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General science MCQS

Q11) Athlete’s foot is a disease caused by:

A) Bacteria
B) Fungus
C) Protozoan
D) Nematode

Q12) In eye donation which part of the donor’s eye is utilised:

A) Iris
B) Retina
C) Lens
D) Cornea

Q13) The major component of Honey is:

A) Glucose
B) Maltose
C) Fructose
D) Sucrose

Q14) The velocity of sound is minimum in:

A) Vacuum
B) Water
C) Air
D) Iron

Q15) How many bones are present in human ears:

A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 9

Q16) A satellite is kept moving in its orbit around the Earth due to its:
A) Centrifugal Force
B) Centripetal Force
C) Gravitational Force
D) None of the Above

Q17) The time period of a Pendulum:

A) Depends on its Length
B) Depends on the Mass
C) Depends on Time
D) Depends on Temperature

Q18) In case of rusting, the weight of Iron will be:

A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) Remains Same
D) Uncertain
Q19) Melbomian gland is located in:
A) Ear
B) Nose
C) Skin
D) Eye

Q20) The weight of our body is mostly made of:

A) From Bones
B) Parts of Body
C) From Water
D) Parts of Skin

Q21) Which one of the following organ is affected by Malaria:

A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Kidney
D) Spleen

Q22) Which of the following substance is used for Artificial Rain:

A) Silver Bromide
B) Ammonium Nitrate
C) Silver Iodide
D) All of the Above

Q23) Which one of the following gas is known as Noble Gas:

A) Hydrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Helium
D) Carbon Dioxide

Q24) Which one of the following device is used for detecting lie:
A) Polygraph
B) Pyrometer
C) Gyroscope
D) Kymograph

Q25) ELISA test is performed to test:

A) Diabetes
B) Tuberculosis
C) Aids
D) Typhoid

Q26) A man, who doesn’t know when to stop eating, is suffering from:
A) Bulimia
B) Diabetes
C) Anorexia
D) Hyperacidity
Q27) Which of the following device is used for converting Alternative Current into Direct
A) Dynomo
B) Motor
C) Transformer
D) Rectifier

Q28) Octane number is used for measuring the quality of:

A) Edible Oil
B) Petrol
C) Kerosene Oil
D) Perfumed Oil

Q29) The chemical name of Baking Soda is:

A) Sodium Chloride
B) Sodium Sulphate
C) Sodium Bicarbonate
D) Sodium Hydroxide

Q30) The sky appears blue due to its:

A) Scattering of Light
B) Diffraction of Light
C) Refraction of Light
D) Reflection of Light

Q31) Which one of the following is not a plant product:

A) Caffeine
B) Piperine
C) Nicotine
D) Saccharin

Q32) Arthritis is caused by the disposition of which one of the following in the joints of
our body:
A) Urea
B) Uric Acid
C) Albumin
D) Cholesterol

Q33) The chemical name of lime stone is:

A) Calcium Carbonate
B) Magnesium Chloride
C) Sodium Chloride
D) Sodium Sulphide

Q34) Bronze is an alloy of:

A) Copper & Silver
B) Copper & Zinc
C) Copper & Lead
D) Copper & Tin
Q35) Which of the following vitamins are water soluble:
A) Vitamin A & Vitamin B
B) Vitamin B & Vitamin C
C) Vitamin C & Vitamin D
D) Vitamin A & Vitamin K

Q36) The age of a tree is determined by its:

A) Height
B) Grith
C) Growth Rings
D) General Appearance

Q37) The density of milk can be measured by:

A) Hydrometer
B) Lactometer
C) Butyrometer
D) Thermometer

Q38) In Automobiles, Hydraulic Brake is works on:

A) Pascal’s Law
B) Archimedes Principal
C) Newton’s Law of Motion
D) Bernoulli’s Principal

Q39) The main components of Liquid Petrolium Gas (LPG) are:

A) Methane, Ethane and Hexane
B) Methane, Pentane and Hexane
C) Ethane, Propane and Butane
D) Methane, Carbon Monoxide & Hydrogen

Q40) Lack of which of the following substance in our body causes Diabetes:
A) Insulin
B) Haemoglobin
C) Histamin
D) Glycine

Q41) The number of RCB count in an adult male is:

A) 6.5 Million
B) 5.0 Million
C) 4.5 Million
D) 4.0 Million

Q42) One Barrel of oil is equal to which one of the following:

A) 131 Litre
B) 159 Litre
C) 179 Litre
D) 201 Litre

Q43) Humans can’t digest grass like cows, because of the presence of:
A) Chlorophyll in Grass
B) Pesticides in Grass
C) Proteins in Grass
D) Cellulose in Grass

