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Os Feats a seguir são adicionados à lista disponível para a classe.

- Double slice (Core 144), Power attack (Core 144), Twin parry
(Core 147), Furious focus (Core 148), Brutal Finish (Core 151).

(Barbarian Instinct Homebrew) UNCOMMON
While many ferocious combatants can tap into a deep reservoir of buried
rage, bloodragers have an intrinsic power that seethes within. Like
sorcerers, a bloodrager veins surge with grand power.
While sorcerers use this power for spellcasting, bloodragers enter an
altered state in which their bloodline becomes manifest, where the echoes
of their strange ancestry lash out with devastating power.

See a creature or philosophy that grants your magic be disrespected, or
have your magic dispelled.

BLOODRAGE [Instinct ability]

You gain the Sorcerer dedication feat as a free feat. As normal, you must
meet its prerequisite to gain this feat, but not the level prerequisite.
The cantrips that you can select are the granted spell from your bloodline
that is a cantrip, and another cantrip from your spell tradition.
Spells from your sorcerer's bloodline gain the Rage trait when you are
Raging. When you are in rage and make a strike that can receive the full
additional Rage damage, you gain the benefits in the Blood Magic entry
in your sorcerer's bloodline. If a spell level is required, it is equal to half
your level rounded up. Your rage gains the trait that corresponds to the
spell tradition of your sorcerer's bloodline.
The Sorcerer's feats Cantrip expansion and Bespell weapon are
considered level 1 feats for you (meaning you must be at least level two
to select one of these feats).


Increase the additional damage from rage from 2 to 4 damage. If you
have greater weapon specialization, instead increase the additional
damage from Rage to 8.
These additional damage apply to spells from your sorcerer's bloodline
spell tradition that has one target or touch range.


You resist damage from spells and spell-like abilities from your sorcerer's
bloodline spell tradition.

(Barbarian instinct rework)
Your rage comes from a deep and purely personal well within you.
You use your rage as you choose, being your own source of power.

You don’t have an anathema.

TRUE RAGE [Instinct ability]

You gain an additional 1st-level barbarian feat.
While raging, increase the additional rage damage from 2 to 5.


Increase the additional damage from Rage from 5 to 10. If you have
greater weapon specialization, instead increase the additional damage
from Rage to 15.


You resist physical damage, precision and bleed damage. If the attack is
magical, reduce your resistance by half.

Os Feats a seguir são adicionados à lista disponível para a classe.
MARTIAL PERFORMANCE (rework) - Double slice (Core 144), Twin parry (Core 147).

