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Even though many people around the world are sports fans, they have been

asking themselves why famous sports players are paid a lot of money. In
contrast, they also have to take into consideration the entertainment the
players provide, how hard they work, and their value based on their skill.
Firstly, it is worth considering that a considerable percentage of the population
around the globe is interested in sports. So, these athletes have a big
responsibility in terms of entertaining their fans and when they do not do this,
these people get angry and say they do not deserve the amount of money they
are paid.
Secondly, nowadays, these athletes need to be on the maximum of their
physical condition, to avoid injuries. If they do not work as hard as expected,
their contract with sponsors and clubs could be over.
Thirdly, it is an indispensable fact that their value on the market is based on
how well they play and how skillful they are, so if they do not attend to these
qualifications, they start to lose value on the market and no club wants a
player who costs a lot but does not play well.
To sum up, I would agree that famous sports players are considered overpaid,
when their job is just to entertain the public, compared to a doctor’s salary
whose profession is to save lives, it is unfair someone who entertains the
public to gain a bigger salary than someone who saves lives every day.

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