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The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2020)

Implementation of Photovoltaic Systems for Net-

Zero Energy Residential Buildings: Literature
Abdussalam A. H. Khamis Henrik Davisson
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Architecture and the Built Environment
College of Engineering Technology-Hoon Division of Energy and Building
Hoon, Libya Lund University, Sweden

Abstract— Residential buildings consume up to 40% of total art regarding the definition of zero energy buildings. Section III
global energy production annually. Making the residential and reviews papers regarding to conventional techniques for zero
commercial buildings less energy dependent is essential in energy building in terms of designing and construction of
reduction of greenhouse gas affects. One type of such buildings ZEBs. Section VI reviews the latest scientific works on
are known as Net-Zero Energy Building (ZEB). This paper implementation of Photovoltaic (PV) systems for zero energy
introduces a summary of scholar works, which have been buildings by using reversible heat pumps. Section V is the
executed in the last decade to achieve Net-ZEB by using conclusion.
photovoltaic systems. The paper summarizes latest scholar works
in providing exclusive definition of ZEB, which could be used to
increase public understanding of the technology globally. In II. DEFINITION OF ZERO ENERGY BUILDING
addition, the paper summarizes prominent work in the field of
using only PV systems to cover almost total residential lighting, The first step to deal with the concept of a Zero Energy
heating and cooling load demands using new technologies such as Building (ZEB) is determining precise definition for the
reversible heat pumps for ZEBs. subject. Within the last decade, there have been several
attempts to define ZEB based on multiple understandings of
Keywords— Photovoltaic System; Heating and Cooling; Zero the matter. It has been argued [1] that the concept of building
Energy Building; Reversible Heat Pump; Literature Review. self-dependent houses is not new. In fact, this concept could be
tracing down even before inventing electricity. In this matter,
I. INTRODUCTION ZEB-technique could be applied on buildings that create
negative effects on surrounding environment. These buildings
Saving Earth ecosystem from being distorted by humankind
are able to generate their own energy needs. ZEBs could also
actions has been an issue all over the world. One of the main
be called natural energy autonomous houses and energy
steps is to reduce the CO2 emission. Most CO2 production
independent houses. It is added [1] that in order to define a
comes from generating electricity using conventional sources
building as ZEB, the definition should include:
of energy such as oil and natural gas. Residential load
consumes up to 40% from total annual produced electricity
globally [1]. Obviously, finding alternative ways to feed the 1- Primary energy-unites of balance.
residential loads, such as using renewable sources of energy, 2- Total energy demand equals for operating the building
with electricity would be substantial in terms of reduction of plus associated with occupancy.
CO2 mission.
3- Fixed maximum energy uses.
In this regard, there have been many attempts to reduce
residential buildings carbon footprint. The Europe Union for 4- Distinguish between residential and non-residential
instance set plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least buildings.
20% by 2020 from its level twenty years ago. The Europe plan
aims to reduce energy consumption and increase use of energy 5- Applications of renewable energy sources.
from renewable resources specially for residential and 6- Regulation of grid building interaction.
governmental buildings [2].
This paper provides thorough literature review to
summarize the engineering work to achieve Net-Zero Energy In 2010, EU parliament and Council of European Union
Building. Therefore, the paper divided into five sections. issued an act regarding to ZEB application in the union [2].
Section I is the introduction. Section II reviews the state of the Aiming to mitigate CO2, by 2020 all new governmental and

