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Scoring Sheet

Scoring Criteria for RCFT Drawings

Score Accuracy Placement

2 Accurately drawn CmTectly placed

Accurately drawn Inconectly placed
l Inaccurately drawn Correctly placed
0.5 Inaccurately drawn, Incorrectly placed
but recognizable
0 Inaccurately drawn Inconectly placed
and unrecognizable,
or omitted

Immediate Delayed
Scoring Element Copy Recall Recall

I. Vertical Cross 2 0.5 0 2 I 0.5 0 2 0.5 0

.., 2 0.5 0
Large Rectangle 2 0.5 0 2 I 0.5 0
-'· Diagonal Cross 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 0
-+. Horizontal Midline of Large Rectangle (2) 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0
5. Vertical Midline of Large Rectangle (2) 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 0
6. Small Rectangle 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0
7. Small Horizontal Line above Small Rectangle (6) 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 ()

8. Four Parallel Lines 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 ()

9. Small Triangle above Large Rectangle (2) 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 0 2 0.5

10. Small Vertical Line within Large Rectangle (2) 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0 2 0
II. Circle with Three Dots 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0
12. Five Parallel Lines 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 ()
13. Sides of Large Triangle attached to Large Rectangle (2) 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 () 2 I 0.5 0
!4. Diamond 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 () 2 1 0.5 0
15. Vertical Line within Sides of Large Triangle ( 13) 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 0
16. Horizontal Line within Sides of Large Triangle (13) 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0
17. Horizontal Cross 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 0
18. Square attached to Large Rectangle (2) 2 0.5 () 2 0.5 0 2 0.5 ()

Raw score Raw score Raw score

Recognition Trial Worksheet

Recognition True Positives= Sum of items 2. 5. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 15. 19. 20, 22. and 24 that were circled.
Recognition False Positives = Sum of items 1. 3. 4. 6. I 0. II. 14. 16. 17. 18, 21. and 23 that were circled.

Recognition True Negatives= 12 minus Recl'gnition Fabe Positives.

Recognition False Negatives= 12 minus Recugnition True Positives.

Recognition Total == RecognMion True PQsitives plus Recognition True Negatives.

- <t>t O(€f f Cow ,;4t'5>.4NCK
He 'tG'iES ( !'t'f'!i) .
Table C1
Age: 18 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 19 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores
Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 46 49 24.5 25.0

>99 80 42 48 24.5
>99 79 38 47 24.0 24.0
>99 78 36.0 34 46 23.5 23.5
>99 77 31 45 23.0 21
>99 76 35.5 27 44 22.5 23.0
99 75 35.0 36.0 24 43 22.0 22.5
99 74 35.5 21 42 22.0
99 73 34.5 18 41 21.5 21.5
99 72 34.0 35.0 16 40 21.0
98 71 33.5 34.5 14 39 20.5 21.0
98 70 34.0 12 38 20.5 20
97 69 33.0 33.5 10 37 20.0 20.0
96 68 32.5 33.0 8 36 19.5 19.5
96 67 32.0 32.5 24 7 35 19.0
95 66 5 34 19.0
93 65 31.5 32.0 4 33 18.5 18.5
92 64 31.0 31.5 4 32 18.0 18.0
90 63 30.5 31.0 3 31 17.5 19
88 62 30.0 30.5 2 30 17.5
86 61 29.5 30.0 2 29 17.0 17.0
84 60 29.5 1 28 16.5 16.5
82 59 29.0 27
79 58 28.5 29.0 23 26 16.0 16.0
76 57 28.0 28.5 25 15.5 15.5
73 56 27.5 28.0 <1 24
69 55 27.0 27.5 <1 23 15.0 15.0
66 54 27.0 <1 22 14.5 18
62 53 26.5 26.5 <1 21 14.5
58 52 26.0 <1 20 14.0
54 51 25.5 26.0 22 <1 <20 0.0-14.0 0.0-13.5 0-17
50 50 25.0 25.5

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 33.5-36.0 0-274 9-12 0-1 11-12 0-3 >16

11-16 33.0 275-292 4 11-16
6-10 32.5 293-310 8 6-10
2-5 31.5-32.0 311-345 7 2 10 5 2-5
:Sl 0.0-31.0 346-600 0-6 3-12 0-9 6-12 :Sl

Table C2
Age: 20 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 24 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores
Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 46 49 24.5 24.5

