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January 24,2008 Based 07148 salwar version. The hllowing software updates restdted inupdates to the user mara + New Menu detog: Abit io print was edded to me device and a change language button was ated, + Y Anis Sealing woo added to the optone dialogs (noe detcul is Linear) * Ability © Upgrade he PIC fram the application: The PIC i quevied at startup if an Incontect version of the FIC isinstalles the device will upgrade the PIC and restart. + Text changedin Vapor Mote vardzation’ Nowsays Verification Mode instead of Insert Ver Trap & Press Tigger Now Clesting algatthin wre impteinented. Device wil not alow 2 trogers within 1 second: This was Implemented ip avolt someone hiting the bigger button twice secidertalin vapor mede and startrig a sample and then quickly stopping the sarpie. ‘Change the way a verification fle is saved: Now itis VERODO1 scainstewd of ‘ALMO001 20a, Configuration changes: Additon of particte and vapor mode taanants. + Jgtructions on how to add, modify and delete substances from thelibrary has been andes. ‘October 20,2007 | 4 | Based on 1,47 sotware version, updated Ephedrine golden number ‘August 27, 2007 3 | Based on 1.45 sofware version, updated Verlication Made to insert Verieation Trap ‘and Press Trigger. Jane 27, 2007 2 | Based on 1.43 sotware version, darifed batery icon functionality, vapor sampling information expanded. ‘une 7, 2007 1 | Based on 1.49 sotware version. Odober27, 2008 Release of Rev, 6 naparates sofware version 149 The folowing changes were ‘made to the software or the user manual as a resull ofthis retease: + Samping Confguration + Extended maximum sampie time to 14 seconds. + Added veriication and manual cal sample tre 2s configurable oplians inside Advanced Configuration diatoa. + Detection made is sample type depeniiert. Nevi tab contol added to Advanced ‘Configuration cralog to configure such detection settings. + Carton + Removal of desorber ist necessary when performing a flow calibration. Removed message that prompted the user to do so. + Calbration fies saved as CAL xxx 20, + Wesiieation + Verifeation fles saved as VERRowx x. © ee ere sine Gye oer rein Bia ie days. + Changed explosives default emperatures to: + Detector 1620 + Desorber 2426 + Sampling Time: Default 10secards, + Changed narcatics default emperature 249. ‘+ Added two parameters for ine filters: real standard deviation and max slope scan. + Added parameters fom Status window info a note fle incluxsing cal factor and offset. + Added sample and detector pump cal number to note fle ‘+ Vatious substance configuration changes such as substance abbreviation changes and standard peak locations. + All Sensitive Secunty information labeling removed. + Broke the substance list into three tables: explosives, narcotics, vapor. + Samping matrix changed as a result of substance list changes, Gaober27.2008 | 6 | ReeaneofRev. 6 noomperates software versian 1.49, The folowing changes were made to the software or the user manual as a result ofthis release: + Sampling Cantguratan + Exlerbee rusia sips Uers lu 14 serous * Added verifeation and manual cal sample ‘ere as configurable options inside ‘Advanced Configuration dialog * Detection mode is sample type dependent. Newtab contol uddedto Advanced ‘Configuration dialog to configure such detection settings. Cabraton * Remaval otdesorber is not necessary when performing a flow catbration Removed message that prompted the user to do so. + Calibration ties saved 23 CALIRK 20% Verification + Verification Mes saved as VERKIEGL xx Added reminiers to change dryer material every 7 days and the membrane every 30 days, + Changed explosives cetault temperatures to: + Detector: 1620 + Sampling Time: Default 10 seconds + Changed narcotics default temperature 249°C. + Added two paraiicters for line ites: real standard deviation and trax slope scan + Added parameters from Status window into a note fle including cal factor ans offen! + Added sample and detector pump cal number to not fle, * Various substance configuration changes stich as substance abbreViatlon changes and standard peak locations. + All Senisitive Secunty Informatien labeling removel + Broke the substance list inte tree tables; explosives, narcaties, vanor + Sampling mesix changed asa result of substarce list charges. hat is Scribd?

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