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Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person
Subject Teacher
OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson,
the learner is expected to:

 Explain Structured Freedom

 Write a reflection about structured
 Realize that to be free, man must be fully
responsible for his life.
1. Humankind has no ready-made essence.
2. The past does not and must not
determine the person.
3. Human freedom is an illusion.
4. Human behaviours were due to
reinforcers and punishments.
5. The future is simply a product of man’s
free will.
1. Humankind has no ready-made essence. AF
2. The past does not and must not determine
the person. AF
3. Human freedom is an illusion. TD
4. Human behaviours were due to reinforcers
and punishments. TD
5. The future is simply a product of man’s free
will. AF
Let’s play
Every group is given one minute to
guess the word/words as many as they
What were the
word/words all
Is there anything
good to abide the
rules/laws? Cite
What will happen
to humanity if
there are no
 March 14, 1941 – November 5, 2012
 Professorof Philosophy at Saint Louis
 Author
of following Christ in a
Consumer Society and The Word
The individual brings with
him/her a perspective. This
perspective defines for him the
extent of his structured self.
When something is structured,
it’s arranged according to a
specific plan. Something that’s
been built or put together.
Human consciousness does not
exist in a vacuum. When man
acts, he finds that there are social
structures or norms of conduct.
Kavanaugh says that human
freedom and structures are not
contradictories but are
complementary. One who is free
does not necessarily fight
These very structures, may
determine for us the meaning
of our acts, their rightness or
The meaning of the moral good
comes from the norms created
by these structures and
“The fact of being human will
give rise to structures,values,
and demands which will not
militate against my freedom,
but which will actually make
freedom possible and enhance
Rainer Ibana, “the starting point
for the attainment of freedom in
not to be found by contemplating
abstract essences, but fulfilled by
means of praxis.” This praxis
refers to the concreteness of
freedom. To be free, man must be
fully responsible for his life.
For Aristotle, a human being is
rational. Reason is a divine
characteristic. Humans have the
spark of the divine. If there were
no intellect, there would be no
will. Reason can legislate, but
only through will can its
legislation be turned into action.
Our will is the instrument of free
Thomas Aquinas wisely chose and
proposed LOVE rather than Law to
bring about the transformation of
humanity. For Love is in
consonance with humanity’s free
nature, for Law commands and
complete; Love only calls and
Thomas Aquinas emphasizes the
freedom of humanity but chooses
love in governing humanity’s life.
Since God is Love, then Love is
the guiding principle of humanity
toward his self-perception and
happiness – his ultimate destiny.
Writeone paragraph reflection
about the lesson.
ASSESSMENT: True or False
1. Structured Freedom means I can do everything I
want whether good nor bad.
2. According to Kavanaugh, “ the fact of being
human gives rise to structures which make
freedom possible and enhance it.”
3. To be free, man must be fully responsible for his
4. For Aquinas, Law is the guiding principle of
humanity toward his self-perception and
5. One who is free must fight against the
ASSESSMENT: True or False
1. Structured Freedom means I can do everything I
want whether good nor bad. F
2. According to Kavanaugh, “ the fact of being
human gives rise to structures which make
freedom possible and enhance it.” T
3. To be free, man must be fully responsible for his
life. T
4. For Aquinas, Law is the guiding principle of
humanity toward his self-perception and
happiness. F
5. One who is free must fight against the
structures. F
Thank you very much

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