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DEC 3 1962




Richard W. Hanks





for the Atomic Energy Commission

Under U. S. Government Contract W7405 eng 26



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Printed in USA. Price : $ 2.50 Available from the
Office of Technical Services
U. S. Department of Commerce
Washington 25, D. C.


This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work . Neither the United States,
nor the Commission , nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission :
A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of
any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe
privately owned rights; or
B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of
any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report.
As used in the above, " person acting on behalf of the Commission " includes any employee or
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or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares , disseminates , or
provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission,
or his employment with such contractor .
Date of Issue : November 19 , 1962 Report Number : K- 1531

Subject Category : ENGINEERING AND

( TID- 4500 , 18th Ed . )



Richard W. Hanks
Flow Research Laboratory


Division of Union Carbide Corporation
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Oak Ridge , Tennessee

Report Number : K- 1531 Subject Category : ENGINEERING AND






A brief review and discussion is given of earlier attempts to formu

late a stability criterion which is more general than the simple Newtonian
Reynolds number . A new parameter is formulated and its general properties
are discussed .

The new parameter is applied to several different situations and is

shown to be applicable in general to rectilinear flow systems . The appli

cations which are compared with experimental data include isothermal flow

of Newtonian fluids in pipes , in concentric annuli , and between parallel

plates ; isothermal and nonisothermal flow of pseudoplastic non -Newtonian

fluids in pipes ; and isothermal flow of semifluids ( substances possessing

finite yield stresses ) in pipes . In addition to these experimentally
verified results , theoretical calculations are presented for the isothermal
flow of : 1 ) pseudoplastic non - Newtonian fluids between parallel plates ;
2 ) isothermal flow of semifluid substances ( in terms of the Bingham model )
in concentric annuli and between parallel plates ; and 3 ) isothermal flow
of semifluid substances ( in terms of the nonlinear Powell -Eyring rheologi
cal model) in pipes .








Newtonian Fluids 16
Flow Between Parallel Plates 18

Flow in Concentric Annuli . 19

3 88 8

Pseudoplastic non - Newtonian Fluids .

Isothermal Pipe -Flow 24
Isothermal Flow Between Parallel Plates 28
Nonisothermal Pipe -Flow . .. 30

Semifluid Materials 36

Bingham Model : Pipe -Flow 37

Powell -Eyring Model : Pipe -Flow . .

Bingham Model : Flow Between Parallel Plates . 44

* *
Bingham Model : Flow Through Concentric Annuli ‫ܛܐܛܐ‬




Table 1 - Compu ted f,

Computed f с and N R,"e ; as a function of n for flow of

power law fluids between parallel plates . 53

Table 2 - Computed fc and I'I Rei as

N a function of n for flow of

power law fluids in pipes . 54

for flow of Bingham

Table 3 - Computed values of Q , Nhe'
Не ? and N.Re
fluids in pipes . . 55

Table 4 - Computed values of d,

a NHe'? N for flow of Bingham

fluids between parallel plates . 57

Table 5 - Computed results for flow of Bingham fluids in annuli . 59





A generalized criterion for predicting the onset of turbulent flow

has been derived and compared with previous workers ' results . This new
parameter has been applied to the flow of Newtonian and non - Newtonian

fluids in pipes , concentric annuli and between parallel plates . It has

also been applied to the nonisothermal flow of non -Newtonian fluids in

pipes . Where experimental data were available the calculated results were

compared with the data and in all cases excellent agreement was obtained .

Several heretofore unrecognized features of the laminar - turbulent transi

tion have been brought to light through the present formulation as it is

here reviewed . Among these features are : ( 1 ) the existence of a maximum
in the dependence of the critical Reynolds number on the annular radius

ratio 0; ( 2 ) the existence of a maximum in the dependence of the critical

pseudoplastic pipe - flow Reynolds number as a function of the power law

parameter n ; ( 3 ) the loss of the maximum in the dependence of the critical

Reynolds number on the annular radius ratio o for semifluid materials

possessing large yield stresses .

Perhaps the most striking and significant result of the present anal
ysis is the fact that the parameter which gives rise to the above mentioned
features has only one critical value , the magnitude of which is a constant

independent of the geometry of the flow channel, the rheological nature of

the fluid, or the existence or absence of temperature gradients in the flow
region . Until the present parameter was formulated there did not exist in

the literature any parameter which could be applied as universally as


seems to be the case with the present one .

The present review suggests strongly that the new parameter is general

in the case of rectilinear flow systems and may be applied without restric

tions to the flow of any fluid , isothermally or otherwise , through straight

channels of arbitrary cross section .

Although the application of the most general form of this new para
meter to nonrectilinear flows will in general involve tedious numerical

work and has not yet been done , it is suggested that the results of such

applications should be similarly favorable .



Ever since Osborne Reynolds observed the uniqueness of the Reynolds

number as a criterion of flow similarity and stability , there has been an

ever- increasing interest in the problem of predicting a priori the transi

tion from laminar to turbulent motion . As a result of this interest , it

has been found that, although with extreme care laminar flow may be per
petuated at very large values of the Reynolds number , turbulent flow is a
truly stable form of fluid motion only when the magnitude of the Reynolds
number exceeds a certain lower " critical" value . This lower critical

Reynolds number is usually accepted to be 2100 for the flow of Newtonian

fluids in pipes .

However , as soon as one changes the geometry of the flow system

( e.g. , parallel plates ) or considers flow of non -Newtonian fluids ( fluids

which do not possess a unique constant " viscosity " ), the simple concepts
involved in the familiar Reynolds number no longer apply and one is again
faced with the problem of knowing whether a given flow is laminar or tur

bulent . Since both types of flow behavior are observed in Newtonian flow

in other geometries and non -Newtonian flow in pipes , one suspects that the

Reynolds number might be merely a special form of a more general criterion

for the stability of flow . The author's purpose in this report is to

review and summarize previous proposals of generalized stability parameters,

and to present a new and demonstrably general parameter together with

certain results which are not presently available in the literature .



Perhaps the first attempt to formulate a general stability parameter

was that of Rouse who from dimensional considerations and a recognition

that such a parameter should vary with position in the flow field, proposed
the parameter

р 2 dv
ZR = - (TV-2)e
r r
р dyW

dr 1

where r is the radial position coordinate , r .W is the radius of the pipe ,

and v is the velocity of the fluid having density p and viscosity Ho This

parameter vanishes at both r = 0 ( because here dv /ar o ) and r = r w? and

can easily be shown to have a maximum value at r = r./3 for the case of a
parabolic ( Poiseuille ) velocity profile . Rouse's parameter , which is

limited to Newtonian fluids by virtue of the viscosity appearing in the

denominator, when evaluated at r = rv/ 3, becomes

ZR N ( 2)
27 Re

where N dvp / u is the Reynolds number, d is the pipe diameter, and ū is


the average linear velocity of flow .

The second attempt to obtain a generalized stability parameter is that

of Ryan and Johnson who approached the problem through an intuitive modi
fication of the small perturbation theory . * Their analysis involved the

following steps :

1. Express the hydrodynamic energy equation in first order pertuba

tion form in terms of stress components .

* For an excellent review of this technique see the monograph by Lin

( ref . 3 ) .

2 Recognize the similarity between the perturbation form of the

viscous dissipation terms and certain unperturbed base flow terms .

3. Postulate a simplified model from which the base flow terms could

be written in a form resembling a perturbation .

4. Form the ratio of the term representing the energy supply to the
disturbance divided by the pseudoperturbation of the viscous dis

sipation term .

5. Postulate that the ratio of a radial velocity perturbation to a

differential radial increment is equal to the undisturbed base

flow velocity gradient .

Their parameter, arrived at by the above procedure is

p d
ZRJ = dp / dz dr cos (v) (3)

where dp / az is the axial pressure gradient .

This parameter , like Rouse's , vanishes at the axis and wall of the

pipe , and has a maximum somewhere between . For the parabolic velocity

profile, equation ( 3 ) has a maximum at the point r с = r , 1/3.

At this

value of the radius equation ( 3 ) becomes : (


ZRJ = 277/27 Nge
' Re ( 4)

For the case of Newtonian pipe - flow both Rouse's and Ryan and Johnson's

parameters are equal to a constant multiple of the bulk flow Reynolds

number . Ryan and Johnson's parameter is more general than Rouse's since
it does not involve the Newtonian viscosity in its definition and hence

can be applied to non -Newtonian fluids .

Although both of these parameters were attempts at a general stability


parameter , neither is . This may be shown by considering predictions based

on both parameters involving the effects of geometry and non -Newtonian

fluid characteristics ..

In order to examine the effect of these variables it is necessary to

obtain a numerical value for the maximized parameters at the critical pipe

flow Reynolds number . This is easily obtained by setting N.Re 2100 in

equations ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) . In this manner one finds ZR max 5600/9 = 622.2,

and ZRJ max 2100 74/27 = 808.3 .

For flow of Newtonian fluids between parallel plates , if one applies

the two parameters using the appropriate numerical values given above for
max ' one calculates from both methods (hvp /u ). = 1400 , where h is the
half- separation of the plates .
This value is to be compared with the data
of Davies and White who observed (hvp /u ). 700. Thus , both parameters

predict a value which is in error by a factor of 2 .

In order to obtain the correct value , one must postulate that Z max
is some function of geometry , but then one is no further ahead than was

the case with a geometry dependent critical Reynolds number .

Ryan and Johnson showed in their paper that Rouse's parameter could

not be used to predict correctly the point of transition for flow of non
Newtonian fluids, whereas their own could . The successful application of

their parameter to non -Newtonian pipe - flow data will be discussed in more
detail later .

Another point , which is of considerable importance , is the prediction

of the radial position of maximum instability for a parabolic profile .
Rouse would predict r /ru с W
1/3 = 0.333 , while Ryan and Johnson predict

с W
V1/ 3 = 0.577 .
r / r = 11/3

Considerable experimental work has been done in attempting to ascer

tain the point of the inception of turbulence . Gibsons, using a dye in
jection technique , observed that his dye filaments were broken up by

turbulent disturbances at the lowest Reynolds numbers when introduced at a

point rc/r W
0.58 . Rothfus and Prengle6,7 using dye filament studies , and

Senecal and Rothfus using an impact probe report that turbulence seems to
be first observed on the axis of the tube . Lindgren” using a bi -refringent
Bentonite sol showed conclusively that Rothfus and Prengle's results were

due not to the instability of the fluid , but rather to the presence of
their dye injection tube which disturbed the flow . It is interesting to

note than Lindgren first observed ( ref . 9 , p . 61 ) deviations from laminar

motion where his probe tip was at a point r / r W, ~ 0.6 .
Kuethe , reporting the work of his student Leite who studied distur

bance patterns with a hot -wire anemometer downstream of a disturbance

source in a laminar air stream flowing with a Reynolds number larger than
Sibulkin in study
2100 , observed maximum fluctuations at rc/rw = 0.6 . >

ing the decay of turbulence in an air stream which went from a small

diameter pipe where it was in turbulent flow to a larger diameter pipe

where it changed to laminar flow, observed that turbulence persisted

furthest into the larger pipe in the region 0.4 < r / r.rW. < 0.6 .
Thus , it appears that although the nature of disturbances in boundary
layers and their interaction with the wall is very complex and undoubtedly

contribute to the maintenance ? of turbulent flow, the bulk flow in a pipe

seems to be least stable to disturbances at a radial position roughly 0.6
times the pipe radius in good agreement with the prediction of Ryan and
Johnson .

From the above considerations one concludes that Rouse's parameter is

incorrect and that Ryan and Johnson's , although more general in that it can
be used for non -Newtonian fluids , is still not the desired generalized

stability criterion because it is still geometry dependent .


In attempting to formulate a stability parameter of general applica

bility one should keep in mind the following requirements :

1. It should have the same general physical significance as the

Reynolds number .

2. For Newtonian pipe flow it should be proportional to the Reynolds

number .
3. Its critical value should be a constant which is independent of

the geometry of the flow field or the thermal condition of the

fluid .

4. It should be independent of the rheological nature ( stress - rate

of strain relation ) of the fluid .
The Reynolds number may be interpreted as the ratio of the magnitude

of an inertial force to the magnitude of a viscous shear force acting on an

element of fluid . Therefore , one might expect a generalized parameter to

involve a similar ratio of magnitudes of forces .

The equations which describe the motion of a fluid are the equation

of continuity

div ( pv ) - dt ( 5)

and the equations of motion

(a) (b ) (c) ( a)
ду 7

p + p grad ( v.v )
ρν και ζ
F grad p - div I. (6)

The left -hand terms in equations ( 6 ) represent the mass times acceleration
of a fluid element , term ( a ) being the gradient of the translational kinetic
energy of the fluid, and term ( b ) arising from the vorticity ( 5 curl v)
of the flow . Terms ( c ) represent the forces due to the pressure and ex
ternal force fields acting on the fluid, and term ( a ) represents the viscous
forces ( TI is the stress deviation tensor ) .
It is suggested 5 that when the magnitude of the acceleration force
arising from the vorticity [term ( b ) in equation ( 3 ) ] reaches a certain
multiple of the magnitude of the viscous force ( a ) , the fluid motion will
be unstable to certain types of disturbances and stable laminar flow will
no longer exist . Mathematically this suggestion may be expressed as

= K
|pv x 51 = K div IT

The coefficient of proportionality, K, in equation ( 7 ) thus becomes the

generalized stability parameter . Thus far in the formulation , two of the
four criteria for the generalized parameter have been satisfied . The

physical significance of K in terms of ratios of magnitudes of forces is

the same as that of the Reynolds number . Because of the use of the stress

deviation tensor in its formulation , K is also independent of any rheologi

cal equation .

At this point some rather general properties of the stability para

meter can be pointed out . From the nature of its definition K is a

localized parameter, and therefore, is a function of position in the flow


field . It is inherently a positive number . The term V x Š vanishes at

all solid boundaries and along the lines of symmetry of the velocity profile
whereas div I does not . Therefore , it follows that K must also vanish on
solid boundaries and along lines of symmetry of the velocity field . Since

K 2 O everywhere , at some point in the flow region it must acquire a maxi

mum value which shall be designated by the symbol K. It is postulated that

when ñ reaches a sufficiently large constant critical value , k , certain
types of disturbances, if introduced at that point , will be able to grow
and spread to the solid boundary surfaces . Here they can become self

maintaining and give rise to a general transition to turbulence throughout

the region of flow . In order that conditions 3 and 4 above be satisfied,

it is necessary that k be a constant number , independent of geometry,

rheological equations, and thermal conditions . It now remains to be shown

that K is proportional to the Reynolds number for Newtonian pipe flow and
determine the numerical value of k .

Equation ( 7 ) may be considerably simplified for the case of steady

state rectilinear flows if one notes the following identity:

grad ( v.v) (8)

which results in equation ( 6 ) becoming

diy T = F grad p (9)

Using equations ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) one can write equation ( 7 ) as

K =
1 grad ( -x)
F grad p ( 10 )

For a horizontal pipe of circular cross section in which a Newtonian

fluid is flowing in the absence of external fields (FF = o ) , equation ( 10 )


1 2

K = į apl
dp az de
år (vs) (7 ( 11 )

Upon introduction of the Poiseuille velocity profile equation ( 11) is

reduced to

K= Ś (1-
1 )NRE
Re ( 12 )

where 5 r / r W, and N.Re dvp / u . The value of Ę ( the point where K = K )

is found by differentiating equation ( 12) with respect to Ś , equating the

resultant expression to zero , and solving for Ę . The result of this opera
2 2
tion, ] = v1/3, is the same as that found by Ryan and Johnson . Therefore ,

evaluating equation ( 12 ) with 5 E gives

KK = » 1/27 NRe ( 13 )

thus satisfying the second condition listed above . To determine the value

of k one sets K = k and N.Re 2100 in equation ( 13 ) , and obtains

к 404 . ( 14 )

Comparison of equations ( 3 ) and ( 11 ) shows that for pipe flow 2K = Z.


and therefore Ryan and Johnson's pipe - flow parameter is contained as a

special case of equation ( 7 ) .


In order to demonstrate the generality of equation ( 7 ) it is necessary

to compare predictions based on it with experimental results in a variety
of different situations .

Newtonian Fluids

In applying equation ( 10 ) to various other geometries it is convenient

to define a special Reynolds number .
Lohrenz and Kurata obtained an expression for an equivalent diameter

deе which , if used in the conventional definitions of the friction factor

and Reynolds number , permits all Newtonian laminar flow data for pipes ,
concentric annuli , and parallel plates to be represented by the relation
-1 2.
where f = d
ship f = 16 N.Re a ( -dp/ az ) /( 205") is the friction factor and

NRe = d.vp/H.u

This equivalent diameter may be written as

6 84( ) ( 15 )


v (0 ) (1+0%)en 0 + (1-02)
2 ( 16 )
2( 1-0 )2 eno
and ra - ri and o = ri / ra ( see Fig . I for explanation of the coordinate
system used for concentric annuli) . By repeated application of L'Hôpital's
rule to equation ( 16 ) one can show
bim v ( 0 )o - ( 17 )
o + 1

( parallel plates )



X :


Figure 1

lim v ( O) = ( 18 )
o + O

( pipes )

The limit o = 1 corresponds physically to ra and r, both being infinitely


large so that rı /ra 1,

l but ra - ri
rı = 0.

Flow Between Parallel Plates . For flow between parallel plates equations

( 15 ) and ( 17 ) give a e = h 32/3 where h Ô is the half separation of

the plates .

Equation ( 10) becomes K =

ā2 a
dp /daz
z aacv )/ay. Following the same pro
cedure as for pipe flow, but using v( y) for plane Poiseuille flow , one finds
K =
言3(JE (• (1-6%) NRC
0( Re
( 19 )

where 0 =
y / h and y is the distance measured from the mid -plane. Setting

dK / ao O and solving for Ö ( the value of $ for which K = K) one finds


ö = v1/ 3. If equation ( 19 ) is solved for N.Re and evaluated by setting

0 = Ő and K = к , the value of the critical Reynolds number is found to be

N Re ( Parallel Plates ) 2288 . ( 20 )


Davies and White >
as mentioned previously, observed (hvp/ ) с
= 700. When

this number is converted to the present Reynolds number it becomes

NRe ( experimental ) = 2285. Thus , the generalized parameter K can be used

to predict quite accurately the critical Reynolds number for flow between

parallel plates . It should be emphasized at this point that whereas the

magnitude of the critical Reynolds number ( depending on the particular

definition chosen for a characteristic length) may vary widely from the

the pipe flow value 2100 , the same value of k applies in both cases and

there is no ambiguity in definition involved . Therefore , regardless of the

definition of the parallel plate Reynolds number , its critical value can be

calculated from equations ( 10 ) , ( 14) and the correct velocity profile ex

pression .

Flow in Concentric Annuli . The coordinate system shown in Fig . 1 is con

venient to use in considering annular flows . In terms of these coordinates

the solution of the equations of motion for the rectilinear flow of a

Newtonian fluid is

ū ( 1-0 )
v( x )
) lno
x1 } .
en [ 0+( 1-0) x ] ( 21 )

In terms of this variable equation ( 10 ) becomes

1 p /8 a 2
( 22)
ਕੋ ( 3)
2 dp / dz dx
(v )

The average velocity obtained by integration of equation ( 21 ) is


Mamy roo)
dz ( 23 )

where y ( 0 ) is given by equation ( 16 ) above . By substitution of equations

( 21 ) and ( 23 ) into equation ( 22 ) one finds

2 2

[ 1-0 eno -0
lno ] [1eno + 20 ]
( 24 )
821 ) ( 1-0) V( o ) e

where 0 =
= 0 + ( 1-0) x . As a check of equation ( 24 ) , one may apply
L'Hôpital's rule to obtain as a limit for parallel plates

lim K =
Ne x ( 11 - x ) (1-2x ).
( 25 )
o + 1

In this limit x =
*( 1+0 ) , and equation ( 25 ) is equivalent to equation ( 19 ) .
Similarly , the pipe flow limit of equation ( 24 ) is

lim K = { NRE x ( 1 -xx 3)

( 26 )
04 o

and since in this limit x 5 , equation ( 26 ) is equivalent to equation ( 12 ) .

For intermediate values of o the coordinate ž ( at which K = K) is
found by solution of the following equation :

2 2 2
2 2 1-0
1 1-0
0 =
(2-che) gar ({ 20* + hid ) - (20 1.0°) ( 1-02 - Homeenēno)}]
26 -

eno ( 27 )

where 7 = 0 + ( 1-0
1-0)) ī . The open tube limit of ī is v1 /3 while the parallel
plate limit is 262(1 ++ v1/3
11/3 ).). These limits are shown in Fig . 2 which is a
plot of ž , obtained by numerical solution of equation ( 27 ) as ordinate and
o as abscissa .

NRed can be calculated from equations ( 14 ) , ( 24) , and a

Values of N.

values obtained from Fig . 2 . The solid curve shown in Fig . 3 was obtained

in this manner . The large effect of a tiny central core is illustrated by

both Fig . 2 and 3. Fig . 3 in particular shows a new and interesting result
of the present treatment , i.e. , the critical Reynolds number as a function

of o has a maximum value of 2462 at o := 0.15 .. The validity of this new



)+Ź(173 EL




O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0

2600 4
2500 8


2200 A


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

3 ure

prediction appears to be well substantiated by the data in Fig . 3. A

detailed discussion of the data is given in reference 15 . It is sufficient

here to remark that the open points were included only to illustrate the

sharp rise in NRe at a low 0 . These data are somewhat questionable 15 and

the solid points , which agree much more closely with the predicted curve ,
should be given the most weight .

Pseudoplastic Non -Newtonian Fluids

A large and very important class of non - Newtonian fluids is the class

of true fluids known as pseudoplastics . This class of fluids is character

ized by an apparent viscosity ( ratio of shear stress to rate of shearing

strain ) which decreases with increasing rate of strain . The apparent

viscosity strain rate relation for these fluids is generally nonlinear ,

and many complex equations have been proposed to fit the experimental data
for various fluids . However , a surprisingly large number of pseudoplastic
fluids exhibit a stress - strain rate relation which is linear for wide

ranges of strain rate if plotted on logarithmic coordinates . Such a rela

tion may be represented algebraically by the so - called "power- law"

Iτ == kyn ( 28 )

where t is the shear stress , k is a " consistency " factor somewhat analogous
to a Newtonian viscosity, y is the strain rate ( -dv /ar in a pipe ) , and n
is a number less than unity for pseudoplastic fluids . The equivalent form

of equation ( 28 ) for flow in a pipe is

W k' q ( 29 )



k ' = k [ 1 n+3n ( 30 )

and t rW ( -dp/dz) is the shear stress at the pipe wall , q = QQ/107
st w ' =

and Q is the volumetric flow rate .

Isothermal Pipe Flow

Flow .. Equation ( 28 ) can be combined with the equation of
motion to obtain the following velocity profile expression :

nr τ In 1 +n
W W n
V( 5 ) 1+n ) (1-5
k ( 31 )

where & = rr / rrw, From equation ( 31 ) the average velocity v is found to be

nr τ 1/ n

1 + 3n k
( 32)

By using equations ( 31 ) and ( 32) one can write equation ( 11 ) as

2 l+n
i1 ( 1 +3n ) 1/ n
( 1-5
) NRe ( 33 )
16 n ( 1 + n ) i
2 2-n
where N. 8pr W, a / k' is the power law analog of the Newtonian Reynolds
Re Nre, i
24 -1
number . The definition of N. used here satisfies the relation f -
16 N
' Re
i Nre. i

where f = 27/ov is the conventional Fanning friction factor.

pv An equiva
lent form of Reynolds number has been used elsewhere.
If equation ( 33 ) is differentiated with respect to § and dK /ae is set
equal to zero and the result solved for ] , one finds
1 +n

2 + n ( 34)

which is the result found by Ryan and Johnson When equation ( 33 ) is

evaluated at 5 E , one finds

2 +n
2 1 + n
1 ( 1+3n ) 2 N. ( 35 )

16 n
[ a]2+n Re

N, e ( the
From equation ( 35 ) with K set equal to k , the critical value of NR
solid curve shown in Fig . 4 ) was computed . The data shown in Fig . 4 were
obtained from several sources in the literature . The three Newtonian fluid

points ( n = 1 ) were included to show that the scatter involved in the data
for non -Newtonian fluids is not excessive . The data points cluster well

about the predicted curve and very clearly confirm the prediction of a
at n = 0.418 . Most of the data were obtained with
maximum value of NRe ic
pseudoplastic fluids ( n < 1 ) . However , the cement rock slurry data of
Wilhelm et al . can also be treated in terms of the Bingham plastic model

as will be shown later . The one Filter -Cel suspension point ( n 1.105 )

is clearly dilatant ( n > 1 ) . Thus, the predictions based on the use of k

indeed seem to be independent of the rheological nature of the fluid .
Metzner and Reed observed that most non - Newtonian fluids seemed to

exhibit a transition to turbulent flow characterized by a constant value

of the friction factor f = 0.008 independent of the rheology of the fluid .

The reason for this observation can readily be seen in Fig . 5 . The solid

curve is calculated from equation ( 35 ) with Nre

Re . /16 replaced by 1/f and
K k . The data points were obtained from the same sources as those shown

in Fig . 4 . It is apparent from Fig . 5 that for a broad range of n the

value of f
is very nearly constant as observed by Metzner and Reed 25.

2700 CARBOPOL 26

AIR 18

N Reic

2300 8
8 18





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


0.014 :


AIR 18
0.011 AIR 8




0.007 9A 0948


o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


Figures 4 and 5 clearly show that, for those fluids which can properly
be represented by equation ( 28 ) , the generalized parameter given by equa
tion ( 10 ) quite accurately predicts the laminar - turbulent transition, both
with respect to flow rate and pressure drop .

Isothermal Flow Between Parallel Plates . If the above procedure is followed

for the case of a power law fluid flowing between parallel plates one ob

tains the following set of equations :

1 +n
1 +2n n
v( 0 ) V
1 +n ( 1-0 ) ( 36 )

nh 1/ n
V =
het om ( TL/X)WE
1 + 2n
τ ( 37 )

2 1 + n
( 1 +2n ) n
K = 2V2/3
f n (1 +n )
( 1-0 ) (38 )
1 +n


-[2 ] +n ( 39 )

2 + n
2 1 +n

2 2/3 1
f ((1 + 2n)) ਵਿਜ਼
n 2 +n
( 40 )

where 0 = y/h as in the Newtonian case above, IW = -hdp / az,

_2 2

-2V2 / 3 h (dp/ az )/ove = d ( -dp/az ) / 207 and de

e a is obtained by substi
tuting equation ( 17 ) into equation ( 15 ) above .
If one sets K = кk in equation ( 40 ) , the value of f may be computed с

as a function of n . Fig . 6 shows a plot of the curve calculated in this

manner compared with the similar curve for the pipe - flow case .






0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0



Figure 7 is a similar plot of N. calculated from the relation

16 /f . It is seen that the extrema of these curves are flatter for
parallel plates than for pipes .

The present method was not applied to the case of flow through con

centric annuli , although this could readily be done using the velocity
profile expressions of Fredrickson and Bird 29 .

Nonisothermal Pipe - Flow . In the formulation of the generalized stability

parameter a condition which was used to assign a fixed numerical value to

k was that the parameter be independent of system geometry, fluid rheology ,

or thermal conditions .

The general effect of heating a fluid in laminar motion is to blunt

its velocity profile30 . A similar effect on the velocity profile occurs

as the value of n in the power law equation decreases from unity25 . There
fore , the effect of heating on the laminar - turbulent transition should be
somewhat similar to the effect of decreasing n . .
This latter effect is
illustrated in figures 4 and 5 which clearly show that k =
404 independent

of n is a reasonable result . Thus, one should expect equation ( 11 ) to be

valid for the nonisothermal flow of fluids using a value of k 404 as given

by equation ( 14 ) .
In dealing with the effect of temperature on pseudoplastic fluids the
present author and Christiansen and Craig32 have found the following

modification of equation ( 28 ) to be very useful

T = k у eе
γ ( 41 )

no #
where ke = k and 0 = ET/ RT. The quantity E is the energy of






1 00

1 1500
O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0


activation for viscous flow , R is the gas constant, and T is the absolute
no ' must
temperature . Since T T ( r ) in aa nonisothermal flow, the term e
be included in all the calculations as a function of position . From equa

tion ( 41) and the equation of motion one can obtain the following expression
for the velocity profile :

in 1 /n -$ ' ( 2 )
E = v/ ) S.
v( s ) = rr.v ( TW/ τ e dz ( 42 )

where z is a 'dummy " variable of integration . By introducing equation ( 42 )
into equation ( 11 ) one finds
oraW τ
im e - ¢ ' ( $ )
im -° ' ( z)
K =

*[ z e
dz ( 43 )

The equation for Ę ( obtained by setting dk / kg = 0 ) is

1 l +n -0 ' ((6 )

in - o ' ( z ) n
dz =
***** do
( 44 )

From equation ( 41 ) one can obtain the following expression

2 2
τ i
W qe
k 21
( 45 )


1 1
i/n i --° ' ( z )

e dzds ( 46 )



and 0
i E * /RTfi T
is the inlet value of the temperature which persists

in the center of the fluid, and q = v /r. = 2/5r

Q /1r3 W W

From equations ( 14 ) and ( 43 ) through ( 46 ) one finds




812 к

exp 2[°1 -0'(E)]
do '
( 47 )

Equation ( 47 ) must be solved simultaneously with the equation of motion

( equation ( 45 ) ) which can be rewritten in the following convenient form

n -n

Ś sf
= k
" ( 48 )


no' ' n
i 1+3n
3,4 Kg P ( 1432 )" - 2
k e
o n
= k ' ( 49)

and ef 2
5p = 2(1+3n)I ,q /n.