Q44) Which of the following device uses Ultrasonic Waves for getting images of internal
organs of human body:
A) Ultrasound Scanner
B) MRI Scanner
C) XRay Machine
D) CT Scanner

Q45) Which of the following determines the loudness or softness of the sound:
A) Oscillation
B) Frequency
C) Amplitude
D) Wave Velocity

Q46) Which of the following pollutants is the major contributor to the photochemical
A) Hydroperoxides
B) Peroxynitrates
C) Ozone
D) Nitrogen Dioxide

Q47) Haemoglobin is the protein inside red blood cells that carries:
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon Dioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Ozone

Q48) Which among the following diseases is very rare in women as compared to its
occurrence in men:
A) Myopia
B) Kidney Stone
C) Brain Tumor
D) Colour Blindness

Q49) Which of the following is to be found in nail polish remover:

A) Acetone
B) Benzone
C) Petroleum Ether
D) Acetic Acid

Q50) A gas thermometer is more sensitive than a liquid thermometer, because:

A) Gas is Lighter than Liquid
B) It Expands more than a Liquid
C) It is Easy to Obtain
D) Doesn’t Change State Easily

Q51) In the Atmosphere ultraviolet rays are observed by:

A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Ozone
D) Hellium

Q52) Who is known as the father of Immunology:

A) Louis Pasteur
B) Robert Koch
C) Landsteiner
D) Edward Jenner

Q53) Velocity of Light is maximum in which of the following:

A) Diamond
B) Water
C) Vacuum
D) Hydrogen

Q54) The presence if which of the following prevents coagulation of blood inside the
human body:
A) Fibrin
B) Haemoglobin
C) Heparin
D) Thromboplastin

Q55) Acid rain is caused by the pollution of the environment by:

A) Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
B) Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide
C) Ozone and Carbon Dioxide
D) Nitrous Oxide and Sulphur Dioxide
Q56) Which one of the following element is used in solar cells:
A) Silicon
B) Cerium
C) Astatine
D) Vanadium

Q57) Which one of the following is an example of natural acid-base indicator:

A) Methyl Orange
B) Phenolphthalein
C) Turmeric
D) All of the Above

Q58) Which of the following is a female sex hormone:

A) Androgen
B) Estrogen
C) Oxytocin
D) Insulin

Q59) Golden rice is a rich source of:

A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin K

Q60) Which one of the following metal is called the Metal of Future:
A) Copper
B) Iron
C) Aluminium
D) Titanium

Q61) Which is the hardest in the following:

A) Diamond
B) Glass
C) Quartz
D) Iron

Q62) What is the normal blood pressure of human:

A) 120/80 mm Hg
B) 90/140 mm Hg
C) 120/160 mm Hg
D) 85/120 mm Hg

Q63) When water is heated from 0° to 10° C. Its volume will be:
A) Increases
B) Decreases
C) Doesnt Change
D) First Decreases than Increases

Q64) The study of bones are under which branch of science:

A) Osteology
B) Orology
C) Serology
D) Geology

Q65) What is the full form of SONAR:

A) Solar Navigation and Ranging
B) Ship Navigation and Ranging
C) Sound Navigation and Ranging
D) Sound Navigation and Reflection

Q66) A liquid consisting of 5 to 30% Acetic Acid is known as:

A) Lime
B) Boric Acid
C) Dettol
D) Vinegar

Q67) NACO is an organisation dealing with:

A) Cancer
B) Child Healthcare
D) None of the Above

Q68) Which of the following gases is used for extinguishing fire:

A) Sulphur Dioxide
B) Carbon Dioxide
C) Hydrogen Chloride
D) Cabon Monoxide

Q69) Mycology is the branch of Botany in which we study:

A) Fungi
B) Algae
C) Bacteria
D) Virus

Q70) Which of the following blood group has no antigens:

A) A
B) B
D) O

Q71) Anthophobia is fear of the following:

A) Boss
B) Fire
C) Flowers
D) Dogs

Q72) To the person with the colour blindness red colour will appear:
A) Yellow
B) Green
C) Blue
D) Purple

Q73) In active chemical to remove mosquitos is:

A) Allethrins
B) Atropine
C) 2 Isopropoxiphimyal
D) Benzene Hexachlorophene

Q74) Which of the following scientist discovered polio vaccine:

A) Alexender Flemming
B) Robert Koach
C) Edward Genere
D) Jones Salk

Q75) Where is the Pineal Gland is situated:

A) Liver
B) Brain
C) Kidney
D) Uterus

Q76) In an earthen pitcher, the water remains copd due to the procss of:
A) Sublimation
B) Condensation
C) Evaporation
D) None of the Above

