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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill

Technical and economic feasibility study

Rehabilitation of the Sarreck hydroelectric plant


SCI Moulin du Le Moulin du Sarreck – 57930 OBERSTINZEL Phone : 03 87 07 91 97

Sarrec Contact person:
Gaëtan MARCILLY, Manager


HYDROALSACE 3 rue du Maine – 68 270 Wittenheim Phone : 09 81 64 53 99

Contact persons:
Stéphane KLEIN, Company Manager

Maxime NEUBRAND, Engineer in charge of the

Parties: technical, administrative, financial

Arnaud KUHNER, Engineer in charge of the study

Parties: environmental, project management

Company information

HydroAlsace SARL - 3 rue du Maine, 68270 WITTENHEIM - 09 81 64 53 99

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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill

SARRECK hydroelectric plant

Feasibility study


1.1. General information on the site 8
1.2. Hydrology 9
1.3. Drop height 12
1.4. Equipment rate selection 13
1.5. Project description 14
Aerial view of the project 15
Water intake, headrace 16
Tailrace 16
Dam 17
Scraps evacuation grid & Bar screen 18
Civil engineering for winnowing 19
Turbine 20
Mechanical transmission 22
Electrical connection 23
Technical area 25
1.6. Production estimate 26
2.1. Physical environment 29
2.1.1 Hydrology and groundwater, morphology 29
DCE basin (see DCE district) 29
2.1.2 Physicochemistry (in progress as of January 26) 33
2.2. Biological medium 38
2.2.1 Hydrobiology 38
2.2.2 Piscicultural fauna and fishing 38
2.2.3 Riparian vegetation and fauna 40
2.3. human environment 43
2.3.1 Water use 43
2.3.2 Landscape 44
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2.3.3 Noise 45
2.3.4 Socio-economic and security 45
2.4. Compensatory measures 48
Run 49
Downstream 51
2.5. Future analyzes to be planned 52
3.1. Investments 53
3.2. Hydroelectricity purchase tariff 56
3.3. Profitability study 57
Electrical and producible characteristics 57
Operating costs 57
Funding requirement 58
Reimbursement schedule 58
Financial flow 59
Return on investment 59
3.4. Conclusion 60
4.1. Cadastral map 61
4.2. Historical elements 61
History and legal regime 62
Change history 63
Site diagram 64
4.3. Current administrative situation 65
Water right 65
4.1. Consistency of this water right 66
4.2. Administrative procedures 66
Administrative context 67
5. Definition of a program 69
6.1. LEXICON 71
6.2. Information websites 74

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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill


The Moulin du Sarreck company, represented by Gaëtan and Laura Marcilly, wishes to rehabilitate its hydraulic site
into a micro hydroelectric power station with a view to producing green energy.

The current installation consists of a first generation Kaplan type turbine. This turbine is no longer
coupled, but the plant still has certain mechanisms that it is time to renovate or remove in order to carry
out this rehabilitation: bevel gearbox, old generator... In parallel with the water chamber, a discharge
channel is arranged.

The client wishes to assess the hydroelectric potential of his site. The purpose of this document is therefore the
technical and financial feasibility study for the rehabilitation or installation of the hydraulic part of the Mill. It will also allow
the calculation of the profitability of the installation based on several technical, administrative and financial scenarios. The
most favorable variant will be presented to the customer, between the rehabilitation of equipment or the installation of a
new system.

This file, subsidized by the Lorraine Region, constitutes a decision-making aid for the continuation of the
project after the study. This desire to rehabilitate part of the mill into a micro hydroelectric power station is fully
in line with the current context and government objectives: to increase the share of energy from renewable
sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This file therefore concerns the technical and economic feasibility study of a hydraulic development with a
power estimated at 25.5 kW gross. The site is envisaged on an existing waterfall created by a weir located to the
right of the mill. The file corresponds to the case of the restoration of abandoned equipment.

The analyzes to be carried out to support the feasibility of the operation have been grouped as

- Technical aspects
- Environmental aspects
- Financial aspects
- Administrative aspects
- Definition of project management.

This file aims to define the analyzes essential to establishing the feasibility of the operation. Depending on the
specific context of the project, additional analyzes may be required during the in-depth study, necessary for the
correct definition of the project management.

It is also specified that the feasibility file was produced by a design office, thus officiating for the project
management assistance function. As a result, a certain number of companies, both partners and potential, have
been defined as subcontractors to define the equipment and services as accurately as possible. A list is also
specified on the following pages of these companies, contacted for the realization of this file.

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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill

It must be stressed that calling on companies or equipment suppliers entails a substantial risk that
the solutions proposed in this dossier are not firm and definitive.

It should be understood that the figures are for the most part estimated at the time of the preparation of this
file, because in-depth expertise must be carried out.

Finally, we specify that we base our study on various works recommended by the ADEME but also
collected by our care from our experiences of study of other hydraulic projects. We can cite:

- the guide for setting up small hydropower projects (ADEME)

- the technical guide for the realization of small hydroelectricity project (ESHA)
- the accompanying guide to ISO 14'001 certification for hydroelectricity producers
- the PACER guide concerning hydraulic turbines
- the PACER guide concerning regulation and operating safety
- the PACER guide concerning the choice, dimensioning and acceptance tests of a mini-turbine
- the guide passes fish (VNF – CETMEF)
- the technical manual "renovation, instructions for use", October 2011 (EAF)
- the guide for the design of ''Ichthyocompatible'' water intakes, of November 2008 (ADEME)
- the Passes à Poissons guide, October 2008 (VNF)

Some analyzes are extracted from other databases, which will be specified in due course. We can cite
a few: National Inventory of National Heritage, Geoportal…

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Companies and organizations contacted to obtain quotes and information

AEMO 1 rue des Alpes Industrial automation

Mr ROCK 68390 SAUSHEIM Automation of power stations,

supply of power cabinets
Project engineer

RHIN-MEUSE WATER AGENCY “Le Longeau” - road to Lessy For information:
Rozerieulles – BP 30019 Hydrology, risk analysis, etc.


BME 68392 SAUSHEIM Rotating machinery


business manager

FABER-SCHALLER-ROTH 1 rue Schwilgue Surveyors, topographers:

Mr Schaller 67600 SELESTAT Leveling of singular points; installation of

NGF beacons. As-built plan
surveyor surveyor


FOGEX 215, rue Henri Barbusse Mechanical transmissions:

Mr BONVILLE 95103 ARGENTEUIL Cedex Supply of belt/pulley transmission/

multiplication solution
East Regional Manager

ErDF 57 rue Bersot Electrical connection :

BP 1209 – CEDEX Realization of the ErDF connection file 25004 BESANCON

ERGOLEV 73670 St Pierre D'Entremont Special machines

Supply and installation of grids and bar screens

Mr Bichat


DDT Sector Sarrebourg 17 Paul Wiltzer Quay Water police, fishing:

BP 31035 Validation of the water right founded in title, of the

Mr Francis Fisher

HydroAlsace SARL - 3 rue du Maine, 68270 WITTENHEIM - 09 81 64 53 99

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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill 57036 Metz Cedex 01 consistency; environmental study

ER3I Ornain Street Turbines and hydroelectric equipment :

Mr Guillemain BP 81026 Turbines, PLCs, connection

Specialized mechanic F-54521 LAXOU CEDEX

HYDREO / THEE / VIRY Fallieres, Saint Nabord Turbines and hydroelectric equipment :

Madame Thouvenot
BP 32 Gate, screen, turbines

Commercial assistant F-88201 REMIREMONT CEDEX

METAL COAT 136 Finland Boulevard Belzona Exclusive Dealer:

Mr Ziegler F-53340 POMPEY Metal reconstruction of turbine and other

metal elements
Technical sales

RICHERT 9 lock street Civil Engineering :

68120 PFASTATT Masonry, structural work, winnowing, fish

Pricing engineer

TECHNI PUMP SERVICE / KSB 16 rue de la Savonnerie Turbine repair:

Mr Mertz ZA la Savonnerie dismantling, mechanical expertise,

remetallization with Belzona product,
Manager F-68460 LUTTERBACH
metallization of turbines, repair with Belzona type products

TOPOCENTER South Gate Park Topographic measurements

Toll Bridge Street Rental of levels, staffs, tripods

Agency manager

TRIEX 15 Industry Street Industrial Maintenance :

68260 KINGERSHEIM Dismantling, mechanical expertise, reassembly of


business manager

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This part concerns the definition of the project in order to estimate the investment costs and energy
production, key to the profitability of the development.

Several site visits were also carried out, including: the plant, the intake and tailrace channels, the
valve, etc.

1.1. General information on the site

Department : Moselle (57)

Municipality: Oberstinzel
Watercourse: Saarland

Project conditions: Rehabilitation of an abandoned site

Administrative situation: Water right founded in title

Below is the location map:(source: IGN – Geoportal)

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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill

1.2. Hydrology

The hydrological analysis should theoretically make it possible to determine average daily flow curves,
and classified daily flows, in order to precisely determine the water resource of the site and its availability
during a year of operation, in order to deduce in particular a choice of equipment capacity that is most judicious
and adapted to the actual availability of water in the watercourse.

We usually base our hydrological study on at least ten years of flow records, if possible the most
recent. For this, flow records from all the gauging stations placed on French rivers are provided by the
HYDRO database of the EauFrance portal. These measurements provide a good idea of what we can
expect in terms of water resources for the twenty years of the contract for the purchase by EDF of the
electricity produced by the plant.

