Operation Market Garden

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Operation Market Garden


Waal Bridge Nijmegen

Wilhelmina Canal Valkenswaard

Arnhem Bridge

1st British Airborne 82nd Airborne 101st Airborne

British XXX Corps

Historical Background Setup order

The largest airborne operation of all time, Operation Market Garden was a bold attempt by Field Marshal Montgomery to drop three
entire Airborne Divisions behind the enemy lines, in German-occupied Netherlands. Their tactical objective: To capture and hold all 1 x59
the major water crossings along a narrow 60-mile stretch of highway and into northern Germany. British XXX Corps would then rush
onwards from the Dutch-Belgian border and across the Maas and Lower Rhine to outflank the Siegfried Line and choke off the Ruhr,
Germany's industrial heartland.
The daylight drops were initially successful, with the capture of the Waal bridge at Nijmegen, but German resistance was stronger 2 x17
than expected; the British 1st Airborne Division failed to secure the bridge at Arnhem. British ground advance was hampered by
marshy ground. Eindhoven was eventually captured by a joint Airborne and Armor assault, but British XXX Corps failed to relieve the
1st Airborne Division. Despite the latter's valiant hold out at Arnhem bridge, the planned advance had to be abandoned and Monty
wouldn't cross the Rhine until the spring of 1945. 3 x13
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.

4 x14
Briefing The Axis player is in control of a majority of the town hexes and
has uncontested control of the three bridges at the start of
Axis Player battle, thus starting with 4 (Temporary) Medals.
Take 3 Command cards. Special Rules 5 x4
Allied Player British Commonwealth Forces Command rules are in effect for
[Great Britain / United States] British units (Nations 5 - British Commonwealth Forces).
Take 13 Command cards.
You move first. In this battle, Armor units may only move 2 hexes and 6 x7
(possibly, depending on terrain) battle, not 3. However, if an
During the game, the Axis Commander-in-Chief (CinC) Armor unit is on a road hex and stays on the road for its entire
increases his hand by 1 Command card, drawn from the top of movement, it may then move up to 4 hexes and battle. Tiger
the Command deck, each time the Allies lose a unit; and the Tank rules are in effect for the lone Tiger in the South (Troops 7 x3
Allied CinC simultaneously loses 1 Command card for each unit 16 - Tigers). Place a badge on the elite German tank and
he loses. The cards lost are drawn at random from the Allied infantry units to the North (Troops 2 - Specialized Units).
CinC hand by the Axis CinC, and immediately discarded. All
Allied 1st British and US 82nd and 101st Airborne units are
cards gained or lost during the course of a turn are drawn or
discarded as each unit loss occurs, not all at turn's end. Also Special Forces (Troops 2 - Specialized Units). Badges are not 8 x3
the Allied CinC may never go below 2 cards, and neither of the needed. Collapsible Rafts & Boats rules are in effect for the
CinCs may ever go above 13. 82nd Airborne units with a Star marker (Actions 5 - Collapsible
Rafts & Boats). When they cross a river, remove the Star
marker; the unit no longer has any Collapsible Rafts & Boats. 9 x3
Conditions of Victory Air Rules are not in effect. The Air Sortie cards are set aside
and not used in this mission.
All 13 town hexes form a single Temporary Majority Medal
Objective worth 1 Medal for whoever holds a majority of them
at the start of his turn.
Three bridges (the bridge over Wilhelmina Canal, the Waal at
Nijmegen and Arnhem bridge) are Temporary Medal Objectives
worth 1 medal each for whoever has uncontested control of
them at the start of a turn. A bridge is under uncontested
control when a unit is on the bridge or in an adjacent hex AND
there are no enemy units in any hex adjacent to the bridge or
on it.

Symbols & Graphics Copyright (c) 2004 - 2021 Days of Wonder, Inc.
Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.

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