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Nama: Hemas Syauqi Ramadhani

Presence: 17

Class: XII MIPA 1

Martina Berto
Jln. Pulokambing II no.1 Kawasan Industri
Pulogadung, Jakarta 13930- Indonesia
Re: Marketing Manager

Dear Martina Berto

I am excited to be applying for the Marketing Manager at Martha Tilar Group. After look at the
qualification and job description, i belive that it's the right job for me. I was graduate in cambridge
university faculty of management. My experience in managering is unquestionable. I had work as an
assistant manager in a business group.
My skill in computer and editing also support me to manage something in a company. I am great to
use excel, word, power point, photoshop, and other program that related to my job. In addition i can
manage a social media and promotion. I often manage a schedule of an employer company, with my
skills i hope can give contribute to this company.
To manage a company, must have a good personality. Especially in a leaddership. I can organize and
lead stricly. I also good in teamwork job.

I look forward to having a discussion about the job in an interview. I hope that my skills and
experiences will bring value to Martha Tilat Group in the future. Thank you for your time and

Sincerely yours,

Hemas Syauqi

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