It is nevertheless rare for production plant projects to benefit from a measuring station directly at
their site, which is why an extrapolation of the flow rates from the nearest measuring station must be
made. For this, we use the topographic value of catchment area (BV). It is more precisely the ratio of these
areas that will allow a correction of the flows recorded by the selected measuring station, by the following

Flow at the water intake = flow at the measuring station x (BV at the water intake / BV at the measuring station)

This method can be applied regardless of the location of the measuring station, upstream or downstream, and
requires an in-depth topographical study to properly take into consideration all the hydrological modifications
(tributaries, withdrawals, etc.) that occur on the course of the watercourse between the future production site and the
measuring station.

In order to remain cautious in this evaluation of the water resource, we also usually apply to this interpolation
calculation a correction coefficient which makes it possible to make the forecasts a little more pessimistic, and thus,
not to have too bad surprises when production takes place. This occurs when the measurement station taken as the
basis for the calculation is located upstream of the project's water intake. The extrapolation calculation becomes:

Flow (water intake) = Flow (measuring station) x (BV (water intake) / BV (measuring station)) 0̂.8

Once these recordings have been used and the flow curves obtained, we can therefore simulate
production day by day, on the basis of average daily flows, and this for different hypotheses of equipment
capacity, after deducting the reserved flow. Thus, we can determine precisely what power it is wise and
profitable to equip for a given site, based on the flow rates of the past ten years. At this stage, any
limitation of the derived flow by a water right is not taken into account.

From these readings, we obtain the following average daily flow and classified flow curves. It should be noted that
the flows classified as 'net' are obtained by subtracting the reserved flow (necessary for the survival of biodiversity in the
watercourse, and which is equal to 10% of its module) from the flows classified as 'gross '.

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The flow measurement station on the course of the Moselle closest to Oberstinzel and the Sarreck mill is
located in Sarrebourg.

Measuring stationSarrebourg

Watercourse: Saarland
Station code: SN67 – A9021010
Watershed: 311 km²
Average modulus: 2.81m3/s

CentralSarreck mill

Watershed: 425 km²

Average modulus: 3.83 m3/s
Reserved flow (1/10e): 383 l/s

The hydrological study presented here is carried out over a continuous period of 10 years beginning on 1erJanuary 2002 and
ending on December 31, 2011.

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1.3. Drop height

Attention is drawn to the fact that, for high flow rates (and therefore during periods when the energy is valued
more significantly), the downstream level can increase more rapidly than the upstream level, thus reducing the fall
and the production winter. Conversely, during low water periods, the downstream level may drop, while the
upstream level remains fixed at the legal side of the water reservoir. In the first case, the fall height will therefore be
revised downwards, while it will be revised upwards in the second.

The elevation of the upstream level corresponds in principle to the level of the overflow sill of the valve at the height
of the water intake, and is usually given by the official documents presented in the administrative part. In our case, it is the
spillway dam and its crest which fixes the upstream level.

Determining the elevation of the downstream level, which corresponds to the height of water on release, is more
delicate. Indeed, if the upstream level can be fixed and regulated via retaining devices (valve, weirs, etc.), the downstream
level is less controllable, and depends in particular on the evacuation capacity of the watercourse at downstream of the
facilities. As described at the beginning of this chapter, it is therefore subject to variations in flow: the downstream level
rises during flood episodes, and drops during low water. It is therefore necessary to determine to what extent the
downstream level of each site is subject to this type of variation.

Thanks to our experience in the operation of power plants, we are able to model this variation in the slope of the
downstream level and therefore in the height of the fall, and to integrate it into the calculations of producible.

The gross head of a hydroelectric site is measured between the level at the water intake and that at the
return. She is 1.65m at the Moulin du Sarreck. This value comes from the various historical documents that we
were able to find, and which list the characteristics of the site. This height of fall corresponds to a flow regime
close to the module of the Saar at the height of the mill.

This value will be further reduced by a factor of 95% in order to obtain the net drop height to be taken into account
for the calculation of the electrical production. The latter makes it possible to count the losses of pressure undergone by the
flow of water through the various components of the plant (bar screen, etc.).

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1.4. Equipment rate selection

Generally, the flow of equipment is expressed as Qx, where x is the percentage of the time during which
the natural flow of the river is greater than Qx. For example, an equipment flow rate of 10 m3/s corresponding
to Q80 means that the selected flow rate is exceeded 80% of the time. The higher x is, the more often the plant
will operate at its equipment rate.

Recalling that the purpose of this study is to compare the installation of new equipment and the renovation of the
turbine in place, we have led a reflection on the choice of equipment which takes into account the natural flows of the
watercourse. (regularity), the physical possibilities of the site, the existing equipment on the upstream and downstream
reaches (a certain harmonization of equipment flow rates on a stretch of watercourse being desirable to avoid significant
variations in flow rates (and therefore levels )). This reflection therefore exclusively concerns the new equipment scenario,
given that the turbine in place already has its own equipment throughput.

We therefore conducted a reflection on the choice of equipment that takes into account the natural flow rates of the
watercourse (regularity), the physical possibilities of the site, the existing equipment on the upstream and downstream
reaches (a certain harmonization of the flow rates of equipment on a stretch of watercourse being desirable to avoid
significant variations in flow (and therefore levels).

In accordance with the limits imposed by the right of water (see administrative part), and in order to make the
most of the hydraulic potential of the site, equipment at 1575 L/s is the chosen configuration. According to the net
classified flow curve, this flow is effectively available 166 days a year, i.e. nearly 45.5% of the time.

We inquired about the possibilities of increasing power, beyond that authorized by the water right
founded in title. These exist but would give rise to very long administrative procedures (authorization
procedure) with no guarantee of results. The decision to start with equipment at 25.5 kW (the power based
on title) was therefore taken, in agreement with the owners of the mill.

The rest of the study will therefore be carried out according to this equipment throughput.


Authorized flow: 1575 L/s

Debit taken: 1575 L/s

Gross drop height: 1.65m

Maximum gross power: 25.5kW

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1.5. Project description

This part concerns construction investment and includes civil works and the manufacture and
commissioning of equipment.

More precisely, we made a comparison between a rehabilitation of the factory integrating the renovation
of all or part of the existing equipment and a rehabilitation of the factory integrating the development of
new hydraulic equipment (mainly a new turbine).

We have therefore structured the presentation of all the components of the site according to a presentation, an analysis of
strengths and weaknesses and an action section.

In the analysis of the different parts of the project, we wanted to pay particular attention to the points
likely to generate additional costs during the work, either difficulties or operating losses.

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Aerial view of the project

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Water intake, headrace

The intake channel, with the spillway dam on the right bank


View of the mill from downstream Return to the river

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The spillway dam seen from below the future power plant

The water reservoir is formed thanks to the weir-type dam in place, the crest of which determines the upstream water level
and therefore partly the height of the usable fall.

Here too, this organ performs its functions correctly, and does not seem to be worn or damaged (no fox
present, nor in training a priori).

The dam can therefore be left as it is.

According to the archival documents that have been found, there is a second spillway dam located further upstream

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Scraps evacuation grid & Bar screen

The grid is currently composed of a set of

mechanically welded rods

The grid in place is very old and needs to be replaced. On the advice of the owners and future operators, an
automatic mechanical screen will not be considered, because they will be able to carry out the daily operations of
screening by hand.

A sorting will be operated through a recovery in a chute.

In the best case, here is the type of fully automated screen that could be installed.

Our first priority naturally remains a simple grid, a

manual screening will be operated.

In the financial part, only one grid is taken into


A rake and chain screen can also be considered.

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Civil engineering for winnowing

A metal frame resting on concrete piles is in place, as well as two rack systems operating the
discharge valve (right) and a water chamber dry-out valve (left). The first is damaged and the second is

At first glance, the framework appears to be in a condition to support new equipment and the concrete piers
still appear sound. As regards the rack and pinion systems, a mechanical revision would be necessary, but it remains
to be seen whether another system should not be put in place, in particular with a view to a possible automation of
the plant.

In all cases, the installation of a new dry-out valve (cofferdam) is necessary, in view of the
maintenance operations on the hydraulic equipment (water chamber side).

With regard to the discharge valve, we recommend replacing the old system with a more recent mechanism,
separated from the civil engineering. This last point will make it possible to avoid the risks of degradation of the concrete
piers which are often encountered in this type of configuration.

This work will require a new operating mechanism, possibly the reinforcement of the piles and the installation
of the valve body. It will be necessary to plan a cofferdam of the channel the time of the works.

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The Negri Turbine The turbine body, advanced corrosion

The turbine in place is a 'Negri' turbine dating from 1925, of the propeller type with distributor, with a vertical
axis. Its last function was to generate electricity for the mill's own consumption.
It is relatively damaged (corrosion), at least on its external appearance.

One of the options would be to keep this turbine, but in any case it will be necessary to go through a
specialized company to rehabilitate it (sandblasting, reconstruction, anti-corrosion treatment).

The opinions that we were able to collect from specialized companies allowed us to learn more about the
turbine in place, and to determine the feasibility of a renovation:

This type of turbine was generally found in pipe mounting (with greater head). It is a propeller turbine
with fixed blades, and equipped with a shutter to regulate the absorbed flow. This type of turbine works mainly
in all or nothing (no particular profiling for guiding the water) resulting in very poor performance in
intermediate opening and strong tendency to cavitation.

Given this information, we recommend not to reuse the turbine in place. Indeed, it seems in an advanced
state of aging, it would be necessary to invest in an expensive mechanical diagnosis and without guarantee that
it can be reused. Moreover, even if it turns out that a restoration was possible, we know from our experience
that the costs of repair (sandblasting, shot-blasting, remetallization, anti-corrosion treatment, painting) are
often very high.

