4th Module 5-6

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Have you ever experienced being injured?

Maybe, some of you had already experienced being a situation that you don’t
expect to happen but you should all know that we are all exposed to dangers which give
us injuries. That’s why we should be aware of what possible dangers that may we
encounter in our daily life, how all of these can affect us, and how we can prepare
ourselves to prevent it.

This module is designed to help you understand completely about the word injury
and discover its two classifications (intentional and unintentional injuries). In here, you
will also learn the two division of intentional injuries and its classifications.

Module is made to help you inculcate self-study habits and self-confidence which
are very much essential to enhance learning. It also provides you a solid knowledge
base and actualizes learning experiences. It helps you to become independent thinkers
and learn to accept responsibility.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Differentiate intentional injuries from unintentional
2. Exemplify the two divisions and classifications of
intentional injuries and;
3. Collect news clippings about the two divisions of
intentional injuries (self-inflected/ assault).

Last grading you have learned about the common

unintentional injuries and its first aid now in this activity try to
recall them for you to identify the two types of injuries.
This activity will help you to have a prior knowledge with
the following lesson which all about intentional injuries.
ACTIVITY: “Unintentional Injury or Intentional Injury”

DIRECTIONS: Look carefully in the given pictures below. Identify the pictures whether it
is an intentional injury or unintentional injury. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
1. 2.

3. 4.


Injury also known as physical trauma, is any damage to

your body; it can be caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons,
or acts of violence that may occur at home, work, or play. There
are two types of injury the intentional injury and unintentional


In this lesson, you will learn the two divisions of

intentional injuries and its classifications.


1. Unintentional Injuries - are injuries that are not caused on purpose or with
intention to harm yourself or others.

2. Intentional Injuries - are injuries resulting from purposeful human action,

whether directed at oneself or others.
Intentional injuries are divided into two:

A.Self-inflected - person who harms herself or himself on purpose.

2 classifications:
a.Suicide – is the intentional taking of one’s own life
b.Para suicide – a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die.

B.Assault – person/persons who harm another on purpose.

4 classifications:
a.Those that were committed within the family (domestic violence happens when one or
more members of the family harms/abuses another family member)
b.Those that were committed by peers (bullying, stalking and extortion may committed
by peers in school or in the community)

c.Those that were committed by other groups (gang and youth violence, illegal
fraternity-related violence, kidnapping and abduction, and different acts of terror may
committed by groups).
d.Those that were committed by family, peers and other groups (sexual victimization
and other forms of abuse and harassment (includes verbal abuse, incest, molestation
and rape) may be committed by the family, peers and groups).

Here are some examples of the two divisions of intentional


Common examples of self-inflected and assault that a person may do to

harm her/himself or to others:

Burning Scratching/Cutting/Carving/Abrading

Bullying Sexual Abuse Pounching

The following are sets of activities that you need to
accomplish to assess whether you understand the lesson
or not. Copy and write your answers in your MAPEH
activity notebook.


DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is

false. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

__________1. Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from violence.

__________2. Intentional injuries are divided into two self-inflected and assault.
__________3. Suicide is a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die.
__________4. Unintentional injuries are injuries that are not caused on purpose or with
intention to harm yourself or others.
__________5. Para-suicide is a classification of assault.


DIRECTIONS: Determine the following sentences whether it is an
example of self-inflected or assault. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. John was always bullied by his classmate.

2. Jenny keeps posting about suicidal thoughts.
3. Anna was always beaten by her father.
4. A 15 year old girl hanged herself at home.
5. Joy always hit her sister with the use of whip.
6. Aldrin was tortured by a gang.
7. Monica has fresh cuts on her forearm.
8. A girl suddenly send farewell letter to her friends and families.
9. Anne was raped.
10. Analiza was sexual abused by her uncle.

Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from purposeful

human action, whether directed at oneself or others.
Intentional injuries are very harmful which any of us can
experience it. There are two divisions of intentional injuries
self-inflected and assault. Wherein self-inflected is defined as
person who harms herself or himself on purpose while assault
is defined as person/s who harm others on purpose.
Now that you have learned in this lesson about the
meaning, divisions and classifications of intentional injuries,
try to answer the reflection question below.

DIRECTIONS: Answer the reflection questions below.
Copy and Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you think is the importance of knowing about intentional injuries?

2. As a student, what are the effects of intentional injuries in your studies?
3. What can you do to avoid intentional injuries?

 Physical Education and Health 9, Learners Material, pp.371-386

 https://www.scribd.com/document/401765167/Lesson-Plan-Intentional-Injuries

ACTIVITY: “Unintentional Injury or Intentional Injury”

DIRECTIONS: Look carefully in the given pictures below. Identify the pictures
whether it is an intentional injury or unintentional injury. Write your answers in
your activity notebook.
1. Unintentional Injury
2. Intentional Injury
3. Unintentional Injury
4. Intentional Injury
5. Intentional Injury


DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is false. Write
your answers in the blank provided. Copy and answer it in your activity notebook.

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