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Im from Mississippi but living here in New York 

.....I Hope you are not Botthered

about the Distance Between us? and Whats Your age and Are You single? and Have you
Ever Been Married?
Im 30yrs single and I want to settle down again ....I hope you are not bothered
about the age and distance Btween us? and Do you have any children? What do you do
for a living? 
 nI am new on here as you can see my profile i just register for it and you the
first and only man i am talking too for now.....And my friend morgan told me about
it do you understand
So tell me How Many Ladies Have You talked To and How many are you talking to spo
Far??You are the First and Only man Im Talking to....
So what are you looking for On here?Well Im On here Looking for the right man for
me, The Man im going Live with for the rest of my Life, some one i can Call my +234
813 377 4789, some one I can Grow Old with, a man I Can Trust with all my Heart, a
man I that will Take Care of me and  Our Kids....A man That will Never Cheat on Me,
That will never Lie to me....Cos I Myself dont like Cheating On any one and I hate
lying, and i hate it when I Find it difficult To be Trusted....and I Hate Playing
Games, Or Doing anything That will Indicate me and People around me....and That
will Spoil my Reputation In the society...I Dont do drugs and I will Never Put my
Hand into It and I Hope you dont do it? and I Hope you are Looking for anything
similar to what Im Looking for?
What sort of relationship you seek for?I seek to have a long term relationship with
someone I love and we can grow old together,honesty,understanding,sincerity,love
and sharing,sharing the good times and bad times together with no fear of what the
world might put upon us. I guess would come the balance that is missing in my life,
someone who can trust me and I can trust with feelings, innermost secrets and
desires in life.
What qualities do you seek in a woman?I want my husband to be honest, loving
caring, loyal, yet independent with an open mind,the relationship I want us to be
build on the solid foundation which is love and trust,I do believe with this 2
ingredients of relationship,so many relationships has come to success unlike pones
built on falsies and pretenses.
What do you do for fun? I like to do a wide variety of things for fun. Ilike to
bowl, shoot pool, play golf,( none of which I'm very good at, but Ireally enjoy
them), I also like to get away, maybe a weekend trip to the beachin the winter, or
go to the mountains, just relax and enjoy.
What religion do you practice?I'm a Christain...I do believe in God alot..i have
All My Faith  and Believe in Him Cause with GOD all things are Possible
Are you a morning or night person? Im Both Morning and Night Person to a sense.
When I have to work,What is your idea of a perfect date? It Wouldn't so much be
where or what we do, would be who it's with. If your on a date with the person and
everything just clicks or falls into place.....that's my idea of a perfect date. 
How long have you been single? I haven't had a boyfriend for about a year.I Havent
Dated any man since Then because Most men seek only Sex and After then Nothing More
and Thats Not What Im Looking for I Really want to settle Down..I don't wanna be
How do you feel about public intimacy?Yea I think Kissing hugging and holding hands
could be outdoors but anything aside that are meant to be done indoors
So Tell me Do you want children, if so how many?Yes I do want children ..2 or 3
kids. however I'd like to be prepared for Motherhood.
What is your dream job, car, vacation, house?I dont have my dream job, I would like
to havew My Own Business, my dream car is a '57 Willy's, my grandfather had one
when I was a kid, and I loved that car, vacation, to spend a whole year traveling
and learning history of different places and cultures, house, a log and stone house
way out in the country, maybe out west up in the mountains.
What did you want to be when you grew up?I always want to be A kid,(l.o.l.) I
always wanted to be the best Mother and Wife I could ever be. 
How would You treat your woman? I treat all Guys with the utmost respect, I would
my Man My Man with My Man with Respect and I will always go My His Command and I
will always go my His Rules and Regulations...I will give all the love in my heart
and soul, as well as I possibly can
Why do you need a Woman?I need a Man so I can share my life with, Although I have
spent about a year single, and to me it was well worth it, I feel like I'm only
half of what I can be.
