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Macaracg, Stephen Daniels EeDcAC20 /Meczot Rescorch Work # 1 -M 12/20/2022 | What is clectromognetisin? Electromagnetism is the branch oF physics that deals with the relationship between electricity Grd magnetism, It ica fimdamental force of nature that desonibes the interactions between clectn'cally chorged particles. Blectromagachim is respuncible for mony phenomena Hal We observe in the world erourss us, including the generation ot electricity, the operatin of waters ond gorarolors, ond behavior of lige LMow is elechowagnetic induction generated? Electromagnetic ivductin is the process by which am electric current is generated tn o conductor by changing magnetic Rell. The basic Yea behind electromagnetic induction is that o movivg, or changing magnetic Keld will ieduce om electrtc current ih a neorby conductoy. This can bbe demonstrated using Foradoyir lou of electromagnetic induction, which states tat the indroed clectric current in a condotor is proportional to te rate of ohonge of the magnetic Field Yhrowgh the conductor. 3.1m your own words, explain tw Foraday’s conducted his two experiments and his observation / discovery. Micmael Fareday conducted two experiments 40 tnuestigate tue relationship between magnetism and electricity. Foredoy utilized @ copper disc gasitimed on o pivot, a wognet, and a galvanometer iw his Fiest experiment, He positioned the magnet Meor tre disc ond observed tat the magnet caused © current te pass thraigh the disc ond the galvanometer. When We gushed the magnet vay from the disc, the electricity topped Flowing. As Foraday repented tho expenimont, bringing The magnet clase 40 ond further onay from the disc. He discovered that the current Flawed tn one direotton when the magnet went toward the disc ond tn the opposite directron when Ht moved away Fram the disc. This proved thet a changing magnetié Feld may coure on elect current fo Aaw Hroigh a conductor Im the «coord experiment, Foraday placed a wire coil poritoned between the moles of a wagner. We used a crank fo volate the cal and fowd Hat a cumont flased Hwagh the call ond the golvoromster spun. He woliced Hot when the colt stopped volbting, the curren? stopped flowing. This proved tote chemgirg wogroMe hdd way O60 be formed by moviny a axdvclr twwagh a stationery magnate 4 im your oan words, explain the working principle behmd OC motors. A 0c waters operation is based of the mer action of a wngnetic fed ond o cleotrte curent, A vegnetic fold (© created whm on electric cumant flaws thweugh the wire call in tte wlan. This fe kd WWteracts with the doto’s magnet fell, cousing the rotor te votate. The votwrs rolatin fs defermined by the divection of the current flawing Hough the wire coil and the direction of He stotor’s’ mognohi Kolds S.tow 6, Whot dots a genorator ond motor aitforentiate ? How ore they similor? KK gererater ond a motor ove bath devices Hot comuert energy from one term to crother, a generator converts mechanical energy tito electrical energy, While & moter cowerts lectrival entry mio mechonica! energy, Gne Siguiftcant déstmotion behween general and motos (s has Hey convert onorey. Mechenical energy (6 used Mo gengmator to tw the Yolerrwhich generates on electric currunt tn the Wive Ci: fin clechrte cumrent Haw Haragh the wire cal in a water, product a wagnelte Hels that interacts with the magnete Feld of tho stata, causing the Mot ty rotute. Generals and motore ore always in mony Ways, both denver consist of a rotor and a stotor the staor im both devices ¢s typically wae of a magnetically combctive material, while the voto i typleally made ofa mognetialy conductive watertal, surcumded hy a wire carl. hove yas loomed th thts vaseorch/actity Im summary {/ve leomed frat Electromagnetion is the chudy oF the rolattonship behween lecniorty ond wagnetism. tt cs @ Yundamental farce in nature that ix caused by the interaction of clectne charges Neat is Elechorrgneic inductim is tho process by whith « changing magnetic tele generates on electric cuvent dn a conductoy. Mong 10 Farday’s exportmonts, he demortrated the Rudmentol principle Of otectromognetic: induction, this disoaery toid tho Saméation for the Feld oF electro magnets wr ond besmenm pvockcal applications SA erecs euch aF electri generation, electric mote and genevider operation ord tronsformey epetion, The operstion of a OC moter (s based on the interaction between a magnetic Feld ond an electric eureent mogneke Feld f4 oreotes when on eleuiic Curent Howe Kncough the wite coil in the rotor, which interacts with the stators magneHe Feld and covser the valor to rotate, Geneeotors ond motors’ ore devices that convert energy fiom one form ty omother. fk yenertar exe atts mechontcal energy into electrival energy, Wille a meter converts elesbwicel energy into mechanicl emg). The man difference behusen generator ond motor tr how Mey convert energy, with us lg qereraters, mechonteal energy 4o tun the Wor and produce an electric current. wile wotors we an cleciic cuwent flowing Ywagh the wire eat 40 produce © maquehe Held that cower the rotor 40 rotate:

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