Prerequisites warrior muse (Rework nos Tenets of evil) UNCOMMON
Your muse has taught you how to handle a wider variety of weapons than As opções a seguir passam a serem mais viáveis na maior parte das
most bards, empowering you to effortlessly blend your performance into campanhas, liberando assim o uso de mais subclasses sem a necessidade
combat even with the most inelegant tools. de interpretar um vilão, como a classe sugere.
You become trained with all martial weapons. Entre parênteses está a Cause a qual a opção reformada se refere.
You gain expert proficiency with all simple and martial weapons at 5th Qualquer dúvida sobre o cumprimento de pré-requisitos para obtenção de
level, and master proficiency at level 13th. um feat, converse com o mestre.
When you critically succeed at an attack roll using a weapon or an • Avenger (Antipaladin) LG - The extra damage from Destructive
unarmed attack that you have at least expert proficiency while one of Vengeance can be positive or good, like any other ability, spell or feat
your compositions is active, you apply the critical specialization effect gained because you're a Antipaladin.
for that weapon or unarmed attack. You're still an Antipaladin for the purpose of prerequisites.
Ignore the Bard weapon expertise at 11th level. You gain Lay on Hands and Tenets of good.
You gain weapon specialization at 7th level, and greater weapon • Watcher (Desecrator) NG - The extra damage from Selfish Shield can
specialization at 15th level. be positive or good, like any other ability, spell or feat gained because
you're a Desecrator.
Weapon specialization
You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. You're still a Desecrator for the purpose of prerequisites.
This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, and to 4 if you’re legendary. You gain Lay on Hands and Tenets of good.
Greater weapon specialization • Warlord (Tyrant) CG - The extra damage from Iron Command can be
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks
in which you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re legendary. positive or good, like any other ability, spell or feat gained because
you're a Tyrant.
At 11th level, your proficiency ranks for light armor and unarmored You're still a Tyrant for the purpose of prerequisites.
defense increase to expert. At 19th level, they increase to master. You gain Lay on Hands and Tenets of good.
Ignore the Light armor expertise at level 13th.
Your master spellcaster ability is gained in level 19th, no more in 15th.
You no longer gain Legendary spellcaster. CHAMPION FEATS
Os Feats a seguir são adicionados à lista disponível para a Bards da Prerequisites Divine Ally (shield), Tenets Of Good
Warrior muse. Your shield ally is more than just a spirit of protection, it's a conduit for
- Double slice (Core 144), Twin parry (Core 147), deadly divine magic. When you use your shield ally to Shield Block a
melee unarmed attack or a melee weapon Strike from an adjacent
creature, the attacker takes 1d6 good or positive damage (your choice).
If the attack or Strike breaks or destroys your shield, double this
additional damage. The damage the attacker takes increases to 2d6 at
11th level and 3d6 at 16th level.

CLERIC Trigger A creature within the reach of your deity's favored weapon uses
a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a
square during a move action it’s using.
WARPRIEST You swat a foe that leaves an opening. Make a Strike against the
triggering creature with your deity's favored weapon (reach of 15ft for
(Cleric doctrine rework) ranged strikes). If the attack hits or critically hits, you cause three times
You have trained in the more militant doctrine of your church, focusing
the weapon damage die in extra damage as the types instead one because
on both spells and battle.
of your ability Miracle weapon.
First Doctrine (1st)
If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate or move
You’re trained in light and medium armor.
action, you disrupt that action.
At 11th level, your proficiency ranks for light armor, medium armor, and
This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your
unarmored defense increase to expert. At 19th level, they increase to
multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.
master. This replaces the divine defense class feature.
You have expert proficiency in Fortitude saves.
You gain the Shield Block general feat.
You gain the Deadly Simplicity cleric feat or another level 1 cleric feat if
you don't meet its prerequisite.
Second Doctrine (3rd)
You become trained in all martial weapons.
At 5th level, the proficiency rank of your deity’s favored weapon
increases to expert.
At 13th level, the proficiency rank of your deity’s favored weapon
increases to master, while your proficiency ranks in simple weapons and
unarmed attacks increase to expert.
Thirty Doctrine (7th)
When you critically succeed at an attack roll using your deity’s favored
weapon or a shield you apply the weapon’s critical specialization effect;
using your divine spell DC if necessary.
You gain weapon specialization at 7th level, and greater weapon
specialization at 15th level.
Weapon specialization
You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert.
This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, and to 4 if you’re legendary.
Greater weapon specialization
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks
in which you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re legendary.

Fourth Doctrine (11th)

Your proficiency ranks for divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs
increase to expert.
Fifth Doctrine (15th)
Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you
roll a success at a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.
Final Doctrine (19th)
Your proficiency ranks for divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs
increase to master.
You must choose one of the following abilities:
Miraculous spell. As normal. You cannot take the Maker of Miracles
feat to gain a second 10th-level slot if you don't take this option.
Miraculous weapon. The proficiency rank of your deity’s favored
weapon increases to legendary, and to master to all other simple and
martial weapons.
Additionally, you cause the weapon damage die in extra damage in all
attack's with your deity's favored weapon.
This bonus damage is correspondent to the divine fount and the
alignment of your deity, having at least one type of damage, and up to
three types:

Alignment Divine Fount

LG - Lawful and Good damage Heal Fount - Positive

LN - Lawful damage Harmful Fount - Negative
LM - Lawful and Evil damage Versatile Fount - Positive or
NG - Good damage Negative (chosen when you gain
N - No damage type this ability).
NE - Evil damage
CG - Chaotic and Good damage
CN - Chaotic damage
CM - Chaotic and Evil damage

Finally, you gain the Divine Attack Of Opportunity reaction, which

makes your attacks even more effective.