How would you love your wife?..
What is love to you?Its Being able to always see the goodness in a persons heart,
being able to see past the shortcomings and realize that the person is who you want
to grow old with and have those "butterflies" throughout life.
Would you ever hit your woman for any reason? I too will NEVER do That, I honestly
just couldn't live with myself doing that. One thing my mother taught me is just
how wrong that action is and how devastating it can be when you are in love. I'm
afraid of how that would adversely affect how I feel about myself. I might come
across sort of gruff, but truth be told, I'm just a teddy bear at heart, the
thought of hurting ANYBODY, hurts me.What is the socio-economic background of your
family?My  Late dad Was an international business man,He travells a lot and also
deals with importation and exportation of goods.My Late mom Was a Full House
wife ....I Am The Only Daughter of My Late Parents
What is your level of intelligence?I think that I have above average I
intelligence; I was the first student in my class of high school out of 8 students.
I began studying at the university before graduating from high school, because I
had excellent grades. I like to learn new things, intelligence is important to me.-
What is your formal education?I attended the university for 4 years. I studied
computer science, but I did not graduate. I left the school to begin to working in
the Fashion industry.
What are your verbal abilities?I think that I have above average abilities of
communication, both writing and verbal, and I enjoy interesting conversations.
What do you expect each partner to provide in the marriage?God made the man
primarily to provide the income and the protection for the home and the family, and
I think that the woman is made to control and guide the matters of the house and to
provide the instruction of the children, but each partner can help the other person
in their family responsibilities.
What are your views about the distribution of power inside the family?God made the
man to be the leader in the family, but there are many areas where the woman can
have more comprehension and understanding than the man, so she contributes her
ideas to  him, and he listens to her reasoning.
How many children do you want?I have always think about having a child, but I think
it would be nice to have a child, or children, with the man who loves me and lives
all of his life with me.
When should a family be begun?I want to wait some months before having children so
I can enjoy much time alone with my husband.
What are your views on the care of children?Parents should be the primary influence
for children, not the school, neither the friends, neither the television nor the
movies. I believe that children should respect adults, and children should help in
the matters of the house. The children and the parents should be close to each
other with good communication each day.What is your political philosophy?I prefer
the conservative laws that are similar to the commandments in the Bible, and I
prefer less interference of government in personal lives.
What are your views about smoking, alcohol and drugs?I think that these things are
generally negative because in high volumes they damage the body, but I like to
drink some wine from time to time, and I want to enjoy this with my husband.
How much contact should occur with in-laws?After the wedding a couple should maike
their own decisions and the in-laws should not intervene with these decisions.
Occasional visits are acceptable, but not on a frequent basis.
What is your sense of humor?I am a happy person and I like to laugh and to enjoy
How punctual are you?I am generally on time, but at times I am late.How dependable
are you?I try to be very reliable and to maintain my promises. I value the truth in
myself and in others.What is your desire for intimacy and your verbal ability to be
intimate?I have a strong desire for all forms of intimacy and I think that I have
the ability to give a lot of intimacy, physically and verbally.What is the role of
conflict and how to resolve conflict in marriage?Conflict is a time when 2 people
can speak their opinions and understand one another better, but the conflicts
should be discussed peacefully, sometimes in a different environment. There should
not be the conflicts in the bedroom, because this is a special sanctuary of love
and harmony for the marriage.
What is the best way to handle anger?At times it is good to have a period of
reflection and meditation before discussing the themes of anger, at times it is
good to write down your feelings to discuss with your companion.
How should friendships with the other sex be handled?The husband and the wife
should not have any better friends than each other, they should be best friends
with each other, and they should not have friendships with the other sex unless
approved by the other partner.
What is the quantity of the privacy in the marriage?Many things of the marriage
should be private to people outside the marriage, but the people in the marriage
should be capable of sharing all with one another.