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residential building should be near zero energy. This is part having an efficient building, where the building annual
of the solution for how to reduce greenhouse gas emission energy demands is close to the energy produces by the
20% of what it used to be in 1990. The act started with building itself.
providing inclusive definition of nearly ZEB. According to
EU regulation Act, Nearly ZEB is a building where most of III. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF CONVENTIONAL ZERO
its energy needs (heating, cooling, and appliances power ENERGY BUILDINGS
requirements) should be covered by renewable energy
sources such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal Within the last decade literatures, there are numerous
energy. By taking this step, EU become a global leader in technologies for achieving zero energy building in terms
enforcing local authorities to be involved, and moving the of design and construction on buildings.
concept of ZEB from labs and universities to real actions. As
matter of facts, the EU countries have showed promising It is concluded [7] that PV system with good building
progress to accomplish this goal. It is recorded that in architectural design will play significant rules in
December 2018 were at least 30% of new buildings in achieving ZEBs objective. Furthermore, a Heat pump in
Europe met the EU definition of ZEB. addition to solar thermal collectors can be used to serve
the building heat demand in winter.
Since it is quit hard to meet all building energy
requirements from only renewable sources for a year. It has It is argued [8] that having aesthetic solar panel design
been introduced [3] a new definition of ZEB. The definition is in equal importance with high efficiency. Moreover, it
of ZEB should describe the annual energy exchange between is shown [8] that PV panels on zero energy buildings
a building and electricity grid. In addition, seasonal and have to be reachable for maintenance and replacement.
monthly fluctuation in renewable energy sources production Fig. 2 shows PV panel combined with a Chinese house’s
has to be addressed well due to their role of the energy roof.
exchange between buildings and the grids.

It is argued [4] that having ZEB under any circumstances

does not mean having zero energy cost. There are other costs,
which have to be considers such as grid use cost, initial cost,
investment cost, and taxation.

It is summarized [5] some of successful attempts to provide

precise definition of ZEBs. From the map in Fig. 1 for ZEB
projects worldwide, we can see that still Europe dominants
the market due to 2020 strategies and sincere commitment
among EU members on reduction of greenhouse gas effects.
Nevertheless, North America has some growing attention
toward ZEB technology.

Fig. 2: PV Panel Combined in a Roof [8].

In order for ZEBs to be annually efficient, they should

balance power exchanging between the buildings and
grids. This balancing is known as Load Matching and
Grid Interaction indicators (LMGI) [9]. It is described [9]
that the differences between the concept of load matching
and the concept of grid interaction. The load matching
means measuring between the building generation and the
load profiles. In addition to previous load matching, grid
interaction has the same meaning and adding other
aspects of un-matching generation and load profile into

Fig. 1: Map for ZEB Global Distribution [5]. It is indicated [10] that from design point of view, zero
energy buildings get to be part of a city cluster buildings.
There are two main definition of ZEB. One definition is Meaning that PV should be part of the building itself, and
according to EU standards, and another is according to does have to be integrated into cities landscape views.
American standards. It has been addressed [6] the slight Fig.3 illustrates a PV system design mounted on a
differences on definition of ZEB. In EU the definition is building, which has limited affects on the resounding
mainly on reducing energy consumption and increasing area.
building energy saving. In US the definition is mainly on

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It is described [16] that there are three criteria for ZEBs
to consider. The first criteria is how much energy the
building uses. The second criteria is how much
greenhouse gas emissions that can be accredited to the
building producing. The third criteria is the indoor
cooling and heating performance of the building. It is
presented [16] an analysis method to optimizing a ZEB to
meet the three criteria. The paper uses GenOpt and
artificial neural network (ANN) methods for optimization.
It is concluded that ANN provides faster optimization
results with poor solution comparing to GenOpt method.

It is introduced [17] a new technique to achieve ZEB

Fig. 3: PV Panel mounted on a building [10]. with lower heating and cooling demands. For instance, to
reduce the building Heat Ventilation and Air
Since some ZEBs have two systems, one is for appliances Conditioning (HVAC) energy by 17.4% would reduce the
demands (PV Panels) and another for hear demands (Thermal building energy demand by 9.7%.
Collectors), sometimes both system have to fully integrated to
the buildings design [11]. Fig.4 shows building integrated solar It is suggested [18] that surrounded climate is
thermal collector (STC) and PV panels. significant in reducing the building heating and cooling
demands. It is concluded that in addition to surrounded
climate, minimizing space thermal load is essential to
improve efficiency of ZEBs.

Paper [19] provides practical example of using several

energy sources for ZEBs. The building uses PV system,
biomass, and earth-air heat exchanger for electricity,
heating and cooling demands.

