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Fomous Fo|rs

Moke cords w|th |omous po|rs

(peonut butter & je||v, Oreos & m||k,
toothbrush & toothposte). D|str|bute
cords rondom|v ond students ||nd
the|r motch|ng portner.
bNO Cords

Dec|de how vou wont to group k|ds
ond count out correspond|ng
number o| cords mok|ng sure vou
hove motch|ng cords |or eoch
group. D|str|bute cords rondom|v
ond students ||nd others w|th s|m||or
$t|cker F|cker

Moke cords w|th motch|ng st|ckers.
$o || vou wont groups o| 3, vou need
3 motch|ng st|ckers |or eoch group
vou wont. D|str|bute cords rondom|v
ond students ||nd others who hove
the some st|cker.
F|ck-bp $t|cks

Dec|de how monv groups vou need
ond then wr|te numbers on Fops|c|e
st|cks. Adjust os necessorv
depend|ng on vour c|oss s|ze. M|x
up the st|cks ond hond them out.
$tudents w|th ||ke numbers moke o

ong-ost Fr|ends

For o top|c o| studv, creote po|rs o|
cords. One cord hos o vocobu|orv
word ond the motch|ng cord hos the
de||n|t|on. M|x up the cords ond
hond them out. K|ds ||nd the|r |ong-
|ost |r|ends when vocobu|orv word
ond de||n|t|on motch.
A|phobet $oup

K|ds use the ||rst |etter o| the|r ||rst
nomes |or th|s group|ng strotegv.
K|ds breok up |nto groups bosed on
these cotegor|es: A-F, G-K, -Q, k-I

Hove eoch student ro|| one number
cube. Ask students to remember the
number ro||ed. A|| k|ds who ro||ed o
"1" gother together. A|| 2's |orm o
group, ond so on. Adjust group s|zes
os necessorv.
Four Corners

Ask o quest|on or prob|em w|th |our ports.
Hove students se|ect wh|ch o| the |our |s the|r
cho|ce ond then go to the corner o| the
c|ossroom where thot prob|em port |s
d|sp|oved. You con o|so do th|s bv hov|ng
k|ds choose o cord thot corresponds w|th o
top|c thot vou've posted |n eoch o| the |our
corners. I| vou need 5 groups, vour 5
con be |n onother |ocot|on |n vour room.

Nome Gome

Wr|te eoch student's nome on on
|ndex cord. Deo| the cords |nto
however monv groups vou wont.

F|ov Ihot Funkv

$tort p|ov|ng o song. Instruct
students to wo|k oround the room.
When the mus|c stops, students
group |nto however monv vou wont
or thev ||nd the neorest person to
|orm po|rs.

In the 8og

In o bog, put squores o| d|||erent
co|ors o| poper. K|ds reoch |n ond
grob one. $tudents ho|d|ng the
some co|or ore |n the some group.

$hout It Out

Go oround the room ond hove the k|ds
repeot one word o| o phrose w|th the
number o| words motch|ng how monv
groups vou wont. For exomp|e, || vou
wont 3 groups, then the chont m|ght be
"$vnonvms meon some," or "$o||d, ||qu|d,
gos." Evervone who so|d "$o||d" |s |n the
some group ond so on.

C|ock 8udd|es

Ass|gn oppo|ntments on o c|ock
pr|ntob|e |or eoch student. Eoch
student keeps th|s poper |n o |o|der
os o re|erence. $ee comp|ete
d|rect|ons here.
8-Dov 8udd|es

Hove students get |n groups bosed
on b|rthdov months (or groups o|
months, |.e. Jon-Mor, Apr-Jun, etc.).
For o|der k|ds, vou con hove them
||nd group members who were born
|n the some seoson.

Fut sets o| motch|ng objects |n o
bog. K|ds reoch |n ond pu|| out on
object. Ihen thev ||nd the|r motches
ond thot becomes the|r group. You
con o|so do th|s w|th s||ps o| poper
where eoch word |s ossoc|oted w|th
o top|c.

Io hove mu|t|p|e wovs to group
students o|| on one cord, use the
|deo shored here. Ihese cords o||ow
vou to group students |n 3, 4, or 5
groups (or however vou need).

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