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1. If you were King Hrothgar in the story, what gift would you give the warrior who just saved your kingdom?

2. Share a personal life event wherein you can say you are the hero in a personal battle between good and evil.

3. How do people overcome life struggles that require them to choose sides between the good and the bad?

4. Why is the road of life always filled with conquests of good and evil?

5. Cite a bible verse that is related to the epic and write a short reflection about it.

II. Complete the following table below by writing down the part in the epic that corresponds to each element.

Elements of an Epic Evidence from the Epic Poem

1. It has a plot that centers on
an epic hero

2. It has a plot that involves

impossible human feats.

3. It contains archetypes and

vast settings.

4. It uses literary devices.

III. Compare and contrast the original story of Beowulf from the movie version using the Venn Diagram.

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