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Act 1 Scene 1


● Narrator: Julianna Pulchan

● Bernado: Aliyah Ali
● Franciso: Azariah Harnanan
● Horatio: Breanna Narcis
● Marcellus: Hailey Boodoo

Narrator: Francisco at his post. Bernado enters

Bernado: Who’s there?

Francisco: No, who are you? Stop and reveal yourself

Bernado: Long live the King!

Francisco: Bernado?

Bernado: Yes

Francisco: You’ve come at the right time

Bernado: The clock’s just struck twelve. Go to bed Francisco

Francisco: That is such a relief, it is bitterly cold and I am depressed

Bernado: Has it been quiet all night?

Francisco: Didn’t even hear a mouse

Bernado: Well, good night. If you happen to see Horatio and Marcellus, who are supposed to
stand guard with me tonight, tell them to hurry.

Narrator: Marcellus and Horatio enter

Francisco: I think I hear them. Stop! Who’s there?

Horatio: Friends of this country.

Marcellus: And servants to the Danish people

Francisco: Good night to both of you

Marcellus: Good-bye, who has taken over watch for you?

Francisco: Bernado has taken my place. Good night

Narrator: Francisco exits

Marcellus: Hello Bernado

Bernado: Hello, is Horatio here too?

Horatio: More or less

Bernado: Welcome Horatio and Marcellus

Horatio: Tell us, has that thing appeared again tonight

Bernado: I haven’t seen anything

Marcellus: Horatio thinks that we are imagining things and refuses to believe us even though we
have seen this thing twice now. That is why I brought him on our shift tonight, so that if the ghost
appears he can see and speak to it.

Horatio: Nonsense, it will not appear

Bernado: Sit down, we’ll sell you the story of what we’ve been seeing for two nights now.

Horatio: Well let us sit down and listen to Bernado

Bernado: Last night, when the star was west of the north pole and had travelled across the sky
to where it is shining now on Marcellus and me. At one o’clock-

Narrator: The Ghost enters

Marcellus: Quiet, here it comes again

Bernado: It looks like the same figure, just like the dead King
Marcellus: You are educated, speak to it Horatio

Bernado: Doesn’t it look like the King, Horatio

Horatio: It does, It’s terrifying

Bernado: It might speak, speak to it

Marcellus: Question it Horatio

Horatio: What are you, what are you doing out so late at night, dressed like the dead King. By
heaven, I order you to speak

Marcellus: I think you offended it

Bernado: Look, it’s going away

Horatio: Stay! Speak! Speak! I order you to speak!

Narrator: The ghost exits

Marcellus: It’s gone and it won’t answer

Bernado: What’s going on Horatio? You’re pale and trembling. See, we’re not imagining it. What
do you think?

Horatio: I swear to God, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it.

Marcellus: Doesn’t it look like the King?

Horatio: Yes, as much as you look like yourself. It is wearing the same armor as the King did
when he fought the King of Norway. And the ghost frowned just like the King once did when he
attacked the poles. It’s strange

Marcellus: This has happened twice before, he stalks us while we are on watch at this exact

Horatio: I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t have a good feeling about this

Narrator: They all exit

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