>99 80 42 48 24.0 24.0
>99 79 38 47 23.5 23.5
>99 78 34 46 23.0 21
>99 77 36.0 31 45 22.5 23.0
>99 76 35.5 27 44 22.0 22.5
99 75 35.0 36.0 24 43 22.0
99 74 35.5 21 42 21.5 21.5
99 73 34.5 35.0 18 41 21.0 21.0
99 72 34.0 34.5 16 40 20.5
98 71 33.5 14 39 20.0 20.5 20
98 70 34.0 12 38 20.0
97 69 33.0 33.5 10 37 19.5 19.5
96 68 32.5 33.0 8 36 19.0 19.0
96 67 32.0 32.5 24 7 35 18.5
95 66 31.5 32.0 5 34 18.0 18.5
93 65 31.0 31.5 4 33 18.0
92 64 31.0 4 32 17.5 17.5 19
90 63 30.5 3 31 17.0 17.0
88 62 30.0 30.5 2 30
86 61 29.5 30.0 2 29 16.5 16.5
84 60 29.0 29.5 28 16.0 16.0
82 59 28.5 29.0 23 27 15.5
79 58 28.5 26 15.5
76 57 28.0 28.0 25 15.0 15.0
73 56 27.5 27.5 <1 24 14.5 18
69 55 27.0 27.0 <1 23 14.5
66 54 26.5 <1 22 14.0 14.0
62 53 26.0 26.5 <1 21 13.5
58 52 25.5 26.0 22 <1 20 13.5
54 51 25.0 25.5 <1 <20 0.0-13.0 0.0-13.0 0-17
50 50 25.0

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 33.5-36.0 0-271 9-12 0-1 11-12 0-3 >16

11-16 33.0 272-290 8 4 ll-16
6-fb 32.5 291-309 6-10
2-5 32.0 310-346 7 2 10 5 2-5
S1 0.0-31.5 347-600 0-6 3-12 0-9 6-12 $1

Table C4
Age: 30 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 34 Years 11 Months 31 Days

Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 46 49 23.0 23.0

>99 80 42 48 22.5 22.5 21
>99 79 36.0 38 47 22.0 22.0
>99 78 34 46 21.5 21.5
>99 77 35.5 36.0 31 45 21.0 21.0
>99 76 35.0 35.5 27 44 20.5 20.5
99 75 34.5 35.0 24 43 20.0
99 74 34.0 34.5 21 42 19.5 20.0 20
99 73 34.0 18 41 19.0 19.5
99 72 33.5 33.5 16 40 19.0
98 71 33.0 33.0 14 39 18.5 18.5
98 70 32.5 32.5 12 38 18.0 18.0
97 69 32.0 24 10 37 17.5 17.5
96 68 31.5 32.0 8 36 17.0 19
96 67 31.0 31.5 7 35 16.5 17.0
95 66 31.0 5 34 16.0 16.5
93 65 30.5 30.5 4 33 16.0
92 64 30.0 30.0 4 32 15.5 15.5
90 63 29.5 29.5 3 31 15.0 15.0
88 62 29.0 29.0 2 30 14.5 18
86 61 28.5 28.5 23 2 29 14.5
84 60 28.0 28.0 I 28 14.0 14.0
82 59 27.5 27.5 27 13.5 13.5
79 58 27.0 27.0 26 13.0
76 57 26.5 26.5 25 13.0
73 56 26.0 26.0 <1 24 12.5 12.5
69 55 25.5 <1 23 12.0 12.0
66 54 25.0 25.5 22 <1 22 17
62 53 24.5 25.0 <1 21 11:5 11.5
58 52 24.5 <1 20 11.0 11.0
54 51 24.0 24.0 <1 <20 0.0-10.5 0.0-10.5 0-16
50 50 23.5 23.5

Raw scores
Recognition variables

Time to True False True False

%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 34.0-36.0 0-271 8-12 0-1 11-12 0-4 >16

11-16 33.5 272-293 11-16
6-10 33.0 294-315 7 2 10 5 6-10
2-5 32.0-32.5 316-359 6 6 2-5
::;I 0.0-31.5 360-600 0-5 3-12 0-9 7-12 ::;I

Table CS
Age: 35 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 39 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition

%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 46 49 22.0 22.0 21

>99 80 36.0 42 48 21.5 21.5
>99 79 35.5 36.0 38 47 21.0 21.0
>99 78 35.0 35.5 34 46 20.5 20.5
>99 77 35.0 31 45 20.0
>99 76 34.5 34.5 27 44 19.5 20.0 20
99 75 34.0 24 43 19.0 19.5
99 74 33.5 34.0 21 42 18.5 19.0
99 73 33.0 33.5 18 41 18.5
99 72 33.0 16 40 18.0 18.0
98 71 ( 32.5 32.5 14 39 17.5 17.5
98 70 32.0 32.0 12 38 17.0 17.0 19
97 69 31.5 31.5 24 10 37 16.5
96 68 31.0 31.0 8 36 16.0 16.5
96 67 30.5 30.5 7 35 15.5 16.0
95 66 30.0 30.0 5 34 15.0 15.5
93 65 29.5 29.5 4 33 15.0
92 64 29.0 29.0 4 32 14.5 14.5 18
90 63 28.5 28.5 3 31 14.0
88 62 28.0 23 2 30 13.5 14.0
86 61 28.0 2 29 13.0 13.5
84 60 27.5 27.5 28 13.0
82 59 27.0 27.0 27 12.5 12.5
79 58 26.5 26.5 26 12.0
76 57 26.0 26.0 25 11.5 12.0 17
73 56 25.5 25.5 <1 24 11.5
69 55 25.0 . 25.0 22 <1 23 11.0 11.0
66 54 24.5 24.5 <1 22 10.5
62 53 24.0 24.0 <1 21 10.5
58 52 23.5 23.5 <1 20 10.0 10.0
54 51 23.0 23.0 <1 <20 0.0-9.5 0.0-9.5 0-16
50 50 22.5 22.5

Raw scores
Recognition variables

Time to True False True False

%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 33.5-36.0 0-275 8-12 0-1 11-12 0-4 >16

11-16 33.0 276-298 7 2 10 11-16
6-10 32.5 299-322 5 6-10
2-5 31.5-32.0 323-369 6 6 2-5
:5] 0.0-31.0 370-600 0-5 3-12 0-9 7-12 :5:1

Table C6
Age: 40 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 44 Years 11 Months 31 Days

Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct
>99 >80 35.5-36.0 36.0 46 49 21.0 21.0
>99 80 35.5 42 48 20.5 20.5
>99 79 35.0 35.0 38 47 20.0 20.0
>99 78 34.5 34.5 34 46 19.5 19.5
>99 77 34.0 34.0 31 45 19.0 19.0 20
>99 76 33.5 27 44 18.5
99 75 33.5 24 43 18.0 18.5
99 74 33.0 33.0 21 42 17.5 18.0
99 73 32.5 32.5 18 41 17.0 17.5
99 72 32.0 32.0 16 40 16.5 17.0
98 71 31.5 31.5 14 39 16.5 19
98 70 31.0 31.0 24 12 38 16.0 16.0
97 69 30.5 30.5 10 37 15.5 15.5
96 68 30.0 30.0 8 36 15.0
96 67 29.5 29.5 7 35 14.5 15.0
95 66 29.0 5 34 14.0 14.5
93 65 29.0 28.5 4 33 13.5 14.0 18
92 64 28.5 28.0 4 32 13.5
90 63 28.0 27.5 23 3 31 13.0 13.0
88 62 27.5 27.0 2 30 12.5
86 61 27.0 2 29 12.0 12.5
84 60 26.5 26.5 1 28 11.5 12.0
82 59 26.0 26.0 27 ll.5 17
79 58 25.5 25.5 26 11.0 11.0
76 57 . 25.0 25.0 1 25 10.5
73 56 24.5 24.5 22 <1 24 10.0 10.5
69 55 24.0 24.0 <1 23 10.0
66 54 23.5 23.5 <1 22 9.5 9.5
62 53 23.0 23.0 <1 21 9.0
58 52 22.5 22.5 <1 20 9.0
54 51 22.0 22.0 <1 <20 0.0-8.5 0.0-8.5 0-16
50 50 21.5 21.5 21

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 33.5-36.0 0-283 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 33.0 284-308 7 5 11-16
6-10 32.5 309-333 6-10
2-5 31.0-32.0 334-384 6 3 9 6 2-5
::;1 0.0-30.5 385-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12 ::;1

Table C7
Age: 45 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 49 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition

%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %He T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 35.0-36.0 35.0-36.0 46 49 20.0 20.0