(Cleric doctrine homebrew)
Um sacerdote rúnico é aquele que armazena a sua lei sagrada e suas
magias em runas, bem como infunde sua criação mágica em objetos.
First Doctrine (1st)
You're trained with light, medium and heavy armor.
At 11th level your proficiency with light, medium and heavy armor
increases to expert.
At 17th level your proficiency with light, medium and heavy armor
increases to master.
You gain Emblazon Armament as a free feat, and don't have to meet its
prerequisite. Additionally, the creature that uses the item doesn't need to
share your faith, and you can create up to your charisma modifier items,
instead one.
You become trained in Smithing Lore. At levels 3rd, 7th and 15th you
gain a additional Skill Increase what can apply only to Smithing Lore.
Second Doctrine (3rd)
Your proficiency rank with Fortitude saves increase to expert.
Also at 3th level, you gain one spell slot similar to the spell slots from
Divine Font. You can prepare only the following spells in these slot:
Disrupting weapons, Magic weapon, Mending.
Your number of spell slots increases by 1 every time you gain an
additional doctrine (2 at level 7th, 3 at level 11th, 4 at level 15 and
5 at level 19th).
Third Doctrine (7th)
Your proficiency ranks for divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs
increase to expert.
You gain expert proficiency with your deity's favored weapon, and
unarmed attacks.
You're trained in all other simple and martial weapons, and gain expert
proficiency at level 11th in these weapons.
Fourth Doctrine (11th)
You gain master proficiency with your deity's favored weapon and
unarmed attacks. When you critically succeed at an attack roll using your
deity's favored weapon, you apply the weapon's critical specialization
effect; use your divine spell DC if necessary.
Also, when you cast a Disrupting weapon spell or a Magic weapon spell
you grant to the weapon one of the following runes, and these runes don't
count toward the maximum number or property runes. A weapon can
have only one rune by this way. Runes created by this way persist until
your next daily preparations.
Frost, Flaming, Shok, Hopeful, Holy, Unholy, Axiomatic and Anarchic.
Fifth Doctrine (15th)
Your proficiency ranks for divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs
increase to master.
Any willing creature (including yourself) in a 5ft emanation centered in
you deals 1 additional positive (heal) or negative (harm) damage, based
on your Divine Font ability.
Final Doctrine (19th)
Add the major property runes version to the list of your Fourth Doctrine,
as well Speed and Vorpal.

◻️ ] FEAT 10
Os Feats a seguir são adicionados à lista disponível para a classe.
- Bespell weapon Prerequisites Arcane cascade, Impetuous Wind hybrid study, Spellstrike
Frequency once per day
Trigger Your turn begins and you regain three actions
IMPETUOUS WIND You become quickened for this turn, and for this turn treat your multiple
attack penalty one less than it was actually (-5 is the maximum or -4 for
(Magus hybrid study Homebrew) an agile weapon, or other value if you are in Arcane Cascade and the
Usar duas armas é talvez uma das artes marciais mais difíceis, pois
weapon used for the strike is already agile).
causar estragos com armas de menor porte, as movendo com velocidade
At the start of your next turn you become Slowed 1 for 2 turns.
e pontaria demanda prática. Entretanto, uma vez alcançada a maestria,
nenhuma parede ou armadura pode deter o poder de um vento impetuoso.
While in Arcane Cascade any one handed melee weapon
which the magus bears have the agile and parry traits.
If the weapon is already agile, the multiple attack penalty becomes -3
instead of -4 for the second attack, or -6 instead of -8 for the third or
subsequent attacks.
If the weapon is already parry, the bonus becomes +2 circumstance for
the AC when using the action for parry.
Additionally, when the magus enters the Arcane cascade stance bearing a
one handed melee weapon in each hand, they can use a parry action as a
free action immediately after the Arcane cascade action.
Attack with an off-hand weapon immediately after a Spellstrike or use
the parry action as the last action on a turn (not free action) recharges the
Spellstrike. If the magus ends their turn without a one-handed melee
weapon in both hands, the Arcane cascade ends.
Conflux spell. Thousand blades


