Lesson 2.5, 2.6 Plug in Hybrid Vehicle and Vehicle To Grid

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Lesson 2.5 , 2.

6 Plug in Hybrid Vehicle and Vehicle to Grid


Dr. Tarlochan Kaur

Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University),
Chandigarh - 160012
EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 1
➢ Electric Vehicles (EVs)
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➢ Some Key Drivers

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
o Chargers
o Charging Stations
o Solar Charging Stations

➢ Vehicle to Grid
➢ The Way Forward
EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 2
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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

➢ Any vehicle propelled by an electric motor drawing current from a
rechargeable storage battery or from other portable energy storage
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➢ EV is a vehicle that has following features:
Portable Energy Source
Traction effort provided by the motor

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 4

➢ Electric Vehicles (EVs) are soon to
dominate the urban transportation
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Energy Security (High import dependence -
Much of the world’s oil comes from the
Middle East, an incredibly volatile region)
Economical Reasons (continuously
increasing prices of oil )
Environmental Concerns (Many of cities in
India are among the world’s most polluted
with vehicular pollution being one of the
major reason for environmental pollution)
Reduced Noise Pollution
Safe to drive
Low maintenance and cost effective
EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 5
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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

➢ On the basis of storage:
➢ Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
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➢ Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)

Any vehicle is hybrid when it uses two or more sources of power that can directly
or indirectly provide propulsion power is a hybrid.
HEV uses both –conventional IC Engine and alternate energy source.
➢ Plug in Hybrid Electric vehicle (PHEV)
Plug in charging
Wireless charging

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 7

P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

On the basis of Charging

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

➢ The storage elements of EVs are charged from charging stations called EV charging
station and EVSE.
EVSE stands for electric vehicle supply equipment and its function is to supply electric energy to
P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

recharge electric vehicles. EVSEs are also known as EV charging stations, electric recharging points
or just charging points. EVSEs can provide a charge for the operation of electric vehicles or plug-in
hybrid electric-gasoline vehicles.
➢ The storage battery makes up a substantial cost of electric vehicles.
➢ The most widely used storage elements of electric vehicles include lead-acid
batteries, Li-ion batteries, ultra-capacitors etc.
➢ Storage capacity of full electric vehicles is upto 100 KWh. In literature, most widely
used BEV is NissaN Leaf with the storage capacity of 24KWh.

➢ The EV Charging Stations can be categorised as:

Residential Charging Stations
Charging while Parked
Charging at Public Charging Stations
Charging by Battery Swaps

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .


EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

- 2020

➢ The major battery technologies used in EVs is lithium ion based (high
energy density battery)
P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

Cost (For EVs to be cost competitive with ICE vehicles, battery costs must fall
to around $100/kWh, something that could be achieved by the middle of
next decade or earlier according to J.P. Morgan Research estimates.)
Life of Battery (Currently about 700 recharge Cycles)
range anxiety
charging anxiety
o Where can I charge my battery?
o Will my connector fit the charging station?
o How long will charging take?
o Will my car register on the network?
o Will quick charging be available?.
o Will there be a queue?
➢ Charging focus

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 15

▪AC Level 1: used for overnight domestic and long-time
EV parking Level AC-Power (kW) DC-Power (kW)
(upto) (upto)
P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

▪ AC-Level 2: Capable of charging a small- to

medium-sized car (24 kWh battery) in 4 to 6 hours.
Level 1 1.5 kW (120 36kW(200-
Used for private and public locations
Slow Charging V@16A) or 450V@80A)
▪DC Level 3 : Rapid chargers-can typically charge a
24-kWh battery to 80% in roughly 30 minutes. (Off 3kW (240V@16A)
Board - fluid cooled batteries and liquid cooled cables

are required)
Level 2 19.2 kW (240 V@ 90kW(200-450
Moderate 80 A) √ V @200 A)

Level 3 >20 kW (TBD) 240kW(200-

Fast Charging 600V@400A) √

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 16

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

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EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies

➢ The concept of Vehicle to Grid was first introduced in literature in 1997.
➢ As per the living style, electric vehicles are parked 96% of the day. EVs
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are idle 95% of the time.

