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Discrimination against homosexuals is still widely present in these modern times. While the
LGBTQ+ community is already accepted as a norm, lots of gay and lesbian people still experience
bullying, discrimination, and in some cases, physical or sexual assault and this can be observed in schools
since this problem is common among young people, students to be specific. Discrimination as a whole is
already considered as immoral. As for my stand for this, I wholely disagree on discrimination against

Discrimination and harm that these people experience stems from attitudes that do not accept all
individuals equally. One of the factors that lead the hate is homophobia. This lack of respect for the rights
of Homosexuals or LGBT can manifest itself in numerous ways. These include isolation, but are by no
means limited to from friends at school, home, or in the neighborhood; exclusion and marginalization
from such essential services including health and education; abandonment, bullying and intimidation by
family and community; both physical and sexual abuse. The effects of this discrimination, exclusion and
violence can substantially affect an individual’s life. For example, “Lifetime prevalence rates of serious
suicidal ideation ranging from 24% to 41% have been reported, along with lifetime prevalence rates of
suicide attempts ranging from 7% to 20% among adult gay men and lesbians” - Paul JP, stated
beforehand shows solid evidence to suggest that LGBT exposed to discrimination are more likely to
consider or attempt suicide than their peers. Statistics show that 75% of LGBTQ teens experienced
symptoms of anxiety in the past year, 61% experienced symptoms of depression, 82% wanted to get in-
touch with mental healthcare and 60% of that weren’t able to access care ( The Trevor Project National
Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health 2022). Efforts to address discrimination against LGBT people
have met with resistance, including by religious leaders. Here in the Philippines CBCP (Catholic Bishops’
Conference of the Philippines) has condemned violence and discrimination against LGBT people, but in
practice, the Roman Catholic Church has resisted laws and policies that would protect LGBT rights.
Oppression and discrimination against the homos or the LGBTQ+ individuals will not only lead to their
demise but to our society as well. 33.5% of our population is part of the LGBTQ+ community. They may
have been disturbance caused by the said people, but none seem to affect the world, nothing so that
deserves hate.

All in all, I disagree with the discrimination against homosexuals, I’m a human being, and they
are too, I follow rules and so do they. They play a significant role in our society, their skills and brains
serves as one of the pillars and oppressing them could only lead to unnecessarily inconvenient things.
Accept them as a whole and stop promoting homophobia.

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