Boundary-Layer Development On Moving Walls Using An Integral Theory 1976

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where 6 r ( / ) is a 3 x 1 matrix whose elements are the Kronecker Conclusion

delta and Algorithms have been established for computation of
kinematical relations for three attitude angle systems used in
digital computer simulation of spacecraft attitude dynamics.
For this establishment, a general representation of a planar
Based on Eqs. (2) and (14), the angular velocity relation rotation is introduced (Eqs. (2)) and the transformation is ac-
could be also computed on digital computer for any sequence complished as shown in Eqs. (7)-(13).
of rotations, but as is pointed out previously, this simple The established algorithms possess inversion capability,
algorithm includes unnecessary multiplications and additions. that is, with an appropriate indication of inversion the
Such unnecessary calculations are shown to be avoided with transformation from body to reference frame is computed in
the following simple algorithm . 6 the transformation program from reference to body frame. In
First, compute the indices, nlt n2, and n3 (Eqs. (10)) and addition, computation of the time derivatives of three attitude
the following angles from body rates, and the converse are carried out in the
angular velocity computation algorithm [Eqs. (15)-(20)].
kl = MOD(r(2) -r(l) +3,3) (15a) Both programs require as input the order of the rotation
sequence and three attitude angles only, so that laborious
k2 = MOD(r(3) -r(2) +3,3) 05b) manual calculation of matrices is completely avoided. Since
particular care was paid to minimize the number of
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A: 5 =MOD(A: 2 ,2)+7 (15c) multiplications, there is no significant penalty on com-

putation time in spite of the generality and utility of the
and programs.
jj=l and j2=2 if k]*k2 (16a) References
Likins, P.W., Elements of Engineering Mechanics, McGraw-Hill,
jj=2 and j2=l if kt=k2 (16b) New York, 1973, pp. 85-112.
Pardoe, P.P., "A Description of the Digital Attitude
In addition to these, the following sign functions are defined: Simulation," TG-964, Johns Hopkins University, Feb. 1968.
Fang, A.C. and Zimmerman, E.G., "Digital Simulation of
Pl = (-l)k.i +1
, p 2 = ( - 7 ) * 2 + ', p5 = ( - 7 ) ^ (17) Rotational Kinematics," NASATN D-5302, 1969.
Mayer, A., "Rotations and Their Algebra," SI AM Review, Vol.
Then, compute auxiliary functions u (•), v (•), etc., by 2, No. 2, 1960.
Ohkami, Y., "Coordinate Transformation Algorithm by the
Eulerian Angles Transformation," National Aerospace Lab., Tokyo,
(18a) Japan, TR-305, Nov. 1972.
Ohkami, Y., Computer Algorithms and Programs for Com-
(18b) putation of Kinematical Relations for Three Attitude Angle System,"
National Aerospace Lab., Tokyo, Japan, to be published. NAL
v(k2)=cos<t>3 (18c) TR-305T.

v(k3)=sin<j>3 (18d)

and Boundary-Layer Development on Moving

v3=p3v(2) (18e)
Walls Using an Integral Theory
v4=p2v(l) (180 Kevin S. Pansier*
With this preparation, the elements of oj, designated by U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories,
w ( / ) , /= 1,2,3 (which refer to the axis number) are given in Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
terms of 0, (/= 1,2,3) and
James E. Danbergt
(19a) University of Delaware, Newark, Del.

(19c) I. Introduction
T^HE aim of this work was to develop a technique which
—V3U2 + V4<t>2 (19d) A might be applied to compute the boundary-layer growth
on moving walls. This method was applied to investigate the
Conversely, 0, (/ = 1 ,2,3) are given in terms of GO forces acting on a spinning cylinder in crossflow. [
The method presented here involves integrating the coupled
07 = v (1 )QJ (w 2 ) + v3u (n3 ) /u (2) (20a) integral-momentum and integral-energy equations for the
dependent variables; a shape factor K and the momentum
<t>2 = v(2)u(n2) +v4u(n3) (20b) thickness in terms of the independent variable x, the distance
along the wall. Other shape factors appearing in the integral
(20c) equations are related to K and uw/ue (wall velocity to boun-
Received Nov. 3, 1975; revision received April 26, 1976.
As previously, the computations of Eqs. (15)-(17) are Index category: Boundary Layers and Convective Heat Trans-
required only once for a given order of sequence, so that they fer—Laminar.
are completely omitted as long as the r ( i ) remain unchanged. *Research Physicist, Exterior Ballistics Laboratory. Member
Once these indices are computed, the computations of Eqs. AIAA.
(18) and (19) are to be computed for the case of 0— co, or those tProfessor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Associate
of Eqs. (18) and (20) are for the case of w— 0. Fellow AIAA.
1138 AIAA JOURNAL VOL. 14, NO. 8