In order to solve equations ( 47 ) and ( 48 ) an expression for Ф$ ' ( E ) is

required . The author
24,31 has developed an approximate function Ф0 ( 5 )

which is mathematically tractable and permits the analytical solution of

the equations . For details the reader is referred to the two papers cited .
In Fig . 8 is shown a plot of experimental vs. calculated values of tWC
obtained by the author33. Fig . 9 is a similar plot in terms of 9c : In

these figures CBP stands for carboxypolymethylene and CMC stands for
carboxymethylcellulose .





+ 3.87 % - 3.87 %




0 --- CMC
. --- _ CMP
A -


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Twc ( EXPERIMENTAL ) , 1b.p / sq . ft .

Figure 8


A --- CBP
O .-- CMC
s1 eED
.- c


+ 6.71 % -6.71 %

10 102 103
OBSERVED ac , sec.- '

Figure 9

It is quite evident from Fig . 8 and 9 that the present formulation

of the stability criterion adequately satisfies the condition that k be

independent of the temperature profile . For some of the data points shown
in these figures the temperature correction factors sef were as great as

1.7 .

Semifluid Materials

The pumping of semifluid substances ( i.e. , substances which flow as

fluids only when stressed beyond a finite yield stress ) is of considerable
practical interest in fields ranging from sewage treatment to nuclear
reactor design . In many of these applications it is desirable to know the
conditions which determine the onset of turbulent flow .

Metzner and Reed 25 defined a parameter n = d en Tw/ad en q ( the slope


of a log - log plot of T.W vs. a ) which permits them to write i W = k
a .

In terms of their definition they claim that all substances which flow can

be treated as " generalized " power law fluids , with n ' being that physical
property which characterizes the degree of non -Newtonian behavior . Al

though they claim that n ' can be a function of q , in all cases studied by

25 n 1 was a constant and hence their result was identical with the

power law .

As a test of the general validity of the claims made by Metzner and

Reed 25 data for several semifluid substances were treated in terms of

their " generalized " power law technique in the region of the laminar
turbulent transition and the resulting friction factors and n values

have been compared31 with the theoretical curve calculated from equation

( 35 ) with Nre. / . It was demonstrated in this manner that Metzner

Re /16 = 1/f

and Reed's technique lead to results which were both qualitatively and

quantitatively incompatible with equation ((35 ) . Therefore , it would

appear that their technique while useful for simple pipe flow calcula

tions , is not adequate to the problem at hand . To further demonstrate

this point it will be sufficient to show that quantitative agreement can

be obtained between the experimental data and theoretical calculations

based on equations ( 11 ) , ( 14 ) and a more nearly correct rheological equa

tion .

Bingham Model : Pipe -Flow . Perhaps the simplest rheological equation of a

semifluid substance is the linear Bingham equation

τ = To + ny . Itol < ltl . ( 50 )

If | 7o | 2 | TT , equation ( 50 ) becomes y
T = O. In equation ( 50 ) To is the yield
stress beyond which the fluid must be stressed before it flows , and n is

the plastic viscosity or coefficient of rigidity which characterizes the

flow .

From equation ( 50 ) and the equation of motion one can obtain the
following equations

v( a) =
2v ( 1-a) ? ; Os $
sa ( 51 )
1 +
za za
( 52 )
V( E ) 4
[1-20d1-5)-> ] ; as 551 §

1 at a

T r 4
( 53 )
In (1 $ a + ša ")α +

where a = T / TW = r /r , is the normalized radius of the unsheared "plug"

= T

in the central core of the flow field . When equation ( 52 ) is introduced

into equation ( 11 ) and one sets dK /as = o0 , one finds

ह = a + ( 1-a) V1/ 3 ( 54 )

From equations ( 11 ) and (52) through (54) the quantity N Re dū p/n is

obtained as

IN Re = k 127 1 - g + 1/3at

( 55 )
с ( 1 - aa )
where a
с Id/ Twe: With the help of equation ( 53 ) the definition of N,Re

can be rearranged to give

" Не ( 56 )
с 8Q일

2 35
where N.
He Мне α /η is the Hedstrom
ρτde/n2 number . The determining equation

Ni' Re between equations ( 55 ) and ( 56 ) and

for ac is obtained by eliminating N.


a N.
с = e
'HНе ( 57 )
( 1-0 ) 16,800

Thus , from equations ( 56 ) and ( 57 ) and a knowledge of the physical proper

ties of the fluid and the pipe system, one can calculate N. The solid

curve in Fig . 10 was calculated in this manner . The data were obtained

from the literature and represent a wide variety of semifluid materials .

There is appreciable scatter in the data , but it is evident that for

He < 105 the data agree well with the calculated curve . For N. > 105

the data tend to fall above the curve . A possible explanation for this

6 :


ThO2 37




* +

Thoz 43






103 9876543104 18967543205 9876543106 1987654307

103 2 2 2


trend may be had by considering Fig . ll in which the solid curve is a

plot of aс vs. NoHe as calculated from equation ( 57 ) , and the data were ob

tained from some of the sources listed in Fig . 10 . In Fig . ll the data

agree well with the curve for Ne

< 105 , but for N.He > 105 the data points
definitely fall below the calculated curve . The value N. = 105
10 corre
" Не

sponds to a 0.55 . It is thus apparent that when aс > ( the radius of


the unsheared plug is greater than half the pipe radius ) the analysis fails
to describe the physical situation accurately . This failure is very
probably due to the inadequacy of the simple linear Bingham model to

represent the flow profile accurately . That this is a plausible explana

tion of the quantitative ( but not qualitative) discrepancy in Fig . 10 is

best demonstrated by performing the analogous calculations using a more
elaborate and realistic model .

Powell -Eyring Model: Pipe -Flow . A rheological model which represents a

wide variety of experimental data very well ( especially for Bingham fluids
with large NO
) is the nonlinear Powell -Eyring equation

1 -1
sinh ( A)
τ = μ γ +
1/ ( 58 )

where A , B , and u are fluid property parameters .

Equation ( 58 ) more accurately represents the velocity profile than

does equation ( 50 ) . In an actual flow field, the sharp step - function
nature of equation ( 50 ) , which requires the existence of a discontinuous
shear rate distribution in the pipe , is never realized . Equation ( 58 )
permits a very slowly varying shear rate distribution in the central

region of the flow field , but nevertheless one which is continuous over
the full region of flow .
O 36
ThO2 37

V 40

LIME 42 +






o 1987654305 1987654306 98765432107




Equation ( 58 ) can be rewritten as


ETW wł + sinh Г ( 59 )

where T
= BT
W ‫ܐ ܝ‬ y/A, and w = ABM In terms of these variables the

expression for the volumetric flow Q can be written in the form


q' = }r-}. ( 60 )
| par

where q ' q/A . By introducing equation ( 59 ) into equation ( 60 ) and per

forming the integration, one finds

1 1 3 4 2 3 -1 2 2
-= r
} T
{tul,****(Ram " , - ribor
w T + Г sinh Г
l +T

-1 2 -1 2
++ ${1+1,3
( * - ]3 +- fu [(era + 1)(sinn 21
( 3)2-21,voinb
W 1+ arr.]
,vt W

-1 -1 -1 2
ru$ +6 [rv
+ Ev,(sinn“ „5 - 311+ 2 (sina? v3W W
Ty - V7+ + ]}(61)
1 1

where TTvW WT
+ sinh T.

If the procedure used above for pipe - flow is followed using equation
( 59 ) , the following equation is obtained, which must be solved for ī ( the
value of I at the position ) :

(žurnarve + Votre) VI+ FP
1 + Fe ( 22 + Ž wV1+r )) - czwr
1 +1
= 0. ( 62 )

In equation ( 62 ) I WC is the value of r W, at the laminar -turbulent trans

ition and I is related to į through equation ( 59 ) .

Equation ( 62) must be solved simultaneously with

1 1 2 2
eget le w cenie - I 2) ++ wi ++pepe - 11++*)
( WC
* WC
" Не
( 63 )

2 2
where Ny
" Не
pa< / M B is the Powell -Eyring analog of the Hedstrom number .

Once the value of I

has been found, it can be used in equation ( 61 ) to

calculate q q from which one can then calculate the critical Reynolds
number from the relation N =

Re Nie = { w 2. Nie where Nre. = dūp/ co :


One set of the data of Gregory36 for flow of river-mud slurries

through a 4 - inch pipe was calculated in terms of both the Bingham model
and the Powell -Eyring model . For the Bingham calculation the ratio

NRe (exp't)/NRe ( theory) = 1.13, whereas for the Powell -Eyring calculation
с с

the same ratio was 1.03 . Since for these data , N"Не = 2.8x105 which is in

the range where deviations of the data from the curve in Fig . 10 are clear,

the closer agreement between the experiment and theory for the Powell

Eyring model is an indication of the inadequacy of the Bingham model to

represent the flow system accurately when " Не
> 105 . Therefore , if great

accuracy is desired in the range of N He

, > 105 , one must resort to a more

complex ( and usually nonlinear ) rheological equation in order to predict

the critical Reynolds number . However , in this range of N" Не
, the results

based on the linear Bingham model will be conservative .

The application of the linear Bingham model will now be extended to

include the case of flow between parallel plates and through concentric
annuli .
44 .

Bingham Model : Flow Between Parallel Plates . If equation ( 50 ) is used

in the treatment of flow between parallel plates as outlined previously,
the following set of equations is obtained


v ( a) 3 (1 - a ) ; ΟO Σ ¢Φ şa
5 α ( 64 )
2 3
1 - a + a

2a ( 1-0 ) 02
v( a) = 3ū 1 -


1 a + a
α S Φ § 1 ( 65 )

W 3 ( 66 )
V =
3η za?)
(1 - 2a + 2a

= a + ( 1-a) V1 / 3 ( 67 )

a N
aс He
3 22,400 ( 68 )
(1 - a. ) a

Kamera Digner
Il Re
1 a


+ a
" Не
( 69 )

2 2
where , as before , TW -hdp/az , d e Nhe
4h 2/3, and N.
= ptain
η ? and

Re = d v pln
/ . Equation ( 69 ) has been plotted in Fig . 12 and labeled
O = 1.
o =

Bingham Model : Flow Through Concentric Annuli . In dealing with annular

flow of Bingham fluids one must pay particular attention to the sign of

in equation ( 50 ) since dv_ /ar changes sign in the region of flow .
9 2


00: .5

0=o .1
O 1




2 1:0.0

103 1987654304 19786543205 1978654306 1?896754320

103 2 2


12 ure

29 have given a detailed treatment of the (algebrai

Fredrickson and Bird

cally) somewhat complicated solution of the equations of motion for the

annular flow of Bingham fluids . Since K is inherently positive , one need
sider only that portion of Fredrickson and Bird's velocity profile ex
pressions for which y > 0 . If their equation is expressed in terms of the

variable x ( see Fig . 1 ) and the above described procedure is followed , one
finds the following determining expression for ž :

( 1-0 )
[ 22 ( 1-B. ) én ő + ( 1-0)(1 +0-2B )(1-7) ][ē + 2 (7-3 ) ]


2( 1-0) (A-2)2 (2+

1 -B. ) = 0 ( 70 )

where 7 = 0 + ( 1-0 ) 7, B. = 27 ( 1-0) /( -6dp/ dz ), and 1 is given by the

solution 29 of the following equation :

-B 2

21 ( -B. ) en[ 00] -1 + ( B.+o)" + 2B28 (1-1) = 0.. ( 71 )

In terms of the equivalent diameter given by equations ( 15 ) and ( 16 )

one can obtain the following equation :

3 3

1-04-20(1-B.)(1-03) - 38
FB (1+0°) ++.
+ (21-B )

7 ( 2
N ( 72 )
B.(1+0)( 1-0)2voy
2 2
where N. V = ρτ d η In equation ( 72 ) the parameter
Pre =- džep /n and Nie = pt a /n
е с Не

Bo corresponds to aс of the previous Bingham results . The value of B. is


obtained from the Hedstrom number as follows :

He ( 1-0 ) ө
- вBlē
- ( 73 )
12,928 ( 22( -B . ) en 7 + (1-0)( 1+ 00 - 2B )(1-2 ) ](1-7) (1n+ē
+ -B .)

In order to obtain numerical values of N

from the above relations ,

one must first solve equations ( 70 ) , ( 71) , and ( 73 ) simultaneously for

the values of Boon and . This rather tedious process has been carried

out numerically for several values of these parameters and some of the

results are shown graphically as curves in Fig . 12 . A complete tabula

tion of the numerical values is found in the appendix section of the report .
One very interesting result of this treatment may be seen from Fig . 12 .

For low values of N. the curve for 0 = 0 lies below all the other curves .

This is in accord with the results of the Newtonian flow treatment shown

in Fig . 3. However , for higher values of Nie,

He the o = 0 curve successively
crosses over the other curves until it is higher than all the rest for

large values of Nie.

He Thus, one effect of the yield stress on the flow is
to increase the critical Reynolds number for the pipe - flow case relative

to that for annuli or parallel plates . This implies that the flow of

Bingham fluids with large Nhe

" Не is less stable in annuli and between parallel

plates than it is in a pipe .



The author is indebted to Mr. D. M. Eisenberg of the Oak Ridge

National Laboratory for making available his extensive unpublished flow

data for thorium oxide slurries .



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Table 1 - Computed f and N as a function of n for flow of power law fluids

с INRe i
between parallel plates


0.0500 0.024086 664.3

0.1000 0.014120 11 33.2
0.1500 0.010886 1469.7
0.2000 0.009334 1714.2
0.2500 0.008451 1893. 2
0.3000 0.007902 2024.8
0.3500 0.007542 21 21.4
0.4000 0.007300 2191.9
0.4500 0.0071 34 2242.7
0.5000 0.007022 2278.6
0.5500 0.006948 2302.8
0.6000 0.006902 2318.2
0.6500 0.006877 2326.7
0.7000 0.006868 2329.7
0.7500 0.006871 2328.5
0.8000 0.006885 2324.0
0.8500 0.006906 2316.9
0.9000 0.006933 2307.9
0.9500 0.006965 2297.2
1.0000 0.00 7001 2285.4
1.0500 0.007040 2272.6
1000 0.007082 2259.2
1.1500 0.007126 2245.3
1.2000 0.007172 2231.0
1.2500 0.007218 2216.6
1.3000 0.007266 2202.0
1.3500 0.007315 2187.3
1.4000 0.007364 21 72.7
1.4500 0.007414 2158.2
1.5000 0.007463 2 1 43.8
1.5500 0.007513 21 29.5
1.6000 0.007563 2115.5
1.6500 0.007613 2101.6
1.7000 0.007663 2087.9
1.7500 0.007713 2074,4
1.8000 0.007762 2061.2
1.8500 0.007812 2048.2
1.9000 0.007861 20 35.5
1.9500 0.007909 2023.0
2.0000 0.007957 2010.7

Table 2 Computed f с and N as a function of n for flow of power law fluids

in pipes


0.0500 0.016121 992.5

0.1000 0.010148 1576.7
0.1500 0.008294 1929.2
0.2000 0.007465 2143.2
0.2500 0.007044 2271.4
0.3000 0.006824 2 344.7
0.3500 0.006716 2 382.3
0.4000 0.006677 2395.1
0.4500 0.006683 2394.1
0.5000 0.006719 2381.4
0.5500 0.006775 2361.5
0.6000 0.006846 2337.1
0.6500 0.006928 2309.6
0.7000 0.007017 2283.3
0.7500 0.007111 2250.0
0.8000 0.007210 2219.3
0.8500 0.007311 2188.6
0.9000 0.007413 2158.3
0.9500 0.007517 2128.4
1.0000 0.007622 2099.2
1.0500 0.007726 2070.8
1. 1000 0.007831 2043.2
1.1500 0.007935 2016.3
1.2000 0.008039 1997.4
1.2500 0.008142 1965.2
1. 3000 0.00824 4 1940.9
1.3500 0.008344 1917.4
1.4000 0.008444 1894.7
1.4500 0.008543 1872.8
1.500C 0.008641 1851.7
1.5500 0.008737 1831.2
1.6000 0.008833 1811.5
1.6500 0.008927 1792.4
1.7000 0.009020 1773.9
1.7500 0.009111 1 756.1
1.8000 0.009201 1733.9
1.8500 0.009291 1722.2
1. 9000 0.009379 1705.0
1.9500 0.009465 1690.4
2.0000 0.009551 1675.3

Table 3 - Computed values of Q , Nue' and Re
Nke for flow of Bingham fluids in pipes


0. 0. 0.
0.0200 0.3569946 03 2171.7
0.0400 0.759549 € 03 2247.0
0.0600 0.12 1 360E 04 2326.1
0.0800 0.172598E 04 2409.2
0.1000 0.230453E 04 2496.7
0.1200 0.295830E 04 2588.7
0 , 1400 0.369779 € 04 2685.7
0.1600 0.453515E 04 2788.0
0.1800 0.548454E 04 2896.0
0.2000 0.656250E 04 3010.0
0.2200 0.778840E 04 31 30.6
0.2400 0.918501E 04 3258.3
0.2600 0.1077926 05 3393.7
0.2800 0.126029 € 05 3537.3
0.3000 0.146939 € 05 3690.0
0.3200 0.170975 € 05 3852.5
0.3400 0.198681E 05 4025.6
0.3600 0.230713E 05 4210.5
0.3800 0.267866 € 05 4408.2
0.4000 0.311TTIE 05 4620.0
0.4200 0.361638E 05 4847.4
0.4400 0.420918E 05 5092.0
0.4600 0.490779 € 05 5355.8
0,4800 0.573509E 05 5640.9
0.5000 0.672000E 05 5950.0
0.5200 0.7899305 05 6286.0
0.5400 0.932029 € 05 6652.4
0.5600 0.110443E 06 7053.5
0.5800 0.131519E 06 7494.0
0.6000 0.157500E 06 7980.0
0.6200 0.189824 € 06 8518.6
0.6400 0.230453E 06 9118.7
0.6600 0.282109E 06 9790.9
0.6800 0.34 86336 06 10549.0
0.7000 0.435555 € 06 11410.0
0.7200 0.5510205 06 1 2396.0
0.7400 0.707328 € 06 1 3535.8
0.7600 0.923610E 06 1 4868.0
0.7800 0.123065 € 07 16444.9
0.8000 0.168000E 07 1 8340.0
0.8200 0.236214 € 07 20659.3
0.8400 0.344531 € 07 23562.0
0.8600 0.526530E 07 27298.0
0.8800 0.855554 € 07 32284.0
0.9000 0.151 2006 08 39270.0
0.9200 0.301 874 € 08 49756.0

0.9400 0.731107E 08 67241.9

0.9600 0.251 998 € 09 102227.9
0.9800 0.205797E 10 207215.2

Re for flow of Bingham fluids between

Table 4 - Computed values of Q , Nue" Nre
parallel plates

SIGMA # 1.0


0. 0. 0.
0.0200 0.475992 E 03 2356,2
0.0400 0.101273E 04 24 29.1
0.0600 0.161814 € 04 2505.1
0.0800 0.230131E 04 2584.4
0. 1000 0.307270E 04 2667.2
0.1200 0.394 440 E 04 2753.8
0 , 1400 0.493038E 04 2844.4
0.1600 0.604686 € 04 2939.4
0. 1 800 0.731272E 04 3039.0
0.2000 0.875000E 04 31 43.5
0.2200 0.103845 € 05 3253.4
0.2400 0.122467E 05 3369.1
0.2600 0.14 3723E 05 3491.1
0.2800 0.168038E 05 3619.8
0.3000 0.195918E 05 3755.9
0.3200 0.2279676 05 3900.0
0.3400 0.264908E 05 4052.8
0.3600 0.30 7617E 05 4215.2
0.3800 0.357155E 05 4388.0
0.4000 0.414815E 05 4572.4
0.4200 0.482185 € 05 4769.5
0.4400 0.561224E 05 4980.6
0.4 600 0.654 372E 05 5207.4
0.4800 0.764679 € 05 5451.7
0.5000 0.896000E 05 5715.5
0.5200 0.105324 € 06 6001.2
0.5400 0.124271E 06 6311.9
0.5600 0.147258 € 06 6650.7
0.5800 0.175359E 06 7021.9
0.6000 0.210000E 06 74 30.1
0.6200 0.253098E 06 7881.3
0.6400 0.307270E 06 8382.7
0.6600 0.376145 € 06 8943.0
0.6800 0.464 844 € 06 9573.4
0.7000 0.580740E 06 10287.9
0.7200 0.734 693 € 06 11104.4
0.74 00 0.94 3104E 06 12046.5
0.7600 0.123148E 07 13145.6
0.7800 0.164087E 07 1 44 44.6
0.8000 0.224000E 07 16003.3
0.8200 0.31 4952 € 07 17908.5
0.8400 0.459374 € 07 20289.9
0.8600 0.702040E 07 23351.8
0.8800 0.114074 € 08 2744 34.3
0.9000 0.201599 € 08 33149.7
0.9200 0.4024 996 08 41723.0

0.9400 0.974810E 08 56011.6

0.9600 0.335997E 09 84589.0
0.9800 0.274 396E 10 1 70320.0

Table 5 - Computed results for flow of Bingham fluids in annuli

SIGMA # 0.02


0. 0.35744 0 . 0.23964 € 04 0.69206

0.0100 0.36137 0.22899 € 03 0.24353E 04 0.69466
0.0200 0.36536 0.47225 € 03 0.24752 € 04 0.69727
0.0300 0.36939 0.73068E 03 0.25159E 04 0.69988
0.0400 0.37348 0.10052E 04 0.25575E 04 0.70251
0.0500 0.37763 0.12969 € 04 0.26000E 04 0.70514
0.0600 0.38183 0.16068E 04 0.264 36E 04 0.70778
0.0700 0.38608 0.19361E 04 0.26882E 04 0.71044
0.0800 0.39038 0.22861E 04 0.27338E 04 0.71310
0.0900 0.39475 0.26581E 04 0.27805E 04 0.71576
0.1000 0.39916 0.30535E 04 0.28284 € 04 0.71844
0.1100 0.40364 0.34 740E 04 0.28774E 04 0.72113
0.1200 0.40816 0.39211E 04 0.29276 € 04 0.72383
0.1300 0.41275 0.43968E 04 0.29791E 04 0.72653
0.1400 0.41739 0.49028E 04 0.30318E 04 0.72925
0.1500 0.42209 0.54415€ 04 0.30860E 04 0.73198
0.1600 0.42685 0.60149 € 04 0.31415E 04 0.73471
0.1700 0.43167 0.66256 € 04 0.31985E 04 0.73746
0.1800 0.43654 0.72762E 04 0.32569 € 04 0.7402 !
0.1900 0.44147 0.79695 € 04 0.33170E 04 0.74298
0.2000 0.44646 0.87087 € 04 0.33787 € 04 0.74575
0.2100 0.4515 ! 0.94972 € 04 0.34420E 04 0.74854
0.2200 0.45662 0.10338E 05 0.35072E 04 0.751 34
0.2300 0.46179 0.11237 € 05 0.35741E 04 0.75415
0.2400 0.46702 0.121 966 05 0.36430E 04 0.75696
0.2500 0.47231 0.13221E 05 0.371 38 € 04 0.75979
0.2600 0.47765 0.14317E 05 0.37868E 04 0.76263
0.2700 0.48306 0.15490E 05 0.38619 € 04 0.76548
0.2800 0.48852 0.16745E 05 0.39392E 04 0.76834
0.2900 0.49405 0.18089E 05 0.40189 € 04 0.77122
0.3000 0.49963 0.19530E 05 0.41011E 04 0.77410
0.3100 0.50527 0.21075E 05 0.41858E 04 0.77699
0.3200 0.51098 0.22734 € 05 0.42732E 04 0.77990
0.3300 0.51674 0.24515E 05 0.43634 € 04 0.78282
0.3400 0.52256 0.26430E 05 0.44566 € 04 0.78575
0.3500 0.52844 0.28490E 05 0.45529E 04 0.78869
0.3600 0.53437 0.30708E 05 0.46523E 04 0.79164
0.3700 0.54037 0.33098E 05 0.47552 € 04 0.79461
0.3800 0.54642 0.356 75 05 0.48617E 04 0.79758
0.3900 0.55254 0.38458E 05 0.49719E 04 0.80057
0.4000 0.55871 0.41465 € 05 0.50861E 04 0.80357
0.4100 0.56493 0.44718E 05 0.520446 04 0.80659
0.4200 0.57122 0.48241E 05 0.53271 E 04 0.8096 !
0.4300 0.57756 0.52061E 05 0.54544 E 04 0.81265
0.4400 0.58395 0.56206E 05 0.55866E 04 0.81570
0.4500 0.59041 0.60712E 05 0.57239E 04 0.81876
0.4600 0.59691 0.65614E 05 0.58667E 04 0.82183

0.4700 0.60348 0.70955 € 05 0.60152E 04 0.82492

0.4800 0.61010 0.76784E 05 0.61699E 04 0.82802
0.4900 0.61677 0.83152E 05 0.63311E 04 0.83114
0.5000 0.62349 0.90121E 05 0.64992 € 04 0.83426
0.5100 0.63027 0.97760E 05 0.66746E 04 0.83740
0.5200 0.63711 0.10615 € 06 0.68578E 04 0.84055
0.5300 0.64 399 0.11537 € 06 0.70494 € 04 0.8437 |
0.5400 0.65093 0.12554 € 06 0.72498E 04 0.84689
0.5500 0.65792 0.13676E 06 0.74599 € 04 0.85008
0.5600 0.66495 0.14917 € 06 0.76801E 04 0.85329
0.5700 0.67204 0.16293E 06 0.79113 € 04 0.85650
0.5800 0.67918 0.17822E 06 0.8154 3E 04 0.85973
0.5900 0.68637 0.19524 € 06 0.84099 € 04 0.86298
0.6000 0.69361 0.21425 06 0.86793E 04 0.86623
0.6100 0.70090 0.23552E 06 0.89634E 04 0.86950
0.6200 0.70823 0.25940E 06 0.92636E 04 0.87278
0.6300 0.71561 0.28627E 06 0.95812E 04 0.87608
0.6400 0.72304 0.31662E 06 0.99178 € 04 0.87939
0.6500 0.73051 0.35100E 06 0.10275 € 05 0.88271
0.6600 0.73804 0.390096 06 0.106555 05 0.88605
0.6700 0.74560 0.43469E 06 0.11059E 05 0.88940
0.6800 0.75321 0.48578E 06 0.11491E 05 0.89276
0.6900 0.76087 0.544 56E 06 0.11953 € 05 0.89614
0.7000 0.76856 0.61249E 06 0.12449E 05 0.89953
0.7100 0.77631 0.69137E 06 0.12981E 05 0.90294
0.7200 0.78409 0.78346 € 06 0.13555 € 05 0.90636
0.7300 0.79192 0.89156E 06 0.14174E 05 0.90979
0.7400 0.79978 0.101926 07 0.14846 E 05 0.91323
0.7500 0.80769 0.11711E 07 0.15577E 05 0.91669
0.7600 0.81564 0.135296 07 0.16374E 05 0.92016
0.7700 0.82363 0.157236 07 0.17248E 05 0.92365
0.7800 0.83166 0.18395 € 07 0.18210E 05 0.92715
0.7900 0.83973 0.216796 07 0.192736 05 0.93066
0.8000 0.84784 0.25757 € 07 0.20455 € 05 0.93419
0.8100 0.85599 0.30882E 07 0.217766 05 0.93773
0.8200 0.86417 0.37407E 07 0.23263E 05 0.941 28
0.8300 0.87240 0.45837 € 07 0.24949E 05 0.94485
0.8400 0.88066 0.56913 € 07 0.26876E 05 0.94843
0.8500 0.88895 0.71745 € 07 0.29101E 05 0.95203
0.8600 0.89729 0.92055E 07 0.31697E 05 0.95564
0.8700 0.90566 0.12058E 08 0.34 766E 05 0.95926
0.8800 0.91406 0.16191E 08 0.38449 05 0.96290
0.8900 0.92250 0.22402E 08 0.42951E 05 0.96654
0.9000 0.93098 0.32169E 08 0.48582E 05 0.97021
0.9100 0.93949 0.484 18E 08 0.55819E 05 0.97388
0.9200 0.94803 0.77516E 08 0.65473E 05 0.97757