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A new system can be proposed, relatively similar to the existing one given that it would be a
Propeller-type turbine, but more modern, and above all equipped with an effective throttling circle, both
for flow regulation only for the optimization of the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine. This is a type of
turbine commonly called 'semi-Kaplan'.

In our case, the turbine can be installed in place of the old one, it will be necessary to proceed with the
development of a new reservation adapted to the new equipment, as well as a new sealing for the vacuum

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Mechanical transmission

The pulleys that transmitted the driving force turbine shaft

generator specifications The old bevel gear

The bearing and the bevel gear could still perform their functions, subject to a thorough mechanical
overhaul, and despite the fact that this type of component causes high energy losses.

In the other photo, it is the old belt pulleys that conveyed the rotational energy to the millstones, as
well as to the generator. As seen above, the last function of the turbine in place at the Sarreck mill was the
production of electricity, and the operation of the mill simultaneously.

Today there are transmission systems that are much more efficient and practical than those
currently in place. Pulley/belt systems that provide both speed multiplication and power transmission with
very high efficiency exist today. We therefore recommend not to reuse the current transmission, but to
prefer a new system, in particular to ensure optimal performance for the future plant.

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Electrical connection

The old generator is no longer in working order.

However, it does provide some interesting information.

Indeed, its nameplate shows its characteristics: it

produced 4.9 kW, which corresponds to a flow rate
of approximately 470 L/s turbined, taking into
account the efficiency of the turbine, the mechanics
and the generator itself.

This flow therefore corresponds to the share of power dedicated to

the production of electricity.

The old protections and production counters Connecting the mill to the ERDF network

Regarding the type of grid connection and generation option, the customer has the choice between three
different operating modes. Indeed, the energy production of its hydroelectric plant will be able to be self-consumed
by the site in its entirety, or be injected into the network and bought back by EDF in its entirety. An intermediate
solution exists, that of the 'resale of the surplus'.

Although self-consumption makes it possible to benefit from a certain independence vis-à-vis the public
network, it is nevertheless less advantageous in terms of finance and return on investment, given that the
purchase price of hydroelectricity by EDF is higher than the consumer sale tariff. The savings achieved through
self-consumption therefore remain lower than the gain obtained through the sale to the network of the same
quantity of energy. Still, the self-consumed part will remain independent of future increases in electricity tariffs,
and this is why choosing self-consumption may prove to be a good choice for the future.

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After discussions with the customer, and with a view to optimal profitability of the equipment in the short term, it is indeed
the scenario of total resale of the production which is retained. The customer therefore wishes to benefit from the purchase
obligation system.

A detailed study of the connection must be requested from ErDF services.

Given the gross power of the installation (approximately 25 kW), but also taking into account the fact that
the turbine is directly connected to the network, the connection request will be made for a "production
installation injecting without an inverter and connection of less than 36 kVA to the public distribution network
managed by ErDF. »

The connection will be made in three-phase. Two separate delivery points will have to be created: one for the
injection of production, the other for the consumption of the plant's auxiliaries.

We are also planning to equip the site with capacitor banks for reactive energy compensation. Indeed, it
is an asynchronous generator which is recommended, and this one will need reactive power to operate
(excitation of the windings of the stator). The capacitors will be there to avoid drawing this reactive power from
the ERDF network because it would then be billed to the operator.

Decoupling protection must also be implemented to ensure that the frequency of the injected
current is compatible with the network frequency (50 Hz).

Finally, the necessary electrical protection must be put in place: protection of auxiliaries, power
cabinet, circuit breakers, etc.).

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Technical area

old mill old silos

Former engine room - generation Old engine room - transmission

The work will therefore initially require the dismantling of the system (turbine, merry-go-round, belts,
transmission shaft, etc.). It will also be necessary to ensure that the old engine room located above the water
chamber is in good enough condition to accommodate the new equipment (transmission, generator, electrical
protections, power cabinet, control-command, connection) . It will also be necessary to define the location of
delivery points and meters for injection into the ERDF network.

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1.6. Production estimate

The proposed turbine equipment comes from standard production, and its characteristics do not therefore
correspond exactly to the characteristics of the site (imposed by water rights). Nevertheless, this material remains quite
suitable for the situation. Indeed, the nominal flow rate of the proposed turbine is 1600 L/s, which is slightly higher than the
limit imposed by the water law.

Gross head: Net head: 1.65m

Equipment flow: 1.57m
1600 L/s
Total gross power: 25.9kW

But despite this, the performance of the latter remains very satisfactory. Indeed, according to the right to water,
the maximum derived flow is 1575 L/s, which means that the turbine can never really run at full speed, but
can achieve very close performance.

The curve below shows the evolution of the hydraulic efficiency in partial flow of a 'Propeller' type turbine.
However, we note that this is a little better when the turbine is not at its maximum load, but rather just below,
which will be the case at the Moulin du Sarreck (1575L/s turbined for a nominal flow of 1600L /s, i.e. 98%).

The production estimate will then be carried out on the basis of the hydrological study described above, by
applying the characteristics of the selected equipment.

It should be noted that it is indeed the 'turbinable' flow which is taken into account, that is to say minus the reserved flow.
The reserved flow is taken at 10% of the module of the watercourse at the level of the studied site. This is the minimum acceptable,
and it should be noted that the Water Police may recommend a higher reserved flow.

The energy production (kWh) is calculated day by day, automatically taking into account the variation in height
of fall due to the variation in flow in the watercourse (flood/low water), and the variation in yield of the
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turbine depending on flow availability (partial flow). The goal is to obtain a production simulation that is as
close as possible to reality.

As far as the transmission is concerned, the efficiencies of the mechanical part and the electrical part
(generation) were both taken at 95%.

The results of the production simulation are compiled in the following table:

Turbine Propeller

Net head (m) 1.57

Rated flow (L/s) 1600
Net power (kW) 19.2
Operating days 365
Winter production (kWh) 58786
Summer production (kWh) 71655
Total production (kWh) 130441

It should be noted that exceptional production losses due to maintenance are not taken into account here.

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The handling and repair of the plant have several environmental consequences. Indeed, the national
regulatory context related to the use of hydraulic energy has evolved to give increasing importance to the

A simplified version of the impact study, the approach to the notice set out in the following pages
mainly includes sections describing respectively:
- The possible impact of the project on the environment
- The conditions under which the planned operation satisfies environmental concerns.

It is understood that we are inspired by the plan indicated by the SEEEN service (DDT/Colmar water
police) to carry out this approach. We specify that we only take into account the most relevant criteria.

We base our work on the regulation R122-9 of the environmental code as well as on
the decree of October 12, 1977 modified which mention for the impact study, which we must
carry out:

An analysis of the initial stateof the site and its environment, relating to the natural
resources and the natural agricultural, forest, maritime or leisure areas, affected by the
developments or works.

An analysis of direct and indirect effects, temporary or permanent of the project on the environment and
health, and in particular on the fauna and flora, sites and landscapes, soil, water, air, climate, environments and
natural balances , biological balances, on the protection of property and cultural heritage, and, where applicable, on
the convenience of the neighborhood (noise, vibrations, odors, light emissions), or on hygiene, safety and public

The reasons for which, particularly from the point of view of environmental concerns, among the parties
considered,the project presented was selected.

The measures envisagedby the assistant to the project ownerTo delete,reduce and, if possible, compensate
for the harmful consequences of the project on the environment.
This part sets out to analyze the impacts of the development on its environment, and in particular on:
- The physical environment: hydrology and groundwater, morphology, physico-chemistry
- The biological environment: hydrobiology, fish and fishing fauna, vegetation and riparian fauna
- The human environment: uses of water, landscape, sound environment, socio-economic and security.

This part is rather less supported than usual. Indeed, we contacted the General Council who
informed us that there is no specific SAGE for the municipality (it is still being drafted).

As part of this approach, these aspects will be analyzed quickly at the feasibility stage, knowing that they
will subsequently have to be studied in an exhaustive manner in a possible study, production of an impact
notice, or after the works respectively, to obtain the permission to operate or monitor settings.

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Hydrographic network

Mapping of groundwater bodies around the town, source: ADAGE

2.1. Physical environment

2.1.1 Hydrology and groundwater, morphology

DCE basin (see DCE district)

Administrative unit for water development and

management. France is divided into 14 basins or
groups of basins, each with a basin committee, a
monitoring program, a master plan for water
development and management, and a program of
measures under the water framework directive.

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The map does not specify the presence of a SAGE or a


This information was confirmed in 2012 by the Conseil

General of the Department in question.

We recall for purposes of understanding that a body of water is the technical term introduced by the Water
Framework Directive to designate a part of a watercourse, groundwater or body of water. . What differentiates one
body of water from another is the possibility or not of achieving the same objective.

The town of Oberstinzel is located on the river called Sarre2.

Also, the results of the ecological status for this course are not “positive” (cf. following table).

The cause indicated is residual pollution and/or pollution coming from excessive upstream (see table on next page)

This possibility depends on the one hand on the natural types to which they belong (differentiating a mountain watercourse
from a plain watercourse, for example) and on the other hand on the pressures linked to human activities which are exerted
on them (differentiate a watercourse subject to numerous waste water discharges from a watercourse into which little or no
such water flows).

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Some information on the state of the water body

We understand that the state of the water is poor for the good life of fish and aquatic flora. We will
therefore be careful during the work, but will also try to integrate a restoration or renaturation project for
the watercourse. Such actions have already been initiated on the river, until 2015.

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At the same time, we would like to point out to the community that the town is not connected to a depollution facility.
Also, in order not to interfere with the processing of the file, we would only recommend to the municipality to connect
the depollution of the upstream of the river to its future depollution work.