dary-layer edge velocity ratio) by assuming that moving-wall

similarity solutions can provide a family of velocity profiles
which approximate those of the nonsimilar boundary layer.
These similarity solutions are characterized by a single shape
factor and uw/ue\ they have been found for a wide range of
uw/uc and pressure-gradient parameter values.2
This particular integral method was chosen because similar
methods3'4 have been used to solve problems involving
regions of flow somewhat analogous to the upstream-moving
wall region on a rotating cylinder. Here the boundary-layer
development is determined mainly by local overall momentum -0.5
and energy balances with stability considerations establishing
the regions of the boundary layer that cannot be calculated
because of large amounts of reverse flow. -1.0 - U 6 = 2
Boundary layers calculated by the integral techniques are FOUND BY INTEGRAL
compared with an exact solution of Rott 5 and an approximate METHOD
solution by Glauert6 which becomes exact in the limit as the ARE ROTT'S SOLUTION
wall velocity goes to zero. With the present approach, boun- D~MOMENTUM THICKNESS
Downloaded by SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY on December 9, 2022 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.7203

dary layers may be calculated for both upstream and down- -2.0 . O~DISPLACEMENT THICKNESS
stream moving walls. Other investigators7-8 using finite-
difference methods, also have been able to calculate boundary -2.5
layers with reverse flow by specifying the displacement Fig. 1 Integral method comparison with Rott's solution; line curves
thickness which, in turn, determines the pressure distribution. are from Rott's solution.
Catherall and Mangier7 solved a boundary-layer flow which
included the separation point and the region downstream
where the maximum reverse-flow velocity to external-flow The integral energy equation is
velocity ratio is near -0.05. More recently, Carter and Wor-
nom8 computed, in an approximate manner, boundary-layer d(K202)/dx=2[4K(L + uw
characteristics where the ratio of the velocities was near -0.1.
With the present integral technique, however, boundary -3K262(due/dx)]/ue (5)
layers with velocity ratios up to - 0.3 may be calculated.
The shape factors A'and L also are defined as in Rosenhead.
The two differential equations, Eqs. (4) and (5), are coupled
II. Integral-Momentum and Integral- and can be solved simultaneously for the dependent variables
Energy Equations K and 0 2 , as a function of x with suitable initial conditions.
The shape factors //, T, and Lean be considered as functions
The Prandtl equations for steady constant-property in- of K and uw/ue through the assumption that the nonsimilar
compressible two-dimensional boundary-layer flow are shape-factor relationships can be approximated by the
moving-wall similarity solutions.
da dae d2a
da a —^- Initial values of 6 and K must be defined in order to start

dy e
dx *>—
(1) the integration of Eqs. (4) and (5). At the stagnation point on
a cylindrical surface, 6 becomes infinite as defined here but
da dv the integration can be started in the stagnation region using
—— + —— =0 (2) Rott's5 stagnation region solution.
dx dy
With boundary conditions III. Comparison with Moving-Wall Solutions
A comparison of the method can be made with Rott's 5
Q(x,0)=Qw, v(x,0)=0, a(x,y)-+aeasy-*< (3) solution. The nonsimilar boundary-layer velocity profiles ob-
tained by Rott 5 correspond to the only exact solution for a
nonaccelerating moving wall in two-dimensional steady flow.
Here x is the physical coordinate along the surface, a is the The solution obtained by Rott 5 corresponds to the problem of
physical velocity component in the x direction, y is the normal a flow whose direction is perpendicular and towards a flat
physical coordinate, and v is the physical velocity component plate with its surface moving at constant velocity.
in the y direction. The subscript e denotes conditions at the The comparison with Rott's 5 solution is made in Fig. 1.
outer edge of the boundary layer and subscript w denotes con- The boundary layer was computed for the range -0.3<
ditions at the wall. The kinematic viscosity is v, uw/ue < 3.0. Stable accurate integration of the boundary layer
The radius a of the cylinder will be taken as a fundamental could not be performed for uw/ue< -0.3. The agreement is
length. Using this fundamental length, nondimensionalized quite good except in a region centered near uw/ue = 0.8. In the
independent coordinates are defined as x=x/a and y^y upstream part of this region, the boundary-layer profiles for
Rev(l/a, where Red = 2u0a/v. All velocities are non- Rott's solution have supervelocities, i.e., velocities greater
dimensionalized with respect to u0, the freestream velocity. than either the wall or external-flow velocities exist in the
The corresponding integral momentum equation can be boundary-layer flow. Libby and Liu's 10 similarity super-
written as velocity profiles generalized to the moving wall can initially be
used in this region with the integral technique. However, as
dB2/dx=2[2T- (2 + H)02 (due/dx) ] luc (4) Rott's profiles change from supervelocity flows to flows
without supervelocities, Libby and Liu's10 profiles do not
Here 8 is a nondimensional momentum thickness: possess maximum flow velocities near that of the velocities
for the outer boundary conditions. To compute in this region,
interpolation was performed between the integral values for
the similarity profiles without supervelocities and the
similarity profiles with supervelocities. Apparently the Libby
The shape factors //and Tare defined as in Rosenhead.9 and Liu10 profiles and the conventional similarity profiles

agree well with the results obtained by the integral technique

except near separation where Glauert's approximation tends
to break down.