SIGMA # 0.04

0. 0.39381 0. 0.24242 € 04 0.70441

0.0100 0.39784 0.24067€ 03 0.24648 € 04 0.70701
0.0200 0.40191 0.49685 € 03 0.25063E 04 0.70960
0.0300 0.40603 0.76955 € 03 0.25488 € 04 0.71221
0.0400 0.41019 0.10598 € 04 0.25922E 04 0.71483
0.0500 0.41441 0.13688 € 04 0.26367 € 04 0.71745
0.0600 0.41866 0.16978E 04 0.26822E 04 0.72008
0.0700 0.42297 0.20480E 04 0.27287E 04 0.72272
0.0800 0.42733 0.24209E 04 0.27764E 04 0.72536
0.0900 0.43173 0.281 80E 04 0.28253 € 04 0.72802
0.1000 0.43618 0.324 10E 04 0.28753E 04 0.73068
0.1100 0.44068 0.36917E 04 0.29266E 04 0.73335
0.1200 0.44523 0.41719E 04 0.29792 € 04 0.73603
0.1300 0.44983 0.46837E 04 0.30331E 04 0.73872
0.1400 0.45448 0.52293E 04 0.30884 € 04 0.74 14 2
0.1500 0.45918 0.58112E 04 0.31452 € 04 0.74412
0.1600 0.46393 0.64319E 04 0.32034 € 04 0.74684
0.1700 0.46873 0.70943E 04 0.32632 € 04 0.74956
0.1800 0.47358 0.78015E 04 0.33246E 04 0.75229
0.1900 0.47848 0.85566 € 04 0.33877E 04 0,75503
0.2000 0.48343 0.93634 € 04 0.34525E 04 0.75778
0.2100 0.48843 0.10226E 05 0.35192 € 04 0.76054
0.2200 0.49349 0.11148E 05 0,35877E 04 0.76331
0.2300 0.49859 0.121 34E 05 0.36582E 04 0.76609
0.2400 0.50375 0.13190E 05 0.37308 € 04 0.76888
0.2500 0.50896 0.14321E 05 0.38055E 04 0.77168
0.2600 0.51422 0.15533E 05 0,38824E 04 0.77449
0.2700 0.51953 0.16833E 05 0.39617E 04 0.77731
0.2800 0.52490 0.18227E 05 0.40434 04 0.78013
0.2900 0.53031 0.197246 05 0.41276E 04 0.78297
0.3000 0.53578 0.21332E 05 0.42146E 04 0.78582
0.3100 0.54130 0.23061E 05 0.43043E 04 0.78868
0.3200 0.54687 0.24921E 05 0.43969 € 04 0.79155
0.3300 0.55249 0.26924€ 05 0.44926E 04 0.79443
0.3400 0.55816 0,29083E 05 0.45915 € 04 0.79732
0.3500 0.56389 0.31411E 05 0.46938 € 04 0.80022
0.3600 0.56967 0.33924 € 05 0.47996 € 04 0.80313
0.3700 0.57550 0.366415 05 0.49091 E 04 0.80606
1.3800 0.58137 0.395785 05 0.50225 04 0.80899
0.3900 0.58731 0.42759E 05 0.51401 E 04 0.81193
0.4000 0.59329 0.46207E 05 0.52620 € 04 0.81 489
0.4100 0.59932 0.49948E 05 0.53885E 04 0.81786
0.4200 0.60540 0.540 12E 05 0.55198E 04 0.82083
0.4300 0.61153 0.58432E 05 0.56563E 04 0.82382
0.4400 0.61772 0.63245 € 05 0.57981E 04 0.82682
0.4500 0.62395 0.68495E 05 0.59457E 04 0.82984
0.4600 0.63023 0.74226E 05 0,60993E 04 0.83286

0.4700 0.63656 0.80495 € 05 0.62594 € 04 0.83590

0.4800 0.64294 0.87360E 05 0.64263E 04 0.83894
0.4900 0.64937 0.94890E 05 0.66005E 04 0.84200
0.5000 0.65585 0.10316E 06 0.67825E 04 0.84507
0.5100 0.66237 0.11227E 06 0.69727E 04 0.84816
0.5200 0.66895 0.12231 € 06 0.71718E 04 0.85125
0.5300 0.67557 0.13341 € 06 0.73804E 04 0.85436
0.5400 0.68223 0.14569E 06 0.75990E 04 0.85748
0.5500 0.68895 0.15931 € 06 0.78286 € 04 0.86061
0.5600 0.69571 0.17446E 06 0.80699 € 04 0.86375
0.5700 0.70252 0.19134 € 06 0.83237E 04 0.86691
0.5800 0.70937 0.21020E 06 0.85912E 04 0.87007
0.5900 0.71627 0.231 32E 06 0.88733E 04 0.87326
0.6000 0.72321 0.25505 € 06 0.91714E 04 0.87645
0.6100 0.73020 0.28177E 06 0.94867E 04 0.87965
0.6200 0.73723 0.31197E 06 0.98209 € 04 0.88287
0.6300 0.74431 0.34620E 06 0.101766 05 0.88610
0.6400 0.75143 0.38515E 06 0.10553E 05 0.88935
0.6500 0.75859 0.42961E 06 0.10954E 05 0.89260
0.6600 0.76580 0.48058E 06 0.11383E 05 0.89587
0.6700 0.77305 0.53926E 06 0.11842E 05 0.89915
0.6800 0.78034 0.60711E 06 0.12334 05 0.90245
0.6900 0.78767 0.68596 € 06 0.12862E 05 0.90575
0.7000 0.79505 0.77806E 06 0.13432E 05 0.90907
0.7100 0.80246 0.88625E 06 0.14047E 05 0.91 24 1
0.7200 0.80991 0.10141E 07 0.14714 € 05 0.91575
0.7300 0.81741 0.11662 € 07 0.15440E 05 0.91911
0.7400 0.82494 0.13485E 07 0.16232E 05 0.92248
0.7500 0.83252 0.15687E 07 0.17099E 05 0.92587
0.7600 0.84013 0.18369E 07 0.18054 E 05 0.92927
0.7700 0.84778 0.21668 € 07 0.19110E 05 0.93268
0.7800 0.85547 0.25767E 07 0.20284 €E 05 0.93610
0.7900 0.86320 0.30922E 07 0.21596E 05 0.93954
0.8000 0.87096 0.37488 € 07 0.23073E 05 0.94299
0.8100 0.87876 0.45977E 07 0.24747E 05 0.94646
0.8200 0.88660 0.571 37 € 07 0.26662 € 05 0.94993
0.8300 0.89448 0.72092E 07 0.28871 E 05 0.95342
0.8400 0.90239 0.92576 € 07 0.31449E 05 0.95693
0.8500 0.91033 0.12137E 08 0.34496E 05 0.96044
0.8600 0.91831 0.16312E 08 0.38156E 05 0.96397
0.8700 0.92633 0.22589E 08 0.42627E 05 0.96752
0.8800 0.93438 0.32465 € 08 0.48221E 05 0.97107
0.8900 0.94247 0.48909E 08 0.55413E 05 0.97464
0.9000 0.95059 0.78358E 08 0.64993E 05 0.97823
0.9100 0.95874 0.13661E 09 0.78417E 05 0.98182
0.9200 0.96693 0.26921E 09 0.98579 € 05 0.98543
0.9300 0.96265 0.194256 09 0.88271 E 05 0.98355
0.9400 0.97507 0.65720 09 0.13308 € 06 0.98902
0.9500 0.98752 0.52767 € 10 0.26784 € 06 0.994 50

SIGMA # 1.06


0. 0.42081 0. 0.24 395 € 04 0.71 243

0.0100 0.42491 0.25013E 03 0.24815 € 04 0.71504
0.0200 0.42905 0.51686E 03 0.25244 E 04 0.71765
0.0300 0.43323 0.80129 € 03 0.25683E 04 0.72028
0.0400 0.43746 0.11046E 04 0.26133E 04 0.72291
0.0500 0.44173 0.14280 € 04 0.26593E 04 0.72555
0.0600 0.44604 0.17730E 04 0.27065 € 04 0.72820
0.0700 0.45040 0.21409E 04 0.27547E 04 0.73085
0.0800 0.45480 0.25334 € 04 0.28042E 04 0.73351
0.0900 0.45924 0.29521E 04 0.28549E 04 0.73618
0.1000 0.46373 0.33989 € 04 0.29068E 04 0.73886
0.1100 0.46826 0.38758E 04 0.29601E 04 0.74154
0.1200 0.47284 0.43848E 04 0.30147E 04 0.74423
0.1300 0.47746 0.49284 € 04 0.30708E 04 0.74693
0.1400 0.48213 0.55090E 04 0.31283E 04 0,74964
0.1500 0.48685 0.61293E 04 0.31874E 04 0.75236
0.1600 0.49161 0.67923E 04 0.324 80E 04 0.75508
0.1700 0.49641 0.750 ITE 04 0.33103E 04 0.75782
0.1800 0.50127 0.82593E 04 0.33744 E 04 0.76056
0.1900 0.50616 0.90705 € 04 0.34402E 04 0.76331
0.2000 0.51111 0.99389 € 04 0.35078E 04 0.76607
0.2100 0.51610 0.10869E 05 0.35775E 04 0.76884
0.2200 0.52114 0.11866E 05 0.36491E 04 0.77162
0.2300 0.52622 0.127346 05 0.37229 € 04 0.77440
0.2400 0.53135 0.14080E 05 0.37988 € 04 0.77720
0.2500 0.53653 0.15310E 05 0.38771E 04 0.78000
0.2600 0.54176 0.16631E 05 0.39577E 04 0.78281
0.2700 0.54 703 0.18051 € 05 0.40409 € 04 0.78564
0.2800 0.55235 0.19577E 05 0.41267E 04 0.78847
0.2900 0.55772 0.21220E 05 0.42152 € 04 0.79131
0.3000 0.56313 0.22989 € 05 0.43066 € 04 0.79416
0.3100 0.56859 0.24895 € 05 0.4401TE 04 0.79702
0.3200 0.57410 0.26951E 05 0.44986E 04 0.79989
0.3300 0.57965 0.29171E 05 0.45996E 04 0.80277
0.3400 0.58525 0.31569E 05 0.47040E 04 0.80566
0.3500 0.59090 0.34163E 05 0.48120E 04 0.80856
0.3600 0.59660 0.36971E 05 0.49240E 04 0.81147
0.3700 0.60234 0.4001 3E 05 0.50399E 04 0.81440
0.3800 0.60813 0.43313E 05 0.51602 € 04 0.81733
0.3900 0.61397 0.46896E 05 0.52850E 04 0.82027
0.4000 0.61985 0.50792E 05 0.54145 € 04 0.82322
0.4100 0.62578 0.55033 € 05 0.55491 € 04 0.82618
0.4200 0.63175 0.596546 05 0.56890E 04 0.82916
0.4300 0.63777 0.64697E 05 0.58346 € 04 0.83214
0.4400 0.64 384 0.70208E 05 0.59861E 04 0.83513
0.4500 0.64995 0.76238 05 0.61440E 04 0.83814
0.4600 0.65611 0.82847E 05 0.63087E 04 0.84116

0.4700 0.66231 0.90102E 05 0.64805 € 04 0.84418

0.4800 0.66856 0.980786 05 0.66600E 04 0.84 722
0.4900 0.67485 0.10686 € 06 0.684 76 E 04 0.85327
0.5000 0.68119 0.11656E 06 0.70440E 04 0.85333
0.5100 0.68757 0.12727E 06 0.72496E 04 0.85641
0.5200 0.69400 0.13914€ 06 0.74653E 04 0.85949
0.5300 0.70047 0.15232E 06 0.76917E 04 0.86259
0.5400 0.70698 0.16698E 06 0.79297E 04 0.86569
0.5500 0.71 354 0.18333E 06 0.81800E 04 0.86881
0.5600 0.720.14 0.20 160E 06 0.844 385 04 0.87194
0.5700 0.72679 0.22208 € 06 0.87220E 04 0.87508
0.5800 0.73347 0.24510E 06 0.90160E 04 0.87824
0.5900 0.74020 0.27104 € 06 0.93270E 04 0.88140
0.6000 0.74697 0.30036E 06 0.96565 € 04 0.88458
0.6100 0.75379 0.33363E 06 0.10006E 05 0.88777
0.6200 0.76064 0.37150E 06 0.10378E 05 0.89097
0.6300 0.76754 0.41476 € 06 0.107746 05 0.89418
0.6400 0.77447 0.464 37E 06 0.11197E 05 0.89741
0.6500 0.78145 0.52152E 06 0.11650E 05 0.90065
0.6600 0.78847 0.58765 € 06 0.121354 05 0.90390
0.6700 0.79552 0.66453E 06 0.12656E 05 0.90716
0.6800 0.80262 0.754 39€ 06 0.13218E 05 0.91043
0.6900 0.80975 0.85999E 06 0.13825 € 05 0.91372
0.7000 0.81693 0.98488E 06 0.14482E 05 0.91702
0.7100 0.82414 0.11335 € 07 0.151986 05 0.92033
0.7200 0.83139 0.13118E 07 0.15979 € 05 0.92365
0.7300 0.83868 0.15271E 07 0.16835 € 05 0.92699
0.7400 0.84601 0.17896 € 07 0.17777E 05 0.93034
0.7500 0.85338 0.21126E 07 0.18818E 05 0.93370
0.7600 0.86078 0.251 42E 07 0.19975 E 05 0.93708
0.7700 0.86822 0.301 956 07 0.21270E 05 0.94046
0.7800 0.87569 0.36634E 07 0.22726E 05 0,94 386
0.7900 0.88321 0.44963E 07 0.24378E 05 0.94728
0.8000 0.89075 0.55919E 07 0.26266E 05 0.95070
0.8100 0.89833 0.706076 07 0.28445 € 05 0.95414
0.8200 0.90595 0.907396 07 0.30989 € 05 0.95759
0.8300 0.91361 0.11905E 08 0.33995 € 05 0.96105
0.84 00 0.92129 0.16011E 08 0.37604 E 05 0.96453
0.8500 0.92901 0.22189 € 08 0.42016E 05 0.96802
0.8600 0.93677 0.31913E 08 0.47532E 05 0.97152
0.8700 0.94456 0.48105E 08 0.54621 E 05 0.97504
0.8800 0.95238 0.771 36E 08 0.64078E 05 0.97856
0.8900 0.96024 0.13459 € 09 0.77328E 05 0.98210
0.9000 0.96812 0.26550E 09 0.97250E 05 0.98566
0.9100 0.97605 0.63614E 09 0.13058E 06 0.98922
0.9200 0.97358 0.48995 € 09 0.11948E 06 0.98811
0.9300 0.98677 0.39697E 10 0.24280 €E 06 0.99405

SIGMA # 0.08


0. 0.44.350 0. 0.244 89 € 04 0.71847

0.0100 0.44 766 0.25867 € 03 0.24921E 04 0.72111
0.0200 0.45186 0.53500E 03 0.25364 € 04 0.72376
0.0300 0.45610 0.830 18E 03 0.25816 € 04 0.72642
0.0400 0.460.38 0.11455E 04 0.26280E 04 0.72908
0.0500 0.46469 0.14823E 04 0.26755 € 04 0.73174
0.0600 0.46905 0.18422E 04 0.27241 € 04 0.73442
0.0700 0.47345 0.22267 € 04 0.27740E 04 0.73710
0.0800 0.47789 0.26375 € 04 0.28251E 04 0.73979
0.0900 0.48237 0.30767E 04 0.28775E 04 0.74249
0.1000 0.48690 0.35460E 04 0.29312E 04 0.74519
0.1100 0.49146 0.40479 € 04 0.29864 € 04 0.74790
0.1200 0.49607 0.45846E 04 0.304296 04 0.75062
0.1300 0.50072 0.51588E 04 0.31010E 04 0.75335
0.1400 0.50541 0.57731E 04 0.31607E 04 0.75608
0.1500 0.51015 0.64 307E 04 0.32219E 04 0.75882
0.1600 0.51492 0.71349E 04 0.32849E 04 0.76157
0.1700 0.51974 0.78892 € 04 0.33496 € 04 0.76 4 33
0.1800 0.52460 0.86975 € 04 0.34161 € 04 0.76710
0.1900 0.52951 0.95641E 04 0.34 846E 04 3.76987
0.2000 0.53446 0.10494 € 05 0.35550E 04 0.77266
0.2100 0.53945 0.11491E 05 0.36275 € 04 0.77545
0.2200 0.54448 0.12562E 05 0.37022 € 04 0.77825
0.2300 0.54956 0.13713E 05 0.37791E 04 0.78105
0.2400 0.55468 0.14950E 05 0.38584E 04 0.78387
0.2500 0.55985 0.16280E 05 0.39401 E 04 0.78670
0.2600 0.56506 0.17712E 05 0.40244 E 04 0.78953
0.2700 0.57031 0.192546 05 0.41114 € 04 0.79237
0.2800 0.57561 0.20916 € 05 0.4201 3E 04 0.79523
0.2900 0.58095 0.22709E 05 0.42941 E 04 0.79809
0.3000 0.58633 0.246 44 € 05 0.43900E 04 0.80096
0.3100 0.59176 0.267354 05 0.44892 € 04 0.80384
0.3200 0.59723 0.28995E 05 0.459 18E 04 0.80673
0.3300 0.60274 0.314 42E 05 0.46980E 04 0.80963
0.3400 0.60830 0.34093E 05 0.48080E 04 0.81254
0.3500 0.61390 0.369676 05 0.49220E 04 0.81545
0.3600 0.61955 0.40087E 05 0.50401E 04 0.81838
0.3700 0.62524 0.434 786 05 0.51627E 04 0.821 32
0.3800 0.63097 0.47166E 05 0.52900 E 04 0.82427
0.3900 0.63674 0.51184 € 05 0.54223E 04 0.82722
0.4000 0.64256 0.55566 € 05 0.55597 € 04 0.83019
0.4100 0.64843 0.60350E 05 0.57028E 04 0.83317
0.4200 0.65433 0.65582E 05 0.58516E 04 0.83615
0.4300 0.66028 0.71311E 05 0.60068E 04 0.83915
0.4400 0.66627 0.77594 € 05 0.61685 € 04 0.84216
0.4500 0.67230 0.84495 € 05 0.63373E 04 0.84518
0.4600 0.67838 0.92088E 05 0.65137E 04 0.84821

0.4700 0.68450 0.10045 € 06 0.66980E 04 0.85125

0.4800 0.69066 0.10969 € 06 0.68909 € 04 0.85430
0.4900 0.69686 0.11991 € 06 0.70930E 04 0.85736
0.5000 0.70310 0.13124E 06 0.73049 € 04 0.86043
0.5100 0.70939 0.14382E 06 0.75273E 04 0.86351
0.5200 0.71572 0.15782E 06 0.77610E 04 0.86661
0.5300 0.72209 0.17345 € 06 0.80070E 04 0.86971
0.5400 0.72850 0.19092E 06 0.82661E 04 0.87283
0.5500 0.73495 0.21052E 06 0.85394 € 04 0.87596
0.5600 0.74144 0.23255 € 06 0.88282E 04 0.87909
0.5700 0.74797 0.25740E 06 0.91337E 04 0.88224
0.5800 0.75454 0.28551 € 06 0.94574 € 04 0.88541
0.5900 0.76115 0.31741 E 06 0.98011E 04 0.88858
0.6000 0.76780 0.35374 € 06 0.10166E 05 0.89176
0.6100 0.77449 0.39526E 06 0.10556E 05 0.89496
0.6200 0.78122 0.442926 06 0.10971E 05 0.89816
0.6300 0.78799 0.49783E 06 0.11415 € 05 0.90138
0.6400 0.79480 0.56141E 06 0.118924 05 0.90461
0.6500 0.80164 0.63536 € 06 0.12404E 05 0.90786
0.6600 0.80853 0.72182E 06 0.12956E 05 0.91111
0.6700 0.81545 0.82351E 06 0.13552E 05 0.91438
0.6800 0.82241 0.94380E 06 0.14198 E 05 0,91765
0.6900 0.82941 0.10871 E 07 0.14901E 05 0.92094
0.7000 0.83644 0.12589 € 07 0.15669E 05 0.92425
0.7100 0.84351 0.14667E 07 0.16509E 05 0.92756
0.7200 0.85062 0.17200E 07 0.17435 E 05 0.93088
0.7300 0.85776 0.20319 € 07 0.18458E 05 0.93422
0.74 00 0.86494 0.241985 07 0.19595E 05 0.93757
0.7500 0.87215 0.29081E 07 0.20867E 05 0.94094
0.7600 0.87940 0.353076 07 0.22298E 05 0.94431
0.7700 1.88669 0.433646 07 0.23920E 05 0.94770
0.7800 0.89401 0.53967E 07 0.25775E 05 0.95110
0.7900 0.90136 0.68186E 07 0.27916E 05 0.95451
0.8000 0.90875 0.87686E 07 0.30415 € 05 0.95793
0.8100 0.91618 0.11512E 08 0.33369E 05 0.96137
0.8200 0.92363 0.15492 € 08 0.36914 € 05 0.96482
0.8300 0.93112 0.21485E 08 0.41251 E 05 0.96828
0.8400 0.93865 0.30916E 08 0.466676 05 0.97175
0.8500 0.94620 0.46643E 08 0.53642E 05 0.97524
0.8600 0.95379 0.74833E 08 0.62932E 05 0.97874
0.8700 0.96141 0.13063 € 09 0.75941 E 05 0.98225
0.8800 0.96907 0.25772E 09 0.954636 05 0.98578
0.8900 0.97675 0.61793 € 09 0.12820E 06 0.98931
0.9000 0.97218 0.37395 € 09 0.10820E 06 0.98721
0.9100 0.98607 0.30248E 10 0.21963E 06 0.99360

SIGMA # 0.10


D. 0.46365 0 . 0.24548E 04 0.72338

0.0100 0.46786 0.26679E 03 0.24992 € 04 0.72605
0.0200 0.47211 0.55229 € 03 0.25447E 04 0.72874
0.0300 0.47640 0.85778E 03 0.25912E 04 0.73143
0.0400 0.48072 0.11847E 04 0.26389E 04 0.734 1 3
0.0500 0.48508 0.15345 € 04 0.26878E 04 0.73683
0.0600 0.48948 0.19089 € 04 0.27379E 04 0.73954
0.0700 0.49392 0.23096E 04 0.27893E 04 0.74226
0.0800 0.49840 0.27385 € 04 0.28420E 04 0.74498
0.0900 0.50292 0.31978 € 04 0.28961 € 04 0.74772
0.1000 0.50747 0.36895 € 04 0.29515E 04 0.75046
0.1100 0.51207 0.42163E 04 0.30085E 04 0.75320
0.1200 0.51670 0.47806E 04 0.30670E 04 0.75596
0.1300 0.52138 0.53854 € 04 0.31270E 04 0.75872
0.1400 0.52609 0.60337 € 04 0.31887E 04 0.76148
0.1500 0.53084 0.67290E 04 0.32522E 04 0.76426
0.1600 0.53564 0.74749E 04 0.33174 € 04 0.76704
0.1700 0.54047 0.82754E 04 0.33845E 04 0.76984
0.1800 0.54535 0.91350E 04 0,34536E 04 0.77264
0.1 900 0.55027 0.10058E 05 0.35246 € 04 0.77544
0.2000 0.55522 0.11051E 05 0.35978 € 04 0.77826
0.2100 0.56022 0.12118E 05 0.36732E 04 0.78108
0.2200 0.56526 0.13266E 05 0.37509E 04 0.78391
0.2300 0.57033 0.14502E 05 0.38311E 04 0.78675
0.2400 0.57545 0.15834 05 0.39137E 04 0.78960
0.2500 0.58061 0.17269 € 05 0.39990E 04 0.79246
0.2600 0.58582 0.18817E 05 0.40871E 04 0.79532
0.2700 0.59106 0.204 896 05 0.41780E 04 0.79820
0.2800 0.59634 0.22295 € 05 0.42720E 04 0.80108
0.2900 0.60167 0.24247E 05 0.43692E 04 1.80397
0.3000 0.60703 0.26360E 05 0.44698E 04 0.80687
0.3100 0.61244 0.28649 € 05 0.45738E 04 0.80978
0.3200 0.61789 0.31130E 05 0.46816E 04 0.81270
0.3300 0.62337 0.33822E 05 0.47933 € 04 0.81563
0.3400 0.62890 0.36746E 05 0.49091E 04 0.81856
0.3500 0.63447 0.39927E 05 0.50293E 04 0.82151
0.3600 0.64009 0.43389E 05 0.51540 E 04 0.82447
0.3700 0.64574 0.471636 05 0.52836 € 04 0.82743
0.3800 0.65143 0.51282E 05 0.54183E 04 0.83041
0.3900 0.65717 0.557826 05 0.55584E 04 0.83339
0.4000 0.66294 0.60706E 05 0.57043E 04 0.83638
0.4100 0.66876 0.661026 05 0.58563E 04 0.83939
0.4200 0.67461 0.72022 € 05 0.60148E 04 0.84240
0.4300 0.68051 0.785304 05 0.61802E 04 0.84 54 3
0.4400 0.68645 0.85693E 05 0.63530E 04 0.84846
0.4500 0.69242 0.93592E 05 0.65336E 04 0.85150
0.4600 0.69844 0.10232E 06 0.67226 € 04 0.854 56

0.4700 0.70450 0.11198E 06 0.69206E 04 0.85762

0.4800 0.71059 0.12269 € 06 0.71282E 04 0.86070
0.4900 0.71673 0.13459E 06 0.73461E 04 0.86378
0.5000 0.72291 0.14785 € 06 0.75751E 04 0.86688
0.5100 0.72912 0.16265 € 06 0.78161E 04 0.86998
0.5200 0.73538 0.17921E 06 0.80700E 04 0.87310
0.5300 0.74167 0.19780E 06 0.83378E 04 0.87623
0.5400 0.74800 0.218705 06 0.86207E 04 0.87936
0.5500 0.75437 0.24229E 06 0.89200E 04 0.88251
0.5600 0.76078 0.26899 € 06 0.92372 € 04 0.88567
0.5700 0.76 723 0.29930E 06 0.957396 04 0.88884
0.5800 0.77371 0.33384 € 06 0.99318E 04 0.89203
0.5900 0.78024 0.37334E 06 0.10313E 05 0.89522
0.6000 0.78680 0.41869E 06 0.10720E 05 0.89842
0.6100 0.79340 0.47097E 06 0.11156E 05 0.90164
0.6200 0.80003 0.53153E 06 0.116226 05 0.90487
0.6300 0.80671 0.60200E 06 0.12124 € 05 0.90810
0.6400 0.81341 0.684 44 € 06 0.12665E 05 0.91135
0.6500 0.82016 0.781 43 € 06 0.13249 € 05 0.91461
0.6600 0.82694 0.89623E 06 0.13882E 05 0.91789
0.6700 0.83376 0.10330E 07 0.14571E 05 0.92117
0.6800 0.84062 0.11972E 07 0.15323E 05 0.9244 7
0.6900 0.84751 0.13957 € 07 0.16147E 05 0.92777
0.7000 0.85443 0.16379E 07 0.17053E 05 0.93109
0.7100 0.86139 0.19361 € 07 0.18056E 05 0.934 42
0.7200 0.86839 0.230736 07 0.19170 € 05 0,93777
0.7300 0.87542 0.27747E 07 0.20416E 05 0.94112
0.7400 0.88248 0.337 10E 07 0.21818E 05 0.94449
0.7500 0.88958 0.414296 07 0.23408E 05 0.94787
0.7600 0.89671 0.51589 € 07 0.25226E 05 0.95126
0.7700 0.90388 0.652246 07 0.27324 € 05 0.954 66
0.7800 0.91108 0.83927E 07 0.29772E 05 0.95807
0.7900 0.91831 0.11026E 08 0.32667E 05 0.96150
0.8000 0.92558 0.14846E 08 0.36140E 05 0.96494
0.8100 0.93288 0.20600E 08 0.40388E 05 0.96839
0.8200 0.94021 0.29662E 08 0.45697E 05 0.97185
0.8300 0.94757 0.44778E 08 0.525336 05 0.97533
0.8400 0.95497 0.71891E 08 0.61644E 05 0.97882
0.8500 0.96240 0.12559 € 09 0.74406E 05 0.98232
0.8600 0.96985 0.24787 € 09 0.93527E 05 0.98583
0.8700 0.97734 0.59486E 09 0.12566E 06 0.98935
0.8800 0.97081 0.28945 € 09 0.98511E 05 0.98628
0.8900 €€ 10 0.19934 € 06
0.98539 0.23327 0.99314

SIGMA # 0.12


0. 0.48210 0 . 0.24583E 04 0.72752

0.0100 0.48636 0.27473E 03 0.25038E 04 0.73024
0.0200 0.49065 0.56923E 03 0.25505E 04 0.73297
0.0300 0.49498 0.88491E 03 0.25983 € 04 0.73570
0.0400 0.49934 0.12233E 04 0.26474E 04 0.73844
0.0500 0.50374 0.15861 € 04 0.26976 € 04 0.74119
0.0600 0.50818 0.19750E 04 0.27492E 04 0.74 394
0.0700 0.51266 0.23920E 04 0.28021E 04 0.74670
0.0800 0.51717 0.28391E 04 0.28564E 04 0.74947
0.0900 0.52172 0.33187E 04 0.29121E 04 0.75224
0.1000 0.52630 0.38332E 04 0.29693E 04 0,75502
0.1100 0.53093 0.43853E 04 0.30280E 04 0.75781
0.1200 0.53559 0.49778E 04 0.30884 € 04 0.76060
0.1300 0.54029 0.56140E 04 0.31505E 04 0.76340
0.1400 0.54502 0.62974 € 04 0.32143E 04 0.76621
0.1500 0.54980 0.70316E 04 0.32799 € 04 0.76903
0.1600 0.55461 0.78207E 04 0.33475E 04 0.77185
0.1700 0.55946 0.86693E 04 0.34170E 04 0.77468
0.1800 0.56435 0.95823E 04 0.34886E 04 0.77752
0.1900 0.56928 0.10565 € 05 0.35623E 04 0.78037
0.2000 0.57424 0.11623E 05 0.36383E 04 0.78323
0.2100 0.57925 0.12764E 05 0.37167E 04 0.78609
0.2200 0.58429 0.13994 E 05 0.37975 € 04 0.78896
0.2300 0.58938 0.15321 E 05 0.38810E 04 0.791 84
0.2400 0.59450 0.167535 05 0.39671E 04 0.79472
0.2500 0.59966 0.18301E 05 0.40561E 04 0.79762
0.2600 0.60486 0.199746 05 0.41480E 04 0.80052
0.2700 0.61009 0.21785E 05 0.424 30E 04 0.80343
0.2800 0.61537 0.23746 05 0.43414 € 04 0.80635
0.2900 0.62068 0.25872E 05 0.444 32E 04 0.80928
0.3000 0.62604 0.28179E 05 0.45486E 04 0.81222
0.3100 0.63143 0.30683E 05 0.46578 € 04 0.81517
0.3200 0.63687 0.33406E 05 0.47710E 04 0.81812
0.3300 0.64234 0.36369E 05 0.48885E 04 0.82109
0.3400 0.64785 0.39597E 05 0.50 105E 04 0.82406
0.3500 0.65340 0.43118E 05 0.51372E 04 0.82704
0.3600 0.65898 0.469636 05 0.52690E 04 0,83003
0.3700 0.66461 0.51167E 05 0.54060E 04 0.83303
0.3800 0,67028 0.55770E 05 0.55487E 04 0.83604
0.3900 0.67598 0.60817E 05 0.56973E 04 0.83906
0.4000 0.68172 0.66359E 05 0.585236 04 0.84209
0.4100 0.68750 0.72453E 05 0.60140E 04 0.84513
0.4200 0.69332 0.79166E 05 0.61829 € 04 0.84818
0.4300 0.69918 0.86573E 05 0.63595E 04 0.85124
0.4400 0.70508 0.947604 05 0.65443E 04 0.85431
0.4500 0.71101 0.10383 € 06 0.67379E 04 0.85738
0.4600 0.71698 0.11389 € 06 0.69409E 04 0.86047