Q77) An astronaut sees the colour of the sky as:

A) Blue
B) White
C) Red
D) Black

Q78) Brass gets fade colour in air due to the presence of:
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen Sulphide
C) Carbon Dioxide
D) Nitrogen

Q79) Which of the following Acid do not contain Oxygen:

A) Nitric Acid
B) Sulphuric Acid
C) Hydrochloric Acid
D) None of the Above

Q80) What is Hydroponics:

A) Plants without Soil Enrichment
B) Grafting Plant
C) Studying of Vegetables
D) Soil Conservation

Q81) Which of the following is used to remove rust stains on clothes:

A) Kerosene
B) Lime
C) Oxalic Acid Solution
D) None of the Above

Q82) Spherical form of Raindrops is due to:

A) Density of Liquid
B) Surface Tension
C) Atmospheric Pressure
D) Gravitational Force

Q83) The principle of Fuse is:

A) Chemical effect of Electricity
B) Mechanical effect of Electricity
C) Heating effect of Electricity
D) Magnetic effect of Electricity
Q84) Cinnabar is an ore/mineral of:
A) Lead
B) Manganese
C) Molybdenum
D) Mercury

Q85) A pungent smell is often present near the urenals is due to:
A) Sulphur Dioxide
B) Chlorine
C) Ammonia
D) Urea

Q86) The energy of wind is:

A) Only Potential
B) Only Kinetic
C) Electrical
D) Potential & Kinetic Both

Q87) Penicillin is obtained from:

A) Yeast
B) Algae
C) Fungus
D) Lichen

Q88) Bauxite is the ore of:

A) Alluminium
B) Iron
C) Copper
D) Gold

Q89) Brass is an alloy of:

A) Copper and Iron
B) Zinc and Iron
C) Copper and Zinc
D) Iron and Nickel

Q90) The safest temperature for keeping food fresh in a refrigerator is:
A) 0°
B) 4°
C) 8°
D) 10°

Q91) The chemical component that is inveribly found in all viruses is:
A) Proteins
B) Lipids

Q92) Why is Carbon Monoxide a pollutant:

A) Makes Nervous System Inactive
B) It Reacts with Oxygen
C) It Reacts with Haemoglobin
D) It Inhibits Glycolysis

Q93) Blood enter the Kedney through the:

A) Renal Artery
B) External Liliac Energy
C) Axillary Artery
D) Ulnar Artery

Q94) Who measured the velocity of light first:

A) Galileo
B) Newton
C) Einstein
D) Romer

Q95) Which of the following forces combine together to keep planets in their respective
A) Gravitation and Centripetal
B) Nuclear and Centrifugal
C) Gravitation and Centrifugal
D) Potential and Kinetic

Q96) Meghnad Saha is known for his contribution in which of the following fields:
A) Medical Science
B) Physics
C) Environmental Science
D) History

Q97) The chemical composition of cement is:

A) Limestone, Clay and Gypsum
B) Limestone and Clay
C) Limestone and Gypsum
D) Clay and Gypsum

Q98) Meibomian glands are located in:

A) Ear
B) Nose
C) Eye
D) Skin

Q99) The latex of which plant is used commercially:

A) Papaya Plant
B) Sial Kanta Plant
C) Rubber Plant
D) Banyan Plant

Q100) Who invented Dynamo:

A) Michael Faraday
B) Gutenberg
C) Macmillan
D) Pascal
1. What is the approxiate mean distance that separates the sun from the earth?

a. 1600,90,000 kms
b. 1480,00,000 kms
c. 1500,00,000 kms
d. 1890,70,000 kms

2. The outer surface of the sun is called ?

a. Thermosphere
b. Lithosphere
c. Lonosphere
d. Photosphere

3. Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?

a. Mars
b. Mercury
c. Venus
d. Jupiter

4. What is a light year?

a. The year marked by extraordinary amount of radiation of sleight

b. The year marked by the extraordinary less amount of radiation of sunlight reaching
the earth due to protracted cloudy weather on earth making that year lighter than the
c. The year in which the sun radiates more light making one complete extra day in
d. The distance travelled by light in 01 year.

5. What are Red Giants?

a. Stars which appear red because of their consuming a portion of their hydrogen.
b. The cluster of giant sized stars visible near mars
c. Stars which consume some of their oxygen and thus appear red due to lack of O2
d. Powerful communist countries.

