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Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions that Will Get You
the Job! (Beshara, T.; 2008) [Book review]

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication · March 2009

DOI: 10.1109/TPC.2008.2012287

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Lizabeth A. Barclay
Oakland University


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Tony Beshara
Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions that
Will Get You the Job!
Book Review
—Reviewed by

Index Terms—Career preparation, career transitions, job interviews, job seeking, teamwork.

Ithen Acing the Interview, Tony Beshara provides

job seeker with a comprehensive manual to
Beshara then discusses basic networking to
find job leads. His discussion is very similar
to information one would receive through an
prepare for the interview process. The material in outplacement process. Hence, it is not particularly
this book is not particularly new for the informed new or innovative, but as indicated above, it is
reader; placement offices at universities routinely well organized and provides a solid foundation
provide similar overviews for students. However, for those in transition. Beshara provides script
Beshara is able to organize the material in an templates for what job seekers can say when they
effective way to assist anyone who is in need of a are networking with people they know, as well as
review during career transitions. The book itself when making warm (a.k.a. cold) calls to possible
is divided into three sections (each with multiple employers. While I initially felt this might be overly
chapters): “Today’s Hiring Authority and You”; “The structured, I think this is a good tool for those
Four Types of Qualifying Questions”; and “Asking who might become nervous when asking others for
Your Own Questions of Yourself, Your Recruiter, leads. He also provides an overview of the roles
and Your Potential Employer.” different recruitment professionals can play in
In Section I, Beshara gives the reader a context the job search. This discussion is useful because
for today’s job market. Individuals using this many individuals do not understand the range of
book may not have had to seek jobs in a highly professionals available to the job seeker.
competitive environment. This section provides
After this initial discussion, Beshara provides a
the reader with an overview of the US economy
useful list of interview reminders for the reader.
and changes in job patterns (e.g., short duration
The list sometimes reads as if it were a tough-love
jobs are now more common). The author also
lecture. I got the impression that if I did not
briefly touches on generational differences within
understand this list, getting hired would be very
the workforce. This is an important contribution
difficult. This, of course, is the author’s point. Job
of the book; many individuals do not understand
seekers need to understand what they must do to
how cross-generational communication problems
prepare. This preparation includes knowing about
can impact success. He continues with discussions
the organization, knowing how to sell oneself,
of why the job seeker needs to understand hiring
dressing professionally, and perhaps being more
authorities (especially interviewers) and the
aggressive than many of us would like to be.
organizations with which they are associated.
The author also provides the reader with specific
Beshara clearly identifies questions that need to be
scripts to use in initial interviews. The purpose
answered satisfactorily in order for the interviewer
of the scripts is to get applicants a subsequent
to make an offer to the applicant. Beshara calls
interview and enable them to avoid being eliminated
these qualifying questions.
during initial screening. Beshara has worked as a
placement and recruitment professional for many
Manuscript received June 17, 2008. Current version published years. He claims that using his script will get an
February 25, 2009.
The reviewer is with the Oakland University School of individual an additional interview 95% of the time
Business Administration, Rochester, MI 48309 USA [p. 67]. He does indicate that one must practice and
(email: suggests using a coach.
IEEE 10.1109/TPC.2008.2012287
Book publisher: New York: AMACOM Publishing, 2008, The last chapter in this section outlines how one’s
280 pp.with index. supporters (e.g., family and friends) can be either

0361-1434/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE


assets or nightmares. It also provides a letter from as questions that enable the reader to map out
the author that can be given to one’s supporters personal strengths and weaknesses. Preparatory
outlining what they should and should not do to work such as this can minimize one’s chances
assist in the job search process. I had not seen of making an error in the process. The author
such a letter before and had not considered this also lists questions that one should avoid in an
part of the search dynamic. I think that this is an initial interview, such as “What kind of money
important issue to consider; however, I am unsure is associated with this position?” [p. 205]. In
if an applicant’s typical supporters would read such this section, Beshara also discusses debriefing
a lengthy (nine book pages) letter. questions. He suggests running through these
questions right after each interview. The questions
In Section II, Beshara examines in more detail are reflective (e.g., “Did I communicate well
each of the four qualifying questions that form the enough?”) and allow the candidate to modify his or
interviewer’s subtext. (Can you do the job? Do I/we her behavior in future encounters [p. 211]. Finally,
like you? Are you a risk? And lastly, can we work he provides the reader with questions to ask at
out the money?) He associates the typical questions the time an offer is extended. These questions are
an applicant will be asked with an underlying more pointed and seek to elicit more information
qualifying question. For “Can you do the job?” for about the work culture, including the employee
example, the interviewer may ask the following: turnover rate, problems within the company, and
• “What are you looking for in a job?” [p. 99] the amount of travel required in the job.
• “What can you contribute most to our
organization?” [p. 101] Beshara concludes with a brief epilogue that simply
• “Why should I hire you?” [p. 103] restates the purpose of the book. He also includes
For each of the questions, Beshara explains how an appendix that lists mistakes candidates can
the question should be approached and how make at different points in the interview and job
the applicant’s response helps the interviewer search processes. These mistakes capture some
answer the overarching qualifying question. These of the main points listed in earlier sections of the
explanations provide a larger context for the job book.
seeker; he or she will have a better understanding
of why employers ask such questions. The purpose of Acing the Interview is to give job
seekers a way to prepare for interviews using
Section III deals with questions job seekers techniques the author has used throughout
should ask themselves, their recruiters, and their his career as a placement and recruitment
potential employers, including the questions they professional. As indicated earlier, none of the
should ask before beginning the interview process. material is particularly unique to Beshara, but he
These questions try to get the job seeker to avoid does assemble a good deal of relevant material in
past employment mistakes. They ask the reader one place. My only concern is whether individuals
to identify frustrations and disappointments who need this valuable information will seek out
with previous employment situations as well and use a 280-page book.

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