0.4700 0.72299 0.12507E 06 0.71540E 04 0.86357

0.4800 0.72904 0.13754 € 06 0.73779 € 04 0.86668
0.4900 0.73513 0.15146E 06 0.76135 € 04 0.86979
0.5000 0.74125 0.16705 € 06 0.78618E 04 0.87292
0.5100 0.74 741 0.18455 € 06 0.81236E 04 0.87606
0.5200 0.75361 0.20425 € 06 0.84003E 04 0.87921
0.5300 0.75984 0.22649E 06 0.86929E 04 0.88237
0.5400 0.76611 0.25167E 06 0.90031E 04 0.88554
0.5500 0.77242 0.28027 € 06 0.93323E 04 0.88872
0.5600 0.77877 0.31288 € 06 0.96823E 04 0.89191
0.5700 0.78515 0.35019E 06 0.10055 € 05 0.89511
0.5800 0.79157 0.39304E 06 0.10453E 05 0.89832
0.5900 0.79802 0.4424 7 € 06 0.10879 € 05 0.90155
0.6000 0.80451 0.49975 € 06 0.11335 € 05 0.904 78
0.6100 0.81104 0.56644 E 06 0.11826E 05 0,90803
0.6200 0.81 760 0.64449E 06 0.12354E 05 0.91128
0.6300 0.82420 0.73635E 06 0.12926 € 05 0.91455
0.6400 0.83083 0.84513E 06 0.135455 05 0.91783
0.6500 0.83750 0.97479E 06 0.14218E 05 0.92112
0.6600 0.44 20 0.11304 € 07 0.14953E 05 0.92442
0.6700 0.85093 0.13188 € 07 0.15759 € 05 0.92773
0.6800 0.85770 0.15487 € 07 0.16645 € 05 0.93106
0.6900 0.86451 0.183196 07 0.17626E 05 0.93439
0.7000 0.87135 0.21845 € 07 0.18715E 05 0.93774
0.7100 0.87822 0.26287 € 07 0.19934 € 05 0.94110
0.7200 0.88513 0.31955 € 07 0.21 305 € 05 0.94447
0.7300 0.89207 0.39296 € 07 0.22859 € 05 0.94785
0.740 0.89904 0.48965 € 07 0.24637E 05 0.95124
0.7500 0.90604 0.61941 € 07 0.26688E 05 0.95465
0.7600 0.91308 0.79751 € 07 0.29083E 05 0.95806
0.7700 0.92015 0.10483E 08 0.31913 € 05 0.96149
0.7800 0.92725 0.14123E 08 0.35309 € 05 0.96493
0.7900 0.93439 0.19607 € 08 0.39462E 05 0.96839
0.8000 0.94155 0.28250E 08 0.446546 05 0.97185
0.8100 0.94875 0.42664 € 08 0.51333E 05 0.97533
0.8200 0.95598 0.68542E 08 0.60247E 05 0.97882
0.8300 0.96324 0.11977E 09 0.72708E 05 0.98232
0.8400 0.97053 0.23670E 09 0.91471 E 05 0.98583
0.8500 0.97785 0.56760E 09 0.12274 € 06 0.98935
0.8600 0.98521 0.19341 € 10 0.18495 € 06 0.99289
0.8700 0.98471 0.18193 € 10 0,181946 06 0.99265

SIGMA # 0.14


0. 0.49932 0 . 0.24601E 04 0.73113

0.0100 0.50362 0.28263 € 03 0.25068E 04 0.73390
0.0200 0.50795 0.58614E 03 0.25547E 04 0.73667
0.0300 0.51232 0.91206E 03 0.26038E 04 0.73945
0.0400 0.51672 0.12621E 04 0.26541 E 04 0.74224
0.0500 0.52116 0.16379 € 04 0.27058E 04 0.74503
0.0600 0.52563 0.20416E 04 0.27588E 04 0,74783
0.0700 0.53014 0.24752 € 04 0.28132E 04 0.75064
0.0800 0.53468 0.29410E 04 0.28690E 04 0.75345
0.0900 0.53926 0.34415 € 04 0.29264 € 04 0.75627
0.1000 0.54387 0.39795 € 04 0.29854E 04 0.75910
0.1100 0.54852 0.45578E 04 0.30460E 04 0.76193
0.1200 0.55321 0.51796 € 04 0.31083E 04 0.76477
0.1300 0.55793 0.58486E 04 0.31724 € 04 0.76762
0.1400 0.56269 0.65685 € 04 0.32383E 04 0.77047
0.1500 0.56748 0.734 35 € 04 0.33062E 04 0.77333
0.1600 0.57231 0.81782 € 04 0.33761 € 04 0.77620
0.1700 0.57718 0.90776E 04 0.34481€ 04 0.77908
0.1800 0.58208 0.10047E 05 0.35224 € 04 0.78196
0.1900 0.58702 0.11093E 05 0.35989E 04 0.78485
0.2000 0.59200 0.12222 € 05 0.36778E 04 0.78775
0.2100 0.59702 0.13441 € 05 0.37593E 04 0.79066
0.2200 0.60207 0.14758E 05 0.384 34E 04 0.79358
0.2300 0.60716 0.16183 € 05 0.39302E 04 0.79650
0.2400 0.61228 0.17724 € 05 0.40200E 04 0.79943
0.2500 0.61744 0.19394 € 05 0.41128E 04 0.80237
0.2600 0.62264 0.21204 05 0.42088 € 04 0.80532
0.2700 0.62788 0.23167E 05 0.43082E 04 0.80827
0.2800 0.63315 0.25299 € 05 0.4411TE 04 0.81124
0.2900 0.63846 0.27615E 05 0.45177E 04 0.81421
0.3000 0.64381 0.301 35 € 05 0.46283E 04 0.81719
0.3100 0.64920 0.32880E 05 0.47430E 04 0.82018
0.3200 0.65462 0.35872E 05 0.48620E 04 0.82318
0.3300 0.66008 0.391 385 05 0.49857E 04 0.82618
0.3400 0.66557 0.42707E 05 0.51143E 04 0.82920
0.3500 0.67111 0.46612E 05 0.52481E 04 0.83222
0.3600 0.67668 0.50890E 05 0.53874 € 04 0.83526
0.3700 0.68228 0.55583 € 05 0.55325 € 04 0.83830
0.3800 0.68793 0.60740E 05 0.56838E 04 0,84 1 35
0.3900 0.69361 0.66415 € 05 0.58417E 04 0.84441
0.4000 0.69933 0.72670E 05 0.60066 € 04 0.84 748
0.4100 0.70508 0.79575 € 05 0.61790E 04 0.85056
0.4200 0.71087 0.87212E 05 0.63594 € 04 0.85365
0.4300 0.71670 0.95675 € 05 0.65483E 04 0.85675
0.4400 0.72257 0.10507E 06 0.67465 € 4 0.85986
0,4500 0.72847 0.11552E 06 0.69545E 04 0.86298
0.4600 0.73440 0.12718 € 06 0.71731E 04 0.86611

0.4700 0.74038 0.14020E 06 0.74031 € 04 0.86924

0.4800 0.74639 0.15479 € 06 0.76454 04 0.87239
0.4900 0.75243 0.17118E 06 0,79010E 04 0.87555
0.5000 0.75851 0.18963 € 06 0.81711E 04 0.87872
0.5100 0.76463 0.21048E 06 0.84568 € 04 0.88190
0.5200 0.77078 0.23409E 06 0.87595E 04 0.88508
0.5300 0.77697 0.26093E 06 0.90808E 04 0.88828
0.5400 0.78319 0.29154 € 06 0.94225 € 04 0.89149
0.5500 0.78945 0.32658€ 06 0.97865 € 04 0.8947 !
0.5600 0.79575 0.36684 € 06 0.10175E 05 0.89794
0.5700 0.80207 0.41331 € 06 0.10591 E 05 0.90118
0.5800 0.80844 0.46717 € 06 0.11036E 05 0.90443
0.5900 0.81484 0.52991E 06 0.11515 € 05 0.90769
0.6000 0.82127 0.60338E 06 0.12031E 05 0.91096
0.0100 0.82773 0.68988E 36 0.12589E 05 0.914 25
0.6200 0.83423 0.79236 € 06 0.13193 € 05 0.91754
0.6300 0.84077 0.914 56E 06 0.13851 E 05 0.92085
0.6400 0.84734 0.10613E 07 0.14568E 05 0.92416
0.6500 0.85394 0.12390E 07 0.153546 05 0.92749
0.6600 0.86058 0.14559 € 07 0.16220E 05 0.93083
0.6700 0.86724 0.17232E 07 0.17177E 05 0.93418
0.6800 0.87395 0.20562E 07 0.18240E 05 0.93754
0.6900 0.88068 0.24759E 07 0.194304 05 0.94091
0.7000 0.88745 0.30116E 07 0.20768E 05 0.94429
0.7100 0.89425 0.37057 € 07 0.22286E 05 0.94769
0.7200 0.90108 0.46200E 07 0.240215 05 0.95109
0.7300 0.90794 0.58479 € 07 0.26023E 05 0.95451
0,7400 0.91484 0.75335 € 07 0.28361E 05 0.95794
0.7500 0.92177 0.99081 € 07 0.31124 05 0.96138
0.7600 0.92872 0.13357E 08 0.34442E 05 0.96483
0.7700 0.93571 0.18555 € 08 0.384 986 05 0.96830
0.7800 0.94274 0.2674 8E 08 0.43567E 05 0.97177
0.7900 0.94979 0.40418E 08 0.50089 € 05 0.97526
0.8000 0.95687 0.64961 € 08 0.58786E 05 0.97876
0.8100 0.96398 0.11362 € 09 0.70982E 05 0.98227
0.8200 0.97113 0.22461E 09 0.89288E 05 0.98579
0.8300 0.97830 0.53899 € 09 0.11984 € 06 0.98933
0.8400 0.98550 0.184 30 € 10 0.18114E 06 0.99287
0.8500 0.98404 0.14229 € 10 0.16597E 06 0.99215

SIGMA # 0.16


0. 0.51561 0. 0.24606E 04 0.734 33

0.0100 0.51995 0.29060E 03 0.25084 € 04 0.73715
0.0200 0.52431 0.60324 € 03 0.25575E 04 0.73998
0.0300 0.52872 0.93958 € 03 0.26079 € 04 0.74281
0.0400 0.53315 0.13014 € 04 0.26596E 04 0.74565
0.0500 0.53762 0.16907E 04 0.27126E 04 0.74849
0.0600 0.54212 0.21096 € 04 0.27671E 04 0.751 34
0.0700 0.54666 0.25603 € 04 0.28231E 04 0.754 20
0.0800 0.55123 0.30455E 04 0.28806 € 04 0.75706
0.0900 0.55584 0.35678E 04 0.29397E 04 0.75993
0.1000 0.56048 0.41302E 04 0.300046 04 0.76281
0.1100 0.56515 0.47359 € 04 0.30629 € 04 0.76569
0.1200 0.56986 0.53886E 04 0.31272 € 04 0.76858
0.1300 0.57461 0.60921E 04 0.31934 04 0.77148
0.1400 0.57939 0.68507E 04 0.32616E 04 0.77438
0.1500 0.58420 0.76689 € 04 0.33318E 04 0.77730
0.1600 0.58905 0.85521E 04 0.34041E 04 0.78022
0.1700 0.59393 0.95056E 04 0.34787E 04 0.78314
0.1800 0.59885 0.10536E 05 0.35557E 04 0.78608
0.1900 0.60380 0.11650E 05 0.36351E 04 0.78902
0.2000 0.60879 0.128546 05 0.37171E 04 0.79197
0.2100 0.61 382 0.14158E 05 0.38018E 04 0.79492
0.2200 0.61888 0.15571E 05 0.38893E 04 0.79789
0.2300 0.62397 0.17102E 05 0.39798E 04 0.80086
0.2400 0.62910 0.18762E 05 0.40734 E 04 0.80384
0.2500 0.63427 0.20566E 05 0.41702E 04 0.80683
0.2600 0.63947 0.22525E 05 0.42706E 04 0.80982
0.2700 0.64471 0.24656E 05 0.43745E 04 0.81283
0.2800 0.64998 0.26977 € 05 0.44823E 04 0.81584
0.2900 0.65529 0.29506E 05 0.45941 E 04 0.81886
0.3000 0.66064 0.32265 € 05 0.47102E 04 0.82189
0.3100 0.66602 0.352784 05 0.48308E 04 0.82493
0.3200 0.67143 0.38574 € 05 0.49562 € 04 0.82798
0.3300 0.67688 0.42182E 05 0.50866E 04 0.83103
0.3400 0.68237 0.461 38E 05 0.52223E 04 0.83409
0.3500 0.68789 0.50481E 05 0.53638E 04 0.83717
0.3600 0.69345 0.55256 € 05 0.55113E 04 0.84025
0.3700 0.69904 0.605 136 05 0.56652E 04 0.84334
0.3800 0.70467 0.66312E 05 0.58259E 04 0.84644
0.3900 0.71033 0.72717E 05 0.59940 E 04 0.84955
0.4000 0.71603 0.79805E 05 0.61698E 04 0.85266
0.4100 0.72176 0.876646 05 0.63541 E 04 0.85579
0.4200 0.72753 0.963955 05 0.65472E 04 0.85893
0.4300 0.73334 0.106ITE 06 0.67500E 04 0.86207
0.44 00 0.73917 0.11695 € 06 0.69631E 04 0.86523
0.4500 0.74505 0.12908E 06 0.71873E 04 0.86839
0.4600 0.75096 0.14266 € 06 0.74235E 04 0.87157

0.4700 0.75690 0.15793E 06 0.76726E 04 0.87475

0.4800 0.76288 0.17514 € 06 0.79359E 04 0.87795
0.4900 0.76889 0.194 586 06 0.82144 E 04 0.88115
0.5000 0.77494 0.21661 € 06 0.85095E 04 0.88436
0.5100 0.78102 0.24167E 06 0.88227E 04 0.88759
0.5200 0.78713 0.27026E 06 0.91558 € 04 0.89082
0.5300 0.79328 0.30300E 06 0.95106E 04 0.89406
0.5400 0.79947 0.34064 € 06 0.98893E 04 0.89732
0.5500 0.80568 0.38410E 06 0.10294 E 05 0.90058
0.5600 0.81194 0.43451E 06 0.10729E 05 0.90386
0.5700 0.81822 0.49325 € 06 0.11196E 05 0.90714
0.5800 0.82454 0.56205 € 06 0.11699E 05 0.91044
0.5900 0.83089 0.64311E 06 0.12242E 05 0.91375
0.6000 0.83727 0.73917E 06 0.12831E 05 0.91706
0.6100 0.84 369 0.85376E 06 0.134 72 E 05 0.92039
0.6200 0.85014 0.99145 € 06 0.14172E 05 0.92373
0.6300 0.85662 0.11582E 07 0.149384 05 0.92708
0.6400 0.86314 0.13619E 07 0.15782E 05 0.93044
0.6500 0.86969 0.16130E 07 0.16715E 05 0.93381
0.6600 0.87626 0.192596 07 0.17752E 05 0.93719
0.6700 0.88288 0.23203E 07 0.18911E 05 0.94058
0.6800 0.88952 0.28241 E 07 0.20216E 05 0.94399
0.6900 0.89620 0.34771 € 07 0.21696E 05 0.94740
0.7000 0.90290 0.43376E 07 0.233876 05 0.95083
0.7100 0.90964 0.54935 € 07 0.25339 € 05 0.95427
0.7200 0.91641 0.70812E 07 0.27618E 05 0.95771
0.7300 0.92321 0.931846 07 0.30312E 05 0.96118
0.7400 0.93004 0.12569E 08 0.335455 05 0.96465
0.7500 0.93690 0.17468E 08 0.37496 € 05 0,96813
0.7600 0.94379 0.251 946 08 0.42438 05 0.97162
0.7700 0.95071 0.380 90E 08 0.48796E 05 0.97513
0.7800 0.95767 0.61258E 08 0.57280E 05 0.97865
0.7900 0.96465 0.10719E 09 0.69164E 05 0.98218
0.8000 0.97166 0.21186 € 09 0.86951E 05 0.98572
0.8100 0.97870 0.50891E 09 0.11678 € 06 0.98927
0.8200 0.98577 0.17394 € 10 0.17637E 06 0.99284
0.8300 0.98335 0.11255E 10 0.15275E 06 0.99161

SIGMA # 0.18


0. 0.53116 0 . 0.24601E 04 0.73722

0.0100 0.53553 0.29871E 03 0.25091E 04 0.74010
0.0200 0.53993 0.62069 € 03 0.25595E 04 0,74298
0.0300 0.54437 0.96772E 03 0.2611TE 04 0.74586
0.0400 0.54884 0.13418E 04 0.26642 € 04 0.74876
0.0500 0.55334 0.17450E 04 0.27187E 04 0.75165
0.0600 0.55787 0.21796E 04 0.27747E 04 0.75456
0.0700 0.56243 0.26483E 04 0.28322E 04 0.75747
0.0800 0.56703 0.31537E 04 0.28914E 04 0.76039
0.0900 0.57166 0.36988 € 04 0.29522 € 04 0.76331
0.1000 0.57633 0.42869E 04 0.30148 04 0.76625
0.1100 0.58103 0.49217E 04 0.30793E 04 0.76918
0.1200 0.58576 0.56070E 04 0.31457E 04 0.77213
0.1300 0.59052 0.63472E 04 0.32140E 04 0.77508
0.1400 0.59532 0.71470E 04 0.32845E 04 0.77804
0.1500 0.60015 0.80115E 04 0.33571 E 04 0.78101
0.1600 0.60502 0.894 66E 04 0.34321E 04 0.78398
0.1700 0.60992 0.99586 € 04 0.35094 € 04 0.78696
0.1800 0.61485 0.110546 05 0.35892E 04 0.78995
0.1 900 0.61 982 0.12241 E 05 0.36717E 04 0.79294
0.2000 0.62482 0.13529 € 05 0.37569E 04 0.79595
0.2100 0.62985 0.14925 € 05 0.38450E 04 0.79896
0.2200 0.63492 0.16442 € 05 0.39361E 04 0.80198
0.2300 0.64003 0.180904 05 0.40304 € 04 0.80500
0.2400 0.64516 0.19882E 05 0.41281E 04 0.80804
0.2500 0.65034 0.21833E 05 0.42293E 04 0.81108
0.2600 0.65554 0.23959E 05 0.43343E 04 0.81413
0.2700 0.66078 0.26277E 05 0.44431E 04 0.81719
0.2800 0.66606 0.28809E 05 0.45562E 04 0.82025
0.2900 0.67136 0.31576E 05 0.46736E 04 0.82333
0.3000 0.67671 0.34605E 05 0.47956E 04 0.82641
0.3100 0.68208 0.37923E 05 0.49226E 04 0.82950
0.3200 0.68749 0.41564 € 05 0.50548E 04 0.83260
0.3300 0.69294 0.45563E 05 0.51925E 04 0.8357 i
0.3400 0.69842 0.49963 € 05 0.53361E 04 0.83882
0.3500 0.70 393 0.54811E 05 0.54859 € 04 0.84195
0.3600 0.70948 0.60161 € 05 0.56424 € 04 0.84508
0.3700 0.71 506 0.66075E 05 0.58060E 04 0.84823
0.3800 0.72068 0.726246 05 0.59772 € 04 0.851 38
0.3900 0.72633 0.79889 € 05 0.61566 € 04 0.85454
0.4000 0.73201 0.87764 E 05 0.63447E 04 0.85771
0.4100 0.73773 0.96959 05 0.65421 € 04 0.86089
0.4200 0.74 348 0.10700E 06 0.67495E 04 0.86408
0.4300 0.74926 0.11823E 06 0.69678 € 04 0.86728
0.4400 0.75508 0.13083E 06 0.71977E 04 0.87048
0.4500 0.76093 0.14499 € 06 0.74403 04 0.87370
0.4600 0.76682 0.16095E 06 0.76966 € 04 0.87693

0.4700 0.77274 0.17900E 06 0.79677E 04 0.88016

0.4800 0.77869 0.19947E 06 0.82551E 04 0,8834 1
0.4900 0.78467 0.22276 € 06 0.85600E 04 0.88666
0.5000 0.79069 0.24934 06 0.88843E 04 0.88993
0.5100 0.79674 0.27980E 06 0.92297E 04 1.89320
0.5200 0.80283 0.31484 € 06 0.95984 € 04 0.89649
0.5300 0.80894 0.355315 06 0.99928E 04 0.89978
0.5400 0.81509 0.40227E 06 0.10416E 05 0.90309
0.5500 0.82128 0.45701 E 06 0.10870E 05 0.90640
0.5600 0.82749 0.52117E 06 0,11 360 E 05 0.90973
0.5700 0.83374 0.59677 € 06 0.11889E 05 0.91307
0.5800 0.84002 0.68642 € 06 0.12463 € 05 0.91641
0.5900 0.84633 0.79341 € 06 0.13087E 05 0,91977
0.6000 0.85267 0.92201 € 06 0.13768 € 05 0.92314
0.6100 0.85905 0.10778E 07 0.14514E 05 0.92652
0.6200 0.86545 0.12682E 07 0.15335 € 05 0.92990
0.6300 0.87189 0.15030E 07 0.16244 E 05 0.93330
0.6400 0.87836 0.17957E 07 0.17253 € 05 0.93671
0.6500 0.88486 0.216496 07 0.18382E 05 0.94013
0.6600 0.89139 0.26.365 € 07 0.19652E 05 0.94357
0.6700 0.89796 0.32481 € 07 0.21093E 05 0.94701
0.6800 0.90455 0.40543E 07 0.22740E 05 0.95046
0.6900 0.91117 0.51377 € 07 0.24641 E 05 0.95393
0.7000 0.91783 0.66262 € 07 0.26859E 05 0.95740
0.7100 0.92451 0.87246E 07 0.29483E 05 0.96089
0.7200 0.93123 0.11774 € 08 0.32631 E 05 0.96439
0.7300 0.93797 0.16373E 08 0.36480E 05 0.96790
0.7400 0.94475 0.23628E 08 0.41292E 05 0.97142
0.7500 0.95155 0.357446 08 0.47486E 05 0.97495
0.7600 0.95839 0.57502E 08 0.55736E 05 0.97850
0.7700 0.96525 0.10069E 09 0.67318E 05 0.98205
0.7800 0.97214 0.19924E 09 0.84695E 05 0.98562
0.7900 0.97906 0.47889E 09 0.113785 06 0.98920
0.8000 0.98601 0.1641DE 10 0.17221E 06 0.99279
0.8100 0.98264 0.88913E 09 0.14022 € 06 0.99105

SIGMA # 0.20


0. 0.54 611 0 . 0.24588E 04 0.73986
0.0100 0.55052 0.30704€ 03 0.25091E 04 0.74279
0.0200 0.55495 0.63863E 03 0.25607E 04 0.74573
0.0300 0.55942 0.99674 € 03 0.26137E 04 0.74868
0.0400 0.56391 0.13835E 04 0.26681E 04 0.75163
0.0500 0.56844 0.18012E 04 0.27241E 04 0.75459
0.0600 0.57300 0.22524 € 04 0.27816E 04 0.75755
0.0700 0.57759 0.27398E 04 0.28408 € 04 0.76052
0.0800 0.58222 0.32665E 04 0.29017E 04 0.76350
0.0900 0.58687 0.38357 € 04 0.29644 € 04 0.76648
0.1000 0.59156 0.44512E 04 0.30290E 04 0.76947
0.1100 0.59628 0.51168E 04 0.30955 € 04 0.77247
0.1200 0.60103 0.58370E 04 0.31640E 04 0.77547
0.1300 0.60582 0.66164 € 04 0.32346 € 04 0.77848
0.1400 0.61063 0.74605E 04 0.33075 € 04 0.78150
0.1500 0.61548 0.83749 € 04 0.33827 € 04 0.78453
0.1600 0.62037 0.93662E 04 0.34603E 04 0.78756
0.1700 0.62528 0.10441E 05 0.35405 € 04 0.79060
0.1800 0.63023 0.11608E 05 0.36234 E 04 0.79364
0.1900 0.63521 0.12876E 05 0.37091E 04 0.79670
0.2000 0.64022 0.14253 € 05 0.37977E 04 0.79976
0,2100 0.64527 0.15752E 05 0.38894 € 04 0.80283
0.2200 0.65035 0.17383E 05 0.39844E 04 0.80590
0.2300 0.65546 0.19160E 05 0.40829E 04 0.80899
0.2400 0.66060 0.21098E 05 0.41849 € 04 0.81 208
0.2500 0.66578 0.232 1 4E 05 0.42908 € 04 0.81518
0.2600 0.67099 0,25526E 05 0.440076 04 0.81829
0.2700 0.67623 0.28056E 05 0.45149 € 04 0.82140
0.2800 0.68151 0.30826E 05 0.46336E 04 0.82453
0.2900 0.68682 0.33864 € 05 0.47571 E 04 0.82766
0.3000 0.69216 0.37199 € 05 0.48856E 04 0.83080
0.3100 0.69754 0.40865 € 05 0.50195 € 04 0.83395
0.3200 0.70295 0.44901E 05 0.51592 € 04 0.83711
0.3300 0.70839 0.49352E 05 0.53049 € 04 0.84027
0.3400 0.71 386 0.54267E 05 0.54571E 04 0.84 345
0.3500 0.71937 0.59703E 05 0.56162 € 04 0.84663
0.3600 0.72491 0.65727E 05 0.57827E 04 0.84982
0.3700 0.73048 0.72413E 05 0.59571 E 04 0.85302
0.3800 0.73609 0.79850E 05 0.61400E 04 0.85623
0.3900 0.74 172 0.88139E 05 0.63319E 04 0.85945
0.4000 0.74 740 0.97396E 05 0.65337E 04 0.86268
0.4100 0.75310 0.10776 € 06 0.67459 € 04 0.86592
0.4200 0.75884 0.11938E 06 0.69696E 04 0.86916
0.4300 1.76460 0.13246E 06 0.72055E 04 0.87242
0.4400 0.77041 0.14722E 06 0.74547E 04 0.87568
0.4500 0.77624 0.16391E 06 0.77184 € 04 0.87895
0.4600 0.78210 0.18284 € 06 0.79978E 04 0.88224

0.4700 0.78800 0.204 39 € 06 0.82943E 04 0.88553

0.4800 0.79393 0.22901 E 06 0.86097E 04 0.88883
0.4900 0.79990 0.25723E 06 0.89456E 04 0.89215
0.5000 0.80589 0.28971E 06 0.93041 € 04 0.89547
0.5100 0.81192 0.32723 € 06 0.96877E 04 0.89880
0.5200 0.81797 0.37080E 06 0.10099 € 05 0.90214
0.5300 0.82406 0.42161 € 06 0.10541 E 05 0.90549
0.5400 0.83018 0.48118E 06 0.11017E 05 0.90886
0.5500 0.83634 0.55143E 06 0.11532E 05 0.91223
0.5600 0.84252 0.63474 € 06 0.12090 E 05 0.91561
0.5700 0.84874 0.73422E 06 0.12697E 05 0.91900
0.5800 0.85498 0.85384 € 06 0.13359 € 05 0.92240
0.5900 0.86126 0.99883 € 06 0.14085E 05 0.92582
0.6000 0.86757 0.11761 € 07 0.148836 05 0.92924
0.6100 0.87391 0.13948E 07 0.157676 05 0.93268
0.6200 0.88028 0.16675E 07 0.16748E 05 0.93612
0.6300 0.88668 0.20116E 07 0.17846E 05 0.93958
0.6400 0.89311 0.245 1 3E 07 0.19082E 05 0.94304
0.6500 0.89957 0.30217E 07 0.20482E 05 0.94652
0.6600 0.90606 0.377406 07 0.22084 E 05 0.95001
0.6700 0.91258 0.47854 € 07 0.23933E 05 0.95350
0.6800 0.91913 0.617526 07 0.26090E 05 0.95701
0.6900 0.92571 0.813536 07 0.286415 05 0.96053
0.7000 0.93232 0.10985E 08 0.31703E 05 0.96407
0.7100 0.93896 0.15283E 08 0.354446 05 0.96761
0.7200 0.94562 0.22069E 08 0.40127E 05 0.97116
0.7300 0.95232 0.33400E 08 0.46149 € 05 0.97473
0,7400 0.95905 0.53766E 08 0.54179 € 05 0.97830
0.7500 0.96580 0.94188E 08 0.654415 05 0.98189
0.7600 0.97258 0.18650E 09 0.82357E 05 0.98549
0.7700 0.97940 0.44756E 09 0.11042E 06 0.98910
0.7800 0.98624 0.15313E 10 0.16680E 06 0.99272
0.7900 0.98192 0.70042E 09 0.12828E 06 0.99044