IV. Conclusions
A two-equation integral technique for calculating the in-
compressible two-dimensional boundary-layer development
on a moving wall has been developed. By comparison with
Rott's5 solution and a result obtained by Glauert's6 theorem,
it has been determined that accurate calculations of boun-
dary-layer development can be obtained over the major por-
tion of a slowly rotating cylinder. For the upstream moving
wall, the lower limit for accurate stable integration of the
LINES ARE FOR INTEGRAL boundary is found to be uw /ue - - 0.3 and a lower limit for
uw/ue is to be expected from the parabolic nature of the boun-
dary-layer equations. It appears that with the integral
~ FIXED WALL technique, larger reverse flows can be handled than with
finite-difference methods.7'8 The flows used with the two
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techniques were different, however, and so the lack of a direct

0-M.B. GLAUERT'S comparison prevents complete confirmation.
Pansier, K.S.,"Integral Analysis of Boundary Layer on Moving
Wall and Its Application to a Spinning Cylinder in Crossflow," Ph.D.
Thesis, May 1974, University of Delaware, Newark, Del.
Danberg, J.E. and Fansler, K.S., "Similarity Solutions of the
Boundary-Layer Equations for Flow Over a Moving Wall," Rept.
-1 - 1714, April 1974, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving
20 40 60 80 100 120 Ground, Md.
X (DEGREES) Lees, L. and Reeves, B., "Supersonic Separated and Reattaching
Laminar Flows: I General Theory and Application to Adiabatic Boun-
Fig. 2 Comparison with Glauert's result for a cylinder. dary Layer/Shockwave Interaction," AIAA Journal, Vol. 2, Nov.
1964, pp. 1907-1920.
were so different from each other that interpolating between Reeves, B. and Lees, L., "Theory of Laminar Near Wake of Blunt
Bodies in Hypersonic Flow," AIAA Journal, Vol. 3, Nov. 1965, pp.
their integral values did not yield good results. As integration 2061-2074.
proceeds to smaller values of uw/ue (downstream of uw = ue) 5
Rott, N., "Unsteady Viscous Flow in the Vicinity of a Stagnation
the momentum and displacement thickness quickly converge Point," Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, 1956, pp. 444-
back to the correct level with the skin friction being somewhat 451.
slower to converge. Thus, the integral boundary-layer Glauert, M.B., "A Boundary Layer Theorem, with Applications
calculation of Rott's solution is shown to be stable, so that af- to Rotating Cylinders," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 2,1957, pp.
ter the interval of inaccurate calculation, the integral quan- 89-99.
tities converge rapidly back to Rott's 5 solution. For the ap- Catherall, D. and Mangier, K.W., "The Integration of the Two-
plication to rotating cylinders, the region of inaccuracy did Dimensional Laminar Boundary-Layer Equations Past the Point of
Vanishing Skin Friction," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 26, Part
not affect the results significantly. However, for some other 1,1966, pp. 163-182.
possible applications, the similarity profiles might be aug- 8
Carter, J.E. and Wornom, S.F., "Forward Marching Procedure
mented in the region of less accuracy by some suitably for Separted Boundary-Layer Flows," AIAA Journal, Vol. 13, Aug.
designed profiles satisfying some compatibility conditions. 1975, pp. 1101-1103.
A comparison of the method can also be made with results Rosenhead, L. (Ed.), Laminar Boundary Layers, Oxford Univer-
obtained by a theorem of Glauert. 6 This theorem can be used sity Press, Oxford, 1963, pp. 292-311.
to estimate moving-wall boundary-layer skin friction for the Libby, P.A. and Liu, T.M., "Further Solutions of the Falkner-
case of a slowly rotating cylinder. The result of the theorem Skan Equation," AIAA Journal, Vol. 5, May 1967, pp. 1040-1042.
applied to rotating cylinders is the following: if one knows the
pressure distribution on a rotating cylinder and the boundary-
layer development on the equivalent fixed cylinder, the boun-
dary-layer development on the slowly rotating cylinder may Rapid Analysis of Damaged Structure
be calculated approximately. For the slowly rotating cylinder
a result obtained by Glauert 6 is that
Harold Switzky*
Fairchild Republic Company, Farmingdale, N. Y.
where T is the shear stress for the moving wall and rt is the
shear stress for the fixed wall. Here the subscript 1 denotes the
fixed wall conditions. Equation (6) can be non- A N iteration algorithm based upon known mathema-
dimensionalized for this particular problem with the result: xmtical principles is presented for comment and ex-
ploitation. The matrix operations and decisions can be per-
cf(Red) « [ (cf)21Red-32uwsin(2x) ] (7) formed very rapidly in any digital computer.
Digital procedures for the analysis of a loaded structure are
The skin friction results obtained by the integral method for readily available. Unfortunately, the programs require the
cylinder rotation rates of -0.1, 0.0, and 0.1 are shown in Fig. solution of large numbers of simultaneous equations which
2 as a function of position on the cylinder. The skin friction Received Sept. 11, 1975; revision received March 8, 1976.
results using Glauert's theorem are included for comparison. Index categories: Structural Static Analysis; Structural Stability
The nondimensional velocity distribution is 2 sin*. The results Analysis.
obtained by Glauert's6 theorem for slowly rotating cylinders *Structures/Material Staff. Associate Fellow AIAA.

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