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Activity 1

1. We found from a news website that the Acting Head of the Research, Development
and Disadvantage Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Totok Suprayitno
said the reading literacy activity index (Alibaca) in Indonesia was still low. The
national reading literacy activity index stands at 37.2.

"Nationally, this is in the low category, in the range between 20.1-40 and we get an
index of 37.2," Totok said in a Hearing Meeting with Commission X DPR, Wednesday,
November 25, 2020.

As for the index, starting from the very low category, namely 0-20, then low at 20.1-
40. For 40.1-60 categorized as moderate, 60.1-80 included in the high category and
80.1-100 is very high.

2. Based on the Reading Literacy Activity Index (Alibaca) of the Ministry of Education
and Culture (Kemendikbud), as reported by, it turns out that the cause of
the low reading interest of the Indonesian people is due to the lack of access to
reading, namely library facilities, especially in remote areas.

3. Because reading is a hobby from an early age and parents also provide facilities such
as magazines, short stories, etc., reading will become a daily habit.

Activity 2
1. The factor is the development of technology that shifts the position of books as a
means of literacy so that people spend a lot of time using the internet

2. The solution that we can provide is to create a reading community for those who are
teenagers or growing up, while those who are 12 years and under can familiarize and
facilitate children in literacy.

Activity 3
1. Because their habitat is being lost due to climate change
2. Polar bears cannot adapt to climate change, so many of them cannot survive and are
threatened with extinction.
3. 22,000 - 31,000 population.
4. Polar Bears can swims more than 60 miles (100 km) without rest to find food.
5. In 2008, these marine mammals were listed as a threatener species.
6. Sea bear.
Activity 4
Part A
1. Plastic and other types of man made waste float on the surface and circulate below
the water. It is difficult to measure how much trash is in the ocean because a lot of
the trash has broken down into tiny pieces. As a result this polluted region is more
like "trash soup" than a solid "island of trash" that easy to see. Some reports
estimate that this area, know as the Pacific Garbage

2. Because The Parcific Garbage Patch causes many environmental concers. The
small pieces of plastic in the patch are called "microplastic" ; they are hard to
collect and clean up.

3. To inform reader that the pacific garbage patch causes many enviromental

Part B
1. Because sea animals eating microplastics,which is hard to collect and clean up.
And people also consume fish that have eaten microplastic.

2. Some reports estimate that this area, known as the Pacific Garbage Patch, covers
700,000 square kilometers (270,000 square miles), while others say the area is as
big as 15,000,000 square kilometers (5,800,000 square miles).

3. Phytoplankton and kelp, that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a
byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and
sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.

4. - Reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic waste - change plasticbag using to paperbag
Member's Name : Hani Nur Anisyah (21313106)
Nuraisya Rizali (21313140)

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