SIGMA # 0.22


0. 0.56057 0 . 0.24570E 04 0.74229

0.0100 0.56500 0.31563E 03 0.25084 € 04 0.74529
0.0200 0.56947 0.65720E 03 0.25613 04 0.74829
0.0300 0.57396 0.10268 € 04 0.26157 € 04 0.75130
0.0400 0.57849 0.14268E 04 0.26716E 04 0.75431
0.0500 0.58304 0.18597E 04 0.27291E 04 0.75733
0.0600 0.58763 0.23283E 04 0.27883E 04 0.76036
0.0700 0.59224 0.28356 € 04 0.28492 € 04 0.76339
0.0800 0.59689 0.33848E 04 0.29119 € 04 0.76643
0.0900 0.60157 0.39798 € 04 0.29765 € 04 0.76948
0.1000 0.60628 0.46244 € 04 0.30431E 04 0.77253
0.1100 0.61102 0.53230E 04 0.31117E 04 0.77559
0.1200 0.61579 0.60805 € 04 0.31825 € 04 0.77866
0.1300 0.62060 0.69023E 04 0.32555E 04 0.78173
0.400 0.62543 0.77942E 04 0.33310E 04 0.78481
0.1500 0.63030 0.87628E 04 0.34089 € 04 0.78790
0.1600 0.63520 0.98152E 04 0.34894 € 04 0.79099
0.1700 0.64013 0.10960E 05 0.35726 € 04 0.79409
0.1800 2.64509 0.12205E 05 0.36587E 04 0.79720
0.1900 0.65008 0.13560E 05 0.37478E 04 0.80032
0.2000 0.65510 0.150376 05 0.38401E 04 0.80344
0.2100 0.66016 0.16649E 05 0.39357E 04 0.80658
0.2200 0.66525 0.18407E 05 0.40349 € 04 0.80972
0.2300 0.67037 0.20329 € 05 0.41377 € 04 0.81286
0.2400 0.67552 0.224 31€ 05 0.42445 € 04 0.81602
0.2500 0.68071 0.24732E 05 0.435546 04 0.81918
0.2600 0.68592 0.272546 05 0.44707E 04 0.82235
0.2700 0.69117 0.300 22E 05 0.45907E 04 0.82553
0.2800 0.69645 0.330636 05 0.47155E 04 0.82872
0.2900 0.70176 0.36410E 05 0.48456E 04 0.83191
0.3000 0.70710 0.40096E 05 0.49813E 04 0.83511
0.3100 0.71248 0.441646 05 0.51228E 04 0.83833
0.3200 0.71789 0,48659E 05 0.52707E 04 0.84155
0.3300 0.72333 0.53635E 05 0.54252E 04 0.844 77
0.34 00 0.72880 0.59152 € 05 0.55870E 04 0.84801
0.3500 0.73430 0.65281 € 05 0.57564E 04 0.85126
0.3600 0.73983 0.72101E 05 0.59340E 04 0.85451
0.3700 0.74540 0.79707E 05 0.61205E 04 0.85777
0.3800 0.75100 0.882076 05 0.63165 € 04 0.86104
0.3900 0.75663 0.97727E 05 0.65227 € 04 0.86433
0.4000 0.76229 0.10842E 06 0.67399 € 04 0.86762
0.4100 0.76798 0.12045 € 06 0.69691 € 04 0.87091
0.4200 0.77370 0.13403E 06 0.72112E 04 0.87422
0.4300 0.77946 0.14939 € 06 0.746 74 E 04 0.87754
0.4400 0.78525 0.16684 € 06 0.77388E 04 0.88087
0.4500 0.79106 0.18671E 06 0.80269 € 04 0.88420
0.4600 0.79691 0.20941E 06 0.83332E 04 0.88755

0.4700 0.80279 0.23545 € 06 0.86595 € 04 0.89090

0.4800 0.80871 0.26543E 06 0.90078E 04 0.894427
0.4900 0.81465 0.30010E 06 0.93804 € 04 0.89764
0.5000 0.82062 0.34036E 06 0.97799E 04 0.90103
0.5100 0.82663 0.38734 € 06 0.102096 05 0.90442
0.5200 0.83266 0.44244 € 06 0.10672E 05 0.90782
0.5300 0.83873 0.507446 06 011172E 05 0.911 24
0.5400 0.84482 0.58458E 06 0.11714 € 05 0.91466
0.5500 0.85095 0.67671 € 06 0.12303E 05 0.91809
0.5600 0.85711 0.78756E 06 0.12947E 05 0.92154
0.5700 0.86329 0.92196E 06 0.13652E OS 0.92499
0.5800 0.86951 0.10863E 07 0.14428E 05 0.92846
0.5900 0.87576 0.12892E 07 0,15286E 05 0.93193
0.6000 0.88204 0.154246 07 0.16240E 05 0.9354 2
0.6100 0.88834 0.18618E 07 0.17306E 05 0.93891
0.6200 0.89468 0.227036 07 0.18506E 05 0.94242
0.6300 0.90105 0.28004 € 07 0.19867E 05 0.94594
0.6400 0.90744 0.34997 € 07 0.21423 € 05 0.94946
0.6500 0.91387 0.44400E 07 0.23219E 05 0.95300
0.6600 0.92032 0.57331 € 07 0.25316E 05 0.95655
0.6700 0.92681 0.75570E 07 0.27793E 05 0.9601
0.6800 0.93332 0.10210E 08 0.30768E 05 0.96368
0.6900 0.93986 0.14213E 08 0.34404E 05 0.96726
0.7000 0.94643 0.20533 € 08 0.38951E 05 0.97086
0.7100 0.95303 0.31089E 08 0.44796E 05 0.97446
0.7200 0.95965 0.50078E 08 0.52603E 05 0.97807
0.7300 0.96631 0.87772E 08 0.63543E 05 0.98170
0.7400 0.97299 0.1737| E 09 0.798946 05 0.98534
0.7500 0.97970 0.41779 € 09 0.10731E 06 0.98899
0.7600 0.98644 0.14272 € 10 0.16180E 06 0.99265
0.7700 0.98118 0.55439E 09 0.11789E 06 0.98979

SIGMA # 0.24


0. 0.57461 0. 0.24546E 04 0.744 55

0.0100 0.57907 0.32454 € 03 0.25073E 04 0.74 761
0.0200 0.58356 0.67651E 03 0.25616E 04 0.75068
0.0300 0.58808 0.10582E 04 0.26174 E 04 0.75375
0.0400 0.59263 0.14721 € 04 0.26748E 04 0.75683
0.0500 0.59721 0.19211E 04 0.27339E 04 0.75992
0.0600 0.60182 0.24080E 04 0.27948E 04 0.76302
0.0700 0.60646 0.29364 € 04 0.28574E 04 0.76612
0.0800 0.61113 0.35097E 04 0.29221E 04 0.76922
0.0900 0.61583 0.41321 € 04 0.29887 € 04 0.77234
0.1000 0.62056 0.48079 € 04 0.30574 € 04 0.77546
0.1100 0.62532 0.55421E 04 0.31283E 04 0.77858
0.1200 0.63012 0.63400E 04 0.320 14E 04 0.78172
0.1 300 0.63494 0.72077E 04 0.32770E 04 0.78486
0.1400 0.63979 0.81516 04 0.33552E 04 0.78801
0.1500 0.64467 0.91792 € 04 0.34359E 04 0.79116
0.1600 0.64959 0.10299 € 05 0.35195E 04 0.794 32
0.1700 0.65453 0.11519E 05 0.36060E 04 0.79749
0.1800 0.65951 0.12850E 05 0.36955E 04 0.80067
0.1900 0.66451 0.143036 05 0.37883E 04 0.80385
0.2000 0.66955 0.15891E 05 0.38845 € 04 0.80704
0.2100 0.67461 0.17628E 05 0.39843E 04 0.81024
0.2200 0.67971 0.19529 05 0.40880E 04 0.81345
0.2300 0.68484 0.21613E 05 0.41956E 04 0.81666
0.2400 0.69000 0.23899 € 05 0.43075E 04 0.81988
0.2500 0.69519 0.26410E 05 0.44239E 04 0.82311
0.2600 0.70041 0.29171E 05 0.45451E 04 0.82635
0.2700 0.70567 0.32211E 05 0.46713E 04 0.82960
0.2800 0.71095 0.35564E 05 0.48029 € 04 0.83285
0.2900 0.71626 0.392655 05 0.49403E 04 0.83611
0.3000 0.72161 0.43359E 05 0.50838 € 04 0.83938
0.3100 0.72698 0.47894 € 05 0.52338E 04 0.84266
0.3200 0.73239 0.529266 05 0.53907E 04 0.84595
0.3300 0,73783 0.585196 05 0.55552E 04 0.84925
0.3400 0.74 330 0.64748E 05 0.57275 € 04 0.85255
0.3500 0.74880 0.716996 05 0.59085 € 04 0.85586
0.3600 0.75433 0.794 72E 05 0.60987E 04 0.85918
0.3700 0.75989 0.88184E 05 0.62988E 04 0.86251
0.3800 0.76548 0.97971E 05 0.65096 € 04 0.86585
0.3900 0.77110 0.10899E 06 0.67320E 04 0.86920
0.4000 0.77675 0.12144 € 06 0.69670E 04 0.87256
0.4 100 0.78244 0.13554 E 06 0.72155 € 04 0.87592
0.4200 0.78815 0.15155 € 06 0.74 789 € 04 0.87930
0.4300 0.79 390 0.16979 € 06 0.77585E 04 0.88268
0.4400 0.79967 0.19065 € 06 0.80558 € 04 0.88608
0.4500 0.80548 0.21459E 06 0.83724 € 04 0.88948
0.4600 0.81131 0.24216 € 06 0.87105E 04 0.89289

0.4700 0.81718 0.27406E 06 0.90720E 04 0.89631

0.4800 0.82307 0.31112E 06 0.94597E 04 0.89975
0.4900 0.82900 0.354 39 € 06 0.98764 E 04 0.90319
0.5000 0.83496 0.40517E 06 0.103254 05 0.90664
0.5100 0.84094 0.46510E 06 0.10811E 05 0.91010
0.5200 0.84696 0.53624 € 06 0.11337E 05 0.91357
0.5300 0.85300 0.62127E 06 0.11909E 05 0.91705
0.5400 0.85908 0.72359 € 06 0.125336 05 0.92054
0.5500 0.86518 0.84773E 06 0.13217E 05 0.92404
0.5600 0.87131 0.99959E 06 0.13970 E 05 0.92755
0.5700 0.87748 0.11872 € 07 0.14803E 05 0.93107
0.5800 1.88367 0.14212E 07 0.157296 05 0.93461
0.5900 0.88989 0.171686 07 0.167645 05 0.93815
0.6000 0.896 ! 4 0.20948E 07 0.17929 € 05 0.94170
0.6100 0.90242 0.25855 € 07 0.19249E 05 0.94526
0.6200 0.90873 0.32333E 07 0.20760E 05 0.94884
0.6300 0.91507 0.41046E 07 0.22502E 05 0.95242
0.6400 0.92143 0.530306 07 0.245376 05 0.95601
0.6500 0.92783 0.69940E 07 0.26941 E 05 0.95962
0.6600 0.93425 0.94549E 07 0.29828E 05 0.96323
0.6700 0.94070 0.13169E 08 0.33357E 05 0.96686
0.6800 0.94 718 0.19035E 08 0.377696 05 0.97050
0.6900 0.95368 0.28839E 08 0.43444 € 05 0.97415
0.7000 0.96022 0.46466E 08 0.51009E 05 0.97781
0.7100 0.96678 0.81457E 08 0.61606E 05 0.98148
0.7200 0.97337 0.16155 € 09 0.77591 E 05 0.98516
0.7300 0.97999 0.38826E 09 0.104105 06 0.98885
0,7400 0.98663 0.13283 € 10 0.15713E 06 0.99256
0.7500 0.98041 0.43960E 09 0.10858E 06 0.98909

SIGMA # 0.26

0. 0.58829 0 . 0.24517E 04 0.74666

0.0100 0.59278 0.33383E 03 0.25058E 04 0.74979
0.0200 0.59729 0.69667 € 03 0.25615E 04 0.75293
0.0300 0.60184 0.10910E 04 0.26188E 04 0.75608
0.0400 0.60641 0.15197E 04 0.26778E 04 0.75923
0.0500 0.61102 0.19856E 04 0.27386E 04 0.76239
0.0600 0.61565 0.24921E 04 0.28012E 04 0,76555
0.0700 0.62031 0.30429 € 04 0.28658E 04 0.76872
0.0800 0.62500 0.36420E 04 0.29324E 04 0.77190
0.0900 0.62973 0.42939 € 04 0.300ITE 04 0.77509
0.1000 0.63448 0.50035E 04 0.30721E 04 0.77828
0.1100 0.63926 0.57761E 04 0.31453E 04 0.78148
0.1200 0.64407 0.66179 € 04 0.32211E 04 0.78468
0.1300 1.64890 0.75355 € 04 0.32994 € 04 0.78790
0.1400 0.65377 0.85364 € 04 0.33804 04 0.79112
0.1500 0.65867 0.96287 € 04 0.34642 € 04 0.79434
0.1600 0.66360 0.10822E 05 0.35510E 04 0.79758
0.1700 0.66856 0.12126E 05 0.36410E 04 0.80082
0.1800 0.67355 0.13552E 05 0.37343E 04 0.80406
0.1900 0.67856 0.15114E 05 0.38310E 04 0.80732
0.2000 0.68361 0.16826E 05 0.39315E 04 0.81058
0.2100 0.68869 0.18703E 05 0.40358E 04 0.81385
0.2200 0.69380 0.20765E 05 0.41443E 04 0.81713
0.2300 0.69893 0.23032E 05 0.42571 E 04 0.82042
0.2400 0.70410 0.25528E 05 0.43746E 04 0.82371
0.2500 0.70930 0.282786 05 0.44970E 04 0.82701
0.2600 0.71453 0.31312E 05 0.46246E 04 0.830 32
0.2700 0.71978 0.34666E 05 0.47578E 04 0.83364
0.2800 0.72507 0.38379E 05 0.48969 € 04 0.83697
0.2900 0.73039 0.424 94 E 05 0.50423E 04 0.84030
0.3000 0.73574 0.47063 € 05 0.51945 € 04 0.84364
0.3100 0.74111 0.52147E 05 0.53539E 04 0.84699
0.3200 0.74652 0.57812E 05 0.55210E 04 0.85035
0.3300 0.75196 0.64138E 05 0.56964E 04 0.85372
0.3400 0.75743 0,71217E 05 0.58808E 04 0.85710
0.3500 0.76292 0.79156 € 05 0.60748E 04 0.86048
0.3600 0.76845 0.8808IE 05 0.62792E 04 0.86387
0.3700 0.77401 0.98140E 05 0.64948E 04 0.86728
0.3800 0.77960 0.10951E 06 0.67225 € 04 0.87069
0.3900 0.78521 0.12238E 06 0.69635E 04 0.87411
0.4000 0.79086 0.13702E 06 0.72189 € 04 0.87754
0.4100 0.79653 0.15371E 06 0.74899E 04 0.88097
0.4200 0.80224 0.172805 06 0.77781E 04 0.88442
0.4300 0.80797 0.19472 06 0.80851E 04 0.88788
0.4400 0.81374 0.21998 € 06 0.84128E 04 0.89 134
0.4500 0.81953 0.24922E 06 0.87634 E 04 0.89482
0.4600 0.82536 0.28322E 06 0.91392E 04 0.89830

0.4700 0.83121 0.32292 € 06 0.95432E 04 0.90180

0.4800 0.83709 0.36954 € 06 0.99785E 04 0.90530
0.4900 0.84 300 0.42459 € 06 0.10449 € 05 0.90882
0.5000 0.84894 0.48997E 06 0.10959E 05 0.91234
0.5100 0.85491 0.56814E 06 0.11513E 05 0.91587
0.5200 0.86091 0.66226E 06 0.12119E 05 0.91942
0.5300 0.86694 0.77649 € 06 0.12782 € 05 0.92297
0.5400 0.87299 0.91631E 06 0.13512E 05 0.92653
0.5500 0.87908 0.10891 € 07 0.14320E 05 0.93011
0.5600 0.88519 0.13047E 07 0.15217E 05 0.93369
0.5700 0.89133 0.15772E 07 0.16220E 05 0.93728
0.5800 0.89750 0.192586 07 0.17350E 05 0.94089
0.5900 0.90370 0.23785 € 07 0.18630E 05 0.94450
0.6000 0.90993 0.29763E 07 0.20095E 05 0.94813
0.6100 0.91618 0.37808E 07 0.21784 € 05 0.95176
0.6200 0.92247 0.48878E 07 0.23757E 05 0.95541
0.6300 0.92878 0.64505 07 0.26089E 05 0.95906
0.6400 0.93511 0.87251 € 07 0.28887 € 05 0.96273
0.6500 0.94148 0.12159 € 08 0.32307E 05 0.96641
0.6600 0.94787 0.17586 € 08 0.36588E 05 0.97010
0.6700 0.95429 0.26659 € 08 0.42092E 05 0.97380
0.6800 0.96074 0.42974 € 08 0.494246 05 0.97751
0.6900 0.96722 0.75368E 08 0.59692E 05 0.98123
0.7000 0.97372 0.14941 09 0.751 19E 05 0.98496
0.7100 0.98025 0.36022E 09 0.10106E 06 0.98870
0.7200 0.98681 0.1234 3E 10 0.15272 € 06 0.99246
0.7300 0.99339 0.10808E || 0.33179 € 06 0.99622

SIGMA # 0.28


0. 0.60166 0 . 0.24486 € 04 0.74864

0.0100 0.60617 0.34355 € 03 0.25041 E 04 0.75185
0.0200 0.61071 0.71782E 03 0.25612E 04 0.75506
0.0300 0.61528 0.11255E 04 0.26201E 04 0.75829
0.0400 0.61988 0.15697E 04 0.26807E 04 0.76152
0.0500 0.62450 0.20537 € 04 0.27433E 04 0.76475
0.0600 0.62916 0.25812E 04 0.28078E 04 0.76799
0.0700 0.63384 0.31561E 04 0.28743 € 04 0.77124
0.0800 0.63855 0.37829 € 04 0.29430E 04 0.77449
0.0900 0.64330 0.44666 € 04 0,30140E 04 0.77775
0.1000 0.64806 0.52127E 04 0.30874 € 04 0.78102
0.1100 0.65286 0.60272E 04 0.31632E 04 0.78430
0.1200 0.65769 0.69168 € 04 0.324 16 € 04 0.78758
0.1300 0.66255 0.78891 € 04 0.33228 € 04 0.79087
0.1400 0.66 743 0.89525 € 04 0.34069 € 04 0.79416
0.1500 0.67234 0.10116E 05 0.34940E 04 0.79747
0,1600 0.67729 0.11391E 05 0.35844 € 04 0.80078
0.1700 0.68226 0.12788E 05 0.36781E 04 0.80409
0.1800 0.68726 0.14321 € 05 0.37754 € 04 0.80742
0.1900 0.69229 0.16005E 05 0.38764 € 04 0.81075
0.2000 0.69735 0.17855E 05 0.39815E 04 0.81409
0.2100 0.70243 0.19892E 05 0.40908E 04 0.81744
0.2200 0.70755 0.221 36E 05 0.42045E 04 0.82079
0.2300 0.71270 0.24612E 05 0.43231E 04 0.82415
0.2400 0.71781 0.27347E 05 0.44466E 04 0.82753
0.2500 0.72308 0.30372E 05 0.45756E 04 0.83090
0.2600 0.72831 0.33722E 05 0.47103E 04 0.83429
0.2700 0.73357 0.374 40E 05 0.48512E 04 0.83768
0.2800 0.73887 0.41572E 05 0.49985E 04 0.84109
0.2900 0.74419 0.46172E 05 0.51529 € 04 0,84450
0.3000 0.74954 0.51 302E 05 0.53148E 04 0.84792
0.3100 0.754 72 0.570354 05 0.54847E 04 0.851 35
0.3200 0.76033 0.634 56E 05 0.56633E 04 0.85478
0.3300 0.76576 0.70662 € 05 0.585UTE 04 0.85823
0.3400 0.77123 0.78768 € 05 0.60491E 04 0.86168
0.3500 0.77673 0.87909E 05 0.62579 € 04 0.865144
0.3600 0.78225 0.98245 € 05 0.64785 € 04 0.86861
0.3700 1.78781 0.10996E 06 0.671 19E 04 0.87209
0.3800 0.79339 0.12329E 06 0.69592 € 04 0.87558
0.3900 0.79900 0.13850E 06 0.72217E 04 0.87908
0.4000 0.80464 0.15590E 06 0.75008 € 04 0.88258
0.4100 0.81031 0.17590E 06 0.77982 € 04 0.88610
0.4200 0.81601 01.19896E 06 0.81156 € 04 0.88962
0.4300 0.82174 0.22566E 06 0.84551E 04 0.89316
0.44 00 0.82749 0.25672E 06 0.88191E 04 0.89670
0.4500 0.83328 0.29302E 06 0.92104 € 04 0.90025
0.4600 0.83909 0.33567 € 06 0.96320E 04 0.90382

0.4700 0.84493 0.38604 € 06 0.10088E 05 0.90739

0.4800 0.85080 0.44591E 06 0.10582E 05 0.91097
0.4900 0.85670 0.51751E 06 0.11119 € 05 0.91456
0.5000 0.86263 0.60378E 06 0.117054 05 0.91816
0.5100 0.86858 0.70852E 06 0.12348E 05 0.92177
0.5200 0.87456 0.83678E 06 0.13055E 05 0.92539
0.5300 0.88058 0.99532E 06 0.13837E 05 0.92903
0.5400 0.88662 0.11934 € 07 0.14706E 05 0.93267
0.5500 0.89268 0.14436 € 07 0.15678E 05 0.93632
0.5600 0.89878 0.17640E 07 0.16772E 05 0.93998
0.5700 0.90490 0.21802E 07 0.18012E 05 0.94 365
0.5800 0.91105 0.27300E 07 0.194 30 E 05 0.94733
0.5900 0.91723 0.34 703E 07 0.210676 05 0.95102
0.6000 0.92343 0.44891 € 07 0.229785 05 0.95473
0.6100 0.92967 0.592786 07 0.252356 05 0.95844
0.6200 0.93593 0.80231 € 07 0.27946 E 05 0.96216
0.6300 0.94221 0.11189E 08 0.31261 E 05 0.96590
0.6400 0.94853 0.16192E 08 0,35408E 05 0.96964
0.6500 0.95487 0.24554 € 08 0.407316 05 0.97340
0.6600 0.96124 0.39622E 08 0.47855E 05 0.97717
0.6700 0.96763 0.69507E 08 0.57788E 05 0.98095
0.6800 0.97405 0.13792 € 09 0.72763E 05 0.98473
0.6900 0.98050 0.33255 € 09 0.978646 05 0.98853
0.7000 0.98697 0.11449E 10 0.14853E 06 0.99234
0.7100 1.99347 0.99235 € 10 0.31934 € 06 0.99617

SIGMA # 0.30

0. 0.61 475 0 . 0.24451 E 04 0.75051

0.0100 0.61929 0.35375 € 03 0.25021E 04 0.75380
0.0200 0.62385 0.74007 € 03 0.25608E 04 0.75710
0.0300 0.62844 0.11620E 04 0.26213E 04 0.76040
0.0400 0.63306 0.16227E 04 0.26837E 04 0.76371
0.0500 0.63771 0.21260E 04 0.27481E 04 0.76703
0.0600 0.64239 0.26758E 04 0.28145E 04 0.77035
0.0700 0.64709 0.32767E 04 0.28832E 04 0.77368
0.0800 0.65182 0.39335E 04 0.29542E 04 0.77701
0.0900 0.65658 0.46517E 04 0.30275 € 04 0,78036
0.1000 0.66137 0.54375 € 04 0.31034E 04 0.78370
0.1100 0.66618 0.62977E 04 0.31820E 04 0.78706
0.1200 0.67103 0.72398 € 04 0.32633E 04 0,79042
0.1300 0.67590 0.82724E 04 0.33476 € 04 0.79379
0.1400 0.68080 0.94049 € 04 0.34350E 04 0.79717
0.1500 0.68573 0.10648 € 05 0.35257E 04 0.80055
0.1600 0.69068 0.1201 3E 05 0.36198 € 04 0.80395
0.1700 0.69567 0.13515 € 05 0.37176E 04 0.80734
0.1800 0.70068 0.15167E 05 0.38192E 04 0.81075
0.1900 0.70572 0.16988E 05 0.39250E 04 0.81416
0.2000 0.71079 0.18996E 05 0.40350E 04 0.81759
0.2100 0.71589 0.21214E 05 0.41497E 04 0.82102
0.2200 0.72132 0.23666 05 0.42693E 04 0.824 4 5
0.2300 0.72617 0.26381E 05 0.43941 E 04 0.82790
0.2400 0.73135 0.29392E 05 0.45244 E 04 0.831 35
0.2500 0.73657 0.32735 € 05 0.46607E 04 0.83481
0.2600 0.74181 0.36454E 05 0.48033E 04 0.83828
0.2700 0.74707 0.405985 05 0.49526 04 0.84175
0.2800 0.75237 0.45224E 05 0.51092E 04 0.84524
0.2900 0.75770 0.50397 € 05 0.52736E 04 0.84873
0.3000 0.76305 0.561955 05 0.54464 € 04 0.85223
0.3100 0.76843 0.62707E 05 0.56282E 04 0.85574
0.3200 0.77384 0.700 39 € 05 0.58197E 04 0.85926
0.3300 0.77928 0.78312E 05 0.60217E 04 0.86279
0.3400 0.78475 0.87674E 05 0.62352E 04 0.86633
0.3500 0.79024 0.98296E 05 0.64610E 04 0.86987
0.3600 0.79577 0.11038 € 06 0.67003E 04 0.87342
0.3700 0.80132 0.12418E 06 0.69543E 04 0.87699
0.3800 0.80690 0.13999E 06 0.722446 04 0.88056
0.3900 0.81251 0.15816E 06 0.75121 E 04 0.88414
0.4000 0.81814 0.17912E 06 0.78192 € 04 0.88773
0.4100 0.82381 0.20342 € 06 0.81477E 04 0.891 32
0.4200 0.82950 0.23169E 06 0.85000E 04 0.89493
0.4300 0.83522 0.264 75 € 06 0.88785E 04 0.89855
0.4400 0.84097 0.30361E 06 0.92865 € 04 0.90218
0.4500 0.84674 0.34954 € 06 0.97274 € 04 0.90581
0.4600 0.85255 0.40415 € 06 0.10205 € 05 0.90946

0.4700 0.85838 0.46951 € 06 0.10725 € 05 0.91311

0.4800 0.86424 0.54829E 06 0.11292E 05 0.91678
0.4900 0.87013 0.64 398E 06 0.11914 € 05 0.92045
0.5000 0.87604 0.76121E 06 0.125985 05 0.92414
0.5100 0.88198 0.90620E 06 0.13355 € 05 0.92783
0.5200 0.88795 0.10874 € 07 0.14196E 05 0.93154
0.5300 0.89395 0.131646 07 0.15137E 05 0.93525
0.5400 0.89998 0.16098E 07 0.16195E 05 0.93898
0.5500 0.90603 0.19912E 07 0.17396E 05 0.94271
0.5600 0.91211 0.249506 07 0.187676 05 0.94645
0.5700 0.91821 0.317376 07 0.20351E 05 0.95021
0.5800 0.92434 0.410836 07 0.22200E 05 0.95398
0.5900 0.93050 0.54289E 07 0.24 386E 05 0.95775
0.6000 0.93669 0.73521E 07 0.27008E 05 0.96154
0.6100 0.94290 0.10259E 08 0.30217E 05 0.96534
0.6200 0.94914 0.14855 € 08 0.34228E 05 0.96914
0.6300 0.95541 0.22544 € 08 0.39384 € 05 0.97296
0.6400 0.96170 0.36382E 08 0.46258E 05 0.97679
0.6500 0.96802 0.63881E 08 0.55885E 05 0.98063
0.6600 0.97436 0.12689 € 09 0.70408E 05 0.98448
0.6700 0.98073 0.30542 09 0.94497E 05 0.98835
0.6800 0.98713 0.10486 € 10 0.14297E 06 0.99222
0.6900 0.99355 0.90929 € 10 0.30731 € 06 0.99611

SIGMA # 0.32

0. 0.62760 0 . 0.244 1 4E 04 0.75229

0.0100 0.63216 0.36448E 03 0.24999E 04 0.75567
0.0200 0.63675 0.76356 € 03 0.25602E 04 0.75905
0.0300 0.64136 0.12005E 04 0.26225 € 04 0.76244
0.0400 0.64600 0.16790E 04 0.26867E 04 0.76583
0.0500 0.65067 0.22030E 04 0.27531 € 04 0.76923
0.0600 0.65537 0.27769 € 04 0.28217E 04 0.77264
0.0700 0.66009 0.34058E 04 0.28926 € 04 0.77606
0.0800 0.66484 0.40951E 04 0.296596 04 0.77948
0.0900 0.66962 0.48510E 04 0.30418E 04 0.78291
0.1000 0.67442 0.56802E 04 0.31205 € 04 0.78634
0.1100 0.67925 0.65906 € 04 0.32019E 04 0.78978
0.1200 0.68411 0.75906 € 04 0.32864E 04 0.79323
0.1300 0.68900 0.86898E 04 0.33740E 04 0.79669
0.1400 0.69391 0.98991E 04 0.34650E 04 0.80015
0.1500 0.69885 0.11230E 05 0.35595E 04 0.80363
0.1600 0.70382 0.12698E 05 0.36577E 04 0.80710
0.1700 0.70882 0.14316E 05 0.37599 € 04 0.81059
0.1800 0.71385 0.16104 05 0.38663E 04 0.81408
0.1900 0.71890 0.18080E 05 0.39772E 04 0.81758
0.2000 0.72398 0.202686 05 0.40927E 04 0.82109
0.2100 0.72909 0.22693E 05 0.42134 € 04 0.82461
0.2200 0.73422 0.253844 05 0.43393E 04 0.82813
0.2300 0.73939 0.283776 05 0.44710E 04 0.83166
0.2400 0.74458 0.31708E 05 0.46089E 04 0.83520
0.2500 0.74979 0.354 24E 05 0.47532E 04 0.83875
0.2600 0.75534 0.395756 05 0.49046E 04 0.84231
0.2700 0.76031 0.44222E 05 0.50635E 04 0.84587
0.2800 0.76562 0.49434 € 05 0.52305 € 04 0.84945
0.2900 0.77095 0.552946 05 0.54062E 04 0.85303
0.3000 0.77630 0.61896E 05 0.55913E 04 0.85662
0.3100 0.78169 0.69352E 05 0.57866E 04 0.86021
0.3200 0.78710 0.77795 € 05 0.59930E 04 0.86382
0.3300 0.79254 0.87382E 05 0.62112E 04 0.86744
0.3400 0.79801 0.98299 € 05 0.64425 04 0.87106
0.3500 0.80350 0.11077E 06 0.66880E 04 0.87469
0.3600 1.80903 0.12507 € 06 0.69491E 04 0.87833
0.3700 0.81458 0.14151E 06 0.72272E 04 0.88198
0.3800 0.82015 0.160505 06 0.75241E 04 0.88564
0.3900 0.82576 0.18251E 06 0.78417E 04 0.88931
0.4000 0.83139 0.20815 € 06 0.81821 E 04 0.89299
0.4100 0.83705 0.23815E 06 0.85481E 04 0.89668
0.4200 0.84274 0.27342 € 06 0.89425 04 0.90038
0.4300 0.84845 0.31514 € 06 0.93686 € 04 0.90408
0.4400 0.85420 0.36477 € 06 0.98306E 04 0.90780
0.4500 0.85997 0.42421 € 06 0.10333E 05 0.91152
0.4600 0.86576 0.49587 € 06 0.10881E 05 0.91526

