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Executive summary

Developing the skills of employees helps leaders to achieve business goals faster and more
productively. A leader is responsible to make a good organization’s working environment by
providing motivation; managing the term members and other factors. Motivating staff means
finding enough about the requirements and wants of staff, giving them job satisfaction; other job-
related securities and benefits, as well as giving appreciation for a task well done in an efficient
manner. This report has been focused on the different leadership styles and their impact to bring
improved performance based on different organizations’ case studies. On the other hand, it has
been highlighted the different aspects related to leadership mental model, dynamic capabilities,
and the good decision-making process for organizational development. Furthermore, leaders who
understand the true intension behind the organization’s vision inspire others and encourage them
to work towards accomplishing success.

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This report has been focused on the different leadership style to strengthen the organization’s
business performance. Moreover, the mental model framework helps to understand the decision
making rules and thought process related to the possible outcomes that assist to improve the
business performance. In this context, this report has been needed to scrutinize critical
interference that may be implemented during unsteady moments along with to find out the
possible results concerning the failure and success of an applied intervention. On the other hand,
dynamic capabilities inhabit within organizations and are shaped by organizational inheritance
and preceding management decisions.
Contribution of business leader to strengthen business performance
Constructive leadership skills are essential in any business to be successful. When leaders want
to improve business performance and organizational well-being, their focus shifts to what is in
need of change. An often change is put together, and then comes the challenge of updating for a
long time. Some effective skills associated with business leadership are listed below that must be
possessed by a successful leader to strengthen the business performance:
 Adaptability
 Self-awareness
 Sense of purpose
 Decisiveness
 Collaborative skills

Adaptability refers a soft skill means being able to learn modern skills and techniques quickly in
response to interchanging circumstances. An efficient leader in the workplace is adaptable and
able to deal with his or her working conditions even when things do not go as work out. Leaders
show employees how they can add character to established corporations. A leader is responsible
for communicating company goals, missions, and priorities. Leaders are also responsible for
measuring, educating, defining, and rewarding the work ethic they want to promote. It reflects
the practices and experiences of employees to create a positive environment while helping the
business thrive (Hussain et al. 2018). Collaborative skills are also guides to achieve the
organizational goals and objectives, making it important to articulate clearly. Understanding the
work environment is help they bring their team members together through these changes. If a

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company performance change is needed, it is up to the leaders to communicate effectively with
In the workplace, decisiveness is essential for making plans and achieving goals. Skilled leaders
are able to lower the cost of continuing to gather information, deliberately and late making
decisions against the costs of making bad decisions. Leaders who deliver key business ethics are
aware of their role in developing a good organizational culture. They point out to their team
members that behavior is linked to behavior change and that values need to change.
Collaborative skills are essential for leaders to bring about organizational character (Kapucu and
Ustun, 2018). Leaders hold people accountable to ensure that they continue to do their job.
Managers need to show employees that the culture of the system exists to guide them in success.
Successful leaders must empower their members to make informed decisions.
A business leader is also responsible for comparing their own personalities with their definition
of success and getting an idea of what it means and staying positive in achieving their goals.
Encouraging people to take on responsibilities is a great way to do this, as a participatory
approach can help them become accustomed to decision-making, critical thinking, and
communication skills can boost their self-esteem and potential (Peterson, 2018). There are many
things that make a job satisfying, including good leadership. Leaders need to keep in mind how
management practices affect employees and understand the purpose of the business. Employees
who are satisfied with their work often do better work. One of the best ways to improve job
satisfaction is to choose leadership styles that will benefit both the organization and the staff.

Role of leaders in developing spectacles in business performance

Dynamic capabilities

Dynamic capabilities are related to the highly flexible thinking, strategic leadership capability
along with knowledge management, flexible organizational culture, intellectual partnerships, and
affiliate businesses. Flexible technology, replacement of equipment, and responsiveness upgrades
are essential. Constant learning process is essential in this case for a leader to innovate new ideas
that help to increase the development of the business (Schoemaker et al. 2018). The new
investment can help companies succeed by boosting skills and profitability, retaining and
attracting talent, and also attracting customers. In negotiating skill of a leadership help to

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promote the new business ideas, however, leaders make important decisions; they first want
others to look better.


