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Ali and Parvez are in their livingroom with some Dürüm in their hands.
So.... How are you my son?
Good. Thank's for ordering Dürüm. It's delicious.
No problem. I wanna talk to you. It's about your exam. I just wanna talk to you because we
didn't talk to each other in the last time.
Ali (​looks annoyed)
Ok, if you want to...
Good. So, how is school going? Do you have good marks and how are your teachers?
Well, it's ok. Not that bad but it could be better. I'm giving my best. My teachers are cool. I
like them. But there is a teacher who doesnt like me. It's my history teacher. She looks at me
like I am shit.
Should I talk to her?
No, it's ok. I'm dealing with it.
I noticed that you began to pray. To Allah?
Yeah, I'm religious. I'm praying to Allah.
I like that you found something, that you like. When I was young I also prayed to Allah.
Ali ​(puts his Dürüm on a plate)
You? You were religous?!
Yes. But I stopped.
Why? It's totaly wonderful to have a community whos thinking the same way. Islam is our
culture and future. It will save us from the rotten western ideals!
Do you want to know why?
Because you were weak father! You fell into the traps of western civilization. You gave up
your soul for temporary enjoyment!
Don't say that! Yes I gave up on islam, but you don't know all the truth about islam! I grew up
in Pakisan , I lived in the north of the country. Everyone in my family, my friends, everyone I
knew believed in islam and the holy writing o the koran. In school they made me study it until
I fell asleep. Once I fell asleep, a fine thread that was tied to my hair by the maulvi jerked me
awake. Hours on hours studying, being jerked awake, studying and again being jerked
awake. It was hell. It was humiliating and immoral!
So it's true! you were too weak and gave up your soul.
Maybe... But I wanted freedom! I didn't want to be opressed by rules made thousands of
years ago! I'm aware of the fact that I broke the rules of the Koran

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