0.4700 0.87159 0.58298E 06 0.11482E 05 0.91900

0.4800 0.87744 0.68975 € 06 0.12144 E 05 0.92276
0.4900 0.88331 0.82186E 06 0.12875E 05 0.92652
0.5000 0.88922 0.98703E 06 0.13689 € 05 0.93029
0.5100 0.89515 0.11960E 07 0.14598E 05 0.93408
0.5200 0.90111 0.14637E 07 0.15621E 05 0.93787
0.5300 0.90709 0.18117E 07 0.16781E 05 0.94168
0.5400 0.91310 0.227 19E 07 0.18108E 05 0.94549
0.5500 0.91914 0.28920E 07 0.19639 € 05 0.94931
0.5600 0.92520 0.37464 € 07 0.21426E 05 0.95315
0.5700 0.93129 0.49537 € 07 0.23538 € 05 0.95699
0.5800 0.93741 0.671 336 07 0.26074E 05 0.96085
0.5900 0.94355 0.93736E 07 0.29174E 05 0.96472
0.6000 0.94972 0.13581E 08 0.33050E 05 0.96859
0.6100 0.95592 0.20624 € 08 0.38037E 05 0.97248
0.6200 0.96214 0.33303E 08 0.44681 E 05 0.97638
0.6300 0.96838 0.58535E 08 0.54013E 05 0.98029
0.6400 0.97466 0.11616E 09 0.67957 € 05 0.98421
0.6500 0.98095 0.27987E 09 0.91256E 05 0.98814
0.6600 0.98728 0.96863E 09 0.139 1 3E 06 0.99208
0.6700 0.99363 0.83134 € 10 0.29594 € 06 0.99604

SIGMA # 0.34

0. 0.64023 0 . 0.24375 € 04 0.75398

0.0100 0.64481 0.37583 € 03 0.24976E 04 0.75745
0.0200 0.64942 0.78845 € 03 0.25597E 04 0.76092
0.0300 0.65406 0.12415 € 04 0.26237E 04 0.76440
0.0400 0.65872 0.17389 € 04 0.26899 € 04 0.76789
0.0500 0.66341 0.22851 € 04 0.27584E 04 0.771 38
0.0600 0.66812 0.28852E 04 0.28292E 04 0.77488
0.0700 0.67286 0.354 45E 04 0.29025 € 04 0.77839
0.0800 0.67763 0.42692 € 04 0.29784 € 04 0.78190
0.0900 0.68242 0.50663E 04 0.30571 E 04 0.78542
0.1000 0.68724 0.594 33E 04 0.31386E 04 0.78895
0.1100 0.69209 0.69090E 04 0.32233E 04 0.79249
0.1200 1.69697 0.79731E 04 0.33111E 04 0.79603
0.1300 0.70187 0.91465 € 04 0.34023E 04 0.79958
0.1400 0.70680 0.10442E 05 0.34972E 04 0.80313
0.1500 0.71175 0.11872E 05 0.35959E 04 0.80670
0.1600 0.71674 0.13454 € 05 0.36986E 04 0.81027
0.1700 0.72174 0.15205 € 05 0.38056E 04 0.81385
0.1800 0.72678 0.17147E 05 0.39172E 04 0.81743
0.1900 0.73184 0.19301E 05 0.40337E 04 0.82103
0.2000 0.73694 0.21694E 05 0.41553 € 04 0.82463
0.2100 0.74205 0.24358E 05 0.42825 € 04 0.82824
0.2200 0.74720 0.27328E 05 0.44155 € 04 0.83185
0.2300 0.75237 0.30643E 05 0.45549 € 04 0.83548
0.2400 0.75757 0.34350E 05 0.47011E 04 0.83911
0.2500 0.76279 0.38505E 05 0.485456 04 0.84275
0.2600 0.76805 0.43169E 05 0.50158 € 04 0.84640
0.2700 0.77333 0.48417E 05 0.51855E 04 0.85006
0.2800 0.77863 0.54334 € 05 0.53642 € 04 0.85373
0.2900 0.78397 0.610246 05 0.55528E 04 0.85740
0.3000 0.78933 0.68605E 05 0.57520E 04 0.86109
0.3100 0.79471 0.77219E 05 0.59628E 04 0.86478
0.3200 0.80013 0.87037E 05 0.61861E 04 0.86848
0.3300 0.80557 0.98262E 05 0.64232E 04 0.87219
0.3400 0.81104 0.11114 € 06 0.66753 € 04 0.87591
0.3500 0.81654 0.12596E 06 0.69439E 04 0.87963
0.3600 0.82206 0.14308 € 06 0.72305E 04 0.88337
0.3700 0.82761 0.16295 € 06 0.75372E 04 0.88712
0.3800 0.83318 0.18610E 06 0.78660E 04 0.89087
0.3900 0.83879 0.21321 € 06 0.82194E 04 0.89463
0.4000 0.84442 0.24511E 06 0.86002E 04 0.89841
0.4100 0.85007 0.28285 € 06 0.90118E 04 0.90219
0.4200 0.85576 0.32778E 06 0.94578E 04 0.90598
0.4300 0.86147 0.38162E 06 0.99431E 04 0.90978
0.4400 0.86720 0.44658E 06 0.104736 05 0.91359
0.4500 0.87297 0.52557 06 0.11053E 05 0.91741
0.4600 0.87876 0.6224 3E 06 0.11692 € 05 0.92124


0.4700 0.88457 0.74237 € 06 0.123984 05 0.92508

0.4800 0.89041 0.89238E 06 0.13183E 05 0.92893
0.4900 0.89628 0.10822E 07 0.14061E 05 0.93279
0.5000 0.90218 0.132566 07 0.15050E 05 0.93666
0.5100 0.90810 0.164228 07 0.16170E 05 0.94054
0.5200 0.91404 0.20610E 07 0.17451 E 05 0.94443
0.5300 0.92002 0.26256 € 07 0.18930E 05 0.94833
0.5400 0.92602 0.34037E 07 0.20655E 05 0.95224
0.5500 0.93204 0.45041 € 07 0.22696E 05 0.95617
0.5600 0.93809 0.61083E 07 0.25146E 05 0.96010
0.5700 0.94417 0.85346E 07 0.28140E 05 0.96404
0.5800 0.95027 0.12373 08 0.31883E 05 0.96799
0.5900 0.95640 0.18800E 08 0.36695E 05 0.97195
0.6000 0.96255 0.30383E 08 0.43120 E 05 0.97593
0.6100 0.96873 0.534 30E 08 0.52127E 05 0.97991
0.6200 0.97493 0.10622E 09 0.65673 € 05 0.98391
0.6300 0.98116 0.25583 € 09 0.88120E 05 0.98791
0.6400 0.98742 0.88305 € 09 0.13393E 06 0.99193
0.6500 0.99370 0.75825 € 10 0.28488 € 06 0.99596

SIGMA # 0.36
0. 0.65267 0 . 0.24335E 04 0.75560
0.0100 0.65727 0.38785E 03 0.24953E 04 0.75916
0.0200 0.66190 0.81490E 03 0.25591 E 04 0.76273
0.0300 0.66656 0.12851E 04 0.26251 € 04 0.76631
0.0400 0.67124 0.18029 € 04 0.26934 E 04 0.76989
0.0500 0.67594 0.23733E 04 0.27641E 04 0.77349
0.0600 0.68068 0.300 1 6E 04 0.28373E 04 0.77708
0.0700 0.68543 0.36941E 04 0.29132E 04 0.78069
0.0800 0.69022 0.44576E 04 0.29919E 04 0.78430
0.0900 0.69503 0.52999 € 04 0.30735 € 04 0.78792
0.1000 0.69987 0.62298E 04 0.31582E 04 0.79155
0.1100 0.70473 0.72569E 04 0.32462E 04 0.79518
0.1200 0.70962 0.83923E 04 0.33377E 04 0.79882
0.1 300 0.71454 0.96487E 04 0.34328 € 04 0.80247
0.1400 0.71948 0.110404 05 0.353196 04 0.80612
0.1500 0.72445 0.12583 € 05 0.36352 € 04 0.80978
0.1600 0.72944 0.142955 05 0.37428E 04 0.81345
0.1700 0.73446 0.16197 € 05 0.38551 € 04 0.81713
0.1800 0.73951 0.18314 € 05 0.39724 € 04 0.82082
0.1900 0.74458 0.20673E 05 0.40951E 04 0.82451
0.2000 0.74968 0.233054 05 0.42235 € 04 0.82821
0.2100 0.75481 0.26247E 05 0.43579E 04 0.83192
0.2200 0.75996 0.29541E 05 0.44989E 04 0.83564
0.2300 0.76514 0.33236 € 05 0.46469E 04 0.83936
0.2400 0.77035 0.37389 € 05 0.480246 04 0.84 310
0.2500 0.77558 0.42066E 05 0.49661E 04 0.84684
0.2600 0.78084 0.473455 05 0.51385E 04 0.85059
0.2700 0.78613 0.53318E 05 0.53204E 04 0.85434
0.2800 0.79144 0.60093E 05 0.55126 € 04 0.85811
0.2900 0.79678 0.67799E 05 0.57159E 04 0.86189
0.3000 0.80214 0.76588E 05 0.593146 04 0.86567
0.3100 0.80753 0.86645 € 05 0.61601E 04 0.86946
0.3200 0.81295 0.98189E 05 0.64032E 04 0.87326
0.3300 0.81839 0.111495 06 0.66623E 04 0.87707
0.3400 0.82386 0.12687E 06 0.69388E 04 0.88089
0.3500 0.82936 0.14472E 06 0.72346 € 04 0.88472
0.3600 0.83488 0.16554 € 06 0.75518E 04 0.88856
0.3700 0.84043 0.18993E 06 0.78927E 04 0.89241
0.3800 0.84601 0.21866E 06 0.82601E 04 0.89626
0.3900 0.85161 0.25267E 06 0.86571E 04 0.90013
0.4000 0.85724 0.29319E 06 0.90874E 04 0.90400
0.4100 0.86289 0.34 1 76 € 06 0.95555E 04 0.90789
0.4200 0.86857 0.40040E 06 0.10066E 05 0.91178
0.4300 1.87428 0.47175 € 06 0.10626E 05 0.91568
0.4400 0.88001 0.559 305 06 0.112436 05 0.91959
0.4500 0.88576 0.66775E 06 0.11924 € 05 0.92352
0.4600 0.89155 0.80348E 06 0.12681E 05 0.92745

0.4700 0.89736 0.97534 € 06 0.135296 05 0.93139

0.4800 0.90319 0.11958E 07 0.14482E 05 0.93534
0.4900 0.90905 0.14827 € 07 0.155636 05 0.93931
0.5000 0.91494 0.186246 07 0.167996 05 0.94 328
0.5100 0.92085 0.23745 € 07 0.18225 € 05 0.94726
0.5200 0.92679 0.30806E 07 0.19890E 05 0.95126
0.5300 0.93275 0.40796E 07 0.21858E 05 0.95526
0.5400 0.93874 0.55370E 07 0.24222E 05 0.95927
0.5500 0.94475 0.774226 07 0.27112E 05 0.96330
0.5600 0.95079 0.11232E 08 0.30721 E 05 0.96733
0.5700 0.95686 0.17077E 08 0.35365 € 05 0.97138
0.5800 0.96294 0.276 22E 08 0.41570E 05 0.9754 3
0.5900 0.96906 0.48605 € 08 0.50262 05 0.97950
0.6000 0.97520 0.96610E 08 0.63283E 05 0.98358
0.6100 0.98136 0.233236 09 0.85075 € 05 0.98767
0.6200 0.98755 0.80294 €€ 09 0.12891E 06 0.99177
0.6300 0.99376 0.68980E 10 0.27423E 06 0.99588

SIGMA # 0.38

0. 0.66493 0 . 0.24292 € 04 0.75714

0.0100 0.66955 0.40062 € 03 0.24929E 04 0.76081
0.0200 0.67420 0.84309E 03 0.25587E 04 0.76449
0.0300 0.67888 0.13318E 04 0.26268E 04 0.76817
0.0400 0.68357 0.18716E 04 0.26973E 04 0.77186
0.0500 0.68830 0.24681E 04 0.27704 € 04 0.77555
0.0600 0.69305 0.31272 € 04 0.28462 € 04 0.77926
0.0700 0.69782 0.38560E 04 0.292485 04 0.78297
0.0800 0.70263 0.46623E 04 0.30064E 04 0.78668
0.0900 0.70745 0.55546E 04 0.30912E 04 0.79041
0.1000 0.71230 0.654 30 € 04 0.31793E 04 0.794 14
0.1100 0.71718 0.76386E 04 0.32710E 04 0.79788
0.1200 0.72209 0.88540E 04 0.33665 € 04 0.80162
0 , 1300 0.72702 0.102046 05 0.34659 € 04 0.80538
0.1400 0.73197 0.11704 € 05 0.35696 € 04 0.80914
0.1500 0.73695 0.13374 € 05 0.36778E 04 0.81290
0.1600 0.74196 0.15235E 05 0.37909E 04 0.81668
0.1700 0.74699 0.17311E 05 0.39091E 04 0.82046
0.1800 0.75205 0.19631E 05 0.40327E 04 0.82425
0.1900 0.75713 0.22227E 05 0.41623E 04 0.82805
0.2000 0.76224 0.251376 05 0.42981E 04 0.83186
0.2100 0.76738 0.28406E 05 0.44407E 04 0.83568
0.2200 0.77254 0.32083E 05 0.45906E 04 0.83950
0.2300 0.77773 0.36230E 05 0.47483E 04 0.84333
0.2400 0.78294 0.40915E 05 0.49144 € 04 0.84717
0.2500 0.78818 0.46221E 05 0.50897E 04 0.85102
0.2600 0.79345 0.52246E 05 0.52749E 04 0.85488
0.2700 0.79874 0.59104 € 05 0.54708E 04 0.85874
0.2800 0.80406 0.669355 05 0.56784 € 04 0.86262
0.2900 0.80940 0.75903E 05 0.58987E 04 0.86650
0.3000 0.81477 0.86206E 05 0.61330E 04 0.87039
0.3100 0.82016 0.98084 05 0.63827E 04 0.87429
0.3200 0.82558 0.1 | 183E 06 0.66491E 04 0.87820
0.3300 0.83103 0.12780E 06 0.69342E 04 0.88212
0.3400 0.83650 0.14645 € 06 0.72398 € 04 0.88605
0.3500 0.84200 0.16830E 06 0.75683 € 04 0.88998
0.3600 0.84752 0.19406E 06 0.79223E 04 0.89393
0.3700 0.85307 0.22458 € 06 0.83049E 04 0.89788
0.3800 0.85865 0.26095E 06 0.87196E 04 0.90185
0.3900 0.86425 0.30459 € 06 0.91706E 04 0.90582
0.4000 0.86987 0.35731E 06 0.96629 € 04 0.90980
0.4100 0.87552 0.421 50E 06 0.10202E 05 0.91380
0.4200 0.88120 0.500 31 € 06 0.10796E 05 0.91780
0.4300 0.88690 0.59798 € 06 0.11453E 05 0.92181
0.4400 0.89263 0.72031E 06 0.12183E 05 0.92583
0.4500 0.89838 0.87528 € 06 0.12999 € 05 0.92987
0.4600 0.90416 0.10742E 07 0.13918E 05 0.9339 I

0.4700 0.90996 0.13332E 07 0.14960E 05 0.93796

0.4800 0.91579 0.16761 € 07 0.16150E 05 0.94202
0.4900 0.92165 0.21389 € 07 0.17525 € 05 0.94610
0.5000 0.92752 0.27772E 07 0.19130E 05 0,95018
0.5100 0.93343 0.36809E 07 0.21027E 05 0.95427
0.5200 0.93936 0.499956 07 0.233036 05 0.95838
0.5300 0.94531 0.69959 € 07 0.26088E 05 0.96249
0.5400 0.95129 0.10158E 08 0.29570 E 05 0.96661
0.5500 0.95729 0.15454E 08 0.34042E 05 0.97075
0.5600 0.96332 0.25007E 08 0.40012E 05 0.97490
0.5700 0.96937 0.44026 € 08 0.48377E 05 0.97905
0.5800 0.97545 0.87617E 08 0.60956 E 05 0.98322
0.5900 0.98155 0.21136E 09 0.81844 E 05 0.98740
0.6000 0.98768 0.72803E 09 0.12402E 06 0.99159
0.6100 0.99383 0.62578 € 10 0.26384 € 06 0.99579

SIGMA # 0.40


0. 0.67703 0 . 0.24249 € 04 0.75863

0.0100 0.68167 0.41423E 03 0.24904E 04 0.76241
0.0200 0.68634 0.87323E 03 0.25583E 04 0.76620
0.0300 0.69103 0.13819E 04 0.26286E 04 0.76999
0.0400 0.69575 0.19456 € 04 0.27016E 04 0.77379
0.0500 0.70049 0.25704E 04 0.27772E 04 0.77760
0.0600 0.70526 0.326 34 € 04 0.28558E 04 0.78141
0.0700 0.71005 0.40321E 04 0.29373E 04 0.78523
0.0800 0.71486 0.48855 € 04 0.30222 € 04 0.78906
0.0900 0.71971 0.58334 € 04 0.31104E 04 0.79290
0.1000 0.72457 0.68872E 04 0.32023E 04 0.79674
0.1100 0.72947 0.80595 € 04 0.32980E 04 0.80059
0.1200 0.73438 0.93651E 04 0.33978E 04 0.80445
0.1300 0.73933 0.10821E 05 0.35019E 04 0.80832
0.1400 0.74429 0.12445 € 05 0.36107E 04 0.81219
0.1500 0.74929 0.14260E 05 0.37244 € 04 0.81607
0.1600 0.75431 0.162924 05 0.38435 € 04 0.81996
0.1700 0.75935 0.18569E 05 0.39681E 04 0.82386
0.1800 0.76442 0.21125 € 05 0.40989 € 04 0.82776
0.1900 0.76951 0.23999 € 05 0.42361E 04 0.83168
0.2000 0.77463 0.27237E 05 0.43803E 04 0.83560
0.2100 0.77978 0.30892E 05 0.45321E 04 0,83953
0.2200 0.78495 0.350276 05 0.46920E 04 0.84 346
0.2300 0.79014 0.39715E 05 0.48607E 04 0.84741
0.2400 0.79536 0.45045E 05 0.50389 € 04 0.85137
0.2500 0.80061 0.51118E 05 0.52275 € 04 0.85533
0.2600 0.80588 0.58058E 05 0.54273 04 0.85930
0.2700 0.81118 0.660 15E 05 0.56394 € 04 0.86328
0.2800 0.81650 0.75164E 05 0.58649E 04 0.86727
0.2900 0.82185 0.85723E 05 0.61052E 04 0.87127
0.3000 0.82722 0.97953E 05 0.63616E 04 0.87527
0.3100 0.83262 0.11218E 06 0.66360E 04 0.87929
0.3200 0.83804 0.12879 € 06 0.69302E 04 0.88331
0.3300 0.84 349 0.14828E 06 0.72463 € 04 0.88735
0.3400 0.84897 0.17127 € 06 0.75871E 04 0.89139
0.3500 0.85447 0.19853E 06 0.79553E 04 0.89544
0.3600 0.85999 0.23104 € 06 0.83545E 04 0.89951
0.3700 0.86554 0.27008E 06 0.87886E 04 0.90358
0.3800 0.87111 0.31727E 06 0.92626E 04 0.90766
0.3900 0.87671 0.37477 € 06 0.97819E 04 0.91175
0.4000 0.88234 0.44541 E 06 0.10353E 05 0.91585
0.4100 0.88799 0.53301 € 06 0.10986E 05 0.91996
0.4200 0.89366 0.64280E 06 0.11688E 05 0.92408
0.4300 0.89936 0.781 96E 06 0.12474 € 05 0.92821
0.4400 0.90508 0.96066 € 06 0.13358E 05 0.93235
0.4500 0.91083 0.11935 € 07 0.14361 € 05 0.93650
0.4600 0.91660 0.150206 07 0.155076 05 0.94066

0.4700 0.92240 0.19185 € 07 0.16831E 05 0.94483

0.4800 0.92823 0.24934 € 07 0.18376E 05 0.94901
0.4900 0.93407 0.33075 € 07 0.20201 E 05 0.95320
0.5000 0.93994 0.44961 € 07 0.223936 05 0.95740
0.5100 0.94584 0.62966 € 07 0.25073 05 1.96161
0.5200 0.95176 0.91500E 07 0.28426E 05 0.96583
0.5300 0.95771 0.13933 € 08 0.32735 € 05 0.97007
0.5400 0.96368 0.22559E 08 0.384 76 E 05 0.97431
0.5500 0.96967 0.39752E 08 0.46539 € 05 0.97856
0.5600 0.97569 0.79108E 08 0.58607E 05 0.98283
0.5700 0.98173 0.19156E 09 0.78951E 05 0.98710
0.5800 0.98780 0.65811E 09 0.11927E 06 0.99139
0.5900 0.99389 0.56599 € 10 0.25380E 06 0.99569

SIGMA # 0.42


0. 0.68898 0 . 0.242055 04 0.76006

0.0100 0.69364 0.42878E 03 0.24881E 04 0.76396
0.0200 0.69833 0.90556E 03 0.25582E 04 0.76786
0.0300 0.70304 0.14357 € 04 0.26309E 04 0.77178
0.0400 0.70777 0.20254 € 04 0.27063E 04 0.77570
0.0500 0.71253 0.26814 € 04 0.27848E 04 0.77962
0.0600 0.71731 0.34 | 15E 04 0.28663E 04 0.78356
0.0700 0.72212 0.42244 € 04 0.29511E 04 0.78750
0.0800 0.72695 0.51302E 04 0.30394 € 04 0.79145
0.0900 0.73181 0.61401E 04 0.31314 € 04 0.79541
0.1000 0.73669 0.72672E 04 0.32273E 04 0.79937
0.1100 0.74160 0.85261 € 04 0.33274 € 04 0.80334
0.1200 0.74653 0.99339 € 04 0.34320E 04 0.80732
0.1300 0.75148 0.11510E 05 0.35413E 04 0.81131
0.1400 0.75646 0.13277€ 05 0.36557E 04 0.81530
0.1500 0.76147 0.15260E 05 0.37755 € 04 0.81931
0.1600 0.76650 0.17490E 05 0.39012E 04 0.82332
0.1700 0.77155 0.20001E 05 0.40331 € 04 0.82734
0.1800 0.77663 0.22834 € 05 0.41718E 04 0.83136
0.1900 0.78173 0.26036E 05 0.43177 € 04 0.83540
0.2000 0.78686 0.29664 € 05 0.44714E 04 0.83944
0.2100 0.79202 0.33782E 05 0.46335E 04 0.84349
0.2200 0.79720 0.38469E 05 0.48049 € 04 0.84755
0.2300 0.80240 0.43816E 05 0.49861E 04 0.85162
0.2400 0.80763 0.49934E 05 0.51782E 04 0.85570
0.2500 0.81288 0.569546 05 0.53821E 04 0.85978
0.2600 0.81816 0.65036E 05 0.55989E 04 0.86388
0.2700 0.82346 0.74372E 05 0.58299 € 04 0.86798
0.2800 0.82879 0.85197 € 05 0.60764E 04 0.87209
0.2900 0.83414 0.97797 € 05 0.63402E 04 0.87622
0,3000 0.83952 0.11253E 06 0.66230E 04 0.88035
0.3100 0.84492 0.12983E 06 0.69270E 04 0.88449
0.3200 0.85035 0.15025 € 06 0.72546E 04 0.88863
0.3300 0.85580 0.17448E 06 0.76086E 04 0.89279
0.3400 0.86127 0.20341E 06 0.79924 € 04 0.89696
0.3500 0.86677 0.23816E 06 0.84098E 04 0.90114
0.3600 0.87230 0.28021E 06 0.88654 € 04 0.90532
0.3700 0.87785 0.33148 € 06 0.93647E 04 0.90952
0.3800 0.88342 0.39451 E 06 0.99143E 04 0.91373
0.3900 0.88902 0.47274 € 06 0.105226 05 0.91794
0.4000 0.89464 0.57083E 06 0.111985 05 0.92217
0.4100 0.90029 0.69525€ 06 0.11953 € 05 0.92640
0.4200 0.90596 0.85514E 06 0.12803E 05 0.93065
0.4300 0.91166 0.10636E 07 0.13767E 05 0.93490
0.4400 0.91738 0.13399 € 07 0.148705 05 0.93917
0.4500 0.92313 0.171 32E 07 0.16142E 05 0.94345
0.4600 0.92890 0.22288 € 07 0.17627E 05 0.94773

0.4700 0.93469 0.29594 € 07 0.19383E 05 0.95203

0.4800 0.94051 0.40265€ 07 0.21490E 05 0.95634
0,4900 0.94635 0.564356 07 0.24066E 05 0.96065
0.5000 0.95222 0.82075 € 07 0.27288 € 05 0.96498
0.5100 0.95811 0.12508E 08 0.31432E 05 0.96932
0.5200 0.96402 0.20272E 08 0.36959E 05 0.97367
0.5300 0.96996 0.35747 € 08 0.44711E 05 0.97803
0.5400 0.97592 0.71185E 08 0.56311E 05 0.98240
0.5500 0.98190 0.17248E 09 0.75867E 05 0.98679
0.5600 0.98791 0.59296E 09 0.11462E 06 0.99118
0.5700 0.99394 0.51027 € 10 0.24389E 06 0.99559

SIGMA # 0.44


0. 0.70080 0 . 0.24 160E 04 0.76143

0.0100 0.70548 0.444 38E 03 0.24858E 04 0.76546
0.0200 0.71018 0.94036E 03 0.25582E 04 0.76950
0.0300 0.71491 0.14940E 04 0.26335E 04 0.77354
0.0400 0.71 966 0.21120E 04 0.27117E 04 0.77759
0.0500 0.72443 0.28022E 04 0.27931E 04 0.78164
0.0600 0.72923 0.35733E 04 0.28779 € 04 0.78571
0.0700 0.73405 0.44353E 04 0.29662E 04 0.78978
0.0800 0.73890 0.53995E 04 0.30583E 04 0.79386
0.0900 0.74377 0.64792E 04 0.31544E 04 0.79794
0.1000 0.74866 0.76890E 04 0.32548E 04 0.80204
0.1100 0.75358 0.90463 € 04 0.33597E 04 0.80614
0.1200 0.75853 0.10571E 05 0.34695E 04 0.81025
0.1300 0.76349 0.12285 € 05 0.35846E 04 0.81436
0.1400 0.76849 0.14216E 05 0.37052E 04 0.81849
0.1500 0.77350 0.163955 05 0.38319E 04 0.82262
0.1600 0.77854 0.18856E 05 0.39650E 04 0.82676
0.1700 0.78361 0.21643E 05 0.41051E 04 0.83091
0.1800 0.78870 0.24805E 05 0.42526 € 04 0.83507
0.1900 0.79381 0.28399E 05 0.44083E 04 0.83924
0.2000 0.79895 0.32495 € 05 0.45728E 04 0.84341
0.2100 0.80411 0.371 746 05 0.47468E 04 0.84759
0.2200 0.80930 0.425354 05 0.49312E 04 0.85179
0.2300 0.81451 0.48693E 05 0.51270E 04 0.85599
0.2400 0.81975 0.557915 05 0.53352 € 04 0.86020
0.2500 0.82500 0.64000E 05 0.55569E 04 0.86441
0.2600 0.83029 0.73527E 05 0.57937E 04 0.86864
0.2700 0.83560 0.84629 € 05 0.60469 € 04 0.87288
0.2800 0.84093 0.97620E 05 0.63185E 04 0.87712
0.2900 0.84629 0.11289E 06 0.66104 € 04 0.88138
0.3000 0.85167 0.13094 € 06 0.69249 € 04 0.88564
0.3100 0.85707 0.15237 € 06 0.72648E 04 0.88991
0.3200 0.86250 0.17798 € 06 0.76334E 04 0.89419
0.3300 0.86796 0.20877 € 06 0.80341 E 04 0.89849
0.3400 0.87343 0.24605 € 06 0.84717E 04 0.90279
0.3500 0.87894 0.29154 € 06 0.89511E 04 0.90710
0.3600 0.88446 0.34752E 06 0.94788E 04 0.91142
0.3700 0.89001 0.41704 € 06 0.10062 € 05 0.91575
0.3800 0.89559 0.50428E 06 0.10711E 05 0.92009
0.3900 0.90119 0.61502E 06 0.114376 05 0.92444
0.4000 0.90681 0.75741E 06 0.12253E 05 0.92880
0.4100 0.91246 0.94318 € 06 0.13179E 05 0.93317
0.4200 0.91813 0.11896E 07 0.14237 € 05 0.93755
0.4300 0.92382 0.15227E 07 0.15459E 05 0.94194
0.4400 0.92954 0.19831 € 07 0.16886E 05 0.946 35
0.4500 0.93528 0.26357 € 07 0.18571E 05 0.95076
0.4600 0.94105 0.35897 € 07 0.20595 05 0.95518