Cognition is a term that describes the mental processes intricate in gaining knowledge and
understanding. These “cognitive processes” include thinking, remembering, knowing, judgment,
and problem solving. Language development is a cognitive process that includes the ability to
understand and express ideas through spoken as well as written words (Curtis, 2020). It allows
leaders to communicate with employees or team members and to play a vital role in innovative


Learning Attention


Figure 1: Type of cognitive process

(Source: Curtis, 2020)
Perception is a conscious process that allows leaders to pass information through their emotions
and then use this information to respond and interact with other members to improve the
business model. New innovative thoughts and motivation by leaders is encouraging employees to
complete all tasks in a systematic and orderly manner. It also enables employees to perform the
task as clearly as they do in the same area as their team members working toward the same goal.
It is important to consult with individual team members to determine if these activities are in line
with their mission goals and to show interest in building organizational structures.
Leadership mental models

Leadership mental models is encompass the perceptions of social, behavioral, religious,

educational, and cognitive that help leaders to organize information. For example, game theory

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refers a mental model that helps to understand that how trust and relationship is work (Carroll et
al. 2018). The Good decision-making capability helps to valuing up the performance of the
business in an organization and leaders play a vital role, in this case, to take the right decision
without differentiating based on age, gender, race, and others. High quality leadership builds a
work environment that is stable, cohesive and reliable.

B e
e M s
h e u
a n l t
v a tl
i M
o o
r d
e l
Figure 2: Mental Model
(Source: Carroll et al. 2018)
Depending on the model of this concept, the leader knowingly or unknowingly accepts the
practice and observes the consequences of the behavior. By gaining a culture, leaders are more
committed to the positive culture of the organization. Organizational performance is assessed for
environmental impacts that affect the performance of employees or teams. Leadership
development experiences can help employees to see why they are not using other innovative
skills and behaviors, hoping to understand what beliefs promote these practices. Communication,
loyalty, and social interaction are important tools to the success of an organization.

 Motivate employees and lead them in correct direction

Everyone wants to work in a clean and stimulating office environment, which makes them feel
good. While the majority of studies in leadership focus on a stable work environment, past
adverse events, current epilepsy has stimulated decision-making processes occurring in an
unpredictable and unclear environment. It will be helpful if a leader continuously encourages
team members to work together as a team by emphasizing the importance of the partnership
between teamwork and team goals. A combination of teamwork along with good support from
the leaders is help to complete the work faster and easier way. Motivation by the team leader and

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providing the right direction is one of the important parts to enhance the business performance
and do better even in critical situations.
 Enable employees to have work-life balance and provide professional development
Having a work-life balance system makes employees happier when they come to work. This, in
turn, decreases mental stress and excessive workload both common workplace health issues.
Constant pressure occurs when there is constant pressure on employees. Maintaining a work-life
balance standard is not only important for health and relationships but can also improve the
performance of the employees. It may be helpful for a leader if they provide the assurance of the
employees to get the career boost opportunity in an organization and improve the business

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Reference List
Carroll, J.S., Sterman, J. and Marcus, A.A., (2018). 5. Playing the Maintenance Game: How
Mental Models Drive Organizational Decisions. In Debating Rationality (pp. 99-122). Cornell
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Curtis, G.J., (2020). Follower‐rated leadership styles, leader behaviours, and leaders' thinking
styles: A test of the cognitive experiential leadership model. Australian Journal of
Psychology, 72(4), pp.318-327.
Hussain, S.T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M.J., Hussain, S.H. and Ali, M., (2018). Kurt Lewin's
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Kapucu, N. and Ustun, Y., (2018). Collaborative crisis management and leadership in the public
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Peterson, H., (2018). From “Goal-Orientated, Strong and Decisive Leader” to “Collaborative and
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Schoemaker, P.J., Heaton, S. and Teece, D., (2018). Innovation, dynamic capabilities, and
leadership. California Management Review, 61(1), pp.15-42.

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