Changes Needed For Revision

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REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE General Objectives 4th Bullet: SPECIFY the risk factors (pollen from grasses, weeds,

and trees within perimeter of 12km) 5th Bullet: should add ACCORDING TO ARIA (and check for questionnaire or guidelines) 7th Bullet: OMIT because we cannot determine, WE CAN ONLY INFER Page 5, Risk Factors and Possible Confounders Condition of the Room should be placed under Allergens/Irritants. Page 6 Emphasis here on paragraphs 1&2 Especially this line: These allergens commonly survive in environments that are warm, moist, and humid. THIS is the reason why daw we wanted an AIRCONDITIONING SYSTEM. We need to stabilize the air temperature so as to decrease the population of allergens and dust. We have to evaluate the VENTILATION SYSTEM of the classroom because this will aid in our analysis of our data. IF the classroom is devoid of an airconditioning system but then it is equipped with a good ventilation system that circulates the air well and puts the allergens out, then it would be a good option for alternative because it is also considered a WELL VENTILATED classroom. Therefore, we must find guidelines or criteria that would differentiate WELL from POORLY VENTILATED rooms. We should also review SOURCE number [23] to gain ideas for TRIGGERS. Dust collectors include CARPETS, CURTAINS, SOFAS, and CEILING! (check these on-site). Page 8

We need to include the risk factors that CAN ONLY BE IDENTIFIED and MEASURED. This means that we need a tool in order to define and measure the said factors. Emphasized that molds to be evaluated are the VISIBLE ones. Conceptual framework IMPROVEMENT. Ako na bahala dito. NEEDS

A CONFOUNDING VARIABLE is a factor associated with the INDEPENDENT variable and can BRING ABOUT CHANGE in the DEPENDENT VARIABLE. RESEARCH DESIGN Page 1 Research Question and objectives: USE SEVERITY not exacerbation/alleviation. Exposure..affect the severity of allergic rhinitis. ANO GUSTO NIYO? Affect or aggravate Frequency may be divided into intermittent and persistent. Page 2 She added that aircon STABILIZES the humidity. Page 4 Steps to be undertaken FIRST daw, you need to: Randomly select 2 High schools in Dasmarinas,Cavite one with aircon, one without. In evaluating the classroom, Kristine mentioned a checklist that we need to put in the APPENDIX part (which we dont have yet. HAHA) In screening the students, she was nice enough to suggest using a tool from ISAAC. (Please search on this). We scrap out the original THIRD step, cause its too hard to do. (Actually, just omit the first sentence of the third step).

She added that we also inspect if the building is OLD OR NEW, but only if we can find a tool to MEASURE and evaluate building structure. Schematic Diagram: Imagine niyo nalang naka schematic diagram siya. HAHA. Select randomly Evaluate classroom condition using a checklist (with a tool or made by ourselves) Determine +/- AR Severity of AR ALSO! We need to choose a tool that can be DISSEMINATED to the students instead of US ASSESSING the students ourselves. She said that ISAAC is more preferred and agrees with the former, while ARIA is the latter. Yun lamang po. Please divide and conquer. If corrections fall under your part, do the necessary work and revisions. SPICA, RAINA, CHEL. Please help us find tools and checklists. THANK YOU!

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