Cast [ ] Somatic; Requirements You have a one-handed melee
weapon in each hand.
Targets 1 creature
You move your arms with incomparable speed.
Make two strikes, one with each weapon required by this spell. Apply
your multiple attack penalty as normal.
On a hit, each strike deals damage equal to the number of weapon
damage die for each weapon + your spellcasting modifier + weapon
specialization or greater weapon specialization if you have.
If you are in Arcane cascade, apply the additional bonus as well.
Regardless of any ability or feat, this spell doesn't qualify for Spellstrike.
Heightened (+2). Increase the number of strikes you make by 1.
In an even number of strikes you must make an equal number of attack's
with each weapon required by this spell.

Impetuous Wind 7th: Invisibility; 11th: Levitate; 13th: Gaseous form

⏩] FEAT 4

Prerequisites Arcane cascade, Impetuous Wind hybrid study, Spellstrike

Requirements You are in arcane cascade stance, have a one-handed
melee weapon in each hand and your Spellstrike is charged.
Your Spellstrike resists in your hands for a second before vanishing,
moving for another weapon. Make a Spellstrike. If it hits, your next
strike with the weapon in another hand deals 1d6 extra damage on a hit.
The extra damage is force, or the same type (or types) in the spell used in
your Spellstrike, at your choice every time you use this ability.
The extra damage increases by 1d6 for each four levels (2d6 in 8th level,
3d6 in 12th level, 4d6 in 16th level and 5d6 in 20th level). After using
this version of Spellstrike, it can't be recharged in any way other than
casting a Conflux spell or using a Two-action activity with the
concentrate trait.

Ignore alchemical weapon expertise at 7th level and weapon Some features aren't good enough when compared with a similar one in
specialization at 13th level. another class. Now some of them are a bit more powerful.

PROFICIENCY PROGRESSION You gain panache by successfully performing the skill check associated
ALTERED with specific actions that have a bit of flair, including Tumble Through
(Core Rulebook 240) and additional actions determined by your
ALCHEMICAL WEAPON EXPERTISE 5TH swashbuckler’s style (see in APG).
You’ve trained to more effectively wield the weapons you find in your The DC required to determine your success in the skill action is the very
lab. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, alchemical bombs, and hard DC for your level, instead of any value presented in the action
unarmed attacks increase to expert. description or the swashbuckler style, feat, etc.
Once you lose panache (because of any cause, such as a finisher), the DC
WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 7TH to regain panache with any mode that you can gain is the standard DC for
You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in your level. Once per day, you can gain panache as a free action, without
which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, using any skill action.
and to 4 if you’re legendary. In addition to the benefits of the skill action, you gain the following
ALCHEMICAL WEAPON MASTERY 13TH • You gain the precise strike feature;
You become very good using your favored weapons. Your proficiency • +5-foot status bonus to all speeds (see Vivacious Speed);
ranks for simple weapons, alchemical bombs, and unarmed attacks • +1 bonus to any skill action that normally makes you gain panache
increase to master. (including any action gained in a skill feat). As normal, all these
characteristics are unavailable (or nerfed, again, see Vivacious Speed)
GREATER WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 15TH when you don't have panache.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons Normally, you gain and use panache only in combat encounters; when an
and unarmed attacks in which you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and encounter ends, you lose panache.
8 if you’re legendary.

