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THEME : Life Science

TOPIC : 3.0 Human

TIME : 60 minutes

3.1 Reproduction and growth in human


Make generalization that growth among individuals are different by
carrying out activities.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lessons pupils are able to:
1. Explain the changed on the size, height and mass since they
were born. Generate ideas that the human growth is different
from one person to another.

SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Observing, classifying, communicating

CEC : Creative and innovative.


Activity 1: Teaching
1. Pupils look at the picture shown about 2 boys inside aids: 2
the classroom. pupils PL1:
Describe changes in
Question: an individual.
i. What can you observe from your friend?
ii. What the different between Ali and Ahmad?
iii. Can u see their height?
iv. Which one is taller/ shorter ?
v. Now, observe their shoes?
vi. Which shoes is bigger/ smaller?

2. Pupils discuss the question with their friends

and give the answer to teacher.
- Pupils are
free to
Teacher asks: answer the
i. What can you observe from Ali and Ahmad?
ii. What the same between Ali and Ahmad?
iii. What the different between Ali and Ahmad ? regarding

Activity 2:
1. Pupils suggest ways in which they have changed from Teaching
birth to the present in Worksheet 2. aids: PL 2:
Worksheet 2 Describe changes in
2. Record all the answers in a table on the board. an individual since
3. Pupils are asked to complete the Worksheet 2. SPS:

Activity 3:
1. Pupils compare the size of their palm, foot, the
height and the mass. aids:
a) Draw your palm in Worksheet 3. Compare the scale, PL 5:
size of your palm with your friends.
Worksheet 1 Conclude that
b) Does your palm and your friends are the
same size? growth of
c) Measure your weight and compare with your individual of the
friends using weighing scale? same age is
d) Do you have the same weight as your friends? different.
e) Now, measure your height and compare with your
friends ?

2. Teacher guide pupils to carry out the activities.

3. Based on the information, pupils are guided to

describe the changes in the growing process.
Activity 4:
1. Teacher chooses two pupils with different look. Teaching aid:
Worksheet 2, PL 5
Teacher asks pupils to observe the differences
Conclude that the
between these two pupils.
growth of individuals
of the same age are
Teacher ask:
i. Can you compare the size of palms of different.
your friends ?
ii. It is same or different size of palms
friends ?
iii. Can you compare the height of your
iv. Which one is taller/ shorter ?
v. Can you compare the weight of your
friends ?
vi. Which one is bigger / smaller ?

2. Pupils identify the different between their friends

Activity 5
1. Teacher ask 2 pupils in front the classroom. aids:
2. Teacher ask ?
i. Are your friends the same age? SPS:
ii. Which is your friend is taller / shorter ? Predicting,
iii. Which is your friend is bigger / smaller ? communicating
3. Teacher make the conclusions about the topics.
Name: Class:

Worksheet 1 Date:

Draw your palm in the space below.

Compare the size of your palms with
your friends.
Name: Class:

Worksheet 2 Date:

Complete the table as shown below.


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