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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Name: Briñas, Erujnn

Section & Year: 4BSOA4

1. State the advantages of publicity, promotion, and PR.

i. Cost - Publicity and marketing are two terms that are frequently interchanged when discussing
the different ways a business promotes itself; however, there are important distinctions between
them. Publicity is generated by third parties, such as the media, whereas marketing materials are
generated internally by the company. One of the best things about publicity is that it is always
provided at no cost. A company can spend significant money on marketing personnel and
promotional activities. However, publicity, such as unasked-for reviews in the local newspaper
or word-of-mouth on social media platforms, typically costs little.
ii. Credibility - People have come to accept that advertisements and commercials for products sold
by a company will, to some extent, be biased or exaggerated. On the other hand, third-party
sources, such as articles published in magazines or online reviews, are frequently considered to
contain less bias. This is especially true when the source can be relied upon, such as a publishing
house that has been in business for a long time or a well-known professional reviewer. Publicity
from individuals not affiliated with your company can frequently give the impression of more
remarkable dedication to your potential customers than claims made by your company itself. If
you have high-quality products, professional marketing may be effective for your company;
however, positive press from an objective source may benefit your company's reputation more.
iii. Branding - There are a lot of successful businesses that have been around for a long time that
rely on the power of their brand to bring in new customers. Suppose you can provide your
customers with high-quality products that live up to or exceed their expectations. In that case,
they may be more willing to experiment with any new products you produce simply because they
recognize your brand. Effective branding typically requires an investment of time. You can build
your brand with consistent publicity by repeatedly putting your company's name in front of
potential customers. This will help you build your brand. Over time, more and more people could
become familiar with your company's reputation, which could set you apart from your rivals.
iv. Generating Publicity - The publicity comes from external sources, but it only occurs
occasionally. You will need the assistance of a paid public relations professional to make direct
contact with various media outlets and pitch your business to get the ball rolling with potential
publicity sources. You will need to provide publications like newspapers, magazines, and social
media sites with information that piques their interest in your business and motivates them to
learn more about it so that they can write about it and share their findings with their readers and
followers. Your message must be directed toward the appropriate audience for success. If you
want the news to keep coming back or going on, you need to come up with something new. The
encouraging news is that publicity tends to maintain its momentum. When people begin making
positive comments about your company, it usually attracts the attention of other sources.
i. Market Share - Increased spending on advertising and promotion can help you gain market
share significantly if your competitors reduce the amount of money they spend on advertising.
You let the buyer know that you are exerting significant effort to maintain your market
ii. Higher Sales Growth - According to Paul Dunay of Marketing Profs, when companies increase
their advertising and promotion during a recession, not only do their sales increase during the
recession, but they continue to increase for the next three years after the recession ends. This
could be because individuals are more likely to go shopping when they believe the economy is
on an upswing.
iii. Increasing value to the Customer - When you do more advertising and promotions, it is in your
best interest to consider ways to provide additional value to your customers. If you had
something to market, it would be helpful; something with a better value would be the best.
Customers will perceive that they are getting a better deal if you can find a way to put items and
services on sale, bundle services for customers who spend more money, and promote special
offers. This will result in increased sales.
iv. Improved Reputation - Your advertising and promotion contribute to developing your
reputation among your customers. Customers choose to do business with you because they
believe the presence of more advertising and promotion indicates that your company is
successful. Even though word-of-mouth is the most common form of advertising, it is still
necessary for customers to be aware of your business to spread the word about it. This is
accomplished through advertising and other forms of promotion.
v. Innovation - Particularly if you have a little money, expanding your advertising and marketing
efforts may force you to become more inventive. For instance, you could affix labels to your
products that include all relevant contact information. This allows the customer to communicate
with you or recommend you to others who might become customers. In addition, you can
contribute articles to online publications, participate in local fairs, and organize contests.