>99 80 34.5 34.5 42 48 19.5 19.5
>99 79 34.0 34.0 38 47 19.0 19.0
>99 78 33.5 33.5 34 46 18.5 18.5 20
>99 77 33.0 33.0 31 45 18.0 18.0
>99 76 32.5 27 44 17.5 17.5
99 75 32.5 24 43 17.0
99 74 32.0 32.0 21 42 16.5 17.0
99 73 31.5 31.5 18 41 16.0 16.5
99 72 31.0 31.0 16 40 15.5 16.0 19
98 71 30.5 30.5 24 14 39 15.0 15.5
98 70 30.0 30.0 12 38 15.0
97 69 29.5 29.5 10 37 14.5 14.5
96 68 29.0 8 36 14.0 14.0
96 67; 29.0 28.5 7 35 13.5
95 66 28.5 28.0 5 34 13.0 13.5 18
93 65 28.0 27.5 4 33 12.5 13.0
92 64 27.5 27.0 4 32 12.0 12.5
90 63 27.0 26.5 23 3 31 12.0
88 62 26.5 26.0 2 30 11.5 11.5
86 61 26.0 25.5 2 29 11.0
84 60 25.5 28 10.5 11.0 17
82 59 25.0 25.0 27 10.0 10.5
79 58 24.5 24.5 26 10.0
76 57 24.0 24.0 22 25 9.5
73 56 23.5 23.5 <1 24 9.0 9.5
69 55 23.0 23.0 <1 23 8.5 9.0
66 54 22.5 22.5 <1 22 8.5
62 53 22.0 22.0 <1 21 8.0 16
58 52 21.5 21.5 <1 20 7.5 8.0
54 51 21.0 21.0 21 <1 <20 0.0-7.0 0.0-7.5 0-15
50 50 20.5 20.5

Raw scores
Recognition variables

Time to True False True False

%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 33.0-36.0 0-293 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 32.5 294-320 7 5 11-16
6-10 32.0 321-347 6-10
2-5 31.0-31.5 348-400 6 3 9 6 2-5
:51 0.0-30.5 401-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12 :5:1

Table C8
Age: 50 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 54 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores
Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T ·Recall Recall Total Correct
>99 >80 33.5-36.0 33.5-36.0 46 49 18.5 19.0
>99 80 33.0 33.0 42 48 18.5
>99 79 32.5 38 47 18.0 18.0 20
>99 78 32.5 34 46 17.5 17.5
>99 77 32.0 32.0 31 45 17.0 17.0
>99 76 31.5 31.5 27 44 16.5 16.5
99 75 31.0 31.0 24 43 16.0 16.0
99 74 30.5 30.5 21 42 15.5 15.5
99 73 30.0 18 41 15.0 15.0 19
99 72 30.0 29.5 24 16 40 14.5 14.5
98 71 29.5 29.0 14 39 14.0
98 70 29.0 28.5 12 38 13.5 14.0
97 69 28.5 28.0 10 37 13.0 13.5
96 68 28.0 27.5 8 36 12.5 13.0 18
96 67 27.5 7 35 12.0 12.5
95 66 27.0 27.0 5 34 11.5 12.0
93 65 26.5 26.5 4 33 11.5
92 64 26.0 26.0 23 4 32 11.0
90 63 25.5 25.5 3 31 10.5 11.0
88 62 25.0 25.0 2 30 10.0 10.5 17
86 61 24.5 24.5 2 29 9.5 10.0
84 60 24.0 24.0 28 9.5
82 59 23.5 23.5 27 9.0
79 58 23.0 23.0 22 26 8.5 9.0
76 57 22.5 22.5 1 25 8.0 8.5
73 56 22.0 22.0 <1 24 8.0
69 55 21.5 21.5 <1 23 7.5 16
66 54 21.0 21.0 <1 22 7.0 7.5
62 53 20.5 20.5 <1 21 7.0
58 52 20.0 20.0 21 <1 20 6.5
54 51 19.5 19.5 <1 <20 0.0-6.0 0.0-6.5 0-15
50 50 19.0

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 32.5-36.0 0-306 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 32.0 307-335 7 5 11-16
6-10 31.5 336-363 6-10
2-5 30.0-31.0 364-419 6 3 9 6 2-5
0.0-29.5 420-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12 ::;I

Table C9
Age: 55 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 59 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition

%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 32.0-36.0 32.0-36.0 46 49 17.5 17.5

