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PART 1: USEFUL LANGUAGE 1, Introduction: Paraphrase the topic Overview: Summarize differences and similarities between the two sites. [usually the location of the sites] 3. Body: = Paragraph 1: describe the location of site 1 - Paragraph 2: describe the location of site 2 1. Tenses [present tense or past tense] 2. Preposition 3. Passive voice 1. Introduction 1. The map illustrates plans for two possible sites for a. 2. The map shows two proposed sites for a new... the surrounding area. I. Overview in the city of. in the town of Canterbury and ‘Sample structures 1, It can be seen that while the first possible site is in the northwest, the second proposed site is in the south. 2. It is clear that the first potential site (S1) is situated in the countryside, while the second site (52) is located in the city center. Ml. Samples The main difference between the two sites is that S1 is outside the town, whereas S2 is in the town centre. The sites can also be compared in terms of access by road or rail, and their Positions relative to three smaller towns. Body The first site 1. The first possible site for the.. , S1, is located/situated/sited just north/west/east of the city centre, above/below the... ., which runs from the north of the city to the south 2. Ifitis built here, it will be NeXt tO...commeusee Which links A with B. 3. In addition, itis close to..... ., which provides easy access to the......a place] for people living. The second site 1. The second potential location is just by. 2. Ifitis constructed here, it is near/close to.. and (fairly) close to the.... 3. Furthermore, it is oMy.......kM away from the......09.Therefore, it would be an ideal location for those who live in, Note: You can compare two sites in the same paragraphs ‘Sample sentences ‘* The river runs through the whole town. ‘* The main road links Sturry with Canterbury. ‘* The main road connects Hindon to Garlsdon. ‘+ Garsdon is linked to Garlsdon by both the main road and the railway. ‘* It would therefore probably be in an ideal location for students coming from Sturry, which is only 5 kilometres away. ‘* If there are students coming from Chartham, which is 7 kilometres to the south- west, they would be able to [reach the school] by taking [the main road] that [runs south-west of the town] ‘+ It would presumably be relatively easy for [students] who live in the housing area around the town centre to [reach the school] ‘* Because of the no traffic zone in the town centre, no parent would be able to drive their child all the way to school. This may [make travel arrangements difficult] for some parents. * Ifitis built here, it will be next to a large housing estate, thus pro for those living on the estate and in the city centre. ‘* S2is also close to the housing area, which surrounds the town centre. iB easy access ‘© The distance to Garlsdon’s housing area is [similar to] the distance from S1 to the same area ‘* The first suggestion is to build a car park within easy access of the train station [3 miles north of the village] ‘* One of the main benefits of this is that it would allow villagers the chance to drive their car to the station, park and then travel by train to the next town. ‘* This would encourage people to [shop more often] at the supermarket. Test 2: The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket. N {| teeth GARLSDON Sen HB Howsing 12 km to Hindon — Population 10,000 7 = = = Raiiwyy YL —> Main roads ‘ . \ \ ) ‘ i a \ 16 km to Branwlon 25kmtoCransdon } Sample 1 ‘The map shows two potential locations (S1 and S2) for a new supermarket in a town called Garlsdon. The main difference between the two sites is that S1 is outside the town, whereas $2 i the town centre. The sites can also be compared in terms of access by road or rail, and their positions relative to three smaller towns. Looking at the information in more detail, S1 is in the countryside to the north west of Garlsdon, but it is close to the residential area of the town. S2 is also close to the housing area, which surrounds the town centre. There are main roads from Hindon, Bransdon and Cransdon to Garlsdon town centre, but this is a no traffic zone, so there would be no access to S2 by car. By contrast, S1 lies on the main road to Hindon, but it would be more difficult to reach from Bransdon and Cransdon. Both supermarket sites are close to the railway that runs through Garlsdon from Hindon to Cransdon. ‘Sample 2 The map compares two potential locations for the buil called Garlsdon. ing of a new supermarket in a town The main difference between the two sites is that one is located in the countryside outside the town, whereas the other is in the town centre. Both potential sites are close to the railway, and reasonably near to a main road. The first possible site for the supermarket (S1) is located in an area of countryside to the north west of Garlsdon. It is close to the railway line and to a main road connecting Garlsdon to the smaller town of Hindon. It is also situated near to the residential housing area of Garlsdon. The second site (S2), by contrast, is in Garlsdon town centre. It is also accessible by rail, but not by road because the town centre is a no-traffic zone. Despite this, the main roads to Cransdon, Bransdon and Hindon are not too far away. The distance to Garlsdon’s housing area is similar to the distance from S1 to the same area. Test 3: The map below is of the village of Thropmore. A new car park is planned for the village. The map shows three possible sites (1, 2, and 3) for the new car park. Train Station Supermarket 10 miles Th lustration shows the village of Thropmore and three proposed locations for a car park. The first suggestion is to build a car park within easy access of the train station 3 miles north of the village. One of the main benefits of this is that it would allow villagers the chance to drive their car to the station, park and then travel by train to the next town. This would be environmentally more friendly and save time when commuting or shopping. The second possibility is to construct it by the supermarket which is 10 miles to the west of the village. This would encourage people to shop more often at the supermarket and probably save money as a result but this would also have an adverse effect on businesses in the village. The final location is by the golf course and 10 miles to the east of the village. This plan could be seen as rather elitist as not everyone plays golf but might be of commercial benefit to some people in the village if tournaments are held here. Test 4; The map below is of the town of Canterbury. A new school (S) is planned for the area. The map shows two possible sites for the school. (a very good sample, but not written by IELTS examiners) A N 5km to Sturry (Population: 7,000) Tkm to Chartham (Population: 4,500) CANTERBURY mm Countryside mm Town Centre (no traffic zone) Housing Mm University mE Main roads The map shows two proposed sites for a new school for the town of Canterbury and the surrounding area The first site (S1) is situated in the countryside, to the north-east of the town centre. It is just outside the main housing area of the town and not far from the main road that links Sturry with Canterbury. It would therefore probably be in an ideal location for students coming from Sturry, which is only 5 kilometres away, and those who live on the east side of Canterbury. If there are students coming from Chartham, which is 7 kilometres to the south- west, they would be able to reach the school by taking the main road that runs south-west of Canterbury. The second site (S2) is located in the town centre itself. There are advantages of this: it makes it practically equidistant for students coming from either Sturry or Chartham. Moreover, it would presumably be relatively easy for students who live in the housing area around the town centre to reach the school. However, because of the no traffic zone in the town centre, no parent would be able to drive their child all the way to school. This may make travel arrangements difficult for some parents.

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