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Consequences of Industrialization



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1. Introduction

a) Brief explanation of how industrialization has helped human life advance and

improved the living conditions.

b) Emergence of big cities with a buzz of activities due to industrialization

c) Brief explanation of some of the shortcomings of rapid industrialization

2. Can the earth and the civilizations therein survive industrialization

a) The importance of ensuring sustainable industries for the survival and existence of


b) Measures that can be taken to ensure sustainable industrialization is achieved

3. Challenges brought about by industrialization

a) The effects of industries on weather and climate as a result of greenhouse gas

emissions and rapid deforestation

b) Water pollution by industries as a result of untreated effluents that are discharged into

rivers and other water bodies

c) Impact of agricultural production as a result of climate change from greenhouse gas

emissions originating from industries.

d) Declining agricultural production due to rising temperatures and rapid desertification

of arable lands

e) The scramble for energy to power industrialization and the use of energy sources that

are harmful to the environment such as coal and nuclear power

f) The rise of conflict and violence as communities scramble for the scarce raw

materials needed for industries to operate.


4. Conclusion

a) Summary of mitigation measures to ensure sustainable industrialization

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