6. What are asteriods?

a. Piece of falling stares
b. Satellite ofother planets
c. Very small planet revolving around the sun
d. Rocks found on the moon

7. What is the temperature at the centre of the sun?

a. 6 million k
b. 10 million k
c. 12 million k
d. 20 million k

8. The phase of moon are partially the result of the ?

a. Changes in the shape of the moon
b. Revolution of the moon about the earth
c. Variation in the moon's gravitation
d. Variation in the speed of rotation of the moon

9. Constellations referred to as Zodiac are ?

a. Imaginary region that encompass the path of the planets
b. Signs of Roman god
c. A group of stars
d. None

10. The height of a geo-stationary satellite from the surface of the earth is about ?
a. 360 km
b. 3600 km
c. 23000 km
d. 360,000 km

11. Which of the following explain the reasons why there is no total eclipse of the sun?
a. Area of the sun covered by the moon
b. Direction rotation around the sun
c. Orbit of moon around the sun
d. Size of earth in relation to that of moon

12. The instrument used to measure the specific gravity of milk is?
a. Barometer
b. Hygrometer
c. Lactometer
d. None of these

13. The internal antenna of transistor set is made of ?

a. Iron
b. Ferror Chrome
c. Copper
d. Alnico

14. Gerontology is the study of ?

a. Process of ageing
b. Growth of cells
c. Birds
d. Vegetables

15. Helium is used for respiration in deep water instead of nitrogen because
a. It is heavier than nitrogen
b. It is higher than nitrogen
c. It mixes less in blood than nitrogen
d. It helps oxygen to burn more quickly

16. In a fluorescent tube which of the following components are found?

a. Mercury vapour
b. Argon and carbon dioxide
c. Helium and oxygen
d. Argon and neon

17. The common ore of aluminium is ?

a. Chromite
b. Cryolite
c. Bauxite
d. Monazite

18. When one enters a dark room, he is not able to see anything but, after sometime
vision improves. This is because ?
a. The retina of the eye comes forward
b. The retina of the eye moves backward
c. The pupil of the eye contracts
d. The pupil ofthe eye dilates

19. Radio carbon dating is used to find the age of ?

a. Fossils
b. Building
c. Rocks
d. Babies

20. What is periscope used for ?

a. To survey the ships on the surface of the sea when the submarine is under water
b. To extinguish fire
c. To measure purity of milk
d. None of the above

21. Seismology is the science of ?

a. Silkworm breeding
b. Earthquakes
c. Atmospheric phenomenon
d. Study of fossils

22. The source of solar energy is ?

a. Light energy
b. Gravitational energy
c. Kinetic energy of rotation of sun
d. Nuclear energy

23. If an object is placed midway between two parallel plane mirrors facing each other,
then the number of images that appear in mirrors is
a. Four
b. Infinite
c. Two
d. Zero because the images will cancel each other

24. In vacuum , What will be common among X rays visible light , radiowaves
a. Amplitude
b. Frequency
c. speed
d. wavelength

25. Barometer is used to measure

a. Atmospheric pressure
b. Humidity
c. Rainfall
d. Temperature


1. b , 2. d , 3. d , 4. d , 5. a
6. c , 7. d , 8. b , 9. a , 10. b
11. a , 12. c , 13. b , 14. a , 15. a
16. a , 17. a , 18. d , 19. a , 20. a
21. b , 22. d , 23. b , 24. a , 25. a
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26. If u use a microscope to watch smoke particles in still air, u ll see them moving
about all the time. This phenomenon is called ?

a. Brownian movement
b. Osmosis c. Tyndall effect
d. Diffusion

27. The mass of a neutron is approximately

a. Equal to the mass of proton

b. Three times the mass of a proton
3. Twice the mass of a proton
4. Zero

28. The spherical shape of rain drops is due to

a. Atmospheric friction of air

b. Gravity of spherical earth
c. Surface tension of rain water
d. Viscosity of rain water

29. Galvanometer is an instrument

a. For measuring volume change in chemical reactions btw gases

b. For measuring currents of small magnitude
c. Which prints automatically messages sent from one place to another
d. For recording high temperature from a distance

30. Which of the following has highest frequency?

a. Gamma rays
b. Microwaves
c. Light waves
d. Radio waves
31. If an iron is marked 750 watts by 250 volts, then it was designated to take a current

a. 3 Amperes
b. 9 Amperes
c. 6 Amperes
d. 15 Amperes

32. The blue colour of the sky is due to

a. Polarization of light
b. Scattering of light
c. Reflection of light
d. None of these

33. Geiger counter is an instrument

a. Determine the heart beat rate

b. To detect radioative radiation
c. To measure intensity of visible light
d. To count the baggage of an airport

34. When we are looking at a rainbow in front of us, The sun must be

a. high in the sky and is located either on our rigght or left

b. In front of us
c. Behind us

35. When as the satellite is in thhe geostationary orbit , its

a. Orbital distance is equal to the radius of the earth
b. Acceleration is zero
c. Orbital period is about 24 hours
d. Angular velocity is zero