0.4700 0.94684 0.50365 € 07 0.23071E 05 0.95961

0.4800 0.95265 0.73312E 07 0.26165E 05 0.96406
0.4900 0.95849 0.11181E 08 0.30141E 05 0.96851
0.5000 0.96435 0.181 34 E 08 0.35445 € 05 0.97298
0.5100 0.97023 0.32005E 08 0.42891E 05 0.97745
0.5200 0.97614 0.638246 08 0.54064 € 05 0.98194
0.5300 0.98207 0.15427E 09 0.72622E 05 0.98644
0.5400 0.98802 0.53237 € 09 0.110096 06 0.99095
0.5500 0.99400 0.45843 € 10 0.23424 € 06 0.99547

SIGMA # 0.46

0. 0.71249 0 . 0.241 14E 04 0.76277

0.0100 0.71719 0.46116E 03 0.24835E 04 0.76693
0.0200 0.72191 0.97793E 03 0.25585E 04 0.77110
0.0300 0.72665 0.15571E 04 0.26366E 04 0.77528
0.0400 0.73141 0.22062E 04 0.27178E 04 0.77947
0.0500 0.73620 0.29341 € 04 0.28025 € 04 0.78367
0.0600 0.74102 0.37508E 04 0.28908E 04 0.78787
0.0700 0.74585 0.46676 € 04 0.29829E 04 0.79208
0.0800 0.75071 0.56976 € 04 0.30791E 04 0.79630
0.0900 0.75560 0.68560E 04 0.31797E 04 0.80052
0. 1000 0.76051 0.81600E 04 0.32850E 04 0.80475
0.1100 0.76544 0.96297 € 04 0.33953E 04 0.80899
0.1200 0.77040 0.11288E 05 0.351IDE 04 0.81 324
0.1 300 0.77538 0.131636 05 0.36324 E 04 0.81750
0.1400 0.78038 0.15286E 05 0.37600E 04 0.82177
0.1500 0.78541 0.17693E 05 0.38943E 04 0.82604
0. i 600 0.79046 0.204296 05 0.40358E 04 0.83032
0.1700 0.79553 0.2354 3E 05 0.41851E 04 0.83461
0.1800 0.80063 0.27098E 05 0.43428E 04 0.83891
0.1900 0.80575 0.31166E 05 0.45096E 04 0.84322
0.2000 0.81090 0.35832E 05 0.46865E 04 0.84753
0.2100 0.81607 0.41200E 05 0.48742E 04 0.85186
0.2200 0.82127 0.47395 € 05 0.50738 04 0.85619
0.2300 0.82649 0.54 5684 05 0.52864 € 04 0.86053
0.2400 0.83173 0.62903E 05 0.551346 04 0.86488
0.2500 0.83699 0.72627E 05 0.57563E 04 0.86924
0.2600 0.84228 0.84019E 05 0.60166E 04 0.87361
0.2700 0.84760 0.974255 05 0.62965E 04 0.87799
0.2800 0.85294 0.11328E 06 0.65981E 04 0.88238
0.2900 0.85830 0.13213E 06 0.69241E 04 0.88678
0.3000 0.86368 0.15468E 06 0.72775E 04 0.89119
0.3100 0.86909 0.18181 € 06 0.76618E 04 0.89560
0.3200 0.87452 0.21470E 06 0.80814E 04 0.90003
0.3300 0.87998 0.254 86E 06 0.85412E 04 0.90446
0.3400 0.88546 0.304 31 € 06 0.904 72 € 04 0.9089 1
0.3500 0.89097 0.36579 € 06 0.96068E 04 0.91336
0.3600 0.89649 0.44299 € 06 0.10229E 05 0.91783
0.3700 0.90205 0.54106E 06 0.10925E 05 0.92231
0.3800 0.90762 0.66725E 06 0.11708E 05 0.92679
0.3900 0.91322 0.83202E 06 0.12596E 05 0.93129
0.4000 0.91884 0.10507E 07 0.13611E 05 0.93579
0.4100 0.92449 0.13466E 07 0.14782E 05 0.94031
0.4200 0.93016 0.17557 € 07 0.16150E 05 0.94484
0.4300 0.93585 0.23361 € 07 0.17767E 05 0.94937
0.4400 0.94156 0.31851 € 07 0.19708E 05 0.95392
0.4500 0.94730 0.44731E 07 0.22081E 05 0.95848
0.4600 0.95307 0.65169E 07 0.25047E 05 0.96305

0.4700 0.95885 0.99514E 07 0.28868E 05 0.96763

0.4800 0.96466 0.16157 € 08 0.33961E 05 0.97222
0.4900 0.97049 0.28522E 08 0.41078E 05 0.97682
0.5000 0.97635 0.56924 € 08 0.51790 E 05 0.98144
0.5100 0.98223 0.13788E 09 0.69671E 05 0.98606
0.5200 0.98813 0.47616E 09 0.105636 06 0.99070
0.5300 0.99405 0.41031 € 10 0.22486 € 06 0.99534

SIGMA # 0.48


0. 0.72407 0 . 0.24067E 04 0.76405
0.0100 0.72878 0.47927E 03 0.24814 € 04 0.76837
0.0200 0.73351 0.10186E 04 0.25592 € 04 0.77269
0.0300 0.73827 0.16257E 04 0.26402E 04 0.77702
0.0400 0.74 305 0.23092E 04 0.27247E 04 0.78135
0.0500 0.74786 0.30790E 04 0.28129 € 04 0.78570
0.0600 0.75269 0.39465 € 04 0.29051E 04 0.79005
0.0700 0.75754 0.49249 € 04 0.300146 04 0.7944 1
0.0800 0.76241 0.60293E 04 0.31022 € 04 0.79878
0.0900 0.76731 0.72772E 04 0.32078E 04 0.80315
0.1000 0.77223 0.86890E 04 0.33185 € 04 0.80754
0.1100 0.77717 0.102884 05 0.34347E 04 0.81193
0.1200 0.78214 0.12103E 05 0.35569 € 04 0.81633
0.1300 0.78713 0.14165E 05 0.36855E 04 0.82074
0.1400 0.79215 0.16513E 05 0.38209E 04 0.82515
0.1500 0.79719 0.19191 € 05 0.39639 € 04 0.82958
0.1600 0.80225 0.22253E 05 0.41148E 04 0.83401
0.1700 0.80733 0.257636 05 0.42746E 04 0.83845
0.1800 0.81244 0.297955 05 0.44439E 04 0.84290
0.1900 0.81757 0.3444 1 E 05 0.46236E 04 0.84736
0.2000 0.82273 0.39811E 05 0.48147E 04 0.85183
0.2100 0.82791 0.46037E 05 0.50183E 04 0.85631
0.2200 0.83311 0.53282E 05 0.52357E 04 0.86080
0.2300 0.83834 0.61744E 05 0.54682 € 04 0.86529
0.2400 0.84358 0.71671E 05 0.57176E 04 0.86980
0.2500 0.84886 0.83366E 05 0.59855E 04 0.87431
0.2600 0.85415 0.972146 05 0.62744 E 04 0.87883
0.2700 0.85947 0.113705 06 0.65865 € 04 0.88337
0.2800 0.86482 0.13343 € 06 0.69249 € 04 0.88791
0.2900 0.87018 0.15720E 06 0.72929E 04 0.89246
0.3000 0.87557 0.18605 € 06 0.76947E 04 0.89702
0.3100 0.88098 0.221 30E 06 0.81 349 € 04 0.90159
0.3200 0.88642 0.264 76E 06 0.86195E 04 0.90618
0.3300 0.89188 0.31883E 06 0.91554E 04 0.91077
0.3400 0.89736 0.38678 € 06 0.97512E 04 0.91537
0.3500 0.90287 0.47318E 06 0.10417E 05 0.91998
0.3600 0.90840 0.58444 € 06 0.11167E 05 0.92460
0.3700 0.91395 0.72983 € 06 0.120186 05 0.92923
0.3800 0.91953 0.92297 € 06 0.12990E 05 0.93388
0.3900 0.92513 0.11844E 07 0.14 ! 12E 05 0.93853
0.4000 0.93075 0.15462 € 07 0.154224 05 0.94319
0.4100 0.93639 0.20598 € 07 0.16970E 05 0.94787
0.4200 0.94206 0.28117E 07 0.18829E 05 0.95255
0.4300 0.94 775 0.39531 € 07 0.21102E 05 0.95725
0.4400 0.95347 0.576586 07 0.23945 € 05 0.96195
0.4500 0.95920 0.88109E 07 0.27597E 05 0.96667
0.4600 0.96496 0.14320E 08 0.32477 € 05 0.97140

0.4700 0.97075 0.25308E 08 0.39300E 05 0.97614

0.4800 0.97655 0.50555 € 08 0.495586 05 0.98089
0.4900 0.98238 0.12271E 09 0.66772E 05 0.98565
0.5000 0.98823 1.424 12E 09 0.101256 06 0.99042
0.5100 3.99410 0.36575E 10 0.21556E 06 0.99521

SIGMA # 0.50

0. 0.73553 0 . 0.24021E 04 0.76530

0.0100 0.74026 0.49888E 03 0.24795 € 04 0.76978
0.0200 0.74501 0.10629E 04 0.25603E 04 0.77426
0.0300 0.74979 0.17008E 04 0.264 46 E 04 0.77875
0.0400 0.75458 0.24223E 04 0.27326 € 04 0.78325
0.0500 0.75940 0.32388E 04 0.28247E 04 0.78775
0.0600 0.76424 0.41634 € 04 0.29210E 04 0.79227
0.0700 0.76911 0.52114 € 04 0.30219E 04 0.79679
0.0800 0.77399 0.64004 € 04 0.31278 € 04 0.80132
0.0900 0.77891 0.77510E 04 0.32389 € 04 0.80586
0.1000 0.78384 0.92872E 04 0.33557E 04 0.81040
0.1100 0.78880 0.11037E 05 0.34786 € 04 0.81496
0.1200 0.79378 0.130346 05 0.36081E 04 0.81952
0.1300 0.79878 0.15317E 05 0.3744 7 € 04 0.82409
0.1 400 0.80380 0.17932E 05 0.38890E 04 0.82867
0.1500 0.80885 0.20935 € 05 0.404 18E 04 0.83326
0.1600 0.81392 0.24392E 05 0.42036 € 04 0.83786
0.1700 0.81902 0.28382E 05 0.43754 € 04 0.84247
0.1800 0.82414 0.33002E 05 0.45581E 04 0.84708
0.1900 0.82928 0.38366E 05 0.47528E 04 0.85171
0.2000 0.83444 0.44618E 05 0.49606E 04 0.85634
0.2100 0.83963 0.51931E 05 0.51829E 04 0.86098
0.2200 0.84484 0.60520E 05 0.54213E 04 0.86563
0.2300 0.85007 0.70655E 05 0.56775E 04 0.87030
0.2400 0.85533 0.82669E 05 0.59536E 04 0.87497
0.2500 0.86060 0.96988E 05 0.62521 E 04 0.87965
0.2600 0.86591 0.11415 € 06 0.65756 € 04 0.884 34
0.2700 0.87123 0.13485 € 06 0.69275 € 04 0.88904
0.2800 0.87658 0.15999E 06 0.73116E 04 0.89375
0.2900 0.88195 0.19076 € 06 0.77326 € 04 0.89847
0.3000 0.88734 0.22872E 06 0.81960E 04 0.90319
0.3100 0.89276 1.27599E 06 0.870846 04 0.90793
0.3200 0.89820 0.335465 06 0.92780E 04 0.91 268
0.3300 0.90366 0.4i114 € 06 0.99151E 04 0.91744
0.3400 0.90915 0.508705 06 0.10632E 05 0.92221
0.3500 0.91466 0.63627E 06 0.11445E 05 0.92699
0.3600 0.92019 0.80589 € 06 0.12375 € 05 0.93178
0.3700 0.92574 0.10357E 07 0.13448E 05 0.93659
0.3800 0.93132 0.13539E 07 0.14700E 05 0.94140
0.3900 0.93692 0.18061 € 07 0.16181E 05 0.94622
0.4000 0.94254 0.24684 € 07 0.17959 € 05 0.95105
0.4100 0.94818 0.34743 € 07 0.20131E 05 0.95590
0.4200 0.95385 0.50737 € 07 0.22850E 05 0.96075
0.4300 0.95954 0.77615 € 07 0.26341E 05 0.96562
0.4400 0.96525 0.12628 € 08 0.31007E 05 0.97050
0.4500 0.97099 0.22337E 08 0.37527E 05 0.97539
0.4600 0.97675 0.44692E 08 0.47366E 05 0.98029

0.4700 0.98253 0.10838E 09 0.63716E 05 0.98520

0.4800 0.98833 0.37609E 09 0.96948 € 05 0.99012
0.4900 0.99415 0.32459 € 10 0.20646E 06 0.99505

SIGMA # 0.52

0. 0.74690 0 . 0.23973E 04 0.76651

0.0100 0.75164 0.52019E 03 0.24778E 04 0.77116
0.0200 0.75641 0.11113 04 0.25618E 04 0.77582
0.0300 0.76120 0.178 32E 04 0.26496E 04 0.78048
0.0400 0.76601 0.254 70E 04 0.27416E 04 0.78516
0.0500 0.77084 0.34160E 04 0.28379E 04 0.78984
0.0600 0.77570 0.44052E 04 0.29389E 04 0.79453
0.0700 0.78057 0.55325 € 04 0.30449E 04 0.79923
0.0800 0.78547 0.68186E 04 0.31564 E 04 0.80393
0.0900 0.79040 0.82878E 04 0.32736E 04 0.80865
0.1000 0.79534 0.99687E 04 0.33972E 04 0.81337
0.1100 0.80031 0.11895E 05 0.35276 € 04 0.81810
0.1200 0.80530 0.14108E 05 0.36654E 04 0.82284
0.1300 0.81032 0.16654E 05 0.38111E 04 0.82759
0.1400 0.81535 0.19591E 05 0.39656 € 04 0.83235
0.1500 0.82041 0.22988E 05 0.41296E 04 0.837 ||
0.1600 0.82549 0.26928E 05 0.43040 E 04 0.84189
0.1700 0.83060 0.31512E 05 0.44898E 04 0.84667
0.1800 0.83572 0.36863 € 05 0.46881E 04 0.85147
0.1900 0.84087 0.431 34 € 05 0.49003E 04 0.85627
0.2000 0.84604 0.50511E 05 0.51278E 04 0.86109
0.2100 0.85124 0.59227E 05 0.53724 € 04 0.86591
0.2200 0.85646 0.69576E 05 0.56359E 04 0.87074
0.2300 0.86170 0.81926E 05 0.59208E 04 0.87558
0.2400 0.86696 0.96749E 05 0.62296 € 04 0.88043
0.2500 0.87224 0.11465 € 06 0.65656E 04 0.88529
0.2600 0.87755 0.13642E 06 0.69323E 04 0.89016
0.2700 0.88288 0.16309E 06 0.73341E 04 0.89504
0.2800 0.88823 0.19603E 06 0.77765 € 04 0.89994
0.2900 0.89361 0.2371 DE 06 0.82656E 04 0.90484
0.3000 0.89901 0.28882E 06 0.88094 € 04 0.90975
0.3100 0.90443 0.35471E 06 0.94177E 04 0.91467
0.3200 0,90987 0.43972E 06 0.10102E 05 0.91960
0.3300 0.91534 0.55100E 06 0.10878E 05 0.92454
0.3400 0.92083 0.69909E 06 0.11766E 05 0.92950
0.3500 0.92634 0.89789 € 06 0.12790E 05 0.93446
0.3600 0.93187 0.11782E 07 0.13986E 05 0.93944
0.3700 0.93742 0.15740E 07 0.15399 € 05 0.94442
0.3800 0.94 300 0.21542E 07 0.17097E 05 0.94942
0.3900 0.94860 0.30361 € 07 0.19171E 05 0.95443
0.4000 0.95422 0.44 392€ 07 0.21766 € 05 0.95944
0.4100 0.95987 0.67994 € 07 0.25100E 05 0.96447
0.4200 0.96554 0.11073E 08 0.29550 E 05 0.96951
0.4300 0.97122 0.19514 € 08 0.35784 € 05 0.97457
0.4400 0.97694 0.39260E 08 0.45149 € 05 0.97963
0.4500 0.98267 0.95250E 08 0.60718E 05 0.98471
0.4600 0.98842 0.331 88E 09 0.92696 € 05 0.98979

0.4700 0.99420 0.28669E 10 0.19746E 06 0.99489


SIGMA # 0.54


0. 0.75817 0. 0.23926 € 04 0.76769

0.0100 0.76293 0.54346E 03 0.24763E 04 0.77253
0.0200 0.76771 0,11644 € 04 0.25638E 04 0.77738
0.0300 0.77251 0.18740E 04 0.26556E 04 0.78223
0.0400 0.77734 0.26853E 04 0.27518E 04 0.78710
0.0500 0.78218 0.361 35E 04 0.285286 04 0.79197
0.0600 0.78735 0.46763E 04 0.29590E 04 0.79685
0.0700 0.79194 0.58946E 04 0.30707E 04 0.80174
0.0800 0.79686 0.72929E 04 0.31884 E 04 0.80663
0.0900 0.80179 0.890045 04 0.331 26E 04 0.81154
0.1000 0.80675 0.10752 € 05 0.344385 04 0.81646
0.1100 0.81173 0.12888E 05 0.35827E 04 0.821 38
1.1 200 0.81673 0.15358E 05 0.37299 € 04 0.82631
0.1300 0.82175 0.18221E 05 0.38861 € 04 0,83125
0.400 0.82680 0.21550E 05 0.40523E 04 0.83621
0.1500 0.83187 0.254 32E 05 0.42293E 04 0.84117
0.1600 0.83696 0.29972E 05 0.44182E 04 0.84614
0.1700 0.84207 0.35302E 05 0.46204E 04 0.85112
0.1800 0.84721 0.41583E 05 0.48372E 04 0.85610
0.1900 0.85237 0.49019E 05 0.50702E 04 0.86110
0.2000 0.85755 0.57861E 05 0.53214 € 04 0.86611
0.2100 0.86275 0.684304 05 0.55928E 04 0.87113
0.2200 0.86797 0.811346 05 0.58871 E 04 0.87616
0.2300 0.87322 0.96500E 05 0.62072 € 04 0.88119
0.2400 0.87849 0.11521E 06 0.65566E 04 0.88624
0.2500 0.88378 0.13816E 06 0.69395E 04 0.89130
0.2600 0.88909 0.16655 € 06 0.73611E 04 0.89637
0.2700 0.89443 0.20 198 € 06 0.78272E 04 0.90144
0.2810 0.89979 0.24666E 06 0.83454 € 04 0.90653
0.2900 0.90517 0.30364E 06 0.89251E 04 0.91163
0.3000 0.91057 0.37723E 06 0.95774 € 04 0.91674
0.3100 0.91599 0.47366E 06 0.10317E 05 0.92186
0.3200 0.92144 0.60211E 06 0.111636 05 0.92699
0.3300 0.92691 0.77649E 06 0.12139 € 05 0.93213
0.3400 0.93240 0.101846 07 0.13278E 05 0.93729
0.3500 0.93791 0.13627 € 07 0.14626E 05 0.94245
0.3600 0.94 345 0.186786 07 0.162436 05 0.94762
0.3700 0.94 900 0.26366E 07 0.18221E 05 0.9528 !
0.3800 0.95458 0.385996 07 0.20692E 05 0.95801
0.3900 0.96018 0.59207 € 07 0.23873 € 05 0.96322
0.4000 0.96581 0.96551 € 07 0.28116E 05 0.96844
0.4100 0.97145 0.17128 € 08 0.34068E 05 0.97367
0.4200 0.97712 0.34299 € 08 0.42969 € 05 0.97891
0.4300 0.98280 0.83525 € 08 0.57955 € 05 0.98417
0.4400 0.98851 0.28823E 09 0.87564 € 05 0.98943
0.4500 0.99425 0.25190E 10 0.18859E 06 0.99471

SIGMA # 3.56


0. 0.76936 0 . 0.23878E 04 0.76883

0.0100 0.77413 0.56895 € 03 0.24750E 04 0.77388
0.0200 0.77892 0.12229 € 04 0.25665 € 04 0.77894
0.0300 0.78374 0.19748E 04 0.26625E 04 0.78400
0.0400 0.78858 0.28396E 04 0.27635E 04 0,78907
0.0500 0.79344 0.38352E 04 0.28697E 04 0.79415
0.0600 0.79832 0.49823E 04 0.29816E 04 0.79924
0.0700 0.80322 0.63059E 04 0.30997E 04 0.804 34
0.0800 0.80814 0.78353E 04 0.32245 € 04 0.80945
0.0900 0.81309 0.96056 € 04 0.33565 € 04 0.81 456
0.1000 0.81806 0.11659E 05 0.34965E 04 0.81969
0.1100 0.82305 0.14046E 05 0.36450E 04 0.82482
0.1200 1.82806 0.16828E 05 0.38030E 04 0.82996
0.1 300 0.83310 0.20081E 05 0.39713E 04 0.83512
0.1400 0.83815 0.23894 € 05 0.41510E 04 0.84028
0.1500 0.84323 0.28380E 05 0.434 33E 04 0.84545
0.1600 0.84833 0.336 785 05 0.45495 € 04 0.85063
0.1700 0.85345 0.39963 € 05 0.47711E 04 0.85583
0.1800 0.85860 0.474 50E 05 0.50099E 04 0.86103
0.1900 0.86376 0.56416E 05 0.52681E 04 0.86624
0.2000 0.86895 0.67211E 05 0.55479 € 04 0.87146
0.2100 0.87416 0.80290E 05 .58524 € 04 0.87669
0.2200 0.87939 0.96240E 05 0.61847E 04 0.88193
0.2300 0.88465 0.11584E 06 0.65489E 04 0.88718
0.2400 0.88992 0.140 LE 06 0.69498E 04 0.89244
0.2500 0.89522 0.17045E 06 0.73932E 04 0.89772
0.2600 0.90054 0.20875 € 06 0.78862E 04 0.90300
0.2700 0.90588 0.25766E 06 0.84373E 04 0.90829
0.2800 0.91124 0.32090 06 0.90577E 04 0.91360
0.2900 0.91663 0.40388E 06 0.97613E 04 0.91891
0.3000 0.92203 0.51454 € 06 0.10566E 05 0.92424
0.3100 0.92746 0.66490E 06 0.11494 € 05 0.92958
0.3200 0.93291 0.87373E 06 0.12578E 05 0.93492
0.3300 0.93838 0.11712E 07 0.13860E 05 0.94028
0.3400 0.94388 0.16081E 07 0.153986 05 0.94565
0.3500 0.94939 0.227376 07 0.17280E 05 0.95104
0.3600 0.95493 0.33340E 07 0.19631 E 05 0.95643
0.3700 0.96049 0.51218E 07 0.22659 € 05 0.96184
0.3800 0.96607 0.836336 07 0.266946 05 0.96725
0.3900 0.97167 0.14855E 08 0.32355 € 05 0.97268
0.4000 0.97729 0.29787 € 08 0.40825E 05 0.97812
0.4100 0.98294 0.72585 € 08 0.55051E 05 0.98357
0.4200 0.98860 0.25154 € 09 0.83459E 05 0.98904
0.4300 0.99429 0.22007 € 10 0.17979E 06 0.99451

SIGMA # 0.58


0. 0.78046 0 . 0.23830E 04 0.76995

0.0100 0.78524 0.59703E 03 0.24741 E 04 0.77522
0.0200 0.79005 0.12878E 04 0.25699E 04 0.78051
0.0300 0.79488 0.20871E 04 0.26707E 04 0.78580
0.0400 0.79973 0.30128E 04 0.27769 € 04 0.79110
0.0500 0.80460 0.40856E 04 0.28889 € 04 0.79641 1

0.0600 0.80950 0.53304 € 04 0.30073E 04 0.80172

0.0700 0.81441 0.67770E 04 0.31326E 04 0.80705
0.0800 0.81935 0.84609E 04 0.32654E 04 0.81239
0.0900 0.82431 0.10425 € 05 0.34063E 04 0.81773
0.1000 0.82929 0.12722E 05 0.35562E 04 0.82309
0.1100 0.83429 0.154146 05 0.37160E 04 0.82845
0.1200 0.83931 0.18580E 05 0.38865E 04 0.83383
0.1300 0.84435 0.22314E 05 0.40690E 04 0.83921
0.1400 0.84942 0.26736E 05 0.42646 € 04 0.84461
0.1500 0.85451 0.31992E 05 0.44749E 04 0.85001
0.1600 0.85962 0.38268E 05 0.47016E 04 0.85542
0.1700 0.86475 0.45799E 05 0.49466E 04 0.86085
0.1800 0.86990 0.54886E 05 0.52122E 04 0.86628
0.1900 0.87507 0.65915E 05 0.55011E 04 0.87173
0.2000 0.88027 0.79389E 05 0.58165E 04 0.87718
0.2100 0.88549 0.95972E 05 0.61622E 04 0.88265
0.2200 0.89072 0.11655 € 06 0.65427E 04 0.88812
0.2300 0.89598 0.14230E 06 0.69636E 04 0.89361
0.2400 0.90127 0.17487 € 06 0.74314E 04 0.89911
0.2500 0.90657 0.21651 € 06 0.79546 E 04 0.90462
0.2600 0.91189 0.270445 06 0.85436E 04 0.91013
0.2700 0.91724 0.34128E 06 0.92114 € 04 0.91566
0.2800 0.92261 0.43586E 06 0.99749 € 04 0.92121
0.2900 0.92800 0.56455 € 06 0.10856E 05 0.92676
0.3000 0.93341 0.74349 € 06 0.11885E 05 0.93232
0.3100 0.93884 0.99866E 06 0.13101E 05 0.93790
0.3200 0.94429 0.137396 07 0.14562E 05 0.94348
0.3300 0.94977 0.19460E 07 0.16348E 05 0.94908
0.3400 0.95526 0.28582E 07 0.18580E 05 0.95469
0.3500 1.96078 0.43976 € 07 0.21 452E 05 0.96031
0.3600 0.96632 0.71921 € 07 0.25282E 05 0.96595
0.3700 0.97188 0.12790E 08 0.30647E 05 0.97159
0.3800 0.97746 0.256996 08 0.38711E 05 0.97725
0.3900 0.98306 0.626736 08 0.52195 € 05 0.98292
0.4000 0.98869 0.21814 € 09 0.79408E 05 0.98860
0.4100 0.99433 0.19107 € 10 0.17110E 06 0.99429

SIGMA # 1.60


0. 0.79148 0 . 0.23782E 04 0.77104

0.0100 0.79628 0.62810E 03 0.24736E 04 0.77656
0.0200 0.80110 0.13600E 04 0.25742 € 04 0.78209
0.0300 0.80594 0.221 32E 04 0.26802E 04 0.78763
0.0400 0.81080 0.32085E 04 0.27923E 04 0.79319
0.0500 0.81569 0.43707E 04 0.29109E 04 0.79875
0.0600 0.82059 0.57296 € 04 0.30366 € 04 0.80432
0.0700 0.82552 0.73215 04 0.31700E 04 0.80990
0.0800 0.83047 0.91898E 04 0.33119E 04 0.81549
0.0900 0.83544 0.11388E 05 0.34632E 04 0.82108
0.1000 0.84043 0.13981E 05 0.36246E 04 0.82669
0.1100 0.84544 0.17050E 05 0.37973E 04 0.83231
0.1200 0.85047 0.20694 € 05 0.39826 € 04 0.83794
0.1300 0.85553 0.25038E 05 0.41817E 04 0.84358
0.1400 0.86060 0.30239E 05 0.43963E 04 0.84923
0.1500 0.86570 0.36496E 05 0.46283E 04 0.85489
0.1600 0.87082 0.44061 € 05 0.48798E 04 0.86056
0.1700 0.87596 0.53265 € 05 0.51534 € 04 0.86624
0.1800 0.88112 0.64532E 05 0.54521E 04 0.87193
0.1900 0.88630 0.78426E 05 0.57794 € 04 0.87763
0.2000 0.89150 0.95696 € 05 0.61397E 04 0.88334
0.2100 0.89672 0.11736E 06 0.65383E 04 0.88907
0.2200 0.90197 0.14479 06 0.69813E 04 0.89480
0.2300 0.90724 0.17992E 06 0.74768 € 04 0.90055
0.2400 0.91252 0.22550E 06 0.80346 E 04 0.90630
0.2500 0.91783 0.2854 55 06 0.86670 E 04 0.91207
0.2600 0.92316 0.36562E 06 0.93902E 04 0.91785
0.2700 0.92851 0.47483E 06 0.10225 € 05 0.92364
0.2800 0.93389 0.62689 € 06 0.11199 E 05 0.92944
0.2900 0.93928 0.84402E 06 0.12351E 05 0.93526
0.3000 0.94470 0.11637E 07 0.13735E 05 0.94108
0.3100 0.95013 0.16517 € 07 0.15426E 05 0.94692
0.3200 0.95559 0.24306 € 07 0.17540E 05 0.95277
0.3300 0.96107 0.37467 € 07 0.20261E 05 0.95863
0.3400 0.96657 0.61383 € 07 0.23891E 05 0.96450
0.3500 0.97209 0.10931 € 08 0.28965 € 05 0.97039
0.3600 0.97763 0.21983E 08 0.36580E 05 0.97628
0.3700 0.98319 0.53731E 08 0.49377E 05 0.98219
0.3800 0.98877 0.18786E 09 0.75390E 05 0.98812
0.3900 0.99438 0.16476 € 10 0.16253E 06 0.99405