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Here are the industrial pollutants that have been detected in the watercourse.

2.1.2 Physicochemistry (in progress as of January 26)

The physicochemical quality of the water was sought from a collection of existing bibliographical elements, but
unfortunately could not succeed. We note, however, that they mainly concern the following parameters:
temperature, oxygen, pH, conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorus, MES, DB5, COD, chlorophyll, from the sitehttp://[02000010 ]

On the next page, there are scans to refine our research. Then, for the sake of transparency vis-à-vis the
contracting authority, we briefly specify how these parameters can influence the flora and/or aquatic fauna and
therefore the hydroelectric project.

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Here are the sites that were consulted to extract the following data:

As a result, such a table as the one shown below could not be obtained, and therefore does not allow us to
meticulously establish an in-depth diagnosis of the chemical state of the watercourse. This point can be achieved
during the “compensatory measures” period.

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Analysis of the main compounds (as specified by ADEME, based on the circular from the
Minister for the Environment of June 14, 1994)
Unlike other studies, we do not have the information required to establish a more complete
assessment of the parameters mentioned above, such as the figures below (from another site) could

Dissolved oxygen Hydrogen potential (pH) Overall nitrogen total phosphorus

Mesotroin BOD5 at 20°C COD Chlorophyll

Some explanations on the interest of measuring the main parameters:

pH (hydrogen potential)

The pH strongly influences the biological diversity of lakes.

Indeed, the majority of aquatic organisms need a pH close to
neutrality (6-9) in order to survive.

Significant variations in pH can therefore compromise some

of their essential functions such as respiration and reproduction.
Thus, acidified waters are characterized by a decline in biological

In addition, a pH measurement can be decisive on the evolution of the corrosion of the materials used for the turbine
unit. Indeed, the more the pH is acidic or basic, the more the metals of the buckets or the propeller will be attacked. The
customer will therefore have to plan to carry out maintenance more often to check the condition of his equipment, if
necessary, plan to rebuild the propellers, determining elements to turbine a maximum of flow.

It is therefore necessary that the pH remains stable in the middle range of 6.5 to 9. Outside this range, organisms can
experience stress that would compromise some of their vital functions.

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Oxygen, chlorophyll, temperature

A joint measurement of oxygen, chlorophyll level and

temperature will be decisive in the analysis of the proliferation of
algae in the channel.

In water, the solubility of oxygen varies, among other things,

depending on the temperature of the water, the atmospheric
pressure, the concentration of organic matter, the nutrients present,
as well as the quantity of aquatic plants. , algae and bacteria.

The dissolved oxygen found in waterways is used by aquatic organisms to breathe. However, this
phenomenon is only effective if oxygen is present above a certain concentration, because aquatic
organisms need a minimum amount of dissolved oxygen to survive.

In addition, some organisms, such as fish, are more sensitive than others to low concentrations.
Thus, dissolved oxygen can give indications on the health of watercourses and makes it possible, among
other things, to assess the quality of habitats for aquatic organisms such as fish.

Note also that a concentration of dissolved oxygen is one of the factors that determine the species that
can live in the watercourse as well as their number. The lower this concentration, the more the diversity of
animal and plant species is impoverished (loss of biological diversity).

According to the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, in order to ensure the
protection of aquatic life, dissolved oxygen concentrations should be greater than 7 mg/l for a water
temperature between 5 and 10 °C, at 6 mg/l for a water temperature between 10 and 15°C and at 5 mg/l for a
water temperature between 20 and 25°C.
The rate of "chlorophyll a" is considered to be an indicator of the abundance of algae in a
watercourse. Being at the base of the food chain, algae determine the productivity of this watercourse,
that is to say the rate of production of organic matter.

Balanced, this productivity is the reflection of a healthy watercourse. However, too much productivity
could be an indication of too much enrichment by nutrients and more particularly by phosphorus (which is
more commonly called eutrophication).

Eutrophication is a natural and very slow process, by which

water bodies (canal type) receive a large amount of nutrients
(especially phosphorus and nitrogen). This is the reason why we
also analyze these parameters.
These elements stimulate the growth of algae and aquatic
This process normally takes place over a period ranging
from several thousand to a few tens of thousands of years.
However, human activities have accelerated it in many
watercourses (lakes or canals in particular) by increasing the
quantity of nutrients reaching them, causing changes in the
balance of these aquatic ecosystems.

Long-term natural eutrophication, as well as that accelerated by artificial nutrient inputs to

watercourses, can cause several undesirable effects on the aquatic ecosystem. Some examples :
• Greater abundance of aquatic plants and algae.
• Degradation of water quality and accumulation of sediments (siltation).

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• Change in animal and plant biodiversity, favoring the species best adapted to the
new conditions or the introduction of new species to the detriment of some that were already established.


Conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to conduct an electric current, thus an indirect
measure of the ion content of water. An ion is an atom (basic constituent of matter) or a group of atoms
that has a positive or negative electrical charge. Thus, the more ions the water contains.

Like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, and chloride, the more it is able
to conduct an electric current, the higher the measured conductivity.

The conductivity values of a lake are generally stable and depend mainly on the local geology. When
noticeable changes in conductivity are observed in a lake, this is a sign of an increase in dissolved substance
inputs from the watershed. However, it is difficult to tell whether the materials that cause the change in
conductivity come from natural minerals or from pollutants. Only the analysis of the water in the laboratory
indicates with precision the nature of the dissolved minerals in the lake.
Conductivity is influenced by various natural and anthropogenic
factors including:
1. The geology of the watershed (the composition of the rocks).
2. Groundwater inputs.
3. Water temperature.
4. Evaporation of water from the stream (which increases or decreases the
concentration of ions in the water).
5. Variations in the flow of the streams and rivers that feed the
lake (the conductivity increases when the flow is low, because
there is a greater concentration of ions, and decreases when the
flow is high). 6. Inputs of contaminated water from human
activities (road de-icing, agriculture, industrial activities).

Phosphorus and Nitrogen

Phosphorus and nitrogen are essential elements for the

growth of plants and algae. They are said to be nutrient limiting,
i.e. the growth of plants and algae is limited by the availability of
phosphorus and/or nitrogen.

The greater the quantity of these elements, the greater the

quantity of organic matter produced.

We specify that a limiting nutrient is a nutrient which is necessary for the growth of plants and algae, but
which is available in insufficient quantity in the aquatic environment to enable them to increase their
abundance. There are several limiting nutrients in a watercourse, but the main one is phosphorus.

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Phosphorus and nitrogen can enter waterways through runoff because they are elements that are
found naturally in soil and organic matter. Phosphorus has the property of binding to lake sediments, but
can be resuspended during high wind events in shallow lakes.

Also, phosphorus can be released when there is a lack of oxygen in the lakes. In addition, more
sediment is deposited in a watercourse, due to the slowing of the current, thereby becoming an additional
source of phosphorus.


At the level of the nitrates directive, that is to say at the level of vulnerable zones, the farmer must take this
nitrogen supply into account in his provisional fertilization plan and in the spreading book as soon as the nitrogen
content of the water crosses the 50 mg/l mark.

Below this threshold of 50 mg/l there is no obligation to include it in a document.

2.2. Biological medium

2.2.1 Hydrobiology

The biological quality of the water was

researched using existing data. The likely
influence of development on water quality was

All measures will be taken by the companies

working on the civil engineering and the
installation of the turbine, to compartmentalize any
pollutants (oil from the first lubrication for
example), but also to avoid too long a residence
time of the sediments in the reservoir. upstream.

2.2.2 Piscicultural fauna and fishing

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The current population could be reassessed from fisheries. For this, contacts should be made (AAPMA,
SEEEN, Oberstinzel Town Hall, etc.)

The impact of the development on fish life was examined: modification of the environment, risk of mortality when
crossing the turbine, possibility of ascent and downstream migration on the weir. In particular the technical and regulatory
need to create a fish pass, the opinion of the administration has been taken on this subject.

The Rhine canal being nearby…it is the main access for fish to spawn and descend/revalve.

To renature the resting areas but also serve as shelters for the fish, a listing of the natural areas but
also a control could be carried out.

We have unfortunately noted that certain programmes, such as the LIFE Rhin vivant program, registered
with the DIREN, were still "topical" a year ago, but no longer so when this report was written (program not
accessible from the following link):

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2.2.3 Riparian vegetation and fauna

They were the subject of a rapid inventory obtained by the visits carried out on site and the search for bibliographical
elements. The existence of a protected area (registration, ZNIEFF, etc.) has been verified.

Biosphere and similar

From our analysis on the Geoportail © site, it appears that the Oberstinzel area is not indicated as
being an area presenting a risk concerning a biosphere reserve, a biological reserve, a nature reserve, nor
a biotope protection order. or even a hunting and wildlife reserve, as shown in the following image (no
colored area).

Nature 2000

Similarly, we have not notified the presence of a Natura 2000 area.

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Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic, Floristic Interest

According to the original definitions (Secrétariat Faune-Flore (SFF), 1982; SFF, 1990), a ZNIEFF is "a sector
of the national territory for which scientific experts have identified remarkable elements of the natural

The type 1 ZNIEFF necessarily shelters at least one species or a determining natural habitat, justifying a
higher heritage value than that of the surrounding environments. It may therefore concern
- a medium to small plant formation (meadow, ravine wood, marsh)
- very small spaces hosting one or more rare, remarkable or protected species
- extensive areas of high homogeneous heritage interest (forest massif sheltering a type of afforestation)

The type 1 ZNIEFF can correspond to the site of reproduction, nesting or resting place, resting area
for animal species with a large home range. In any case, no type 1 zone can contain a type 2 zone.