36. The most intense man-made light souce is

a. Master
b Laser
c. Mercury Vapour Lamp
d. Light emitting diode (LED)

37. How many calories will b needed to raise the temperature of 10 grams of water from
200 to 3000?
a. 1
b. 10
c. 100
d. 200

38. The branch of biological science " Ecology " deals with the study of
a. Plants in relation to their environment
b. Animals in relation to plants
c. All living things in relation to their environment
d. Animals in relation to their environment
39. The film of oil and soapy water owe their brilliant colours to a combination of light
reflection and
a. Refraction
b. Polarization
c. Diffraction
d. Interference

40. The solar ultraviolet rays fo not harm living organism because
a. The ozone layer of the atmosphere weakens them
b. They are weak rays
c. They have to pass through a thich column of the atmosphere
d. The atmospheric nitrogen dilutes them

41. Most important effect of moon on earth is that

a. Gives light
b. Causes earthquake
c. Causes solar & lunar eclipse
d. Effects tides of ocean

42. The term " Meteor" is applied to an interplanetary body,

a. Before it enter the earth`s atmosphere
b. After it enters the earth`s atmosphere
c. After it centers the earth`s atmosphere
d. After it centers the earth`s atmosphere and lands on the surface of the earth without
exploding in mid air

43. Newton`s rings are

a. Celestial body named by newton
b. Rings presented to newton by a king
c. An optical phenomenon
d. Coloured rings observed around the point of contact of a convex lense

44. The heat recieved by earth from the sun is known as

a. Insulation
b. Solar heat
c. Solar radiation
d. Thermal radiation`s

45. Constellation is
a. Configuration of fixed stars resembling a figure
b. Group of satellites
c. Group of comets
d. None of above

46. Which of the following part of the atmosphere is nearest to the earth
a. Troposphere
b Stratosphere
c. Lonosphere
d. Mesosphere
47. To an astronaut in space sky looks
a. Deep blue
b. White
c. Black
d. Orange red

48. Why does the sun looks oval when it is at the horizon ?
a. When the sun is at the horizon rays from the longer edge are refracted more coz it
passes through greater thickness of air so vertical diameter is shortened to give an oval
b. When at the horizon sun is pulled by other planets and becomes elongated
c. While setting or rising sun is elliptical
d. None of these

49. The moon has period of rotation which is equal to period of revolution . It is
a. 29 days, 7 hours , 43 min , 1147 sec
b. 20 days, 6 hours , 50 min , 20 sec
c. 31 days, 8 hours , 42 min , 10 sec
d. None of these

50. The composition of the sun is

a. hydrogen 90% , Helium 8% , Heavy elements 2%
b. hydrogen 95% , Helium 3% , Heavy elements 2%
c. hydrogen 80% , Helium 10% , Heavy elements 10%
d. None of above


26. a , 27. a , 28. a , 29. b , 30. a

31. a , 32. b , 33. b , 34. a , 35. a
36. a , 37. a , 38. b , 39. a , 40. a
41. d , 42. b , 43. d , 44. c , 45. a
46. a , 47. c , 48. a , 49. a , 50. a

1. Neil A. Armstrong visited the moon on july 16, 1969 and remained there for 21 hours
and 36 min. Name the manned spacecraft which took him on this mission ?

a. U.S Gemini 12
b. USSR Soyuz 5
c. U.S Apollo 2
d. U.S Apollo 9

2. How much time the light takes to reach from the sun to the earth?

a. Four minutes and 30 sec

b. eight min and 15 sec
c. Seven min and 15 sec
d. Six min and 30 sec

3. Astronomical unit is a bigger unit of distance and it is used to measure distance btw the
heavenly bodies of the solar system .One astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in
whole numbers?

a. 50 million km
b. 100 million km
c. 150 million km
d. one million km

4. Name the nearest Star to our sun.

a. Proxima Centurai
b. Alpha Scorpii
c. Beta Orionis
d. Vega

5. Name the nearest regular qalaxy to our milky way

a. NGC 185
b. Small Magellanic
c. Large Magellanic Cloud
d. Andromeda

6. Name the largest moon in our solar system

a. Ganymede
b. Titan
c. Callisto
d. Miranda

7. Atmosphere of the earth is made up of different spheres. In which part of the

atmosphere commercial aircrafts usually fly.
a. Thermosphere
b. Stratosphere
c.. Troposphere
d. Mesosphere

8. The sun arised on the North pole on the 21st march and this pole remains in light till
what date ?
a. 23rd sep
b. 21st sep
c. 22nd june
d. 22nd dec

