Document Analysis On First Voyage

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The author of this document was Antonio Pigafetta, an Italian chronicler, who accurately
recorded in his journal the details of the world’s first circumnavigation. This was dated in1519
during their exploration around the world up until 1522 when he successfully completed it. This
chronicle provided sufficient and comprehensive information of the cultural life of the people
residing in certain places they had come across with in their journey.

In the first paragraph, it was said that the idea of this voyage was deliberated by Pigafetta
himself in purpose to experiment and see for himself the very great and awful things of the ocean
that were once just written on the reports from those people who had experienced it first-hand. In
order to satisfy the curiosity of the emperor, the lords and even himself, he performed the said

Ferdinand Magellan, a Spanish commissioned authority who gained confidence and

support from the monarchy of Spain, was appointed as the captain-general of the voyage at that
time. He was a very discreet and virtuous man and that was evident in the actions and methods
he had henceforth undertaken during their trip. With that being said, in second paragraph of the
document, he actually did not explicitly declare the voyage which he was going to make so that
his men, should not from amazement and fear, be unwilling to accompany him in this long
journey. In addition to that, the masters and captains of the other ships of his company were not
fond of him for the reason that he’s a Portuguese and they were Spaniards, who for a long time
have been in rivalry and ill with one another.

On their journey, they came across various countries and islands which filled them with
new discoveries – many of such were peculiar yet brilliant and useful. For instance, in the sixth
paragraph, there it was mentioned that “cochi” fruit from palm trees were used to make bread,
wine, oil and vinegar in. Back in their homeland, they had to use or get from different plants the
ingredients necessary in order to bring forth these goods.

In connection with the discoveries, people from the past were found to be civilized
enough to rule a tribe or kingdom. They had hierarchy of social classes. They had their
prevailing language that allows them to have shared understanding with one another. Their
customs and traditions, although was varied, but still were strictly followed by the populace and
so brought upon social organization to the entirety of the tribe with the lords or kings as their
head or leader. As a proof of their existing customs, around the 11 th and 12th paragraph, kinship
and transaction between foreign endeavors and residents of the island in the process of
exchanging goods or things for something that perhaps from their perspective were of the same
value. In the 15th paragraph of the journal, there can be read a time on the 7 th of April, Sunday,
when the captain-general commanded all his ships to hang out their flags, lower the sails and had
all the artillery fired. The people in the area were greatly frightened thinking that a war had
begun, but in contrary, it was actually the fashion and custom from their homeland to fire
artillery when arriving to ports, to show signs of peace and friendship and more so to honor the
king of the country. Given that passage, it certainly showed that there was already an existing
customs and traditions even before the invasion of foreign endeavors in the Philippines.

To highlight the important part, it was apparent for people to bring something with them
in their journey. That “something” was not just a thing, or anything materialistic, but the values
that they possess, specifically, the religion they have – Christianity. This, together with its
religious beliefs were influenced to the people residing on an islands they have come across with.
It was even told in the journal, fifth to the last paragraph that the saints they believed into have
protected them against the storms and unexpected calamities occurring amidst the vast seas.
They even had offerings as a sign of gratitude for the aid at times of need. This tradition, up until
today, is still being practiced by so many religious people even in the Philippines. These were
influences from the past that is still emerging in the present. It’s deeply rooted that it could not
be easily taken off and be erased, it is a norm – if rather be considered because of its large
quantities of practitioners.

This journal was created to spread what he had seen before his eyes, the places, the
fruits, the people and everything there is that is not familiar to everyone. To impart the
knowledge which he acquired along the journey. This document served as an evidence that such
events did in fact occur in the past, which includes the journal as well in some sense.

Pigafetta, A. and Stanley, H. E. J. (1874). The First Voyage Round the World, by Magellan.
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