>99 80 31.5 31.5 42 48 17.0 17.0
>99 79 31.0 38 47 16.5 16.5 20
>99 78 31.0 30.5 34 46 16.0 16.0
>99 77 30.5 31 45 15.5 15.5
>99 76 30.0 30.0 27 44 15.0 15.0
99 75 29.5 29.5 24 43 14.5 14.5
99 74 29.0 29.0 21 42 14.0 14.0 19
99 73 28.5 24 18 41. 13.5
99 72 28.5 28.0 16 40 13.0 13.5
98 71 28.0 27.5 14 39 12.5 13.0
98 70 27.5 27.0 12 38 12.0 12.5
97 69 27.0 26.5 10 37 11.5 12.0 18
96 68 26.5 26.0 8 36 11.0 11.5
96 67 26.0 25.5 7 35 11.0
95 66 25.5 5 34 10.5
93 65 25.0 25.0 23 4 33 10.0 10.5
92 64 24.5 24.5 4 32 9.5 10.0
90 63 24.0 24.0 3 31 9.0 9.5 17
88 62 23.5 23.5 2 30 8.5 9.0
86 61 23.0 23.0 2 29
84 60 22.5 28 8.0 8.5
82 59 22.5 22.0 22 27 7.5 8.0
79 58 22.0 21.5 1 26 7.0 7.5
76 57 21.5 21.0 25
7Y 56 21.0 20.5 <1 24 6.5 7.0 16
69 55 20.5 20.0 <1 23 6.0 6.5
66 54 20.0 19.5 <1 22 5.5 6.0
62 53 19.5 19.0 21 <1 21
58 52 19.0 <1 20 5.0 5.5
54 51 18.5 18.5 <1 <20 0.0-4.5 0.0-5.0 0-15
50 50 18.0 18.0

Raw scores

Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 32.0-36.0 0-327 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 31.5 328-357 7 5 11-16
6-10 30.5-31.0 358-387 6-10
2-5 29.0-30.0 388-448 6 3 9 6 2-5
0.0-28.5 449-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12

Age: 60 Years 0 64 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores

Immediate Delayed : l !... : Immediate Delayed Recognition

%ile T Recall Recall .·.' .. Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 30.5-36.0 30.5-36.0 46 49 16.0 16.0

>99 80 30.0 30.0 42 48 15.5 15.5 20
>99 79 29.5 38 47 15.0 15.0
>99 78 29.5 29.0 34 46 14.5
>99 77 29.0 31 45 14.0 14.5
>99 76 28.5 28.5 27 44 13.5 14.0
99 75 28.0 28.0 24 43 13.0 13.5 19
99 74 27.5 24 21 42 12.5 13.0
99 73 27.5 27.0 18 41 12.5
99 72 27.0 26.5 16 40 12.0 12.0
98 71 26.5 26.0 14 39 11.5 ll.S
98 70 26.0 25.5 12 38 11.0
97 69 25.5 25.0 10 37 10.5 11.0 18
96 68 25.0 8 36 10.0 10.5
96 67 24.5 24.5 7 35 9.5 10.0
95 66 24.0 23 5 34 9.0 9.5
93 65 24.0 23.5 4 33 8.5
92 64 23.5 23.0 4 32 9.0
90 63 23.0 22.5 3 31 8.0 8.5 17
88 62 22.5 22.0 2 30 7.5 8.0
86 61 22.0 21.5 2 29 7.0 7.5
84 60 21.5 21.0 1 28
82 59 21.0 20.5 22 27 6.5 7.0
79 58 20.5 20.0 I 26 6.0 6.5
76 57 20.0 19.5 25 5.5 6.0 16
73 56 19.5 <1 24
69 55 19.0 19.0 <1 23 5.0 5.5
66 54 18.5 18.5 <1 22 4.5 5.0
62 53 18.0 18.0 21 <1 21
58 52 17.5 17.5 <1 20 4.0 4.5
54 51 17.0 17.0 <1 <20 0.0-3.5 0.0-4.0 0-15
50 50 16.5 16.5

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %He

>16 31.5-36.0 0-346 7-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 30.5-31.0 347-378 5 11-16
6-10 30.0 379-409 6 6-10
2-5 28.5-29.5 410-472 3 9 6 2-5
0.0-28.0 473-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12

Table Cll
Age: 65 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 69 Years 11 Months 31 Days

Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition

%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 28.5-36.0 28.0-36.0 46 49 14.0 20

>99 80 28.0 42 48 14.0
>99 79 27.5 27.5 38 47 13.5 13.5
>99 78 27.0 34 46 13.0 13.0
>99 77 27.0 26.5 31 45 12.5 12.5
>99 76 26.5 26.0 24 27 44 12.0 12.0
99 75 26.0 25.5 24 43 11.5 11.5 19
99 74 25.5 21 42 11.0
99 73 25.0 18 41 10.5 11.0
99 72 25.0 24.5 16 40 10.0 10.5
98 71 24.5 24.0 14 39 9.5 10.0
98 70 24.0 23.5 12 38 9.0 9.5 18
97 69 23.5 23.0 10 37
96 68 23.0 22.5 8 36 8.5 9.0
96 67 22.5 23 7 35 8.0 8.5
95 66 22.0 22.0 5 34 7.5 8.0
93 65 21.5 4 33 7.0 7.5
92 64 21.5 21.0 4 32 6.5 17
90 63 21.0 20.5 3 31 7.0
88 62 20.5 20.0 2 30 6.0 6.5
86 61 20.0 19.5 2 29 5.5 6.0
84 60 19.5 19.0 22 28 5.0
82 59 19.0 18.5 27 5.5
79 58 18.5 26 4.5 5.0 16
76 57 18.0 18.0 25 4.0 4.5
73 56 17.5 17.5 <1 24 3.5
69 55 17.0 17.0 <1 23 4.0
66 54 16.5 16.5 21 <1 22 3.0 3.5
62 53 16.0 16.0 <1 21 2.5
58 52 15.5 15.5 <1 20 3.0
54 51 15.0 15.0 <1 <20 0.0-2.0 0.0-2.5 0-15
50 50 14.5 14.5

Raw scores

Recognition variables

Time to True False True False

%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 30.5-36.0 0-376 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 29.5-30.0 377-409 7 5 11-16
6-10 28.5-29.0 410-443 3 9 6-10
2-5 26.5-28.0 444-509 6 6 2-5
;5;1 0.0-26.0 510-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12 ;5;1

Table C12
Age: 70 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 74 Years 11 Months 31 Days

Raw scores Raw scores

Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Rec'all Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 26.5-36.0 26.5-36.0 46 49 13.0 13.0 20

>99 80 26.0 42 48 12.5 12.5
>99 79 26.0 25.5 38 47 12.0 12.0
>99 78 25.5 34 46 ll.5 ll.5
>99 77 25.0 24 31 45 11.0
>99 76 25.0 24.5 27 44 10.5 11.0 19
99 75 24.5 24.0 24 43 10.0 10.5
99 74 24.0 23.5 21 42 9.5 10.0
99 73 23.5 23.0 18 41 9.5
99 72 16 40 9.0
98 71 23.0 22.5 14 39 8.5 9.0
98 70 22.5 22.0 12 38 8.0 8.5 18
97 69 22.0 21.5 10 37 7.5 8.0
96 68 21.5 21.0 23 8 36 7.0 7.5
96 67 21.0 20.5 7 35 6.5
95 66 20.5 5 34 7.0
93 65 20.0 4 33 6.0 6.5
92 64 20.0 19.5 4 32 5.5 6.0 17
90 63 19.5 19.0 3 31 5.0
88 62 19.0 18.5 2 30 5.5
86 61 18.5 18.0 22 2 29 4.5 5.0
84 60 18.0 17.5 28 4.0 4.5
82 59 17.5 27 3.5
79 58 17.0 17.0 26 4.0 16
76 57 16.5 16.5 25 3.0 3.5
73 56 16.0 16.0 <1 24 2.5
69 55 15.5 15.5 21 <1 23 3.0
66 54 15.0 15.0 <1 22 2.0 2.5
62 53 14.5 14.5 <1 21 1.5
58 52 <1 20 2.0
54 51 14.0 14.0 <1 <20 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.5 0-15
50 50 13.5 13.5

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%He Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 29.5-36.0 0-399 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

ll-16 28.5-29.0 400-433 7 5 ll-16
6-10 27.5-28.0 434-468 3 9 6-10
2-5 25.5-27.0 469-538 6 6 2-5·
$1 0.0-25.0 539-600 0-5 4-12 0-8 7-12 $1