9. Name the gas which was discovered on the sun about 125 years ago during eclipse-
a. Hydrogen
b. Helium
c. Nitrogen
d. Argon
10. What is the approximate age of the sun ?
a. 6.4 thousands years
b. 6.4 billion years
c. 6.4 million years
d. 6.4 hundred thousands years


1. C , 2. b , 3. c , 4. a , 5. d
6. a , 7. c , 8. a , 9. b , 10. b

01. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It is named after the greatest of the roman
gods. It is much bigger than Earth. About how many earths would equal to one jupiter ?

a. 100
b. 500
c. 700
d. 1000

02. Physicists have known about these high energy invisible rays for 80 years , but their
precise nature is still a mystery. they come from unknown parts. they pack a mean
energy. And they seem to break the laws of physics. Name them.

a. X-rays
b. UV-rays
c. Visible rays
d. Cosmic rays

03. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a supernova, able to crush small
planets with a single swipe these are primordial, angel-hair thin cracks in the structure of
the space. Name them

a. Cosmic strings
b. Saturn rings
c. Newton`s rings
d. Black holes

04. Name the instrument which is used to measure the speed of an aircraft relative to the
speed of sound.

a. Speedometer
b. Altimeter
c. Telemeter
d. Machmeter

05. A layer of Ozone in the stratosphere protects the earth by blocking most of the sun`s
harmful ultraviolet light. These are high energy radiations. Which of the following can have
the potential effect of UV light.
a. Eyes
b. Skin
c. Crops
d. All the above

06. For growth , Viruses require

a. Dead host
b. Living host
c. Minerals
d. Simple sugars

07. In which of the following are Mitochondria absent ?

a. Fungi
b. Andiosperms
c. Green algae
d. Blue-green algae

08. Eucaryotic organisms are those that contains

a. DNA threads
b. Plastids
c. True nucleus
d. Vacuoles

09. The merismatic cells are

a. Thin walled
b. Isodiametric
c. Richly protoplasmic
d. All of above

10. The deficiency of which of the following micronutrients causes the death of the stem
and root apices ?

a. Boron
b. Copper
c. Manganese
d. Zinc

11. Plant development is influenced by

a. Quality of light
b. Quality and quantity of light
c. Quality and duration of light
d. Quality , quantity and duration of light

12. Critical day length Varies from plant to plant and lies between

a. 6 to 100 hours
b. 8 to 12 hours
c. 10 to 14 hours
d. None of above

13. ATP is

a. An enzyme
b. A hormone
c. A protein
d. A molecule containing high energy bonds

14. The primary producers of organic matter in nature are

a. Bacteria
b. Fish
c. Green plants
d. Human beings

15 . Edible part of tomato is

a. Endocarp
b. Fleshy thalamus
c. Mesocarp
d. Whole fruit

16. Who amongst the following, started in 1850, a scientific approach to determine the
role of mineral elements in the healthy growth and development of plants ?

a. Arnon and Knop

b. Sachs and Knop
c. Sachs and Stout
d. Arnon and Stout

17. The primary plant body consists of how many tissue systems ?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

18. Bamboo is a

a. Herb
b. Grass
c. Shrub
d. Three

19. Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of

a. Cellulose
b. Cutin
c. Lignin
d. Suberin

20 . Ethylene is a hormone concerned with

a. Respiration
b. Ripening of fruits
c. Cell division
d. None of the above

21. The cavity of Ascaris is known as

a. Ceolom
b. Haemocoel
c. Pseudocoel
d. Visceral cavity

22. Crura-cerebri is found in

a. Fore-brain
b. Hind-brain
c. Mid-brain
d. None of above

23. Man is

a. Biothermic
b. Homoiothermic
c. Oilgothermic
d. Poikilothermic

24. The compound eye of insect produces

a. Binocular vision
b. Monocular vision
c. Mosaic vision
d. None of above

25. The post embryonic stages in the life history of cockroach is known as

a. Caterpillar
b. Grubs
c. Larval
d. Nymohs

26. Which of the following control the reflex action in the body ?

a. Central nervous system

b. Motor nerves
c. Sensory nerves
d. sympathetic nervous system

27. The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called

a. Telson
b. Urostyle
c. Coceyx
d. Pygostyle

28. The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by

a. Grassi and his pupil

b. Sir Patrick Manson
c. Sir Ronald Ross
d. Richard Pfeiffer

29. The " Urinary system " of the body consists of how many organs ?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