The type 2 ZNIEFF, on the other hand, takes into account the territories of animal species with a large range of action
(raptors, large carnivorous mammals, migratory birds), without however integrating the entire vital range.
The delimitation of ZNIEFF types 1 and 2 must be based on ecological criteria, independently of the
administrative limits, except in the case where these coincide with ecological limits.

General criteria for fauna and flora:

Vulnerability, rarity, landscape interest, economic interest, departmental and regional
harmonization. Fauna-specific criteria:
Very weak determinant species with low numbers or few stations
Criteria specific to the flora:
Coherence of ecosystems, geomorphic unit, category of plants

The surrounding area of Le Moulin is registered as a level 1 ZNIEFF (green band).

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“Graphic Plot Register” (RPG) crop islands

According to the INPN website: for RPG scans (from Geoportal). In

accordance with Community regulations (n° 1593/2000), France has set up since 2002, the Graphic Parcel
Register (RPG) which is a geographical information system allowing the identification of agricultural parcels.

Since 2007, the ASP has disseminated an anonymous version of the RPG graphic data associated
with some of the data declared by the operators. These data provide detailed information on land use and
land structures and make it possible, for example, to carry out projects or studies for land use planning,
protection of fauna or flora, management of the quality of water or risk prevention.

The surface map data is linked to the RPG according to the parameters of content, format, delivery
methods. We recall that the islets and their cultural occupation are declared annually by farmers to benefit
from CAP aid, anonymized.

An island is therefore a set of agricultural plots:

- contiguous, whole or partial, bearing one or more crops, exploited by the declarant;
- limited by easily identifiable and permanent elements, such as a path, a road, a stream, or by other
- stable from one year to the next.

Particular attention should therefore be observed by local peasants and farmers with regard to the discharge of
certain substances which could alter the quality of the water.

We specify that the information is taken from the INPN website (latest version of 30/11/2011).

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As far as the Upper Rhine is concerned, France and Germany's desire to jointly designate it as a wetland of
international importance under the Ramsar Convention has finally come to fruition.

The designation of the Rhine strip under Ramsar not only makes it possible to carry out ecological
safeguards but also to carry out a land-use planning policy there with a view to sustainable development.

Unfortunately this band is not present in the town of Oberstinzel.

On the INPN site itself we were able to list the protected species on the Oberstinzel site

2.3. human environment

2.3.1 Water use

The uses of water in the development sector have attempted to be listed.

According to the information found, there is no particular use.

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2.3.2 Landscape[057CSL 0111]

For the work part, we can more easily have a fixed dimension, since the Mill has a benchmark

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2.3.3 Noise

If the old turbine had been renovated, it would have been appropriate to pay particular attention to the
sound insulation of the premises. A soundproofing cover of the machine could have been considered if
necessary. The risks of transmission of vibrations linked to the operation of the turbine are low due to the slow
rotation speeds.

In the event that a new turbine is installed (see photos above for the two technologies identified), the
noise of the equipment has been estimated by the companies that manufacture the equipment. The turbines
have the following characteristics: 30 dbA lower noise at 3m (submerged turbine).

We can compare (according to Wikipedia, ), 30 dbA to

whispers, 30 to 40 dBA, forest noise).

As a result, the system does not cause any hearing impairment, even according to decrees n°95.408 of April 18, 1995 and
n°88.523 of May 5, 1988 and standard NF S 31010.

2.3.4 Socio-economic and security

The rehabilitation of the site includes the maintenance of the site, but also that of the relief valve and the
short-circuited channel. Therefore, if the customer does not plan to subcontract all or part of these tasks to
Hydroalsace and even not to do it himself, this rehabilitation would create a “part-time job”.

In the case of maintenance of the site and the valve, it would be advisable at least once a week to carry
out technical inspections of the installation (electrical, automatic, lubrication, etc.), to clean the grids, the
disposal of waste to areas provided for this purpose, to check the proper functioning of the mechanics, to clear
any jam that may have become stuck in the turbine or the grilels. These tasks would be part of a mission that
could last between half a day and a day per week. This would therefore compensate for a very small part of the
local unemployment rate.
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The effects of the development on public safety were also analysed, particularly in terms of variation in
flow and height on the watercourse, safety in terms of access to the plant or to the banks bordering the Saar.

Regarding this last point, the headrace is equipped upstream of

the turbine with grids. The flow being substantial, there will be
legal signs indicating the existence of a power plant and the risk of
sudden rise in water.

Re them risks, according to the site of the
Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Oberstinzel area is established in an area of moderate seismicity. It will therefore
be necessary to provide supports for the turbine that can withstand such vibrations.

In detailed view, we obtain the following map, with details also on the risks of flooding.

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Risks of mudslides and flooding have therefore been identified on the following site, but the impacts remain
low (a zone 2 has been identified as shown in the following figure).

Source of information

The administration (Water Police) will surely ask Hydroalsace to calculate the rise in the water level, in the event of a
flood, in order to properly position the staff gauge which specifies the regulation of the turbine (in the case where the
latter is not already installed on the site).

Below is a history of the floods, the latest occurring over the decade.

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Regarding flood control, we notify the customer that he can easily control the regulation of the water level by
following the following link:

2.4. Compensatory measures


The analysis of the impacts is the subject of proposals for compensatory measures:

Since the power delivered by a turbine is less than 30 kW, the system can be equipped with a voltage
stabilizer and a ballast resistor which will protect the system against the risk of runaway, and therefore of

The electrical equipment will be installed in a technical room, so the noise from this equipment will
not be audible to visitors who may walk along the Mill.

Waste disposal

The customer will undertake to evacuate by his own care all the rubbish from the grids. In addition, it will
separate the plastic elements, glasses, plants. Dumpsters could be made available by the Town Hall near the Mill. The
disposal of green waste can be provided by the customer.

We point out that these measures were naturally included in the economic estimate.

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Ecological continuity and free movement of fish fauna

It should be noted that two European directives apply to the construction of a hydroelectric plant,
regardless of its power.

On the one hand the European RES Directive (2001/77/EC) which aims to significantly increase in the
medium term the production of electricity from renewable energy sources, in particular small hydroelectricity,
and on the other hand the European Framework Directive on Water (2000/60/EC) which aims to establish a
community policy in the field of water by emphasizing the protection of the environment.

The latter refers in particular to the assurance of free movement of fish fauna along the rivers, not only during
upstream migration, but also during downstream migration.

A project to restore ecological continuity is underway across the entire area.

The old Oberstinzel mill therefore represents an obstacle to fish farming continuity.


The main constraint at Oberstinzel is the location, given the limited free space on the banks of the canal at the
height of the mill (see diagrams on page 52). The field of action is limited to the width of the canal, and there is no
possibility of circumvention due to the adjoining buildings.

As the photos below indicate, the most realistic option is to use the right bank of the dam bordering
the hydroelectric plant.

Of the source Internet : http://www.eau-rhin-

We will note that in any case, a subsidy of

the work can reach a rate of 50% (for a fish pass).

Oberstinzel is indeed in zone 2 (see map


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In addition, the Water Police have declared it acceptable for the fish pass to be out of service on a very
occasional basis, since this fish pass must also be able to serve as a discharge in the event of intervention on
the water chamber. , and will then not be operational, due to the excessive flow that will circulate there.

In view of the lack of diversity of fish species

present in the Saar, explained in the previous
pages, and of this problem of implantation, the
most appropriate type of pass is a pass with
successive basins.
Indeed, provided it is properly sized, it will
nevertheless allow all species to circulate during
upstream migration (trout, etc.).
Opposite, an example of a fish pass with successive
basins (the part of the spillway is not visible, see
next photo)
The elements may still be refined after discussions with the Water Police and ONEMA, but we are
therefore proposing at this stage a 'V' overflow weir pass. (See photo below).

Weirs can be installed, in order to have jets between basins which are both surface (in the middle of the
'V') and plunging (in the lateral part).

Also, openings in the lower part of the pass could be put in place, in order to ensure the circulation
of benthic species (in other words those living in the sediments).

The fish ladder could have 6 basins for 7 falls (see photo on the left above) which should make it possible to
cross the site's drop height of 1.5m (at the dam) over a linear distance of approximately 4.1m. It will be located on the
weir located at the height of the mill, on the right bank.

The basins would therefore have the following dimensions: 0.7 x 0.9 x 0.6m, for a volume of 0.378 m3

Each fall between successive pools would be 20cm to ensure the ascent of species with the lowest
swimming abilities.

With a flow of 200 L/s feeding the fish passage, this dimensioning gives a power dissipation by volume in
each basin of approximately 150 W/m3, which is recommended for this same question of weak swimming

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In this context, particular effort must therefore be made to address the environmental impact of the
hydroelectric project on the Saar river. We have already proposed a fish ladder solution which should ensure
the rise of the vast majority of fish species present. The issue of downstream migration remains to be seen, in
order to achieve the design of a so-called ''ichtyo compatible'' water intake.

For downstream migration, within the regulatory framework, this concerns in particular trout populations, the
only species identified during our study.

In general, making the fish water intake compatible with downstream migration consists of avoiding
fish mortality as the turbines pass. Concretely, a grid with reduced spacing (<20mm) must be installed, and
oriented and tilted judiciously to prevent the fish from getting stuck against the bars. Finally, outlets
allowing fish to pass downstream of the installation must be provided.

All these aspects will have to be clarified during the in-depth study phase, in particular in partnership with
ONEMA, in order to guarantee optimal functioning of the water intake in terms of the continuity of the fish fauna,
both upstream and downstream.