SIGMA # 0.62

0. 0.80242 0 . 0.23735 € 04 0.77210

0.0100 0.80724 0.66269E 03 0.24736E 04 0.77790
0.0200 0.81207 0.14411E 04 0.25794 € 04 0.78371
0.0300 0.81693 0.23557E 04 0.26914E 04 0.78953
0.0400 0.82180 0.34314 € 04 0.28101E 04 0.79536
0.0500 0.82670 0.46980E 04 0.29361 € 04 0.80119
0.0600 0.83161 0.61918E 04 0.30701 E 04 0.80704
0.0700 0.83655 0.79573E 04 0.32129 € 04 0.81290
0.0800 0.84151 0.10049E 05 0.33654E 04 0.81877
0.0900 0.84649 0.12533E 05 0.35285E 04 0.82465
0.1000 0.85149 0.15494 € 05 0.37034E 04 0.83054
0.1100 0.85651 0.19035E 05 0.38915E 04 0.83644
0.1200 0.86156 0.23288E 05 0.40942E 04 0.84235
0.1300 0.86662 0.2841 9E 05 0.43133E 04 0.84827
0.1400 0.87171 0.346 41E 05 0.45508E 04 0.85420
0.1500 0.87681 0.42230 € 05 0.48092 € 04 0,86014
0.1600 0.88194 0.51543E 05 0.509 I 3E 04 0.86610
0.1700 0.88708 0.63054 € 05 0.54005E 04 0.87206
0.1800 0.89225 0.77393E 05 0.57409E 04 0.87803
0.1900 0.89744 0.954 14 € 05 0.61173E 04 0.88402
0.2000 0.90265 0.11828E 06 0.65358E 04 0.89002
0.2100 0.90788 0.14763E 06 0.70038E 04 0.89603
0.2200 0.91314 0.18576E 06 0.75307E 04 0.90205
0.2300 0.91841 0.23602E 06 0.81282E 04 0.90808
0.2400 0.92370 0.30332E 06 0.88114 € 04 0.91412
0.2500 0.92902 0.39515E 06 0.96000E 04 0.92018
0.2600 0.93435 0.52319E 06 0.10520E 05 0.92624
0.2700 0.93971 0.70630E 06 0.11609E 05 0.93232
0.2800 0.94509 0.97620E 06 0.12915E 05 0.93841
0.2900 0.95048 0.13888 € 07 0.14513E 05 0.94451
0.3000 0.95590 0.20481E 07 0.16510E 05 0.95063
0.3100 0.96134 0.31632E 07 0.19079E 05 0.95676
0.3200 0.96680 0.51930E 07 2.22510E 05 0.96290
0.3300 0.97228 0.92651 € 07 0.27306E 05 0.96905
0.3400 0.97779 0.18679 € 08 0.34524 05 0.97521
0.3500 0.98331 0.45704 € 08 0.466054 05 0.98139
0.3600 0.98885 0.15884 € 09 0.70650E 05 0.98758
0.3700 0.99442 0.14099 € 10 0.15400E 06 0.99378

SIGMA # 0.64
0. 0.81330 0 . 0.23687E 04 0.77313
0.0100 0.81813 0.701 42E 03 0.24741 E 04 0.77924
0.0200 0.82297 0.15326 € 04 0.25858E 04 0.78536
0.0300 0.82784 0.25180E 04 0.27045E 04 0.79149
0.0400 0.83273 0.36875 € 04 0.28307E 04 0.79762
0.0500 0.83763 0.50775 € 04 0.29651E 04 0.80377
0.0600 0.84256 0.67327E 04 0.31087E 04 0.80993
0.0700 0.84751 0.87084 € 04 0.32623E 04 0.81610
0.0800 0.85248 0.11073E 05 0.34271E 04 0.82228
0.0900 0.85747 0.139 140 05 0.36042E 04 0.82847
0.1000 0.86248 0.17338E 05 0.37951E 04 0.83467
0.1100 0.86751 0.21484 € 05 0.400146 04 0.84088
0.1200 0.87257 0.265296 05 0.42252E 04 0.84711
0.1300 0.87764 0.32700E 05 0.44686E 04 0.85334
0.1400 0.88273 0.40297E 05 0.47343E 04 0.85959
0.1500 0.88785 0.49711E 05 0.50255 € 04 0.86584
0.1600 0.89298 0.61470E 05 0.53461E 04 0.87211
0.1700 0.89814.0.76283E 05 0.57007E 04 0.87839
0.1800 0.90331 0.95127E 05 0.60950E 04 0.88468
0.1900 0.90851 0.11936E 06 0.65358E 04 0.89098
0.2000 0.91373 0.15091E 06 0.70322E 04 0.89730
0.2100 0.91897 0.19257E 06 0.75949 € 04 0.90362
0.2200 0.92422 0.24847E 06 0.82386 € 04 0.90996
0.2300 0.92950 0.324 88 € 06 0.89815E 04 0.91631
0.2400 0.93480 0.43160E 06 0.98486 € 04 0.92267
0.2500 0.94012 0.58448E 06 0.10874 E 05 0.92905
0.2600 0.94546 0.810146 06 0.12105E 05 0.93543
0.2700 0.95083 0.11556 € 07 0.13610E 05 0.94183
0.2800 0.95621 0.17087E 07 0.15493E 05 0.94824
0.2900 0.96161 0.264496 07 0.17912E 05 0.95467
0.3000 0.96703 0.43505 € 07 0.21139 € 05 0.96110
0.3100 0.97248 0.77817E 07 0.25670E 05 0.96755
0.3200 0.97794 0.15709 € 08 0.32453E 05 0.97402
0.3300 0.98342 0.38537 € 08 0.43862E 05 0.98049
0.3400 0.98893 0.13458E 09 0.66737 € 05 0.98698
0.3500 0.99445 0.11965 € 10 0.14555E 06 0.99348

SIGMA # 0.66

0. 0.82411 0. 0.23639E 04 0.77414

0.0100 0.82895 0.74509 € 03 0.24752E 04 0.78060
0.0200 0.83381 0.16368E 04 0.25937 € 04 0.78706
0.0300 0.83868 0.27045E 04 0.27199 € 04 0.79353
0.0400 0.84358 0.39847E 04 0.28547E 04 0.80002
0.0500 0.84850 0.55223E 04 0.29989 € 04 0.80651
0.0600 0.85344 0.73733E 04 0.31536 € 04 0.81 302
0.0700 0.85840 0.96079E 04 0.33198 € 04 0.81953
0.0800 0.86338 0.12315 € 05 0.34991 E 04 0.82606
0.0900 0.86838 0.15607E 05 0.36928E 04 0.83260
0.1000 0.87340 0.19629E 05 0.39029 € 04 0.83915
0.1100 0.87845 0.245676 05 0.41314 € 04 0.84571
0.1200 0.88351 0.306 684 05 0.43809E 04 0.85228
0.1300 0.88859 0.38254 € 05 0.46543E 04 0.85887
0.1400 0.89369 0.47759 € 05 0.49554 € 04 0.86546
0.1500 0.89881 0.59768E 05 0.52884 € 04 0.87207
0.1600 0.90396 0.75084 € 05 0.56586E 04 0.87869
0.1700 0.90912 0.94834 € 05 0.60726E 04 0.88532
0.1800 0.91430 0.12061 € 06 0.65387E 04 0.89197
0.1900 0.91951 0.15472 € 06 0.70672 € 04 0.89862
0.2000 0.92473 0.20060E 06 0.76716E 04 0.90529
0.2100 0.92998 0.2634 3E 06 0.83695E 04 0.91197
0.2200 0.93524 0.351 36E 06 0.91839 € 04 0.91866
0.2300 1.94053 0.47756E 06 0.101476 05 0.92537
0.2400 0.94583 0.66416E 06 0.11303 € 05 0.93209
0.2500 0.95116 0.95030E 06 0.127166 05 0.93882
0.2600 0.95650 0.14091 € 07 0.14484E 05 0.94557
0.2700 0.96187 0.218766 07 0.16760 E 05 0.95232
0.2800 0.96726 0.360786 07 0.19795 € 05 0.95909
0.2900 0.97266 0.646456 07 0.24038E 05 0.96588
0.3000 0.97809 0.13079 € 08 0.304096 05 0.97268
0.3100 0.98354 0.32078 € 08 0.41030E 05 0.97949
0.3200 0.98901 0.11293 € 09 0.62849E 05 0.98631
0.3300 0.99449 0.10058E 10 0.13711E 06 0.99315

SIGMA # 0.68


0. 0.83485 0 . 0.23591E 04 0,77513

0.0100 0.83970 0.79473E 03 0.24772E 04 0.78197
0.0200 0.84458 0.17564E 04 0.26032E 04 0.78882
0.0300 0.84 947 0.29210E 04 0.27381E 04 0.79569
0.0400 0.85438 0.43335 € 04 0.28828E 04 0.80256
0.0500 0.85931 0.60504 € 04 0.30384 € 04 0.80944
0.0600 0.86426 0.814296 04 0.32061E 04 0.81634
0.0700 0.86923 0.10702E 05 0.33873E 04 0.82325
0.0800 0.87422 0.13845 05 0.35838E 04 0.83016
0.0900 0.87923 0.17722E 05 0.37977E 04 0.83710
0.1000 0.88426 0.22533E 05 0.40311E 04 0.84404
0.1100 0.88931 0.28540E 05 0.42870E 04 0.85099
0.1200 0.89438 0.36095E 05 0.45687E 04 0.85796
0.1300 0.89947 0.456736 05 0.48803E 04 0.86494
0.1400 0.90458 0.579 316 05 0.52268 € 04 0.87193
0.1500 0.90971 0.73785 € 05 0.56142E 04 0.87893
0.1600 0.91486 0.945 37€ 05 0.60505E 04 0.88595
0.1700 0.92003 0.12208 € 06 0.65450E 04 0.89298
0.1800 0.92522 1.15921E 06 0.71108E 04 0.90002
0.1900 0.93044 0.210 18E 06 0.77637E 04 0.90707
0.2000 0.93567 0.281705 06 0.85263E 04 0.91414
0.2100 0.94092 0.38454 € 06 0.94276 € 04 0.92122
0.2200 0.94619 0.5369LE 06 0.10509E 05 0.92831
0.2300 0.95148 0.77108E 06 0.11833E 05 1.93542
0.2400 0.95679 0.114736 07 0.13488E 05 0.94254
0.2500 0.96212 0.17862E 07 0.15615E 05 0.94968
0.2600 0.96747 0.295396 07 0.18453E 05 0.95682
0.2700 0.97285 0.53082E 07 0.22428E 05 0.96398
0.2800 0.97824 0.10767 € 08 0.28394 E 05 0.97116
0.2900 0.98365 0.26490E 08 0.38365 € 05 0.97835
0. 3000 0.98908 0.92770E 08 0.58364 € 05 0.98555
0.3100 0.99453 0.76690E 09 0.11799 € 06 0.99277

SIGMA # 0.70


0. 0.84554 0 . 0.23543 € 04 0.77610

0.0100 0.85040 0.851636 03 0.24 800E 04 0,78338
0.0200 0.85528 0.18952E 04 0.26148E 04 0.79067
0.0300 0.86018 0.31753 € 04 0.27598 € 04 0.79797
0.0400 0.86511 0.47484 € 04 0.29160E 04 0.80529
0.0500 0.87005 0.66866E 04 0.30850E 04 0.81261
0.0600 0.87501 0.90827E 04 0.32681E 04 0.81995
0.0700 0.87999 0.12057E 05 0.34674 € 04 0.82730
0.0800 0.88499 0.15769 € 05 0.36850E 04 0.83467
0.0900 0.89001 0.204276 05 0.39234 € 04 0.84204
0.1000 0.89505 0.2631 36 05 0.41860E 04 0.84943
0.1100 0.90011 0.338086 05 0.44764 € 04 0.85683
0.1 200 0.90519 0.434 39 € 05 0.47993 € 04 0.86424
0.1300 0.91029 0.55943E 05 0.51606E 04 0.87167
0.1400 0.91541 0.72368E 05 0.55672E 04 0.87911
0.1500 0.92055 0.942354 05 0.00282E 04 0.88656
0.1600 0.92570 0.12381E 06 0.65557E 04 0.89403
0.1700 0.93088 0.16453E 06 0.71644 € 04 0.90151
0.1800 0.93608 0.22181E 06 0.78751E 04 0.90900
0.1900 0.94130 0.30440E 06 0.87155E 04 0.91650
0.2000 0.94654 0.42709 € 06 0.97245E 04 0.92402
0.2100 0.95179 0.61598E 06 0.10957E 05 0.93156
0.2200 0.95737 0.92016E 06 0.12501 E 05 0.93910
0.2300 0.96237 0.143796 07 0.14484 E 05 0.94667
0.2400 0.96769 0.23865 € 07 0.171 35 € 05 0.95424
0.2500 0.97302 0.43012E 07 0.20839 € 05 0.96183
0.2600 0.97838 0.87502E 07 0.26403E 05 0.96944
0.2700 0.98375 0.21602E 08 0.35729E 05 0.97706
0.2800 0.98915 0.76074 € 08 0.54562E 05 0.98469
0.2900 0.99457 0.63032E 09 0.110446 06 0.99234

SIGMA # 0.72

0. 0.85617 0 . 0.23496 € 04 0.77705

0.0100 0.86104 0.91753 € 03 0.24840E 04 0.78483
0.0200 0.86593 0.20582E 04 0.26290E 04 0.79262
0.0300 0.87084 0.34780E 04 0.27857E 04 0.80043
0.0400 0.87578 0.52493E 04 0.29556E 04 0.80825
0.0500 0.88073 0.74665E 04 0.31405E 04 0.81608
0.0600 0.88570 0.10253E 05 0.33423E 04 0.82393
0.0700 0.89069 0.13774 € 05 0.35636 € 04 0.831 78
0.0800 0.89570 0.182504 05 0.38073E 04 0.83965
0.0900 0.90073 0.23982E 05 0.40768E 04 0.84754
0.1000 0.90578 0.31385 € 05 0.43764E 04 0.855443
0.1100 0.91085 0.41041E 05 0.47116E 04 0.86334
0.1200 0.91593 0.53782E 05 0.50890E 04 0.87127
0.1300 0.92104 0.70813E 05 0.55169 € 04 0.87921
0.1400 0.92617 0.93²32E 05 0.60063E 04 0.88716
0.1500 0.93132 0.12588E 06 0.65715E 04 0.89512
0.1600 0.93648 0.17096E 06 0.72310E 04 0.90310
0.1700 0.94167 0.23616E 06 0.80109 € 04 0.919
0.1800 0.94687 0.33331 € 06 0.89476 € 04 0.91910
0.1900 0.95210 0.48332E 06 0.10093E 05 0.92713
0.2000 0.95734 0.72544 € 06 0.11525E 05 0.93516
0.2100 0.96261 0.11387E 07 0.13368E 05 0.94322
0.2200 0.96789 0.18971E 07 0.15826E 05 0.95128
0.2300 0.97319 0.34 324 € 07 0.19269 € 05 0.95936
0.2400 0.97852 0.70067E 07 0.24438 € 05 0.96746
0.2500 0.98386 0.17312E 08 0.33022E 05 0.97557
0.2600 0.98922 0.60881 € 08 0.502536 05 0.98370
0.2700 0.99460 0.51105 € 09 0.10286 € 06 0.99184

SIGMA # 0.74

0. 0.86674 0 . 0.23448E 04 0.77798

0.0100 0,87162 0.99475 03 0.24895E 04 0.78634
0.0200 0.87653 1.22521E 04 0.26463E 04 0.7947 !
0.0300 0.88145 0.38440E 04 0.28169E 04 0.80310
0.0400 0.88639 0.58654 € 04 0.30033E 04 0.81150
0.0500 0.89135 0.844 24 € 04 0.32075E 04 0.81992
0.0600 0.89633 0.11745 € 05 0.34324E 04 0.82835
0.0700 0.90133 0.16006E 05 0.36812E 04 0.83679
0.0800 0.90635 0.21546E 05 0.39579 € 04 0.84525
0.0900 0.91139 0.28816E 05 0.42673E 04 0.85372
0.1000 0.91645 0.38461E 05 0.46157E 04 0.86220
0.0100 0.92153 0.514 204 05 0.50108E 04 0.87070
0.1200 0.92662 0.69096E 05 0.54628E 04 0.87921
0.1300 0.93174 0.93628E OS 0.59845 € 04 0.88774
0.1400 0.93688 0.12838 € 06 0.65935E 04 0.89628
0.1500 0.94203 0.17884E 06 0.73137E 04 0.90484
0.1600 0.94720 0.25427 € 06 0.81786E 04 0.91342
0.1700 0.95240 0.37114 € 06 0.923646 04 0.92200
0.1800 0.95761 0.560296 06 0.105586 05 0.93061
0.1900 0.96284 0.88424E 06 0.12261E 05 0.93923
0.2000 0.96809 0.147996 07 0.14527E 05 0.94786
0.2100 0.97336 0.26891E 07 0.17705E 05 0.95651
0.2200 0.97865 0.55152E 07 0.22493 € 05 0.96518
0.2300 0.98396 0.13687E 08 0.30450E 05 0.97386
0.2400 0.98929 0.484 4 3E 08 0.465336 05 0.98256
0.2500 0.99463 0.40790E 09 0.95295 € 05 0.99127

SIGMA # 3.76

0. 0.87725 0 . 0.23401 E 04 0.77889

0.0100 0.88215 0.10864E 04 0.24967E 04 0.78793
0.0200 0.88706 0.24866 €€ 04 0.26676E 04 0.79698
0.0300 0.89200 0.42951 € 04 0.28550E 04 0.80605
0.0400 0.89675 0.66394 € 04 0.306146 04 0.81513
0.0500 0.90192 0.96945 € 04 0.32897E 04 0.82422
0.0600 0.90691 0.13702E 05 0.35436 € 04 0.83333
0.0700 0.91192 0.19005E 05 0.38276E 04 0.84246
0.0800 0.91695 0.26091E 05 0.41473E 04 0.85160
0.0900 0.92200 0.356 766 05 0.45099E 04 0.86075
0.1000 0.92707 0.48827E 05 0.49247 € 04 0.86992
0.1100 0.93215 0.67183E 05 0.54037E 04 0.87911
0.1200 0.93726 0.93319E 05 0.59628E 04 0.88831
0.1300 0.94238 0.13145 € 06 0.66241E 04 0.89753
0.1400 0.94 752 0.18869 € 06 0.74 1785 04 0.90676
0.1500 0.95269 0.27773E 06 0.83888E 04 0.91601
0.1600 0.95787 0.42237 € 06 0.96019E 04 0.92528
0.1700 0.96307 0.67093E 06 0.1 | 165E 05 0.93456
0.1800 0.96829 0.11299 € 07 0.13249E 05 0.94386
0.1900 0.97352 0.206446 07 0.16171E 05 0.95317
0.2000 0.97878 0.42493E 07 0.205455 05 0.96250
0.2100 0.98406 0.10614E 08 0.27900E 05 0.97185
0.2200 0.98935 0.37827E 08 0.42807E 05 0.98122
0.2300 0.99467 0.31967E 09 0.87753E 05 0.99060


SIGMA # 0.78


0. 0.88772 0 . 0.23354 € 04 0.77979

0.0100 0.89263 0.11971E 04 0.25062E 04 0.78962
0.0200 0.89755 0.27758E 04 0.26942E 04 0.79948
0.0300 0.90250 0.48638E 04 0.29022 € 04 0.80934
0.0400 0.90746 0.76385E 04 0.31336E 04 0.81923
0.0500 0.91244 0.11351E 05 0.33924 € 04 0.82913
0.0600 0.91744 0.163636 05 0.368385 04 0.83904
0.0700 0.92246 0.232036 05 0.40143E 04 0.84898
0.0800 0.92750 0.32665 € 05 0.43924 € 04 0.85893
0.0900 0.93255 0.45966 € 05 0.48289 € 04 0.86889
0.1000 0.93763 0.650 30E 05 0.53384 € 04 0.87887
0.1100 0.94272 0.930096 05 0.59412E 04 0.88887
0.1200 0.94 784 0.13524 € 06 0.66647E 04 0.89889
0.1300 0.95297 0.201296 06 0.75500E 04 0.90892
0.1400 0.95812 0.30911E 06 0.86570E 04 0.91897
0. 1500 0.96329 0.49510E 06 0.10081E 05 0.92903
0.1600 0.96848 0.83995 € 06 0.11981E 05 0.93912
0.1700 0.97368 0.15447 € 07 0.14644 E 05 0.94922
0.1800 0.97891 0.32006E 07 0.18644E 05 0.95934
0.1900 0.98415 0.80186E 07 0.25298E 05 0.96948
0.2000 0.98942 0.28595E 08 0.387056 05 0.97963
0.2100 0.99470 0.245206 09 0.80214 € 05 0.98981

SIGMA # 0.80

0. 0.89814 0 . 0.23308E 04 0.78066

0.0100 0.90306 0.13333E 04 0.25187E 04 0.79146
0.0200 0.90799 0.31409E 04 0.27278E 04 0.80228
0.0300 0.91295 0.56011E 04 0.29617 € 04 0.81311
0.0400 0.91792 0.89714E 04 0.32250E 04 0.82396
0.0500 0.92291 0.13630E 05 0.35237E 04 0.83482
0.0600 0.92792 0.20148E 05 0.38654 € 04 0.84570
0.0700 0.93295 0.29403E 05 0.42601E 04 0.85661
0.0800 0.93799 0.42788E 05 0.47207 € 04 0.86752
0.0900 0.94306 0.62588E 05 0.52656E 04 0.87846
0.1000 0.94814 0.92700E 05 0.59199 € 04 0.88942
0.1100 1.95324 0.14008 € 06 0.67200E 04 0.90039
0.1200 0.95836 0.21789E 06 0.77201E 04 0.91138
0.1300 0.96350 0.35289E 06 0.90072E 04 0.92239
0.1400 0.96866 0.604 34 € 06 0.10724E 05 0.93342
0.1500 0.97384 0.11211E 07 0.131354 05 0.94447
0.1600 0.97903 0.23389 € 07 0.167446 05 0.95554
0.1700 0.98425 0.591046 07 0.22803E 05 0.96662
0.1800 0.98948 0.21265 € 08 0.35050E 05 0.97773
0.1900 0.99473 0.183316 09 0.72845 E 05 0.98886

SIGMA # 0.82

0. 0.90851 0. 0.23261 € 04 0.78153

0.0100 0.91344 0.15048E 04 0.25353E 04 0.79350
0.0200 0.91838 0.36155 € 04 0.27709 € 04 0.80549
0.0300 0.92335 0.65918E 04 0.30382E 04 0.81750
0.0400 0.92833 0.10827E 05 0.33439E 04 0.82952
0.0500 0.93333 0.16929 € 05 0.36971E 04 0.84157
0.0600 0.93835 0.25866E 05 0.41092E 04 0.85364
0.0700 0.94338 0.39237 € 05 0.45968 04 0.86572
0.0800 0.94844 0.59777E 05 0.51825E 04 0.87783
0.0900 0.95351 0.92385E 05 0.58985E 04 0.88995
0.1000 0.95860 0.146.39 € 06 0.67945 € 04 0.90210
0.1100 0.96371 0.24069E 06 0.79457E 04 0.91426
0.1200 0.96884 0.41764 € 06 0.94843E 04 0.92645
0.1300 0.97399 0.78284 € 06 0.11635E 05 0.93865
0.1400 0.97916 0.16490E 07 0.14864 € 05 0.95088
0.1500 0.98434 0.41982 € 07 0.20267E 05 0.96313
0.1600 0.98954 0.15153 € 08 0.31088E 05 0.97540
0.1700 0.99476 0.13283 € 09 0.65345 E 05 0.98769

SIGMA # 0.84


0. 0.91884 0 . 0.23215 € 04 0.78237

0.0100 0.92377 0.17275€ 04 0.25576E 04 0.79581
0.0200 0.92873 0.42561E 04 0.28278E 04 0.80927
0.0300 0.93370 0.79859 € 04 0.31399 E 04 0.82275
0.0400 0.93869 0.13558E 05 0.35042 € 04 0.83625
0.0500 0.94370 0.22036 € 05 0.39350E 04 0.84978
0.0600 0.94873 0.35250E 05 0.44527E 04 0.86332
0.0700 0.95377 0.56500E 05 0.50859E 04 0.87689
0.0800 0.95884 0.92071E 05 0.58774 € 04 0.89048
0.0900 0.96392 0.15485E 06 0.68960E 04 0.90409
0.1000 0.96902 0.27363E 06 0.82548 € 04 0.91772
0.1100 0.97414 0.52096E 06 0.10159E 05 0.93138
0.1200 0.97927 0.11125 07 0.13027E 05 0.94505
0.1300 0.9844 3 0.28659 € 07 0.17821E 05 0.95876
0.1400 0.98960 0.10475E 08 0.27484 € 05 0.97248
0.1500 0.99479 0.92589E 08 0.57980E 05 0.98623

SIGMA # 0.86


0. 0.92912 0 . 0.23169E 04 0.78321

0.0100 0.93407 0.20280E 04 0.25883E 04 0.79853
0.0200 0.93903 0.51645 € 04 0.29052E 04 0.81 388
0.0300 0.94401 0.10073 € 05 0.32802E 04 0.82925
0.0400 0.94901 0.17903E 05 0.37304E 04 0.84465
0.0500 0.95403 0.30747E 05 0.42813E 04 0.86007
0.0600 0.95907 0.52609E 05 0.49699E 04 0.87552
0.0700 0.96412 0.91775E 05 0.58573E 04 0.89099
0.0800 0.96919 0.16678 € 06 0.70390E 04 0.90649
0.0900 0.97428 0.324 85 € 06 0.86991E 04 0.92201
0.1000 0.97939 0.70615E 06 0.11187E 05 0.93756
0.1100 0.98452 0.184 546 07 0.15345 € 05 0.95313
0.1200 0.98966 0.680446 07 0.23653E 05 0.96873
0.1300 0.99482 0.61429E 08 0.50509E 05 0.98435

SIGMA # 0.88


0. 0.93936 0 . 0.23124 € 04 0.78402

0.0100 0.94432 0.24547E 04 0.26319 € 04 0.80187
0.0200 0.94929 0.65445 € 04 0.30156E 04 0.81974
0.0300 0.95428 0.13487E 05 0.34850E 04 0.83763
0.0400 0.95929 0.25642E 05 0.40723E 04 0.85556
0.0500 0.96432 0.47924E 05 0.48285 € 04 0.87351
0.0600 0.96936 0.91451E 05 0.58362E 04 0.89150
0.0700 0.97442 0.18467E 06 0.72491E 04 0.90951
0.0800 0.97950 0.41295 06 0.93729 € 04 0.92755
0.0900 0.98460 0.11027 € 07 0.12904 E 05 0.94561
0.1000 0.98972 0.41656E 07 0.20097E 05 0.96371
0.1100 0.99485 0.38185 € 08 0.43067E 05 0.98184

SIGMA # 0.90

0. 0.94 956 0 . 0.23080E 04 0.78483

0.0100 0.95453 0.31062E 04 0.26967E 04 0.80620
0.0200 0.95951 0.88592E 04 0.31832E 04 0.82759
0.0300 0.96451 0.19866E 05 0.38093 € 04 0.84903
0.0400 0.96953 0.421 34 € 05 0.46460E 04 0.87049
0.0500 0.97456 0.911 32E 05 0.58147E 04 0.89199
0.0600 0.97961 0.21400E 06 0.75757E 04 0.91352
0.0700 0.98468 0.59377E 06 0.105246 05 0.93509
0.0800 0.98977 0.229ITE 07 0.16384E 05 0.95669
0.0900 0.99488 0.21694 € 08 0.357576 05 0.97833

SIGMA # 2.92


0. 0.95972 0 . 0.23037 € 04 0.78562

0.0100 0.96470 0.42177E 04 0.28016 € 04 0.81227
0.0200 0.96969 0.134146 05 0.34657E 04 0.83897
0.0300 0.97470 0.34839 € 05 0.43992 € 04 0.86570
0.0400 0.97972 0.90853 € 05 0.57988 € 04 0.89248
0.0500 0.98477 0.26984 € 06 0.81365E 04 0.91929
0.0600 0.98983 0.10997E 07 0.12865 € 05 0.94615
0.0700 0.99490 0.10799E 08 0.28376E 05 0.97305

SIGMA # 0.94

0. 0.96985 0 . 0.23002E 04 0.78640

0.0100 0.97483 0.65005E 04 0.29946E 04 0.82187
0.0200 0.97983 0.25431 E 05 0.40384 E 04 0.85738
0.0300 0.98485 0.90555 € 05 0.57796E 04 0.89295
0.0400 0.98988 0.40839 € 06 0.92727E 04 0.92858
0.0500 0.99493 0.43391E 07 0.20951E 05 0.96427

SIGMA # 1.96

0. 0.97993 0 . 0.22971 E 04 0.78717

0.0100 0.98492 0.13377E 05 0.34574 € 04 0.84026
0.0200 0.98993 0.90754E 05 0.57981E 04 0.89342
0.0300 0.99496 0.11571E 07 0.13504 05 0.94668

SIGMA # 0.98

0. 0.98998 0 . 0.23083E 04 0.78792

0.0100 0.99498 0.96653E 05 0.61175 € 04 0.89389

175 STOP TIME 09 HRS 44 MIN 30 SEC COST + $ 5.25



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