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Saint Louis University School of Nursing

Greetings of joy and peace! We are 3rd year students from the Saint Louis University-School of Nursing. We are conducting a research entitled, The lived experiences of obese adolescents. This study aims to collate all the experiences of adolescents which they think is in relation to being obese. These experiences may have happened in the past or at present. Data collection will be done through interview. During the interview, we will do audio recording and videotaping. It is possible that follow-up interviews will be conducted for clarification purposes. After the interview, a transcript file will be made. To keep the identity of participants unknown, each will have their own pseudonyms and codes. Results will be verified with our participants. Result/s not verified by at least one of the respondents will not be included in the published research. Guidelines for audio recording and videotaping: Recording will be done only if the participant agrees with it. Recordings will only be used by the researchers themselves. No other individuals may listen, watch or even take hold to and of the recordings other than the researchers themselves. In instances where the recorded data is required to be presented, we will make alterations in the voice and add effects to the video to protect the identity of the participant and keep them anonymous. All necessary measures will be done to maintain the anonymity and confidentiality of all the data gathered. Also, an individual will be considered a participant only if this consent is signed by the individual himself/herself and by his/her parent or guardian. If in case a participant withdraws in the middle of the study and is no longer comfortable being a participant, he or she will be allowed to withdraw.

Fully aware of all the whereabouts of the study to be conducted, and having read all the details and guidelines, I, ________________________________ am willingly participating and agree to all the conditions given by and for the study.

(Signature over printed name)

Fully aware of all the whereabouts of the study to be conducted, and having read all the details and guidelines, I, _________________________ am giving permission to Mr./Ms./Mrs.___________________________ to be a participant in the said research. I understand and agree to all the conditions given by and for the study.


(Signature over printed name)

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