Site diagram

Detailed section of the obstacle

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2.5. Future analyzes to be planned

The additional analyzes necessary for the continuation of the project have already been presented above.

They may also concern, for example:

- samples for chemical analyzes of the water,
- more exceptionally electric fishing.
- Chlorophyll samples: a water sample is usually taken near the surface at
about 1 meter deep and transferred to an opaque bottle for analysis. This sample is then quickly sent to a
laboratory where the algae will be concentrated on a filter. Then, the chlorophyll a is extracted using a
solvent (ethanol or acetone).

To renature the resting areas but also serve as shelters for the fish, a listing of the natural areas, but
also a control could be carried out.

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3.1. Investments

The figures compiled in the following tables come from quotes obtained from specialized suppliers or
service providers, after consultation for the project concerned, or from figures drawn up for equivalent
positions on other projects. We would like to point out that they are often estimates and that their stability over
time is not guaranteed.

Positions Amount (€ excl. VAT)

Site installation, GC studies, topo surveys, environmental records 17,000

Temporary cofferdam and keeping the water chamber
dry Installation of a dry-out valve (cofferdam)
Temporary cofferdam + Installation of a new hydraulic relief valve 12,000
Civil engineering water chamber (layout + vacuum cleaner installation + turbine installation) 3,000
Repair of the water chamber masonry 4,000
Cleaning operation of the intake and tailrace canals 5,000
Disassembly of the turbine in place 6,000
Ttransport for storage 1,000
Installation of the pre-grid + evacuation gutter 8,000
Automatic screen 12,000
Fish pass (study + construction) 50,000
Propeller turbine + vacuum cleaner (supply and transport) 27,500
Transmission + generator 8,000
Electrical connection: wiring / power cabinet / network coupling 9,500
Connection to the ErDF + Consuel network 4,000
Automation: sensors and connection + remote management 10,000

Technical room layout (structure, access) 3,000

Subtotal Works 202,500

Assistance in the drafting of contracts (assistance to the contracting authority) 2,500

Assistance in the control of guide plans (Civil Engineering / Mechanical / Electricity etc.) 2,500
Site supervision/Coordination of trades 5,000
Tests, Startup, Training 2,500

Subtotal Execution of works 12,500

Total cost (excl. VAT) 215,000

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The first costing is done by including all of the equipment necessary for autonomous operation of the
plant, and by considering that all the workstations are carried out by external service providers.

After discussions with the contracting authority, the latter declared that he wanted to reduce the costs as much as possible,
given his investment capacities. He also said he was ready to invest himself personally in certain work stations (masonry,

We have therefore established a second estimate of the project, trying to go to the essentials in terms of equipment,
and considering that certain actions can be carried out internally, at least in part.

Positions Amount (€ excl. VAT)

Site installation, GC studies, topo surveys, environmental records 17,000

Temporary cofferdam and keeping the water chamber
dry Installation of a dry-out valve (cofferdam)
Temporary cofferdam + Installation of a new hydraulic relief valve 9,000
Civil engineering water chamber (layout + vacuum cleaner installation + turbine installation) 3,000
Repair of the water chamber masonry 1,500
Cleaning operation of the intake and tailrace canals internal

Disassembly of the turbine in place 6,000

Installation of the pre-grid + evacuation gutter 8,000
Fish pass (study + construction) 30,000

Propeller turbine + vacuum cleaner (supply and transport) 27,500

Transmission + generator 8,000
Electrical connection: wiring / power cabinet / network coupling 8,500
Connection to the ErDF + Consuel network 4,000
Automation: sensors and connection 5,000
Technical room layout (structure, access) 3,000

Subtotal Works 139,000

Assistance in the drafting of contracts (assistance to the contracting authority) 2,500

Assistance in the control of guide plans (Civil Engineering / Mechanical / Electricity etc.) 2,500
Site supervision/Coordination of trades 5,000
Tests, Startup, Training 2,500

Subtotal Execution of works 12,500

Total cost (excl. VAT) 151,500

To arrive at this second costing which seems more favorable to a good profitability of the project, and on the basis of which the
financial study will be detailed, we have taken into account the following hypotheses:

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- The water chamber cofferdam solution may remain obsolete (provisional solution), given the
frequency of its use (only for maintenance on submerged equipment).
- The discharge valve is no longer hydraulically operated, but mechanically operated (rack). The aim is not
to automate it but to entrust its handling with a view to managing the level of the upstream reservoir
to the operator. This hypothesis also makes it possible to reduce the cost of the automation, the
wiring as well as the oil-hydraulic unit, since only the valve circle will be controlled by the automaton.

- The existing mechanics (turbine, mechanical transmissions) would be left on site, in order to save the cost of
- Screening is done manually, to save the automatic screen.
- The contracting authority can partly carry out the repair of the masonry of the water chamber himself
(application of a coating to ensure its sealing).
- The contracting authority can contribute to the civil engineering work relating to the fishway
(creation of formwork, after obtaining detailed plans).
- The cleaning of the intake and tailrace canals can be carried out internally.

In any case, it should be noted that the following positions have not been taken into account here:

- Telecommunication box subscription for remote management

- Management fees
- Energies needed for construction, testing and start-up (water, gas, electricity, etc.)
- Administrative procedures specific to the construction site and the connection (CODOA, purchase contract,
network access contract, building permit, etc.)
- Obtaining the water right and in particular the validation of its consistency with the Water Police.
- Room equipment (lighting, power outlets, etc.)
- Safety inspection (emergency unit, fire extinguishers)
- Multiplier/generator frame if necessary
- Remote management system
- Maintenance products (grease, spare parts, etc.)
- Protective covers for electrical equipment
- Room heating
- Material storage warehouses
- Dumpsters
- Any service not included in this costing

The execution of the works includes the supply to the customer of the following technical documents:

- A general view of the installation

- Guide plans (electrical, automatic, civil engineering, etc.)
- The technical documentation of the equipment
Maintenance Instructions

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3.2.Hydroelectricity purchase price

Operating revenue is calculated directly using the purchase scales in force applied to the
production calculated in § 1.6.

Winter periodrend: from 1erNovember to March 31

Summer period: from 1erApril to October 31

The feed-in tariff is obtained by calculating the sum of the base tariff T and the premium MP, to
which must be added a quality mark-up premium MQ. This is based on the regularity of winter production,
and is recalculated every 5 years. For the first five years of production, a fraction of this MQ value must be
declared by the producer. Given the characteristics of the site, we can easily predict a quality increase of
90% (constant flow).

These tariffs are those that were put in place when the decree of March 10, 2007 was published in the Official Journal,
and therefore concern the hydroelectricity buyback contracts signed in 2007.

To obtain the rates for the current year, an indexation coefficient K based on statistical indices
recalculated each year must be applied to the above values (T+MP+MQ).

As a reminder, the production option retained here is the total resale of the production.

In addition, given the hydrological configuration of the site in terms of flow, it seems obvious that the
feed-in tariff retained for the part injected into the network will bedual component. Indeed, the Saar follows a
river-type hydrological regime, with notably high flows in winter, and lower flows in summer. The choice of the
dual-component tariff option was also verified during the producible study.

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3.3. Profitability study

We recall here that the choice of production retained is that of thetotal resale, that is to say that the
entire production will be sold to EDF, via a buyback contract signed over 20 years. As self-consumption was not
considered, the various scenarios for changes in the cost of electricity sold by EDF were therefore not simulated.
As the feed-in tariff is also indexed each year via inflation, we have assumed a probable average value of 3% per
Finally, the various production losses (shutdowns for maintenance, etc.) were taken at 6% of annual production,
and the annual reinvestment for maintenance (purchase of spare parts, lubrication, etc.) at 1% of the initial amount of
the investments.

Electrical and producible characteristics

Net installed capacity 19.17 kW

Annual full power equivalent hours 6,396
Annual production 122,615 kWh
CO2 avoided annually 20.8 you
Nuclear waste avoided annually 368 g
Household equivalents 35

Average electricity purchase obligation tariff 0.10 €/kWh

Network sales 12,816 €
Total revenue 12,816 €
Cost price per kWh produced over 20 years 0.1162 € /kW.h

NB: The cost price per kWh corresponds to the sum of investments and costs, compared to the quantity of kWh produced
over 20 years.