Because you want to do more advertising but need more money, you've come up with these
relatively inexpensive ways to promote and advertise your business.
i. Increase your brand’s credibility - Your company's credibility will increase due to the
improved accuracy and utility of the content that results from getting publicity through public
relations. According to several studies, public relations enjoys greater visibility and credibility in
the consumer market than advertising, which is perceived as more of a sales pitch.
ii. Attract your target market - Public relations makes keeping and gaining a target market's
attention much simpler. If the article you write about your product or service is well-written, it
has the potential to be much more exciting and persuasive than an advertisement that appears in
the same magazine. Utilizing a variety of media outlets provided by a PR firm can assist you in
conveying the messages that are most important to your organization and bring you one step
closer to achieving the objectives that have been set.
iii. Provide added value - PR has the potential to give your product a different touch point and to
add value to it, both of which will set you apart from your rivals and put you at the forefront of
your field. Public relations can also add value by increasing the visibility of your products and
services, personalizing your brand, raising your profile, building strong relationships, managing
your reputation, helping you make sales, and providing additional value to your customers
through the use of case studies. In the end, it's a win-win situation for both parties.
iv. Short and long term lead generation - Because you are likely to receive many leads when you
first begin using PR placements in the media, this type of placement is considered a long-term
v. Build your brand image - People frequently believe public relations are about marketing a
particular product or deal. This is incorrect because public relations is the engine that drives the
growth and success of your entire company. When public relations are carried out correctly, they
have the potential to influence people's thoughts about a brand in a positive way, which can lead
to increased engagement with that brand's company. A strong image for your company's brand is
an investment in your company that money can't buy. It will contribute to the formation of all
aspects of your company and add value to your brand and customers.
2. Discuss the drawbacks of publicity, promotion, and public relations.
i. Loss of trust - When a lie or an error is discovered, it can result in negative press coverage.
Businesses and customers can be misled by advertising into believing that they are capable of
more than they are. People who aren't paying attention are more likely to have unrealistic
expectations for themselves. This can result in dissatisfaction as well as a breach of trust.
ii. Effects on sales - Most of the time, negative publicity is detrimental to sales. When unfavorable
information is published about a company that is not widely known, it can occasionally increase
sales. However, this occurs very infrequently. In general, increasing the amount of publicity that
a company receives is required to maintain the success of a business over the long term. People
may have a more challenging time getting their hands on products, resulting in fewer
opportunities for them to purchase those products if there is negative publicity surrounding them.
When customers and business owners are unhappy, it can affect their decisions, affecting what
others can do.
iii. Damaged brand equity - A prolonged period of negative publicity can significantly reduce the
value of a brand. This becomes abundantly clear when a company is forced to recall a product
because it threatens consumers' health or safety. In these circumstances, even if only a minute
quantity of a product needs to be identified due to safety concerns, customers will likely steer
clear of the brand for some time. Even if they are not true, rumors still have the potential to
impact sales significantly.
iv. Damaged brand association - Deep in a customer's mind is how they feel and think about a
product or company, and that is what we mean by "brand association." When a customer
considers a brand and considers something negative, they are more likely to believe something
negative before considering something positive about it. Negative publicity can negatively
impact people's perceptions of a brand, which can, in the long run, be detrimental to sales.
i. Increased price sensitivity - Consumers will purchase the product after the promotion deals
have been disclosed to the public. This holds even for brands that have established a loyal
following among their customer base. Customers watch for discounts on their preferred brands
and time their purchases to coincide with those price reductions. Since discounts will be offered
during the sale season, this results in a loss of regular sales at the going market price and a
reduction in the profit margin.
ii. Quality image may become tarnished - The limited number of promotions for a particular
product could damage the product's reputation for quality. Individuals may think that the product
isn't selling well, isn't worth the price, or will be discontinued because it requires an upgrade.
iii. Merchandising support from dealers is doubtful - In many instances, the dealers need to
collaborate to provide marketing support, and as a result, the customers do not receive any
benefits. The retailer may only want to assist you if he needs a space to do so. After all, the
product might sell better in his store, or he believes the effort involved isn't worth the
commission or benefit he gets from selling it, whichever is the case.