➢ Thus, batteries of electric vehicles can be be used for short term power
➢ The grid can be supported with EVs by storing the energy during off-peak
hours and supply back when the grid demands.
➢ Vehicle to grid involves installation of a bidirectional charger which
enables charging/discharging of vehicles.

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 20

➢ V0G (Conventional Charging) : Plug in the vehicle and get it charged
➢ V1G (Smart Charging):Can charge the vehicle when grid allows or need to. There is
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communication between grid and vehicle. AMI fits in well through HAN
➢ V2G(Vehicle to Grid): In addition to functions of V1G, it also allows the energy stored in
the EV batteries to be delivered back to the grid for grid support
➢ V2B (Vehicle to Building): The energy will be delivered back to building instead to grid
➢ Besides IOT /Telematics can enhance customer
experience through mobile apps, integrate car
ecosystem , monitor car and subsystem from
anywhere, analyse customer complains remotely

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 21

➢ Depending on when and where the vehicles are plugged in, they could
cause local or regional constraints on the grid.
P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

➢ They could require both the addition of new electric capacity.

➢ Local distribution grids will see a change in their utilization pattern.
➢ Some lines or substations may become overloaded sooner than
➢ Following are the possible impacts on grid.
Frequency Variations
Voltage Instability
Increased Power Losses
Increased Peak Demand
EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 22
➢ A sufficiently large number of aggregated EVs in a charging station (CS)
could provide several important services to the grid such as
P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

Peak Load Shaving

Spinning Reserve/Valley filling
Load Management
Self Sustenance
Frequency Control
Voltage Regulation
spinning reserve and
provide ancillary services
and most important is that they can be used in demand side management

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 23

➢ 10 kWh of battery
Load as seen by the grid
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10 kW for 1 hour
20 kW for 30 mins
40 kW for 15 mins
The capacity of the battery will then determine
5 kW for 2 hour the length of time it will take to recharge.
2.5 Kw for 4 hours
1.25 kw for 8 hours
There are an array of options for the connection between the vehicle and the grid.
10, 20, 40, 5, 2.5, 1.25 kW is the charging rate and it can be termed as 1, 2, 4,
0.5, 0.25 and 0.125 c-rate of the battery. (C-rate is the charging rate of the
EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 24
➢ Although electric vehicles reduce carbon emissions and
reliance on foreign-oil, emissions issues are still present if
fossil fuels are used for electricity generation.
P ro f. Ta rl o ch a n Ka u r : E E D _ P E C _ C h a n di ga rh .

➢ However, electric vehicles can be net zero emission

vehicles if solar power generates the electricity.
➢ Electric vehicles charged using solar power emit 96% less
mass of pollutants than all-electric vehicles using the grid
(with four percent of pollutants remaining from brake
and tire wear)
➢ In addition, photovoltaics emit no noise, chemical
pollutants or radioactive substances during use, so they
are not added nuisances to the surrounding community .
➢ Although solar panels have some carbon dioxide
emissions associated with their production, the panels
become carbon neutral in two years, and have an
average lifetime of over 20 years.

EEM 5031 _ Smart Grid Tcchnologies 25

➢ Although, there are certain challenges associated with the Electric
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➢ The major challenge in penetration of the EVs in India is the lack of

charging infrastructure for the vehicle.
➢ This leads to a reduced customer acceptance of the Electric Vehicles due
to factors like range anxiety, which overshadows the benefits of an
electric vehicle (https://pushevs.com/2016/11/23/electriccars- range-
➢ This is where the utility comes into the picture which takes care of the
last mile Integration while balancing the EV and Grid requirement and
providing services to the EV users.

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EEN 5031 &
EEN 5311

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