30. Haryersion canals are present in

a. Bone
b. Cartilage
c. Kidney
d. Liver

31. The gestation period of human being is

a. one month
b. five months
c. seven months
d. Nine months

32. RNA differs from DNA in containing

a. Cytocine
b. Deoxyribose
c. Ribose
d. Phosphate

33. The first heart is produced when

a. Bisuspid and tricuspid close quickly

b. Semilunar value snaps shut
c. Intraventricular pressure decreases
d. Diastole begins

34. Who discovered the blood group of man ?

a. Edward Jenner
b. Larven
c. Kari Landsteiner
d. William Harvey

35. Which of the following glands has both an endocrine and an exocrine function ?

a. Adrenal
b. Mammary
c. Pancreas
d. Thyroid

36. Radio carbon dating is used to find the age of

a. Fossils
b. Buildings
c. Rocks
d. Babies

37. Geiger Counter is an instrument

a. Determine the heart beat rate

b. To detect radioactive radiation
c. To measure intensity of visible light
d. To count the baggage of an airport

38. The instrument used in a submarine to see the object on the surface of water is

a. Periscope
b. Telescope
c. Kaleidoscope
d. Microscope

39. Three primary colours used in the colour TV are

a. Green-yellow-blue
b. Yellow-blue-red
c. Red-green-yellow
d. Green-blue-red

40. Anemometer is used to measure

a. Wind gustiness
b. Wind direction
c. Wind speed
d. Vertical variation of wind speed

41. Which of the following gives the correct indication of composition of bronze ?

a. Copper and tin

b. Iron and zinc
c. Copper and silver
d. Lead and oxygen
42. The hardest of all metals is

a. Gypsum
b. Diamond
c. Topaz
d. Corundum

43. In electrolysis , the reaction at anode is

a. Ionisation
b. Polymerization
c. Reduction
d. Oxidation

44. Carbon dioxide is a good fire extinguisher because

a. It is a combustible gas
b. it excludes air from the flames
c. It lowers the killing temperature
d. It is plentiful

45. If a body is moved from equator to pole on the mean sea level , then its weight

a. Decrease always
b. Increases always
c. Constant
d. None of above

46. To an astronaut in the spacecraft , the sky appears to b

a. Blue
b. White
c. Dark
d. Red

47. When a ship enters a sea from a river , Its portion under water will

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Show no change
d. Increase and decrease alliteratively

48. Kilowatt is the unit of

a. Voltage
b. Power
c. Resistance
d. Current

49. The sun derives its energy from

a. Nuclear fission reactions
b. Nuclear fusion reactions
c. Oxidation of helium
d. Fission of noble metals

50. Which of the following is useful in the chemistry of photography ?

a. Silver bromide
b. Aluminum hydroxide
c. Sodium chloride
d. Potassium nitrate


01. d , 02. d , 03. a , 04. d , 05. d

06. b , 07. d , 08. c , 09. d , 10. a
11. d , 12. c , 13. d , 14. c , 15. d
16. b , 17. b , 18. b , 19. d , 20. b
21. a , 22. c , 23. b , 24. c , 25. d
26. a , 27. c , 28. c , 29. b , 30. a
31. d , 32. c , 33. d , 34. c , 35. c
36. a , 37. b , 38. a , 39. d , 40. a
41. a , 42. b , 43. d , 44. b , 45. b
46. a , 47. b , 48. b , 49. b , 50. a

01. Glycogen is mainly stored in

a. Cartilage and bone

b. Liver and muscles
c. Spleen
d. Villi

02. Anaemia is caused in man due to the deficiency of

a. Folic acid
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin B 12
d. None of these

03. Which of the following situations will be fatal to the first foetus ?

a. Rh positive male marries Rh positive woman

b.Rh positive male marries Rh negative woman
c. Rh negative male marries Rh positive woman
d. Rh negative male marries Rh negative woman
04. The most important function of perspiration is to

a. Get rid of the body wastes

b. Regulate the body temperature
c. Regulate the body water supply
d. Lubricate the epithelial tissue

05. The main function of white blood cell in body is to

a. Carry oxygen
b. Help in clot formation
c. Produce more red cells
d. Protect body against diseases

06. The cranial nerve which supplies regions of the body is

a. Auditory
b. Vagus
c. Olfactory
d. Oculomotor

07. The number of chromosomes in the human body is

a. 42
b. 44
c. 46
d. 48

08. One micron is equal to

a. One-tenth of a millimeter
b. One-hundredth of a millimeter
c. One- thousandth of a millimeter
d. One-millionth of a millimeter