GUNSLINGER You strike with flair. When you have Precise strike and you Strike with
an agile or finesse melee weapon or agile or finesse melee unarmed
attack, you deal an additional 4 precision damage. If the strike is part of a
Singular Expertise: The extra damage is equal twice the number of finisher, the additional damage is 2d8 precision damage instead.
weapons damage dice, instead +1 circumstance. The additional rolled damage in a finisher never can be lower than the
additional flat damage + one-half. For instance, if the normal damage is
CRACK SHOT (homebrew ability, level 1) 4, when you roll the 2d8 for the finisher, the minimum damage is 6 (4 +
You have a deep understanding of your guns and crossbows. When 2). So, if you roll lower than the minimum, you take the minimum and
you're wielding a firearm or crossbow and Interact to reload it, including deal it as the additional damage from Precise strike.
Interact actions as part of your slinger's reload and similar effects, you As your swashbuckler level increases, so does your additional damage
gain a benefit in your next Strike with that weapon. for Precise Strike. Increase the amount of additional damage on a Strike
Crossbow Increase the damage die size for that attack by one by 2, the number of additional dice on a finisher by one at the
step, and its cumulative with another effect what increases the size of the 5th (6/3d8; minimum 9), 9th (8/4d8; minimum 12), 13th (10/5d8;
damage die. The crossbow also gains the Fatal d10 trait, or Fatal d12 if it minimum 15), and 17th (12/6d8; minimum 18) levels.
already has fatal d10. If any finisher makes your damage be halved (like Confident Finisher),
Firearm Your bonus for damage from Singular Expertise do it with your minimum damage as well.
becomes three times the weapon damage die. The firearm also gains the
agile trait. SHIELD BLOCK
You can benefit from this feat only once per turn, and you must make the You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction that lets you reduce
attack before the start of your next turn or these benefits are lost. damage with your shield.
Removed feats: The feat Crossbow crack shot is removed.
▶️] FEAT 2
Os Feats a seguir são adicionados a lista disponível para a classe.
Requirements You are wielding only a single one-handed melee weapon
- Power attack (Core 144), Brutal Finish (Core 151).
and have your other hand or hands free.
HUNTER WEAPONS (homebrew ability, level 1) You can parry attacks against you with your weapon. Make a Strike
with a weapon or unarmed attack that would apply your precise strike
Once per round, you can apply additional damage on one strike that you
damage, and after resolving the strike, you gain a +1 status bonus to AC
make against your prey.That additional damage is equal to twice the
until the start of your next turn.

number of weapon damage die. This strike must be with a weapon that
you are trained or better, and if the damage die is bigger than d10, the
damage is halved. The damage type is precision or the same as your SHIELDING FINISHER [ FEAT 2
weapon, chosen every time you apply this additional damage. FINISHER SWASHBUCKLER
You must decide to apply this bonus damage before rolling the attack, Requirements You are wielding a buckler or shield
but a fail does not count for the limit of uses in a turn. You’ve learned a flexible way to position your buckler to provide more
You can use this feature two times in a round at level 5th, four times at protection. Make a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack that would
level 13th and once per strike at level 19th. apply your precise strike damage. After resolving the strike, until the end
of your next turn, the hardness of a buckler or shield that you are
Animal Companion Feat: Substitute the last paragraph for the wielding increases by half your level. This also counts as using the Raise
following: a shield action.
When you Hunt prey, your animal companion gains the actions benefits,
your Hunter's edge benefit if you have one, and you can apply your
Hunter weapons damage via the strikes of the companion.

