Assessment 1 (Essay)

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STUDENT NO: 2019250826


STUDENT NO: 2019263622

The factors involved in predicting students’ performance

Understudies scholastic increase and learning execution is impacted by various element

including sex, age, showing workforce, understudies tutoring, father/watchman social
monetary status, neighbourhood of understudies, mode of guidelines in schools, educational
cost pattern, every day concentrate on hour and convenience as hostelries or day
researcher. Numerous specialists led point by point learns about the elements contributing
understudy execution at various review levels. Lot of studies have been conducted in the
area of students’ achievement and these studies identify and analyse the number of factors
that affect the academic performance of the student at school, college and even at university
level. Their finding identifies students’ effort, previous schooling, parent’s educational
background, family income, self-motivation of students, age of student, learning preferences
and entry qualification of students as important factors that have effect on student’s
academic performance in different setting. The utility of these studies lies in the need to
undertake corrective measures that improve the academic performance of graduate

Consequently, the administration should endeavour to develop mentoring programs in

colleges whereby those students who are strongly academically have the chance to talk to
and motivate their counterparts who are finding it hard to cope with their academic work.
One of the common complaints among college students is decreased intrinsic motivation,
and it has also been associated to poor academic performance among such students.
Because the development of cognitive functions is also grade dependent, this also impacts
on the students’ academic performance. There is a general consensus among school that
motivation influences the learning process positively because of its role in sustaining, giving
direction to, and stimulating the learning process. Students who are highly motivated usually
need less guidance from their instructors, in comparison with students who are less
motivated. In addition, such students are also likely to work independently and also achieve
complicated task. Consequently, this may result in the achievement of higher academic
Parent’s socio-economic condition, which includes parents’ academic and professional
qualification, revenue and occupational affiliation, is also associated with academic gain of
students. The results of many studies confirmed that academic achievement of students is
contingent upon parent’s socio-economic condition. So, the students belonging from higher
social economic backgrounds will perform better than other students associated with low
social economic backgrounds. Social and economic status of student is generally
determined by combining parents’ qualification, occupation and income standard. Among
many research studies conducted on academic achievement, it is not very surprising to
observe that Socio-economic status is one of the main elements studied while predicting
academic performance.

It is also assumed that children learning outcome and educational performance are
strongly affected by the standard and type of educational institution in which students get
their education. The educational environment of the school one attends sets the parameters
of students’ learning outcomes. It showed that schools’ environment and teachers
expectations from their students also have strong influence on student performance. Most of
the teachers working in poor schools or schools having run short of basic facilities often have
low performance expectations from their students and when students know that their
teachers have low performance expectations from them, hence it leads to poor performance
by the students. Facts approved that performance of the students is also influenced by the
school in which they studied but he also said that number of facilities a school offers usually
determine the quality of the school, which in turn affect the performance and
accomplishment of its students. Personage argue that schools influence educational process
in content organization, teacher and teaching learning and in the end evaluation of the all. All
these educationists and researchers agreed with this principle that schools put strong effect
on academic performance and educational attainment of students.

Students from elite schools are expected to perform good because they attend these elite
schools and the main reason behind is that these schools are usually very rich in resources
and facilities. Some researchers have the view that school ownership and the funds
available in schools do indeed influence the performance of the student. Figures noticed that
school ownership, provision of facilities and availability of resources in school is an important
structural component of the school. Private schools due to the better funding, small sizes,
serious ownership, motivated faculty and access to resources such as computers perform
better than public schools. These additional funding resources and facilities found in private
schools enhance academic performance and educational attainment of their students.
The academic performance of a college student can be affected by a number of factors,
including the intrinsic motivation, socioeconomic, and type of educational institutions. In
addition, college students are faced with a lot of distractions while at school and if they are
not disciplined enough, they are likely to perform poorly academically. If at all we desire to
improve the academic performance of college students, all the stakeholders involved needs
to make a concerted effort to ensure that a reverse trend of the situation has occurred. The
first step is to recognize the problem. Students should be motivated to work hard at their
academic work. This way, they stand a chance to boost their self-concept and by extension,
help them to achieve academic performance. In addition, it is important to encourage college
students to participate in extra-curriculum activities. Furthermore, it is also important to train
students on the need to be self-motivated because such individuals are likely to perform
better academically.
1. American Journal of Educational Research. 2013, 1(8), 283-289. DOI: 10.12691/education-1-
Received June 22, 2013; Revised July 30, 2013; Accepted August 01, 2013


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