09. The innermost linning which wraps the brain and spinal card in vertebrates is called

a. Arachnoid
b. Duramater
c. Piamater
d. None of above

10. Adrenocorticotrophic harmone (ACTH) is secreted by

a. Adrenal
b. Pancreas
c. Pituitay
d. Thyroid

11. The purest form of water is obtained from

a. A deep tube well

b. A running stream
c. Hot water
d. Heavy rains

12. Diamond and Emerald contain

a. Carbon and silicon

b. Carbon and Zinc
c. Silicon , aluminum
d. Carbon and calcium

13. Cloudy nights are warmer than clear nights due to

a. Prevention of heat radiated out by the earth from escaping into the sky
b. Reflection of heat waves radiated out by the earth
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

14. Which of the following semi-conductor ?

a. Copper
b. Zirconium
c. Silver
d. Germanium

15. As one climbs up the Mount Everest, one experiences difficulty in breathing due to

a. Low content of nitrogen

b. Low content of oxygen
c. High content of carbon dioxide
d. None of above

16. A camera forms

a. Real but inverted images

b. Virtual but inverted images
c. Real and erect images
d. Virtual and erect images

17. The gas used in Soda water is

a. Carbon monoxide
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Oxygen
d. Marsh gas

18. A red flower placed in green light appears

a. Greenish-red
b. black
c. Reddish green
d. Blue
19. The metal used in storage batteries is

a. Zinc
b. Copper
c. Aluminum
d. Lead

20. A instrument used to detect the presence of a current in a circuit is called

a. Rheostat
b. Voltameter
c. Galvanometer
d. Ammeter

21. Soap and detergents remove the dirt from clothes due to

a. Osmosis
b. Gravity
c. Lowering of interfacial tension
d. Capillary action

22. Wave length of Ultra violet light is

a. 40000 A
b. 45000 A
c. 5000 A
d. 5500 A

23. The green colour of water in a lake is due to

a. Excessive growth of sea weeds

b. Algal
c. Pollution
d. Gas

24. 14 carat gold means

a. An inferior quality of gold

b. A cheap quality of gold being imported from gulf countries
c. Gold which contains 14 percent gold and rest copper
d. An alloy containing 14 parts of gold and 10 parts of copper

25. The stars are not visible in the day time because

a. They are much smaller in comparison to the man

b. They are at a very great distance from the earth
c. of sun`s brightness during day time
d. None of above

01. b , 02. d , 03. b , 04. b , 05. d
06. b , 07. c , 08. c , 09. c , 10. c
11. d , 12. a , 13. a , 14. a , 15. d
16. a , 17. b , 18. b , 19. d , 20. d
21. a , 22. d , 23. a , 24. d , 25. c

01. Milk of animal fed on grass contains large amount of a fat in

a. Summer
b. Winter
c. Spring
d. Autumn

02. Vitamin do not act as a/an

a. Source of energy
b. Stimulant in the growth of the body
c. Agent in regulating the chemical processes in the body
d. All of the above

03. Which of the following enters human body through skin ?

a. Tape Worm
b. Hook worm
c. Ring Worm
d. Thread Worm

04. Chlorophyll is a/an

a. Halogen acid
b. Green pigment found in the plant
c. Chloro organic compound
d. Element

05. Health hazard floods are responsible for the spread of

a. Cholera
b. Malaria
c. Influenza
d. Diarrhea

06. During Cardiac failure , which of the following is advised first aid ?
a. Mouth to mouth resuscitation
b. Giving external cardiac massage
c. Giving cool water to drink
d. Giving complete body massage

07. Dehydration in human body results due to loss of

a. Salts
b. Water
c. Vitamins
d. Iron
08. A deficiency of which of the following leads diabetes?
a. Digestion of food
b. Insulin
c. Enzymes
d. Vitamins

09. Which part of the human body is damaged by the disease called
encephalitis ?
a. Lungs
b. Liver
c. Brain
d. Heart

10. The gland which is attached to the digestive system but doesnt have any role
to play in digesting food is
a. Salivary gland
b. Liver
c. Spleen

11. Why is hydrochloric acid necessary in stomach ?

a. For maintaining an acidic medium
b. For maintaining an alkaline medium
c. For easy digestion of proteins
d. None of above

12. Which of the following is the carrierof sleeping sickness ?

a. Fly
b. Tastes. Fly
c. Sand Fly
d. Mosquito

13. What is the function of kidney?

a. Nitrogenous filtration
b. Blood filtration
c. Execration of urine
d. None of these

14. Which one of the following disease is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B
a. Scurvy
b. Trachoma
c. Rickets d. Beriberi

15. Ready sourceod energy is available for athletes in

a. Vitamins b. Fats c. Proteins d. Carbohydrates


01. a , 02. c , 03. b , 04. b , 05. a

06. a , 07. b , 08. b , 09. c , 10. c
11. c , 12. b , 13. c , 14. d , 15. d

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