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Face Value (FV)

Face Value is the nominal value or par value of the stock at the time of
issuing. It is the value of a company’s common stock on the balance sheet
and is determined during the initial stages of the offering. It can be termed as
the original cost of the stock. It does not denote the actual market value.

The FV of a stock does not fluctuate and undergoes changes if the company
goes in for a stock split or reverse stock split. The stock is split keeping in
mind the face value and not market value. For instance, if the stock’s face
value is Rs 10, and there is a 1:2 split, its face value will change to Rs 2.
Accordingly, market value also gets adjusted.

The dividend is usually quoted per share or as a percentage of the face value
of the share and not on market value. For instance, if a company declares a
dividend of 100% with a face value of Rs 10, then the dividend amount will be
Rs 10 per share. Thus, it is always in the interest of the investors to look at the
dividend amount and not dividend percentage.

Face Value is calculated using two important numbers: (i) Equity share capital
(ii) Number of shares outstanding.

Face Value = Equity share capital / Number of shares

Thus, face value is nothing but Equity Share Capital per share. It is a static
theoretical number.

Book Value (BV)

Book value literally means the value of a business according to its books
(accounts) that is reflected through its financial statements or its net worth.
Theoretically, it represents the total amount a company is worth if all its assets
are sold and all the liabilities are paid back. In other words, it reflects the firm’s
Free equity. Fluctuation in Book Value is infrequent and changes annually, as
per business performance.

BV can be helpful in determining whether the company’s stock is overvalued,

undervalued or fairly valued. One must note that if the company is having a
component of minority interest that is profit in the books because of any sister
concern under it, that value must be further deducted to arrive at the right
book value.

Book Value can be calculated in two ways:

(i) Book Value = Total Assets – (Total Liabilities – Current Liabilities)

(ii) Book Value per share = Face Value + Reserve per share

The second formula establishes a relationship between Book Value and Face

Few issues with book value are that the figure is reported at an annual
frequency. It is only after the reporting that an investor would know how the
company’s book value has changed over time. It is an accounting item and is
subject to adjustments which may not be easy to understand and assess. For
the calculation of book value, only tangible assets are taken into consideration
so it is not very useful for businesses relying heavily on human capital.

See also: Book Value Per Share

Market Value
Market Value is the current price of the stock quoted on exchange and may or
may not reflect the fair value of the stock. It represents the company’s worth.
MV constantly changes with the movement in the stock market. In the short
term it will change every moment as per the whims of the market sentiment
and in the long term, it is driven by business performance. It is the market
price of the stock at which we buy or sell the stock. Hence, this is the most
important data when it comes to stock trading. Market Value of a company is
calculated as:

Market Value = Current Stock Price * Number of shares outstanding

MV is also known as Market Capitalization.

Market value considers both tangible as well as intangible assets. However,

the basis of market value is not definite. There are n numbers of factors that
influence the market value of a company like profitability, performance,
liquidity or even simple news which can increase or decrease its market value.
Thus, one can say that the market value of a company reflects its current

The relationship between market value, face

value, and book value:
Face Value:           It remains mostly constant.
                                    It’s the value built during the start of the company.

Book Value:          It consists of Reserves per share which grows with time.
                                    With the addition of profits of the company the reserves
                                    It also takes into account the Face Value.

Market Value:     It takes into account Book Value as well as built value or
market price.
                                   It is very volatile as it grows in a Bull market and shrinks
in a Bear market.

Thus it can be derived from the above that:

                                  Market Value = Book Value + Built-up Value.

Comparing Book Value and Market Value

Book Value and Market Value are compared by investors to determine
whether the stock is overvalued, undervalued or fairly valued.

(i) Market Value is lesser than Book Value: This indicates that the market is not
confident about the company’s prospects. In other words, the market feels that
the company is not worth the value of its books or there may not be enough
future earnings. However, Value Investors look out for such companies as
they feel that they are undervalued and the market is wrong about their
(ii) Market value greater than book value: This indicates that the market is
assigning a higher value to the company and its assets. In other words,
investors believe that the company has excellent future prospects for growth,
expansion and increased profits that eventually can raise the book value of
the company. Growth investors may find such companies promising.
However, it may also include overvalued or overbought stocks which are
already trading at a high price.
(iii) Market value equals book value: This indicates that the market sees no
compelling reason to believe the company’s assets are better or worse than
what is stated on the balance sheet. In other words, that market finds the
company to be fairly valued.

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