What is your level of ambition?I always try to become better and to attain the
potential that God gave to me. I do not work to be rich, I work to be comfortable
and to have love and peace in my life.
What are the goals of your life?A peaceful and loving marriage is the greatest
goals in my life. Love is the most important thing in the life.
What are your attitudes about body weight?I want my Man to maintain a healthy
weight and to maintain his body and in clean and good condition. I prefer a man who
is healthy. I have never been overweight and I intend to keep my body size in
proper proportion.
What are your faith and beliefs and spiritual preferences?I have been s student of
the Bible since I was a child. Communication with God should be a daily priority
for each person, and also the couple can share in their devotion to God with one
another. Although I do not attend church service every week, I would like to do
this with my man.I am a Christian
What is the proper amount of church attendance?Perhaps one time on the weekend, and
maybe a study of the Bible once each week, but I think that personal devotion is
more important than church attendance.
What should be the spiritual involvement of the family?I think the family should
study the Bible together and also as individuals.
What are your hobbies and interests?Exercising, playing and listening to music,
learning, meditating, gardening.
What type of music do you like?Gospel, contemporary Christian, rock, jazz.
What is your level of energy for physical activities?I would want to have some type
of physical activity each day with my man; I hope that we can exercise together.
?What is the importance of sexIt is very important for both partners to be
satisfied completely sexually and to maintain a high level of attention to the
sexual needs of the other partner.
How much income should be spent and saved?Money should be saved for emergencies and
also for projects and special holidays.
How should money be assigned for clothes, vacations, etc.?There should be short-
term and long-term financial goals for the family, which include using some money
for clothes, vacations, entertainment, etc.
How much money should be given and to whom?Money can be given for gifts or for
emergencies but not to maintain to other members of the family.
How much risk should be taken with investments? Very little.
What is your attitude toward cleanliness of the home, the clothes, the body, etc.?I
appreciate cleanliness in every aspect. I do not like a lot of clutter in the
What is your attitude toward personal health?Eat healthy and exercise to prevent
many illnesses, but medical attention is necessary when illness persists.
How often do you go to see a doctor?I have an annual physical checkup and dental
checkup, and also I exercise to maintain my body and to have good health.
What are your social and interpersonal skills?I feel that my abilities are above
average. I can talk to strangers and most people feel comfortable speaking with me.
However, I prefer to be quiet.
How much and what type of social participation do you prefer?The majority of the
focus should be on the marriage, with some time assigned for outside social
participation. I spend most of my time focused on achieving my goals.
What geographical area do you want to live in?I prefer to live far from the city
where the land is clean and quiet and with few people, but for the next 10 years I
should live near the city for the economic advantage. I love the mountains and I
wish that I lived in a place with cooler weather.
What is the size and the style of the house you prefer?I own my house, it has 4
bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I want to purchase another house in the future, with a
larger yard for more intimacy, and also with a large bathtub to enjoy with my wife.
What is the type of furniture and decorations do you prefer in the home?I will be
happy for my wife to make these decisions. I prefer simplicity and functionality..
I do not follow many trends in style and fashion.
What is the quantity and the type of vacations preferred?I want to travel and to
take many trips with my wife. I prefer nature and quiet and beautiful places, but
sometimes I want to go to cities and public amusements.
How do you want to spend the vacations?Seeing nature, learning history, being
relaxed in nature, doing the things that are peaceful, hiking in the mountains,
playing in the snow.
How do you want to celebrate the major holidays?Usually with family and friends,
but sometimes at home alone.
How much together time do you want to spend with your spouse?As much as possible.
When do you go to sleep and when do you wake up?I need 8 to 9 hours of sleep each
What is the temperature of the home during the day and night?I prefer the house to
be cool at night for sleeping.
What should be done during meals?Meals are a good time for conversation, not to
look at a lot of television.
What television programs do you prefer?History, science, learning, some sports,
Biblical and spiritual programs.

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