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The Punishment Of The American Church Of Sin And Damnation

"Tell My people I love them, says the Living God. I have much for them, if they would
only obey. I called them to do My will, but so far they have only done theirs. Many will
reject them for the lives they live in refusing to obey Me. I told them to go into all the
world, making disciples of all nations, but so far they have only stood by and played
games while millions went to Hell without Me. Why won't they obey? I've given them
everything at their disposal: wealth, technology, ability, talent, charisma, My Spirit, and
more. Yet they sit idly by while millions go to Hell without Me. My anger is aroused at
My wicked people who refuse to do anything. I see that all they care about is
themselves, their wealth, property, and family, yet give little regard to the millions
perishing without Me. They have the Gospel, but so far they have kept it to
themselves, and refused to preach it to the masses. For that I'll judge them severely,
into Hell they shall go, My wicked people. I'll round up My worthless idolaters and cast
them into Hell, and replace them with others who will do My will, even the Chinese
believers who have sprouted up across the land. Those I will use to spread the world
with the Gospel, for they will obey. My careless Christians will only receive My wrath,
for they only think of themselves, and their wealth, which they continually want more.
Those I will punish eternally, forever roasting in flames of fire of My design and
implementation, even Hell forever. My worthless people shall go there, for they refuse
to do My will to preach My Gospel to the masses. Few do My will. Those I will
preserve. The rest are damned to Hell in America. My church is lost, they won't obey.
Forever accursed they are, worthless people of sin and damnation. All they think
about is themselves and their covetousness, the more that they can get from the world.
They are all accursed. Away to eternal Hell, My worthless, disobedient people of sin
and damnation! You are accursed forever, worthless people, and shall be forever
under My wrath! The LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!"

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