iv. Short-term orientation - There are many situations in which the dealers must collaborate to
provide marketing support; however, they need to share the benefits with the customers. It's
possible that the retailer won't help because he needs a suitable location to do so. Because the
product doesn't sell well in his store or because he believes the amount of work involved isn't
worth the commission or benefit he gets, he decides not to sell it.
i. Difficult to measure - Because there is no one standard method for evaluating public relations, it
can be challenging to determine how well they perform. You can count the number of media hits
you get and examine the value of the publication, but it is much more challenging to determine
how this impacts your audience.
ii. You have little control - PR professionals try to exert as much control as possible over the
information that is distributed to the media; however, the success of our efforts is contingent on
the publication of the data by third parties. As a result, we have less control over what is written,
particularly for things that will be published.
iii. The media is a turbulent industry - The main challenge that comes with public relations is the
rapid-fire nature and constant flux of the news cycle. What is significant right now might be
worth thinking about after a couple of hours. That is simply the way things are done in the
industry. Because of this, staying current with trends and knowing what people want to read is
iv. No guaranteed result - When it comes to public relations, there is no way to find out who will
write that article about you or whether or not you will be featured on that radio show. Even if
you put in a significant amount of time and effort, the media may not be interested in what you
have to say, or a more critical story will emerge at the very last minute.
3. What is the role of advertising?
Role of Advertising:
a) Inform - This objective seeks to educate target audience groups on the function of advertising
and pique their interest in the practice. Advertising tells people about new products, services, and
ideas that are on the market. In this instance, it refers to putting goods up for sale and attempting
to sell them to many customers. When advertising is used early in the production process, it
helps sell the product more quickly and increases the product's value.
b) Persuade - If you want to promote a business's production successfully, you need to believe that
the products produced by that business are superior to those made by other companies. When the
subject's activities are done well and products are managed consistently, advertising can
positively affect consumers, leading them to choose this product over all others on the market.
c) Increase in sales - One of the primary objectives of advertising is to increase the frequency with
which people make purchases of various goods. It is hoped that there will be an increase in the
locations where goods can be purchased, and customers will be free to move freely throughout
the market.
d) Increase consumer demand - As a result of increased demand for the advertised product, many
retailers and wholesalers are interested in carrying it.
e) Brand attachment - Customers tend to keep in mind for a more extended period a product or
service that has a successful brand. The company will be able to improve its image and assist
people in recognizing its brand and logo if it succeeds in persuading customers that they can rely
on the consistently high quality of the product over time.
f) Brand recognition - Making people aware of the company is one of the essential things that
advertising can do for the business. Because of this, it is more likely that consumers will show
interest in additional products offered by the brand in the future and products from an entirely
different line of goods.
4. Why is it necessary to keep exhibitions tidy?
It is easy for a booth to become disorganized in a hurry during a busy trade show. When guests
leave, the dirty plates, cups, and saucers should be removed from the communal area. The ashtrays
should be emptied regularly, and at the end of the day, the stand should look like something other than a
dump. Because it is too simple to allow something like this to occur, you should always stress how vital
it is to keep the house clean. The staff will experience fatigue. They ought to be able to take breaks in a
place where they can sit and relax, separate from the "business end" of the stand. This could be a staff
room that is built into the stand, or it could be one of the cafes or restaurants that are located within the
venue. They shouldn't just be lounging on the stand regardless of the situation. That will give off the
completely wrong impression. On the stand, smoking is not permitted under any circumstances,
including for employees. This is considered impolite by a significant number of people.
5. What approach would you use to deal with the visitors?
The staff at the stand ought to be informed of their jobs by the stand manager or the person in
charge of sales. Everyone needs to be in their respective spots fifteen minutes before the doors open.
When can we expect the first guests to arrive? What kind of response should you give them?
First and foremost, the salesperson needs to note the product that piques the customers' interest. The next
step is to approach the individual and inform them, "We have many sizes available if this is something
you are interested in." Alternatively, you could say something like, "Hi, my name is so-and-so, and I'd
be happy to assist you in any way I can." This approach is much more upbeat and beneficial than the
standard but ineffective of asking, "Can I help you?".
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