Requirements You wield two melee weapons, one in each hand. KNOWN VULNERABILITIES FEAT 1
You split your attacks. Make two melee Strikes, one with each required
weapon, each against a different foe. If the second Strike is made with a
Prerequisites Devise A Stratagem, Studied Strike
non-agile weapon, it takes a –2 penalty. Increase your multiple attack
penalty only after attempting both Strikes. Reduce your Precise strike Whenever you Devise a Stratagem, if your check to Recall Knowledge as
damage by half in each attack before calculating the full damage. part of that action is a critical success, you notice a vulnerability and gain
Special: At level 8 you apply your full Previse strike damage. a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll from Devise a Stratagem.

If you immediately convey this information to your allies as part of the
check, each ally gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their next attack roll
against the subject, as long as their attack is made before the beginning
FINISHER SWASHBUCKLER of your next turn.
Requirements You are wielding a one handed melee weapon with the KNOW DEFENSES FEAT 1
agile or finesse traits, and a one handed firearm or crossbow in your
Prerequisites Devise A Stratagem, Studied Strike
With a rapid movement, you take a piece of ammunition just a second
before attack. Make a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack that Whenever you Devise a Stratagem, if your check to Recall Knowledge as
would apply your precise strike damage. You then recharge your one part of that action is a critical success, you remember or cross
handed firearm or crossbow. Until the end of your next turn, any information, and notice the highest weakness of the target (or all of the
one-handed firearm or crossbow that you wield qualifies for the precise higher, cause it has more than one).
strike damage, but not to finishers. The bonus damage is halved after the When you cause damage from the type of the highest weakness noticed
second range increment (or 40ft, whichever is lower), and totally negated by this feat, increase the weakness of the target by 2.
in the thirty range increment and after. (or 80ft, whichever is lower) If you immediately convey this information to your allies as part of the
check, each ally gains the ability in the anterior paragraph.


The feat Lethal Finisher 18th feat needs some changes to be adequate to
the buffs in the swashbuckler.
Prerequisites Devise A Stratagem, Studied Strike
It suffers the following alterations:
- Prerequisites precise strike 6d8 Whenever you Devise a Stratagem, if your check to Recall Knowledge as
Critical Success You deal 12 precision damage. part of that action is a critical success, you can predict the next step of
Success You deal 6d8 precision damage.
Failure You deal 12d8 precision damage.
Critical Failure You deal 18d8 precision damage.
the enemy. You gain the Strike of Strategy reaction, described below:
Trigger The target of your Divise A Stratagem in your last turn within
The other parts of the feat are the same as the APG. your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged
attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Removed feats: The feats Dueling parry (1st) and Dual finisher (8th) are
removed. You find an opening in the foe's movement. Make a melee Strike against
The target of your Divise A Stratagem in your last turn. If your attack is
a critical hit and the trigger was a move action, you disrupt that action.

INVESTIGATOR This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your
multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Removed feats: The feats Know weakness (1st feat), That's odd (1st
DEVISE A STRATAGEM (REWORK) feat), Strategic bypass (14th feat) and Didactic strike (16th feat) are
You can play out a battle in your head, using brains rather than brawn to removed.
execute an attack.

Frequency once per round
You assess a foe’s weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a Strategy: This is a new Key Term for many Investigator abilities
plan of attack against your enemy. Chose a creature you can see. and feats. A creature can never be affected by more than one Strategy
If you Strike the chosen creature later this round, you can add your ability. For instance, you cannot gain the benefits of Studied Strike
Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or and Know Vulnerabilities at the same time.
Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee
weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which
must be agile or finesse if it’s a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a
sap. You make this substitution only for the first Strike you make against
the creature this round, not any subsequent attacks. Also, make a recall
knowledge check as part of the attack action.
If you’re aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead
you’re pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action.

STUDIED STRIKE (homebrew ability, level 1)

When you are looking for a clue, you find vulnerabilities in your foe. The
last that you recall knowledge about it and succeed gains weakness to
your weapon or unarmed attacks equal to half your intelligence modifier
+1. This vulnerability applies to the attacks you make against the enemy
with an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed
attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it’s a melee
weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap for 1 minute or use Devise A
Stratagem in another creature. This is a Strategy ability.

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