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MDPN362 – Operations Research I – Fall 2022

Tutorial 2
Problems to be solved by the TA in class: 1, 3 (b), 3(c)
Problems to be solved by students with TA guidance and submitted at the end of class: 2, 3 (a), 4(a)
Problems to be solved by students and submitted online as homework in a week: 4(b), 4(c)

1) Problem 2-18, page 79. [Solve graphically]

2) Problem 2-32, page 82 [Solve graphically]

OilCo is building a refinery to produce four products: diesel, gasoline, lubricants, and jet fuel. The
minimum demand (in bbl/day) for each of these products is 14,000, 30,000, 10,000, and 8000,
respectively. Iraq and Dubai are under contract to ship crude to OilCo. Because of the production
quotas specified by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), the new refinery can
receive at least 40% of its crude from Iraq and the remaining amount from Dubai. OilCo predicts that
the demand and crude oil quotas will remain steady over the next 10 years.
The specifications of the two crude oils lead to different product mixes. One barrel of Iraq
crude yields .2 bbl of diesel, .25 bbl of gasoline, .1 bbl of lubricant, and .15 bbl of jet fuel. The
corresponding yields from Dubai crude are .1, .6, .15, and .1, respectively. OilCo needs to determine
the minimum capacity of the refinery (in bbl/day).
3) Frederick's Feed Company receives four raw grains from which it blends its dry pet food. The pet
food advertises that each 8-ounce can meets the minimum daily requirements for vitamin C, protein
and iron. The cost of each raw grain as well as the vitamin C, protein, and iron units per pound of
each grain are summarized on the next table. (1 pound (lb) = 16 ounce)
Frederick's is interested in producing the 8-ounce mixture at minimum cost while meeting the
minimum daily requirements of 6 units of vitamin C, 5 units of protein, and 5 units of iron.

Vitamin C Protein Iron

Grain Units/lb Units/lb Units/lb Cost/lb
1 9 12 0 .75
2 16 10 14 .90
3 8 10 15 .80
4 10 8 7 .70

a) Formulate an LP model
b) Solve using Excel Solver
c) Solve using OR-Tools and Python

4) A farmer has 100 acres to cultivate. She has 1500 man-hours of labor and EGP50,000 to invest in
crop production. The crops she is considering are: green beans, soybeans, corn, lima beans and
barley. The cost of various farm machines that are required is EGP25.00 per hour. Labor time is
EGP10.00 per hour. The following data are given.

Crop Labor Time Farm machine Additional costs Gross

(hours/acre) time (EGP/acre) Income
(hours/acre) (EGP/acre)
Green beans 50 15 100 3500
Soybeans 30 30 90 4200
Corn 10 5 40 1500
Lima beans 40 15 100 4850
Barley 30 20 50 2900

The additional costs in the table include fertilizer, pesticides and seed. Assume that every acre she
does not use for growing crops will require a cover crop and maintenance that will cost EGP100 an
a) Formulate an LP model to give the optimal planting program for the season.
b) Solve using Excel Solver.
c) Solve using OR-Tools and Python

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