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Don’t expect others to give you what

you want. Instead, give it to
yourself. You want someone to give
you flowers? Go buy your favorite
flowers and place them on your
apartment to look at them every day;
You want great love? Everyone’s great
love is oneself, so take yourself on
dates treat yourself well and
compliment yourself from time to
time; You want other people to accept
you? Accept yourself and other
people’s opinions won’t matter;
You want more attention? Give
yourself good company. Draw, paint,
cook, go to a museum, write, read,
take a bath... Learn to spend time
with yourself, you will realize how
important it is to create a healthy
relationship with yourself in order
to not depend on anyone else. Because
you know what? People come and go,
and you’re the only one standing by
your side till the end. So when
someone gives you something be
grateful, enjoy it, but don’t expect
it. As soon as we have enough with
ourselves, we’ll find peace with our
surroundings and we’ll replace
disappointments and emptiness for
love and gratitude.
by Sergi Pons for YoDona

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