telecommunication company?

Robi has been a true partner for Drinkwell. As we grew our footprint across Dhaka by powering the
communications backbone via services such as Robi Enterprise Resource Locator through which we are
able to manage our field team who service over 100 water ATMs ensuring clean water to over 40,000
Robi is actually the partner of Drinkwell under the basis of GSMA. The GSM Association is an industry
organization that represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide. GSMA is an organization
from European Confederation. Robi is doing vital work for Drinkwell. They are giving prepaid balance
support to Drinkwell.

Some important queries asked the CEO through e-mail

I have generated some important questions, and again I have contacted the honorable CEO & Co-founder Mr.
Minhaz Chowdhury through e-mail. And it’s ourpleasure that I have got feedback from him. Email
screenshots and those question answers aregiven below.

Some important queries asked the CEO through e-mail

1) Why Drinkwell is not providing services to the rural area of Bangladesh? Because in our country,
rural areas need Drinkwell's service very much. There are many sufferers of arsenic.
Ans:- Drinkwell provides service not only in urban but also in rural areas. We have an Arsenic Iron
Removal system In Manikganj, Kushtia, Meherpur, Bancharampur & Kulaura. Which is partnering with the
Department of Public Health & Engineering.

2) As far as I know, approximately 230 booths are working in Dhaka city, when we will get 300
Ans:- By September 2021 if further government lockdown is not implemented in the meantime.

3) Did 27 booths close? why those have been closed? So, what is the current number of booths?
Ans:- Right now 33 water atm booths were closed due to Dhaka WASA construction work and a few ofthem not
having enough consumers to continue the operation.

4) Still in Dhaka city, most people do not know about Drinkwell. Why its publicity is low?
Ans:- Still, now we are in the build phase after installing 300 ATMs we will increase our marketing scops.
Right now we are doing local rickshaw marketing, an ss campaign, customer recharge awards & digital
platform campaign. We are open to hearing any innovative marketing ideas you may have so the people of
Dhaka are more aware of our Water ATM Booths. Feel free to share your ideas with us as we are always
looking to implement fresh ideas!”

Some Question/Answer
1) How many liters of water can a person take?
Ans:- There is no minimum limitation for taking water as well as no limitation for taking maximumwater.
2) How they are producing pure water & how do they bring water to the ATM Booth?
Ans:- Their ATM Booths are installed in various pumps of WASA in the capital. For the reason of thatWASA
is responsible for pumping water. And WASA has set the pump with Drinkwell’s booth. After that Drinkwell
filter the water.
3) Is using their ATM the same as a Bank ATM card?
Ans:- No. If a person wants to take water, then he has to go to the pump with his prepaid card. Afterthat, if he
scans the card to the ATM machine, then water will automatically keep coming. But one thing is required
prepaid cards will have a balance.
4) In our country, how many local organizations is involved with Drinkwell?
Ans:- A total of 4 local of our countries organizations are involved with Drinkwell. For instance:-
i) Dhaka WASA- Water and Sewerage Authority
ii) Chattogram WASA- Water and Sewerage Authority
iii) DPHE which is the Bangladesh department of public health engineering,
iv) Brac NGO
v) Robi (this is involved with Drinkwell under GSMA)

5) Is it a profit or Non-profit organization?

Ans:- This is a non-profit organization. Because they are not taking much charge for water from the
customer. Where 1-liter water price is almost 15 taka and they are providing the same water only for 40
paysa. Their profit is there when the organization’s sponsor provides the fund.
Water is absolutely a human right. When you actually provide water to people in need, I don’t think that
should be a for-profit activity, it should be provided by the government. But, at the same time, the
institutions are so broken. NGOs aren’t working (sustainable) either – Minhaz Chowdhury.
6) How many countries are involved with Drinkwell?
Ans:- 10. Bangladesh, India, USA, UK, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, Germany, Malaysia, and
European Confederation.
7) What is their service time?
Ans:- From 8.00 am to 8.00 pm every day.


1. Drinkwell. (n.d.). Drinkwell. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

2. Gardner, M. (2015, August 14). SOCAP Conversations: Entrepreneur Minhaj Chowdhury on Overcoming Challenges

in Social Impact Work. SOCAP Global.


3. Drinkwell Dhaka WASA ATM Coverage on BTV. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
4. বাড়তি টাকা তিয়ে পাতি তকিয়ি হয়ে ওোসারই বুথ থথয়ক || Drink Well Wasa. (n.d.). Retrieved

January 2, 2023, from

5. Drinkwell CEO Profile by Danone Communities. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

6. Drinkwell CEO Profile by Danone Communities. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

7. Dhaka WASA + Drinkwell Partnership. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

8. Drinkwell: revolutionizing the global water industry. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
9. Dhaka WASA Drinkwell Tejgaon Polytechnic Water ATM Inauguration. (n.d.). Retrieved January

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10. Partners. (n.d.). Drinkwell. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

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