Aliyah Ali - English. A Coursework

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Name: Aliyah Ali

Class: 3I

Subject: English. A

Assessment: Write an essay either FOR or AGAINST the following statement,

“Forget all the fancy talk. Flogging is the best way to discipline children. It
was the best way and will always be the best way.”

Due date: November 5th, 2021.

“Forget all the fancy talk. Flogging is the best way to discipline children.
It was the best way and will always be the best way”. This is a quote many may
agree to since that during the Golden Age of Piracy in the 17th and 18th
century, flogging was used for enforcing rules and subduing prisoners both on
pirate ships and on military ships of many nations.
Some parents even use the “good old way” of flogging as a way of
instilling discipline in their children. I completely disagree with this since
flogging can cause a child physical and emotional harm and is a psychological
fact that it can cause the feeling of anxiety, fear, humiliation, or shame upon the
child or person being flogged and can furthermore lead into adulthood.
I believe corporal punishment may be necessary for some, but at a certain
extent! There is a major difference between disciplining a child and physically
abusing or torturing. Flogging should NOT be used as a way of disciplining a
child as the method is way too harmful and can cause serious damage both
mentally and physically. Parents should understand that times have changed and
“old ways”, such as this one, was never necessary and still is not. Therefore, this
method should not be used to instil discipline amongst children.
Flogging is commonly used in schools around Nigeria, as teachers have
abused the use of corporal punishment. Not only in Nigeria, but there are also
many schools around the world that still uses this technique as a form of
discipline. In conclusion, this mechanism should not be used as a way to
discipline and MUST be stopped, since it does nothing but administer harm and

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