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Stress Management

Stress is something that is completely normal. Everyone experiences stress from time to time and sometimes it
can be positive, encouraging us to strive to do our best. However, stress can become a problem if you are
feeling stressed very frequently or so severely, that it impacts on how you would usually live your life.

Try to identify what causes you stress and try to control and manage it.

1) Balance work/life

Try to find an even balance of work, things you must do, and things you like to do.

2) Exercise

Exercising regularly will give you more energy in the long run and you will feel better able to deal with problems
around you.

3) Eat

Try to eat a healthy diet. In the long run you will feel healthier, fitter and more energetic.

4) Sleep well

If sleeping is difficult, try to follow good sleeping practice – get up earlier than you would want to, go to bed
earlier, and try not to engage in tasks that engage your brain too much directly before going to bed such as

5) Learn calming techniques

Breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness are called calming techniques that can help you relax.

6) Talk to friends, family and colleagues

Don’t assume the level of stress you feel is normal for everyone. Talk to those around you and share your
worries (if this is appropriate)

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