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Primary 4 term/1

Name:---------------- Grammar 5 Class:------------------

Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun: EX: That car is
not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun) OR That's my car. (possessive adjective)

1. 1.Is that your notebook or _____________________ (my/mine)?

2. I don't like _____________________ (their/theirs) apartment.
3. That's not my problem. It's _____________________ (yours/your).
4. Your car is green, while _____________________ (my/mine) is black.
5. Isn't _____________________ (their/theirs) son older than you?
6. A friend of _____________________ (our/ours) called.
7. A friend of _____________________ (her/hers) brother's called.
8. He's _____________________ (our/ours) doctor.
9. That's _____________________ (our/ours) house, not theirs.

10. They never invite us to ……………. parties. (their / theirs)

11. Rani has had …………….. lunch. (her / hers)
12. This is not ……………. (my / mine). It must be …………… (her / hers)
13. Where is ……………….. coat? (your / yours)
14. ……………. (they / their) dog is a black Doberman. …………………. (our / ours) is a white Pomeranian.
15. Sujatha has never invited me to …………… home. (her / hers)
16. ……………… (our / ours) parents are visiting us next month.
17. He was arrested for treating …………….. servants badly (his / him).
18. This is …………… house (my / mine). It is smaller than ………………. (your / yours)
19. You must listen to …………….. parents. (your / yours)
20. . Is he a friend of _____________________ (your/yours)?

Fill the gaps in these sentences:

a. This book belongs to me. It is ______ book.

b. This bag belongs to Andrew. It is ______book.

c. This car belongs my mother. It is ______car.

d. These shoes belong to you. They are ______ shoes.

e. The bedroom belongs to the girls. It is ______bedroom.

f. The dog, Wolfie, belongs to my family. It is ______ dog.

g. The cat has a sore leg. The cat is licking ______ leg.

Primary 4 term/1

h. I am holding some money. It is ______ money!

1. We bought that house last year. It is _______________.

2. This car belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It is _______________.

3. I think I saw John drop this pen. I think it is _______________.

4. This book is _______________. It has my name on it.

5. My brother and I made that chair. It’s _______________.

6. Excuse me. This phone is _______________. You forgot to take it with you.

7. Her sister drew the picture. It’s _______________.

8. The little boy shouted, “Give the ball to me! It’s _______________!”

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