Operating costs

The operating account to be made over the duration of the buyback contract (i.e. 20 years) takes into account:
- The proceeds from the sale of the energy produced
- Reimbursement of loans contracted to cover the investment Annual
- operating and maintenance costs
- The different applicable taxes

Post Amount Cost(€) Total (€) Indexed to inflation

Assurance 1 200 200 Nope
Administrative costs (Bank, post office, balance sheet, etc.) 1 150 150 Yes
Reinvestment for maintenance 1 1% 1,515 Not Applicable

Meter charges 1 150 150 Nope

Telecommunication 0 30 0 Yes
Management fees 1 9% 1,153 Yes

Total 3,168

Local taxes 1.5% VA 145 Not Applicable

IFER 2.913 €/kW 0

Grand Total 3,313

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Funding requirement

Need funding : €151,500

Contribution percentage: 20%
Contribution amount: €30,300
Investment grant: 0%
Investment grant amount: 0€
Borrowed capital: €121,200
Years 20
Number of annual repayments: 1
Annual rate : 4.00%

Monthly repayment amount: Not applicable

Annual repayment amount: €8,918

Full refund: €178,362
Cost of borrowing: €57,162

Hypotheses :

- Capital contribution of 20% of the investments (minimum for obtaining a bank loan)
- No subsidies taken into account

Reimbursement schedule

Schedule Capital Pay. Interests Remb. Capital Remaining capital

1 €121,200 4,848.00 4 070.11 117 129.89 €
2 117 129.89 € 4,685.20 4 232.91 €112,896.98
3 €112,896.98 4,515.88 4 402.23 108 494.75 €
4 108 494.75 € 4,339.79 4,578.32 103 916.43 €
5 103 916.43 € 4 156.66 4,761.45 99 154.98 €
6 99 154.98 € 3,966.20 4,951.91 €94,203.07
7 €94,203.07 3 768.12 5,149.99 €89,053.09
8 €89,053.09 3 562.12 5,355.98 €83,697.10
9 €83,697.10 3,347.88 5 570.22 78 126.88 €
10 78 126.88 € 3 125.08 5,793.03 72 333.85 €
11 72 333.85 € 2,893.35 6,024.75 €66,309.09
12 €66,309.09 2,652.36 6 265.74 €60,043.35
13 €60,043.35 2,401.73 6,516.37 53 526.97 €
14 53 526.97 € 2 141.08 6 777.03 €46,749.94
15 €46,749.94 1,870.00 7 048.11 €39,701.83
16 €39,701.83 1 588.07 7 330.03 32 371.80 €
17 32 371.80 € 1,294.87 7,623.24 €24,748.56
18 €24,748.56 989.94 7,928.17 €16,820.40
19 €16,820.40 672.82 8,245.29 8 575.10 €
20 8 575.10 € 343.00 8 575.10 0.00 €

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Financial flow

Total Fees Result Treasury
Years Refunds Total Fees Revenue cumulative
Operation raw cumulative
placed (4%)
1 €3,313.12 €8,918.11 12 231.23 € €12,815.67 584.44 € 496.78 € 496.78 €
2 €3,357.40 €8,918.11 €12,275.51 €13,200.14 - €2,417.46 €1,421.41 €1,441.28
3 €3,403.01 €8,918.11 €12,321.12 €13,596.15 - €1,897.75 €2,696.43 €2,773.96
4 €3,449.99 €8,918.11 €12,368.10 €14,004.03 - €1,360.75 €4,332.36 €4,520.84
5 €3,498.38 €8,918.11 €12,416.49 €14,424.15 - 805.89 € €6,340.02 €6,709.34
6 €3,548.22 €8,918.11 €12,466.33 €14,856.88 - 232.55 € 8 730.57 € €9,368.26
7 €3,599.56 €8,918.11 €12,517.67 €15,302.58 359.90 € €11,515.48 €12,527.90
8 €3,652.43 €8,918.11 €12,570.54 €15,761.66 972.10 € €14,706.60 16 220.13 €
9 3 706.90 € €8,918.11 €12,625.01 €16,234.51 €1,604.73 €18,316.10 20 478.44 €
10 €3,762.99 €8,918.11 €12,681.10 €16,721.54 €2,258.48 €22,356.55 €25,338.03
11 €3,820.77 €8,918.11 €12,738.88 17 223.19 € €2,934.06 26 540.96 € 30 535.96 €
12 €3,880.28 €8,918.11 €12,798.39 €17,739.89 €3,632.24 €30,937.62 36 154.05 €
13 €3,941.58 €8,918.11 €12,859.69 18 272.08 € €4,353.77 35 696.95 € €42,359.54
14 €4,004.72 €8,918.11 €12,922.83 €18,820.25 €5,099.45 40 829.45 € 49 186.43 €
15 €4,069.75 €8,918.11 €12,987.86 €19,384.85 €5,870.11 46 345.93 € 56 670.36 €
16 4 136.73 € €8,918.11 €13,054.84 €19,966.40 €6,666.59 52 257.50 € €64,848.75
17 €4,205.72 €8,918.11 13 123.83 € €20,565.39 7 489.80 € 58 575.59 € 73 760.79 €
18 €4,276.78 €8,918.11 13 194.89 € 21 182.35 € 8 340.63 € 65 €311.95 83 447.59 €
19 €4,349.98 €8,918.11 €13,268.09 €21,817.82 €9,220.03 72 478.69 € €93,952.22
20 €4,425.37 €8,918.11 €13,343.47 €22,472.36 10 128.99 € €80,088.22 105 319.85 €

Return on investment

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3.4. Conclusion

The financial study of the project shows good profitability, since the return on investment time is around
11 years, which is fairly standard for a very low power hydroelectric project (pico-central). Cumulative cash
invested at 4% exceeds €100,000 after twenty years of operation, corresponding to the duration of the purchase
obligation contract.

It should be remembered here that the project costs have been reduced to a minimum, and that the costing
presented takes into account the fact that the client agrees to invest in certain parts of the work, in order to reduce
labor costs. 'artwork.

Regarding possible subsidies, there is unfortunately no longer a regional aid program in 2012, but it
is not impossible that this will be reconsidered in 2013. Finally, the fish pass could possibly be subsidized
up to 50 % by the Rhine-Meuse water agency, which could further improve the profitability of the project.

It should also be noted that the study that we have just done focuses on the 20 years of the contract
to buy back the electricity produced by EDF, but the plant will of course continue to produce energy after
these twenty years. . It could then, for example, contribute to a certain energy independence in the event
of self-consumption.

We recall once again the interest of the more global project of the Moulin du Sarreck, which would make it possible both to
restore ecological continuity in the Sarre, and to participate in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the production
of electricity. clean and renewable.

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4.1.Cadastral map
A specific point was made on the administrative aspect of the project, both on the current situation
and on the steps that should be considered. We therefore first specify the facilities of the Mill.

4.2.Historical elements

A descriptive file of the Moulin du Sarreck hydraulic site dating from 1999 was found. It refers to the
water regulation dating from 1925, and mainly contains the following elements:

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History and legal regime

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Change history

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Site diagram

Mention is therefore made of an authorization to modify the spillway located upstream, dating from
1948, allowing it to no longer be used as a flood spillway. It was then replaced by an earthen dyke still
existing today, equipped downstream with a pipe whose opening is controlled by a discharge valve.

At the same time, the location of the fish pass is recommended on the right bank, on the weir located at the height of
the Mill. It is therefore a priori at this location that the instream flow must be maintained, and not downstream of the weir
located further upstream. Moreover, it is this configuration that was recommended in the past, and confirmed in 1999, since
it has been considered satisfactory since then.

We therefore hope that this will be maintained. Indeed, rehabilitation of the upstream spillway, with a view to ensuring an
instream flow there, would incur civil engineering and earthworks costs which would increase the costs of the project, at the risk of
it not seeing the light of day.

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4.3.Current administrative situation

Water right

The owners do not have the water right document available, but do have a document attesting to the existence of a
water right at the Sarreck mill. This is a file established in 1986 by the navigation service on the orders of the Ministry of the
Environment. This document appended to this study identifies the characteristics of the site and also discusses the
administrative aspects. The administrative part certifies, among other things, the character''founded in titleof the hydraulic

The file in question was submitted to the Water Police for validation, and a process of additional historical
research aimed at confirming the content of the file was initiated. It made it possible to confirm the existence
and operation of the mill in the 16ecentury, and to get hold of several official decrees, as well as a census study
of the mills established on the Saar (see appendices).

Rights ''founded in title'' are specific water use rights, exempt from the authorization or renewal
procedure. These rights of use derive their ''perpetual'' character from the fact that they were issued before the
principle of authorizing these structures on watercourses was established.

In our case of the mill of Sarreck, the work is established on the Saar which is a national watercourse, that is to
say that its bottom and its banks are property of the state. State watercourses generally correspond to floatable and/
or navigable watercourses.

The fact that the water right of the mill is founded in title, means in this case that it already exploited the
driving force of water before the year 1600. Indeed, in the general case, a catch of water on a national watercourse is
generally only founded in title if it was established before the Edicts of the Mills of February and March 1566. But
things get a little complicated here since Lorraine was a province of France , and it was attached to it in 1766, and
therefore after this date of 1566. But the principle of inalienability had been recognized there since 1600, and it is
therefore this date that is to be taken into account.

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4.1. Consistency of this water right

The character founded in title of the mill of Sarreck is thus well recognized. But this is purely qualitative. To
quantify this right, it remains to determine its ''consistency''.

NB: Mr. Francis FISCHER is the main contact for the MISE department (DDT/Water Police).

Usually, the legal consistency of a site founded in title is defined on the one hand by the height of gross fall taken
between the crest of the dam and the water intake at the level of the downstream mill, and on the other hand by the flow
likely to transit at the level of the water inlet.

Thus, the gross fall height is 1.65m. With regard to the divertable flow, this has been deducted from the
authorized gross power. The latter is set at 25.5 kW according to the various historical documents that have
been found. This is the power based on title or PMB (Maximum Gross Power).

We can therefore deduce the flow that was used by the old mill by a simple calculation using the
hydraulic power formula, and we obtain the value of 1575 L/s, i.e.1.575m3/s.

4.2. Administrative procedures

They have been listed and include the following information:

-Texts of law or regulations to which the project falls for the authorization to operate

- Validation of the hydroelectric plant project with the Water Police

- For all work affecting the bed of the watercourse, article L.215-14 of the environmental code
- For the Passe à Poissons, validation of the project by ONEMA

-ERDF electrical connection procedure

In all cases, the customer must also obtain a certain number of documents, including the DIN VDE 0126
1.1 certificate of conformity.

To this end, we recall the administrative context.

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Administrative context

Many laws govern the use of hydraulic energy from rivers.

The works based on the title

These works are neither subject to the authorization nor to the concession referred to in article 1 of the law of
October 16, 1919 insofar as the power has remained unchanged since its origin.