In hot climate, power from the grid is needed for night

cooling demands. It is presented [20] that hybrid
photovoltaic-thermal collector system, which can produce
Fig. 4: STC and PV connected on Buildings [11].
cooling energy at nighttime by long wave radiation
exchange with the night sky and convection losses to the
It is discussed [12] that designing and integration of PV ambient air.
panels and thermal collectors. The paper summarizes
modern technologies in terms of building integrated PV
It is concluded [21] that in hot summer and cold winter
(BIPV) and building attached PV (BAPV), such as BIPV
climate as well as hot summer and warm winter climate
foil products, BIPV tile products, BIPV module products,
PV technology needs some sort of support by other
BAPV, and Solar cell glazing products. Furthermore, the
energy sources to server the building energy demand.
paper states that advanced researches in the areas of solar
cell efficiency and reducing production cost are needed to
increase the market share of building integration.

It is discussed [13] that the energy balance has to be IV. ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS WITH PV SYSTEMS AND
measured over a specific period of time. REVERSIBLE HEAT PUMPS

Achieving zero energy building is affected with design One of essential obstacles facing the technology of zero
and orientation of the building. It is stated [14] that a energy buildings is cost associated with heating and
maximum energy saving of eighty five floors building is cooling loads. Some ZEBs techniques use solar thermal
achieved with 70o tilt angle of the PV panel for east, south collector for heating loads and chiller for cooling. Other
and west orientation. In addition, comparing these PV ZEBs techniques use other source of energy such as
orientation facades, it is concluded that south façade geothermal for heating loads especially in cold climates.
produces most of the total energy production from the This paper describes and discusses relevant papers in the
elevation in northern part of Earth. field.

It is stated [15] that in addition to the electricity Paper [22] introduces modern solar assisted heating and
demand, solar electric driven hear pump operating by PV cooling system using PV with electrically driven
system reduced the CO2 emission from a test case with reversible heat pump for heating and cooling. The
82% its previous level. reversible heat pump operates based on vapour heat cycle.

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Therefore, the reversible heat pump produces cool air in
hot seasons, and produces warm air in cold seasons. In
addition, it can also be used to produce hot water as it is
illustrated in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5: A Hybrid PV-Grid System with Reversible Heat Pump [22].

It is indicated [23] that ZEBs, which use only PV Fig. 6: A System Convers Portion of Energy Used for Heating and
system as source of energy would have less than 7 years Cooling with Solar Energy [25].
payback period for PV systems . Furthermore, the scholar
work [23] by implemented steady state energy calculation It is stated [26] that ZEBs that use PV systems to cover
those PV systems are able to cover of 79% of ZEBs all buildings energy requirements have to be self-
annual energy demand. consumption. The term self-consumption means that all
power produces by PV system consumed directly by the
Paper [24] represents new reversible heat pump/organic building itself. This concept would be beneficial in
rankine cycle. The pump is able to transfer solar energy countries where subsides for PV electricity is being
into warm and cold air based on ZEB demands. The removed gradually. The paper [26] states that in order to
measured efficiency up to 4.2% is obtained at evaporation have self-consumed ZEB the PV system has to be
temperature of 88 Co and condensation temperature of 25 combined with a battery system, and sometimes combine
Co with output power of 3.7 kW. with demand side management. The results from the case
study shows increase in building self-consumption by
It is presented [25] a practical heating and cooling 13% to 24% with a 1 kWh system. Also, the system self-
system that is used in buildings to increase the buildings consumption increased from 13% to 15 % by
energy using efficiency. The system represented in Fig. 6 implementing demand side management.
has grid connected PV panel to operate vapour
compression chiller for cooling the building space. While Paper [27] studies two heat pump performances in
the buildings heat demand is covered by a boiler. warm climate where air conditioning and hot water are
needed. The one pump is known as multi-compressor heat
pump, and the second is known as inverter-driven heat
pump. The study shows that inverter-driven heat pump
reaches better seasonal energy efficiency ratio with
respect with multi-compressor heat pump. This means
that inverter-driven heat pump is considerable choice for
ZEBs that using PV systems as source of energy.

Paper [28] provides a novel approach to storing extra

electricity generated from PV systems for small-scale
systems below 100 kW. The storage system consists of a
heat pump and organic rankine cycle. The system can
achieve storage efficiency of 50% for commercially
available components of the heat pump.

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