Table C13
Age: 75 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 79 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores
Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall · Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 24.5-36.0 24.5-36.0 46 49 ll.5

>99 80 24.0 42 48 11.0 11.0
>99 79 24.0 23.5 24 38 47 10.5 10.5
>99 78 23.5 34 46 10.0 10.0
>99 77 23.0 31 45 9.5
>99 76 23.0 22.5 27 44 9.0 9.5 19
99 75 22.5 22.0 24 43 8.5 9.0
99 74 22.0 21.5 21 42 8.0 8.5
99 73 21.5 18 41
99 72 21.0 16 4<i 7.5 8.0
98 71 21.0 20.5 14 39 7.0 7.5 18
98 70 20.5 20.0 12 38 6.5 7.0
97 69 20.0 19.5 23 10 37 6.0 6.5
96 68 19.5 8 36
96 67 19.0 7 35 5.5 6.0
95 66 19.0 18.5 5 34 5.0 5.5
93 65 18.5 18.0 4 33 4.5 17
92 64 18.0 17.5 4 32 4.0 5.0
90 63 17.5 17.0 3 31 4.5
88 62 17.0 22 2 30 3.5 4.0
86 61 16.5 16.5 2 29 3.0
84 60 16.0 16.0 28 2.5 3.5
82 59 15.5 27 3.0
79 58 15.5 15.0 26 2.0 16
76 57 15.0 14.5 25 1.5 2.5
73 56 14.5 21 <1 24 2.0
69 55 14.0 14.0 <1 23 1.0
66 54 13.5 13.5 <1 22 1.5
62 53 13.0 13.0 <1 21 0.5 1.0
58 52 12.5 12.5 <1 20 0.0
54 51 12.0 12.0 <1 <20 0.0-0.5 0-15
50 50 11.5 20

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 28.5-36.0 0-427 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 27.5-28.0 428-463 7 3 9 5 11-16
6-10 26.5-27.0 464-499 6-10
2-5 24.0-26.0 500-572 6 4 8 6 2-5
:5:1 0.0-23.5 573-600 0-5 5-12 0-7 7-12 :5:1

Table C14
Age: 80 Years 0 Months 0 Days Through 89 Years 11 Months 31 Days
Raw scores Raw scores
Immediate Delayed Recognition Immediate Delayed Recognition
%ile T Recall Recall Total Correct %ile T Recall Recall Total Correct

>99 >80 20.5-36.0 20.5-36.0 24 46 49 8.5 8.5

>99 80 20.0 42 48 8.0 8.0
>99 79 20.0 19.5 38 47 7.5
>99 78 19.5 34 46 7.0 7.5
>99 77 19.0 31 45 6.5 7.0 19
>99 76 19.0 18.5 27 44 6.5
99 75 18.5 24 43 6.0
99 74 18.0 21 42 5.5 6.0
99 73 18.0 17.5 18 41 5.0 5.5
99 72 17.5 17.0 23 16 40 4.5
98 71 17.0 14 39 5.0 18
98 70 16.5 12 38 4.0 4.5
97 69 16.5 16.0 10 37 3.5
96 68 16.0 15.5 8 36 3.0 4.0
96 67 15.5 7 35 3.5
95 66 15.0 5 34 2.5 3.0
93 65 15.0 14.5 4 33 2.0 17
92 64 14.5 14.0 4 32 2.5
90 63 14.0 22 3 31 1.5
88 62 13.5 13.5 2 30 1.0 2.0
86 61 13.0 2 29 1.5
84 60 13.0 12.5 1 28 0.5
82 59 12.5 27 1.0
79 58 12.0 12.0 26 0.5 16
76 57 11.5 11.5 21 25
73 56 11.0 <1 24 0.0 0.0
69 55 11.0 <l 23
66 54 10.5 10.5 <1 22
62 53 10.0 10.0 <I 21
58 52 9.5 9.5 <1 20
54 51 9.0 20 <l <20 0-15
50 50 9.0

Raw scores
Recognition variables
Time to True False True False
%ile Copy Copy Positives Positives Negatives Negatives %ile

>16 27.0-36.0 0-482 8-12 0-2 10-12 0-4 >16

11-16 25.5-26.5 483-521 7 3 9 5 11-16
6-10 24.0-25.0 522-560 6-10
2-5 21.5-23.5 561-600 6 4 8 6 2-5
$1 0.0-21.0 0-5 5-12 0-7 7-12 $1


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