For a work to be recognized as founded in title, its existence must be proven, on state watercourses, before the edict
of the mills of February 1566 (inalienability of the domain of the Crown) and on watercourses not estates, before the law of
August 20, 1790 (abolition of the feudal regime) or the date of attachment of the provinces to France.

The title-based nature of the site has been recognized.

Law of October 16, 1919

The first important text is the law of October 16, 1919. This stipulates that "no one can dispose of the energy of the
tides, lakes and waterways regardless of their classification without concession or authorization from the State" .

The concession threshold then concerned installations whose gross maximum power was greater than
500 kW. For other installations whose maximum gross power was less than 500 kW, the applicable regime was
that of authorisation.

The duration of the authorizations (by royal decree, decree, etc.) on the date of promulgation of this law remained
authorized for a period of 75 years, i.e. until 1994.

At the end of this 75-year period, a renewal of authorization or concession had to be requested except for
installations whose maximum gross power does not exceed 150 kW. These installations remain authorized in
accordance with their title without limitation of duration.

The site founded in existing title and being authorized, it is not concerned by this law.

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Article 25 of the law of July 15, 1980

This article stipulates that on certain rivers (list fixed by decrees in Council of State), no new
authorization can be given for new hydraulic installations.

For existing companies on such a watercourse, an authorization (renewal or increase in power) can
be granted insofar as the height of the dam is not modified (in our case, the location of the valve).

The concession threshold is increased from 500 to 4500 kW.

The site being existing and authorized (founded in title), it is not concerned by this law.

Water Law of 26 December 2006

The "nomenclature" decree of 1993 covers all hydroelectric installations except those established as titles.

In accordance with article 10 of the water law, the nomenclature fixed by decree 93-743 of March 29, 1993
determines the policing regime, declaration or authorization, to which operations including the creation of hydroelectric
power stations are subject. For the latter, the regime to be applied is that of authorisation.

The site being founded in title, it is not concerned by this law.

Law 95 -1024 of November 6, 1995 codified in the environmental code

This decree modifies article 16 of the law of October 16, 1919. It fixes the form and the procedure of examination of the
requests for authorization of hydroelectric plants.

In particular, this decree imposes the production of notices or impact studies in any authorization
request. The threshold between the notice and the impact study is set at 500 kW.

This decree specifies the different phases of the administrative investigation which includes a public inquiry and proposes a
standard water regulation.

The site being founded in title, it is not concerned by this law.

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5. Definition of a program

The purpose of this study being the realization of the site, we also specify a schedule and the articulation between the
different phases of the project.

We first note that it is necessary to make a declaration of work for the cofferdam. Moreover, we would like
to present this point which seems to us to be particular.

In all cases (renovation or new installation), the current Francis turbine should be removed from the water chamber.
In order to carry out this operation, it is necessary to be able to put this chamber out of water.

Transport networks (rail and road)

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Leveling marks that will be used for the construction site

The built surfaces that will

identify storage areas

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Alternator, Depending on the characteristics of the electrical network, there are mainly two types of
generator generators:
- the synchronous generator or alternator, generally used in an autonomous network, but also
for high-power units, greater than 1,000 or 2,000 kW and connected to the network,

- the asynchronous generator is most often used in the case of a connection to the general
network, for powers lower than 1,000 or 2,000 kW. In this, the two armatures, the rotor and the
stator, are traversed by alternating currents of slightly different frequencies.

Archives The series of departmental archives correspond to information deposited by the administrations
departmental of the Bridges and Roads, Taxes, etc. There are many notes and photocopies of letters, lawsuits,
leases and plans of the wheels and location of the mills. The M, P and S series are preferred
sources of data.

Vacuum Evacuation pipe at the outlet of the turbine which allows the recovery of the residual kinetic energy
possessed by the water at the outlet of the reaction turbines

Landing Deposits of alluvial materials (pebbles, gravel, sand, etc.) eroded downstream and deposited in
particular during flood phases, by the watercourse in certain areas forming banks which modify
the river dynamics.
Over time, the landfills naturally become vegetated and can be detrimental to the proper flow of
water and dangerous in times of flooding. Their management is essential for good management
of a watercourse and requires a good knowledge of river dynamics.

Cofferdams Panels generally made of wood or aluminium, inserted in slides specifically made in the side
walls, and making it possible to isolate and dry the downstream or upstream parts for

intake channel A low-slope open channel that carries water from the river intake to an overflow chamber (if
there are penstocks downstream) or directly to the powerhouse for low head

Tailrace Discharge channel located after the turbine and which joins the watercourse

Cards of Cassini was commissioned by Louis XV to draw up a detailed map of the kingdom. This was
cassini established on the scale of a line for 100 fathoms, that is to say at 1/86,400. The hydraulic sites are
symbolized by a small wheel.

CETMEF Center for Maritime and River Technical Studies

Gross drop Altitude difference between the water bodies of the water intake and the vacuum outlet

net fall Head available for power generation by the turbine, defined as the gross head minus all
pressure drops in the grids, intakes, pipes, valves, suctions and tailraces

Capacitor Dielectric device, which momentarily absorbs and stores electrical energy

Curve of Curve representing the history of the flows of a watercourse (from 0 to 100% of the time spent
classified debits measuring) and represented according to decreasing flows

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watercourse belongs to the state. The riparian owners being forced to maintain, but benefiting from a right
domanial of easement. The shore is usually open to the public. A watercourse is declared domanial from a
certain point to its mouth, including the arms, even if not navigable or floatable, of this
watercourse. The bank and the bed belong to the State, like the right to use the water. The
management of certain navigable waterways in the public domain is entrusted to the public
institution VNF, which can obtain royalties from users who navigate on its domain. Navigation is
free, in compliance with regulations with priority to commercial navigation. A watercourse
classified as non-navigable or non-floatable may be kept in the public domain.

Watercourse no rivers and streams) are the non-floatable and non-navigable watercourses of the old
domanial regulations. They are governed by private law. Only the bottom and the banks belong to the
owners who can prohibit access to others, as well as circulation. The water is still part of the
public domain, the owners cannot reduce the flow of the river below a certain threshold. Access
to fenced banks is prohibited without the express permission of the owners. Access to water is
authorized in places where the banks belong to the public domain (pontoon, bridge, bank
belonging to a local community, etc.)

Debit This is the bit rate corresponding to the maximum capacity of the PCH equipment.
of equipment
Reserved flow The texts, and in particular article L.232-5 of the New Code of the Environment, impose to maintain in
the short-circuited bed of a developed watercourse, a minimum flow permanently guaranteeing the
life, the circulation and reproduction of species. This minimum flow, called reserved flow, must not be
less than one tenth of the interannual module.

Average flow It is the quotient of the volume of water passed in the year by the number of seconds (3.15 x 107). The
annual or average interannual module calculated over at least five years is more significant. It is expressed in
module m3/s.

Low flow This is most often the flow exceeded on average 355 days per year.

Screen A PCH device whose function is to prevent floating debris (above all leaves and branches) from
clogging the turbine.

EAF French Autonomous Electricity

Impact study The impact study is a scientific and technical analysis making it possible to envisage the future
consequences of a development project on the environment.

Factor of Ratio between the power measured in kilowatts (kW) and the apparent power measured in kilo
Powerful volt-amperes (kVa).

Gate Structure consisting of a series of parallel metal bars spaced equally and preventing the
intrusion of ice jams in the downstream structure.

Indexing of Concerns the adjustment of the repurchase value of energy on a given economic index, in
energy particular inflation.
Inflation Loss of the purchasing power of the currency which results in a general and lasting increase in
annual prices

Maintenance Control of production parameters (power, current, temperature, tightness, etc.), lubrication of
control devices

marling the fluctuations of the water level in the rivers, canals, basins and reservoirs and the difference in
level on which these fluctuations occur

PCH Small Hydroelectric Power Plant

Losses Production shutdown, screening…

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Hydroelectric feasibility study Sarreck mill

water font The Water Police is in particular responsible for examining authorization application files,
checking on the ground the prescriptions formulated, fighting against the pollution of
waterways, participating in the development of planning documents such as SAGE or SDAGE

from POS to PLU The SRU (Solidarity and Urban Renewal) law of February 27, 2002 reforms the existing urban
planning documents:
- for urban areas, the SCOT (Territorial Coherence Scheme) replaces the Master Plan,

- for municipalities, the PLU (Local Urban Plan) replaces the POS (Land Occupation Plan),

- for small municipalities, the Municipal Map becomes an urban planning document.

producible Amount of energy a plant can produce

WISE Environmental Development and Management Plan

Regulator A control device that adjusts the flow through the turbine based on the output signal from a
sensor (turbine speed, water level in the reservoir, etc.).

Transformer At the generator output, a transformer raises the voltage produced (generally 380 V) to a value
equal to that of the electricity transmission lines, for example 20,000 V.

Turbine The turbine is the intermediary transforming hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. The water acts
on the buckets, the blades or the vanes of a wheel and causes the rotation of this one. There is a wide
variety of turbines

Francis Turbine The flow enters radially between the guide vanes and the impeller vanes, which are stationary.

Kaplan turbine It is a propeller turbine whose guide vanes are mobile and whose wheel blades are variable

Valve Device for adjusting the flow or closing a pipe or an orifice. There are different types of valves:
check valve, slide valve, wagon valve, butterfly valve, etc.

Speed Rotation speed of the generator, making it possible to produce an alternating current of frequency
synchronous exactly identical to that of the network (50 Hz or 60 Hz) receiving the energy produced.

VNF Waterways of France

HydroAlsace SARL - 3 rue du Maine, 68270 WITTENHEIM - 09 81 64 53 99

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6.2.Information websites

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